St'ld OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 192'. Riddlw-Kotan Christmas Party Mr. and Mr*. P. H. McDonald The marriage on Christmas day and were hoal* to ten friend* l'hri«tm*4 a Albany of Mia* Josie Kotan Archie L. Riddle cam* as a surprise evening, bridge forming the enter- Myers Mr. and Mr* to their many friend*, except rela­ 'tainment. tive* and a few Intimates of the were awarded the two high scores couple. Both parties are well known and Mr. and Mr* J S. Stichathelow At the close of the game* and highly esteemed. Mr* Riddle •core* waa employed in the Hibler A Gill seasonable refreshment* were served store for several years, and her win­ The guest* were Mr. *od Mr*. A. (». ning »mil* and pleasing personality Prill. Mr. and Mr* E, D Myers, will be mimed from her accustomed > Mr. and Mr* J. S Sticha. Mr and place behind the eeealer. Mr. Rid­ Mr*. E. J. Holland. Mr* A. W. dle i* a successful farmer and poul­ Hagey. Mr*. M. B Cyrus. and the tryman, and they will make their hoet*. home on the groom'* farm 10 mile* southeast of Scio. Shed and Auto Burn Dr W. H. Lee performed the cer­ emony, after which th* newly w*ds Tuesday evening between seven went to Portland foe a short honey­ gnd eight o'clock a abed and Chev moon. They returned to Scio Mon­ rolet delivery auto on the Barrett / day evening, and a shower was given them at the home of Mr. and Mr*. W E. Gill. Later in the evening the couple went to the home of the bride * mother. Mrs. Anna Kotan. where th«v remained over night, and Tuesday took up their home In their own cosy ne*t. With their lemon of friend*. the Tribune wishes much joy. Visiting in California place three mile* north east of Sc ' The annual meeting of the stock­ holder* of the Scio Mutual Telephone Co. will tie held at the city hall in Scio on Saturday. Jan. 3. lt»25 at 1 o'clock p m.. for the purpose at electing an operator for the ensuing St. Johns Supper year, and the transection of any other business that may come be­ The Masonic lodge held installa­ fore the meeting. tion ceremonies and put on work in J. D. Daasmor«, Pre*. the fir«t degree Saturday night. J. B. Couey, Sec. After the work they enjoyed a St John* *u| i«er at Knight* of Pyth­ Church Officers Coming ias hall, wifi their wive* a* guests The Pythian Sister* served the »up Rev. D. A. Thompson. D.D.. sup­ per. erintendent of home mission* for the Presbyterian cfiurch in Oregon, Remodeling Lodge Hall and Rev. J. R. Skinner, of the board ft f“* of ministerial relief, will visit the church in Scio on Tuesday evening, Jan. 6th. at 7:30 o'clock. Church problems will be discussed that will be of interest to all. and everybody cordially invited to attend. BB.C. FICQ DENTIST < uaick Bank Buikling Albany, Oregon <4 Plate« That Fit ” Tuesday morning to attend at the bedside of their son and brother, L> uii . who is very ill in th* govern­ ment hospital at Walla Walla. Wash­ ington. He was gassed while In Erance during the World War. A telephone message to R. R. Boro- vic*» Wednesday morning conveyed the new* that he waa some better. Ewing the set of di*he* at Wesely’s. B A. Holteen the bog of candy at the Confectionery; Leslie Thaver the box of cigar* at MacDonald'*; Me- Kenzie Calloway the ring at Hall­ ey'*; Guy McKnlght the ham* si Shelton's. J. M Turner of Harper. Oregon. *«>n of Mr* Phoebe Turner of Crab­ tree. in renewing hi* subscription to th« Tribune, nay* h* approve* of th* plan of "th* patter starting when paid fo. at I «topping at expi­ ration date ” FL- «ay* he i* glsd t<> get the Tribune t nep week', I*- cause it keeps him posted on event* at hi* old home, although people have changed. Southeastern Die- gon. he say*, wa* 40 below, and that 18 inche* of »now cohered the ground, which