V- y i > „ • -i' :A ■ a v.-f The &cio Tribune General NeWt» 4» • ♦ • • • ♦ New« From Lyon«. ‘ * « i Nov. 1H SPICE BOX riRi I MSTANTIAL EVIDENCE f i.,-h«h Tmcher: "What does this ssb- tcncc, 'I »ent him into the «flics' expre»»?” Pupil “TroubU." Mr» 8. D. Brown called on Mr». OR AT DAWN Harvey Shelton Thursday afternoon. "William the Conqueror,” read Buell Mr«. Cha». Emmer» ww a Salem Mityler in Medieval history class, "landed visitor the last of the week. in England in IOf.fi A.D.” "What dees A D. »Und for?" inquired G'andn.a Forrest called on Mr». Manon Forrest Saturday- I ,'t know." ..»id Buell. "Maybe it'»' Mrs J. H. Johnaton wa« a Thurs­ after «lark." day calhr on Mrs Roberts. Wm. Weinberg» were Sunday vi» λ tin* word in your dictionary?: How woutdtuitlik»! tifino, dart ooconomiaoo Itors at Mr* Ella Lyon» n«pa<«w •prinlodallOfothorandblachlÜM The Robert» family »pent the r week- end with relatives in Salem. Mr. and Mr» Floyd Berry were »hopping in Stayton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs George Berry enter­ tained a hou»e full of guests Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mr» Boedeker’s birthday Mr. and Mr». Floyd Berry, the newlywed». All the imnx-diate relatives were present. Mr». Jennie McRae and »on, Clyde, were Stayton caller« Wednesday. Jack Johnaton and family spent Sqpday at the M. S. Titus home in Stayton. Several couples from Lyons at­ tended the dance at Mill City Satur­ day evening, and on returning home ■eranaded Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen who were married W«rdne»dav. Mr*. Allen was formerly Mias Bertha Ba« »•tt of Gates Their many friend* wish them a long and happy mar lied life. Mr» Alex Boedeker was our mai* carrier last week, during the ab­ sence of Earl Alien. Mr. and Mrs. A Ring were Stay- Ion callers Friday. .............. • J. F. 1‘atrny, John Jiroch and Ed Pelan were in Albany Friday in the interval of the Thanksgiving baxaar which the Z. C. B. J. lodge is promot­ ing. GET QUALITY In The Clothes Washer You Buy* It’s Much Cheaper in the End with the idea that a clothes washer cannot be too high in quality to be wot thy of the woman who uses it. dependably throughout its Ide. The CONLON is built to the highest standards of quality powulde in clot lies was her manufacture. It is built Let The CONLON standard of quality be your guide in choosing the clothes washer you will expect to serve you —from now this? V S • rl>> (in Physiology ) : "Why • i ! t ji. i come to clami yesterday? You i.-i>- <-., thing by it?” <>u think Prof tnean'l any­ J N. "He advertise«! a lecture 'Fool».' I bought a ticket anil it said nut »n«'." ♦ I Richardton Gap Review» Nov. 18 Andy Unger was over from I^ba- non Wi'dm-sdav afternoon and also made a business trip to Scio, Spencer Long, wife and »on came out fr< m Alnany Monday evening to visit hi» parents, M. P Long and family. John Merritt and wife motored to Albany Thursday to do their «hop- ping. J. K Piatt ha* just completed 50 rods of new wire fence. Mi-« Joyce Westenhouse. Grand­ ma Fii-mming and Mrs. M. P. lxmg are reported on the sick list. Rom Pettit ha» just installed a new radio. Baptist Church Note« Sunday M-hool at 10 o'clock every Sunday morning Everybody la in­ vited to attend. Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at g;30. Bible study and prayer meeting every Friday night at 7:30. Come. Mr. Fred Waehlte will preach next Sunday. The evening «erevice «tarts at 7:30. Every detail exemplifies th* high quality standard io which The CONLON B built. ' ! T. < Sky-scraper construc- tion.TheOONLON k built to endure. Noth­ ing has hern spared to make it withstand hard wear under any circumstance*. Its structure is heavily re­ inforced in every way. The tank is of high grade pure copper, very heavy,and tinned on the inside. The special CONLON cylinder it m»Jeof real aluminum throughout and atanth alone in point of workmanship. A W Th« CONLON WTingvr is *olid alu­ minum anti has the heat gTade, pure Para rubber soft rolls pos­ sible to obtain; the kind that don't break button«. Mountain States Power Co The top and top edges oi The CONLON'S beautiful cabinet are of special polished alu­ minum construction, which is always clean and gives no oppor­ tunity for rust «pot» to result from wet clothes coming in con­ tact with the metal. In the mechanism t’.c casting* are card'illy and accurately r. ;• chined and fitted v. i high - graile gra; bronze and inn -«1 nated m.iple woo • bearings — requf • no oil. Ea£y Terms You can get this hig'.. qu. ity for no more than the price oi most ordin.u washer». $15 Down And the Ixilance in to suit you. Albany, Ore Junior Endeavor at 2:00 Satur­ day afternoon. If you aren't attending church ■ lx where try to attend these ser­ vices and worship the bird. A large crowd of young [«eople «nd <>'.I attended the Christian En- leavor bu«>n« M meeting and social at the John Shelton home Wednes­ day evening. Ira Morris and wife came nut from Port I ar. 1 the last of the week lu vis­ it his mother. .Mr» R«-i>e<-ca Morri». .Mrs. Morris accompanied them home Sunday to spend the week. Hex, young ann of Mr. and Mr». F. I.. Shelton, fell <>n an axe Sunday unit cut a gudi in the back of hi» head. Several stitches were requir­ ed to close the wound. Bring us your job Printing. They Work While You Sleep! We are proud of our < laxmlted column, I*cause it ia full of hu­ man mtrrest—it bring» people to- getlwr aa nothing rise can do. If you have any thing to sell, or want to troy something, there ia noth­ ing quicker i or surer. And the cost is cheap. Yea, we are also proud of our job department and the work we do. See us for any­ thing in the printing line.