5 THE SCIO TRIBUNE 11.75 (be Year — “? Burns Prow« Fatal Vol. 28 ><*!<» OREGON,THURSDAY. JANUARY 1Ä, 1925 This Prove It Roaring River Club Meet* More About Express No. 23 Shedd to Play Here The Tribune has reiw-ste-lly m<| The reeul«r monthly meeting of Our news item last w.-ek about A double header b: ’:etball game that the oaly wav to get the maxi the R -uring River Community Club the probable c-mg of the expr.--« « scheduled for tomorrow night at mum price for what you have to sell was held at the Providence «chool office In Scio has caused considerable i the gym, when the girl*' and boy*’ is to steadfastly »elf t<> the dealer house Monday night, ami a big as- talk and some worry among the teams of Shedd will play here with you know is permanently k ited »rm bl age was pree«mt to enjoy an business men and some of the ship-; the local team* These hoopsters 21. Mrs. Wvman was mopping her and you will win nine time* out of evening of entertainment and profit. per*, who *ee in the move* possible are al«out evr ly <• it- bed. and the kitchen floor when th* little bov teo. and tbe following letter proves I he »chool tea.-her snd pupil* had raise in rate* if the express office i* best game of th«- » • tson will be Men prepared and executed a program closed. on th* local floor. The game starts rsn across the room and tripped and we are right: of song*, recitation* and dialogue*. Because of the u*e of other mean* at 7:30. Admission 20c-35e. fell into the vessel of hot water she Portland. Dec 22. 1921 A diseuwdon on the proposed Santi­ of shipping and the pay of an agent was using burning his back sevtrely. Mr. Edd Fleming. The Scio girls’ were defeated at am highway wa* had. and will again reduced Io practically nothing (tbe He ha* suffered intensely until the Scio, Oregon. lebanon last Friday night by the be discussed at other meeting*. A agent receives a commuaion). Mr. end came Tuesday evening He is Dear Sir: Lebanon girls, the score being 24-4. discussion a* to cleaning out a big Weaely mailed hi* resignation to the survived by hi* parents, one sister. As th* extreme weather prevail­ ditch •<> water may flow through it Just outclassed, that’» ail. but our Dorothy, age »even, on* brother. company Monday, to take effect not ing the past week mad«- dre-wing and give th«- settler* more water at later than April 15. ? Mr. Wrsely * team put up a good light. Frederick, age five. difficult, the receipt* of turkejs and th* lower end during the dry season Mid he was forced to do thi* or put Funeral service* will be held at geese were low and the price higher It’* terrible to relate, but not dia- wa# also had. but nothing definitely d policy of pro-rating unex ""»ht t0 The next meeting of ths club will he chose the former. Il mav be the to Al*’•'’* officiating, and burial will be at the peeled profit# with <-ur fri.-i :* wi. express company has not always IK ’ tl ,vl ***d thry lie held at the Bergen school house Miller cemetery at Shelburn. produce the poultry we handle, we been fair in it# treatment of Indi- wer * n»urdere went - ” A pie social concluded the even­ Farm Loan Ass’n Meet* herewith our check for 2c per pound ing. from which the mm of 110 was that substitute earner* m.ght be *“ •*1*^’»* »Mg wanted, and additional on th« bird* you were realised. worse if the expteM office is clow-«! ’*• lkat * wk> not diseourag- The annual meeting of the Forks good enough to deliver to u# last A good plsn to follow i*. foster" *'‘*W’* '*••« '• big snd <>f the Santiam National Tarm Loan week, and we trust you will ace«-pt P.-T. Meeting Draws Crowd whst we hsve until it get. more f,*‘- and w ”n h*' Some **nic ‘*®- —.... *... in Scio Tuesday morning, with Pres- same spirit of good will a* it leave* The largest crowd tnat ha* ever Another. To put one company out „ , , . ..... ¡dent Geo. C. Miller. In the chair. . ... Crablree defeated the Gate* team u*. attended a Pa rent-Teach«-r meeting or . . businem , for another, i* like os»«- After trammeling the regular busi­ , i. . *1 Irabtrv«- Friday night tn a c can. W’ishing you and yours a very assembled at th* h>gh school last man taking another ■ Job at a SI.OH z . . . , . ness officer* were elected for the en­ .. . , . fast gam« by the