cauitcd thr rancher* and stock m« n to feel good, for it no an* plenty of moisture for crops and gras* next summer, it's an ill wind that blow* nobody good. Ed Chrx. in renewing his sub­ scription from Austin. Minn., *ava the Tribune is like getting a letter from th* folk«, and that he could not get along without it. He say* it is 18 below there and ice snout IK inch«-« think. He likes his new home and -ay* he is well and happy. In ordering th* Tribune for a other vear. C. E Lambert say* ho feel* the paper manna much to hi* family and they cannot get alon g with'-u1 it. He live* at Index. Wn , and said they had 7 inch«* of an<>w and freezing weather. Baptist Church Notes Noth el Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock a business meeting for the church will tie held. Every person interested in thi* work should try to make it a point to tie present. Sunday «chool at 10 o'clock every Sunday morning. Every body i* in vited to attend. Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at 6:80, Prayer meeting «very Saturday night at at 7:30. The following officer* have been elected for the Sunday school for 1925: Superintendent, Roy Thurs­ ton; assistant supt., Robert Darby; ♦ec.-treas., Aileen Mumper; assist­ ant sec -tres* , Harold Thurston; chorister, Mr* Roy Thurston; pian­ ist. Gloria Long. Miller.Brown Christmas at the School Malcomb B. Miller and M im Mar garet Brown were married in Al l>any Sunday, the ceremony Iw-ing performed in the Hotel Albany par­ lor* by ReF W. V. McGee in the presence of several of the intimate friend* of the happy couple. The groom I* a successful farmer, and he and hi* bride will continue in this line of endeavor. The happy couple took a short The pupil* of th* Scio schools Have • Christmas program at the high ♦chool auditorium Wednesday aflen- noon. The room was filled to capa­ city with th* parents and friend*. Popular nutnbei* on the program were carol* sung by the high «chool girt* glee club ami quartet. Aft.-r the program, ail pupil* received preseti'« and a treat of candy and nuts. It i* *a<4 that J abitui Sbal ton bari th* room warm Gates vs. Scio There will be a double header basketball game at the gvm tomor­ row (Friday) night, whau the Gales girl* and boy* meet the Scio team*. The game start* at 7:30 and the ad- eraged better in yield and quality miaaion is 20c and 36e, than waa expected, and that the fu- fure looked good for hi* section. J. W. Merrit and wife had their Thi* Is their first visit herein several children and grandchildren as guest* year*. for Christmas dinner, there Iwing Mr*. G. L Sutherland I* at the ¡22 present altogether. J. W. «ays bedside of her daughter, Mr*. Mar ft wasg happy reunion. All members and visiting mem­ ber* of the I 0.0 E. ar* requested to attend installation exercise* next Saturday night. Refreshment*. F. G. CABY, Secretary. . If It is a kadio Set. see A. W. Unger, 8 tul • seta $3O.U0, & lube acts a* low a* 150.00 A. W. Unger. Box 73. Belo, Ore. Tell of Cold Weather He’s Married Now Mr*. J. C, Edward* and F. M. Ar­ nold and family of Wheeler, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gill of Ijebnnon. and Koy II Gill of Spokane. Wahing- ton, «pent Christmas with Mr*. N. honeymoon, but are now at home >o The Pythian Sister* are making E. Gill. their many friend*. May their some change* and improvement* in Everett f’earaon of Drewary, Ore­ present joys never grow leas, i* the Knight* of Pythia* hall. One par­ gon. arrived Tuesday to remain for wish of the Tribune. t tition is being remeved to enlarge •ome time at the home of his uncle. the banquet hall, and other change* J. R. Couey. Andrew Crabtree and wife came ar* being made which will make the from Maupin early last week to vis­ hall mor* convenient. it over the holiday* with P R. Bil­ yeu and wife and with other rela­ I. O. O. F. Attention tives. Mr. Crabtree »aid wheat av- Home Radio Sets Crown and Bridge Work. Plates. Fillings, Painless Extraction. It will be to your advantage to get my estimates. Drawing Waa Success The coming to Scio for the Christ­ Ed Bilyeu wa* in Albany Saturday mas holiday* of Ted Sim* from hr , horn« al Cushman, brought the first on busmen*. A party wa* held at Clinton Ar- | intimation that he is a married man. nvld'* Saturday evening in honor of fur he brought his wife with him Mia* Gladys Hoover »nd brother. At the cloee of school in lleed*t>ort Earl. It waa well atK-nded. although last spring. Ted wa* married to Mia* very bad weather. I^iren and Earl Mabel Hartl«y, one of the teacher*, ( lay ton. accompanied by Fr*d law- whose home waa in Medford. *hr retice, came up from Albany for the (going to her home and he returning party. I to hi* work at Mill City, later, he J R. Piatt and wife journev«M to went to Cushman, where he secured work and his wife joined him there Salem Monday on business, Clyde Rodger* and Elsie Piatt Thi* wa* quite a surprise to a num­ visited at Conrad We»tenhou*e'» ber of hi* frien I*, but who wish the happy couple unbound-d hnppln a* Sunday morning. Elmer Johnson and Omar CutTel and prosperity They have returnedtheir home of Salem visited at the J. R. Piatt in Cushman, after a pleasant visit home Sunday evening with the groom's parent’s, Mr. ami R Rorovicka and daughter left Mr*. J. F. Sim* Philippi entertained a partv of friend* at a •»■ven o'clock dinner at the Couey home Tuesday evening Those present were: Harold Olson. Harold Brock. Raymond Downing, Claude Con. Everett Pearson. J. H Couey. and the Misses Hazel Philippi and Iwta and Mildred C< .. -y. No. 21 «I it** With the sun shining bright, though cold, the largest crowd of people on a mid-week day invaded Scio on Wednesday last bent on Christmas buying and taking in the drawings for the prizes offered bv the merchant*. From every angle the day wa* a surce«* to the sue- comfui person, the merchant and the gloom dispeller, for everybody wa* happy. I Ricbardioa Gap Review* Promptly at 10 o'clock a. m the drawing started and resulted a* fol­ Dec. 30 low*: Mat Doubeck drew the silver *et Ivan Miller and fajnily spent the Christmas vacation with Mr*. Mill­ at County'•> W F. Sommer th* lamp er'* parent*. John Merritt and wife. at Morrison's; Sam Stoller the tire Mrs Robert Darby visited her at Fr«d Bilyeu's; George Morgan mother, Mr». M. P. Long, Satur- ths flour and few! at the Scio Mill; Mrs. J. F. Sims the toilet set at day. Kelly'*. Mr* Anna Kotan the blank­ Clyde Piatt, wife and daugher*. and E. A. et* at Gill'». Charles Karno*h the Wagner, wife and son of Dallas radio battery at Bartu'*; Rudolph •¡»nt Christina* wi.h G. E. Rodger* Wesely th* spot light at the Scio Garage, Mr*. Frank Bartu th* rock and wife. Mr*. G. E. Rodger* went to Con­ ing chair at Cain'*; Bartu MotorCo. rad Westenhouae'a to help to lake the pig at Holechek'*; Mr*. W. A were burned. The fire is thought to have been started from a »hurt circuit in the car a* it wa* aflame when the fire was discovered The place is occuoieii at present by Mr Rawlings of Albany. The car wa*. insured, but we were unable to learn care of her granddaughter, little if there wa* insurance on the build- Joyce Westenhouse, who ha* lu en, very sick. or other content*. Miaa Gladys Hoover and her bro­ ther, Earl, wers over to spend their A Family Dinner Christmas vacation with Clinton Ar­ Several of the children of Mr an ag>*ad and Ralph Hassler fanddes I ‘The Spoilers' i Star Theatre, Stayton j Jnnutry 1st and ‘7 • » j‘4 -‘eV? -A. *< * a .<• A>1 C ■’ 4 Î • ¿4 . :