score of 13-12. Merry Christmas and the happiest Thursday night. The occasion for a day le*s the two can t live and .. suing year as follows: President. ihe teams wi-re evenly matched. and most prosperous New Year y-u thi* big gathering wa* to hear th* the community is injured Geo. C Miller; vic*-president, W. A Gat«-« recently defeated Scio on the have ever had. we remain, report of a committee on the gym 1 Keep the expre»# office in Scio Gilkey; Sec-tress . W. H. McLain; > local floor. Crabtree ha. excellent Sine# rely your*. debt. A partial report wa* made lean committee. G.o. C. Millar. W. i team this year. Oregon Milk Company. by F. I. Thayer and Prof. Wat*n-1 A. Gilkey. G. 8. Harold; alternates. Flume Break* Down By E C. Beery. paugh, a* the committee had not Joe A. Senz, A. A. Bender; directors. P. 9. Had we secured a earload been able to get vety far. Talks Visited Sick Brother Ge<> C. Miller. W A. Gilkey. G 8. as we hope«! to. and had the bird* wire made by Riley Shelton and 1.1 L-gMK Friday about noon 50 feet of Harold. Joe A. Sent. A. A. Bender come in fresh instead of frozen »tiff, McAdoo upon the subject, but they the .Mountain Slates Power (>».'» R R Borovicka. Joe Borovicka, W. H. McLain and Geo. C. Miller we could hsve doubled the size of had no solution to offer. flume near Jordan gave wav and the Mrs. Alice Houston and Mrs. Rose were elected delegates to the state your bonus check. Mrs. J. F. Sim* presided at the electric power was cut off. During ’ Reran I’amperin, went to Walla convention which is to be held at meeting in the absence of President ‘be recent cohl spoil the ground un- Walla the first of last week to visit Eugene on January 21 and 22. Other* rereiv«-d the same consid­ R. M. Cain. Mu Penlrwy pnwuded der the flume froze, causing it to their brother, Loot* Borov icka. who eration as Edd and are happy. ! id o'er the program, given by the i heave, and the thsw aoftened th«- confine«! in the U 8 Veteran* With Mr. and Mr*. Philippi say* he knows good treatment when ich—>1 children and the girls’gl«-e ground so that when the flume set- ho-piial. The fath*r and mother he gets it, and is going to stick to club, which wa* well rmdeied. A tied It snauped in twv. Die com- nad already gone there and have Mr. and Mr*. V J. Philippi en­ hi* friend. light lunch wa* served at the close l»an> is rebuilding 100 fret of the remained for a longer vidt. tertained a party of friend* at pro­ < flume at thia place and also strong- of the seasi-m. Ixiuis contracted tuberculosis In gressive 500 at I heir home Saturday Thia Insurance Cost Low 1 thening th* weak places nt other 1 Er- nee. while in the service of A.E. evening High scores were won by ’ points. i F. during the world war. The rel- Pythian Sister* Install Mr and Mrs Rolla Shelton, and low The 29th annual meeting of the | It was iodeed fortunate for Sciolat|VM noted considerable improv*- scores by L. F. Jon«-* and Mrs. Paul Farmer* Fire Relief Association. a The Pythian Sisters gave their ‘bat the company ha i the pole* set ■ncnt in their brother’* condition, lardon. Refreshments were served mutual fire insurance c->ni(>any with regular « — — a » « ___ * Al ----- — _ — _ ! M MSW * • ■■I ..11 --.4 X monthly covered dish »upper and wire* *■ Stretched from (Ilk* U I t \ but two and a half year's of con­ at midnight. headquarter* at Sublimity, Oregon, at the lodge hall last night. Mrs limits of 8tayton Io the city limit* finement have left him somewhat Those oresent were: Mr. and Mr*. wa* held in Sublimity. Jan 3.1, and Rolla Shelton. Mr* Caroline Shelton. of Scio, for thi* enabled the com- emaciated He is receiving the be*t L. F. Jones, Mr. and Mr* E G. Ar­ a large numtier of the member* were Mr* J. S Sticks and Mio* Dorris J PUiy give it* patrons here light* of csre st the hand* of hi* govern­ nold, Mr and Mrs Paul lair don. present W«-ddle were special hostess»-* by five o'clock that evening When ment. the every wi»h being granted. Mi. and Mr*. Herbert Shelton. Mr, The report of the secretary of the Following the «upper the regular “ c«>me* to meeting em rgencie*. lx>ui* i* well known here, where he Mr. and Mr* Rolla Shelton, Mr. and association showed that during the lodge meeting was held, and at thi* the Mountain S at« people know ¿rew to manhood and married, and Mrs. C. W. Bragg. Mrs A. W. Ha- past three year* onl- C6 in tin time officer* for the ensuing year how. The trunk line from Albany his friends will be glsd to learn of gey. Cha*. Warner and the host* losses were sustained, that the av­ wen- Installrtd Fast Chief. Jennie through Jefferw n will soon be fin- t i* improvement. erage coSt pear f< r 2*J year* was iished. with the local system work­ All returned home last Thursday, J->ne* was installing officer. $1 65 per SI 000. that 579 policies Minstrel Show, Maybe ing and the Stayton line. Scio ciu« except Mrs. Houston a. J the par­ ar* in force to'almg nearly $650.- ten* needn’t worry about lights and ents. Mrs. Holechek Surprised Editor (lark and Mr. Colvin were 000. that over 661.000 were written power, for it is not likely all three over from Aumsvili« Saturday try­ last vear. an I that 79c per $1000 Survey I* Completed About 36 friend* of Mr*. Jerry will be down at once. ing to make arrangements to put on covered all «xpenw* ast year. The Holechek gave her a surprise party i a home talent minstrel show her* treasurer’» -sport show* nearly ST,- at her home Tuesday evening on the [ E G. Arnold, who has been mak­ Chairmanship* Lacking on Feb. 3d. Wo hope lh«y succeed, 000 in the reserve fund to take care ing a survey for the U. 8 Depart­ «*cra»l«-n of her 26th birthday ss we need something like thi* to of future losses and running ex­ ment of Agricluture, completed his The evening wa* passed in play­ With the Oregonian tearing the jaxz u* up a little. pense* labors .Monday. He had North and ing games and dancing. Several governor to pieces and a hostile leg Th* officer* of the association are. musical number* were also given. South Scio precincts and Shelburn islature. there no doubt will be a lot President, F. A. Bell, Sublimity, At a late hour luncheon which the of spile work law* paase«i during precinct, and wss five week* in tak­ vicw-preaident. Henry Sleinkamp, guest* brought with them was serv­ the present *e**i<>n, which convened ing the survey. There are 296 fam­ If it is a Radio Set. see A. W. Aumsville; sec.-tress.Chas llotting- ed. All wished Mr*. Holechek many ilies living on farms of three acres Monday. • Unger. 3 tul e sets $80.00. Stub* •r. Stayton; directors, B. Mtnten of happy return* of the day. and more In the three precincts, or The gqvernor read a very able Bcio. A. C. Barrows of Shaw. John ■eta a* low aa 350.00 15 more families than five years message to the joint session, which A W. Unger. Box 73. Seto. Oro. Bender of Scio, and Frank Kloft of »go, when thWtast survey was made Subsciibe now — 11 75 the year wa# received in virtual «Hence, after Mt. Angel. ' which the president of the **nat«> 1 and speaker of the house appointed Jordan Mill Quit* I their committees Senator Garland ■ Everett Wyman. *ge two and one- half years, died at the home of his parents. Mr and Mrs Guy Wyman, Tuesday evening. January 13. On Monday morning. December People’s Theatre 8. J. Bender, who about three year* ago purchased the Jordan mill from the city of Selo, and has ope­ rated it ever since, ha* closed it up and eeawed bunnes* Mr. Bender said he enjoyed a good trade and was busy all the time, but was nearly all credit and collections slow He Mid the mar­ gin of nrofit was too small to adow so much credit as he had to extend. He will devote his time tobia ranch YES.’ we have "500" Score card* each At the Tribu ae Office. Saturday Sunday Prwenl# JACKIE COOGAN in n A Boy oi Flanders" A Metro Picture |drew the chairmanship of the com , miftcc on education, but in th- i house our delegation "got on.” Why Mr. Speaker, why? They’re I not supporter* of Pierce, arc they; Give u* fewer and belter laws, ««-' | the ciusen can keep track of them ! and not become lawbreaker, and we , will praise you forever. ■- Masquerade DANCE! Z. C. B. J. Hall Scio. Oregon Jan. 31 1 . .. —I Jack Dempsey in ‘‘Bringing Him In" One of the "Figbt and Win" Pwturre. The regular monthly busine** I meeLlng and social of the Baptist I Christian Ende»vor Society wa* held ' last night st the home of Margaret y.’-'v Music by Arnold-Kalina 5-piece Orchestra Admisse si il Ladies 25c #1 k