The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, November 20, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Scio Tribune
General News
Vol. 4
No. 3
• -X».
Students, why don't yon tome out for
basketball practice?
Do you know that it is only two weeks
before th«- first basketball game ami the
teams have had very little practicv beeauw
there are not enough players out? Each
evvmng after supper or after school there
arc usually only about half enough for a
good practice. The rest who are there are
either grade children or either town folk»
who think enough of old SIIS to help it
What's wrong with the S.H.S. students?
Don't you think on«»ugh of your scho<d to
boost it, or don't you realise the way things
are going?
Very frequently when a student is asked
why he does not practice, the answer Is:
"Why should I practice? I Will not make
the tv-am anyway?" That is not the spirit
that makes winning teams in a good high
school, Why not say: "Sure, I’ll come out
and do the best I can?"
Something is wrong with our attitude.
We say we want a good high school. Can
we expect the school board or teachers
alone to make a good school for us, or does
some of the responsibility rest on us? A
«chool is no stronger than its individual
members, and a team is no strong than its
So come on, students, let’s boost our
teams and get som.** spirit into basketball
practice. We'll have a winner yet.
W<- notice, in th«- Exchanges, that othrr
school» are either making definite plans for
taking up debating o, ar- already begin­
ning work in that worthy enterprise. Shall
Scio High school fall brhimi in thia respect,
or shall w«- alm engage in that form of
friendly combat?
Th«- benefits to be derived from debating
are almost too many to enumerate. First,
we might mention the us-ful information
one gets from studying the various ques­
tions, in which he might Otherwise never
interest hims*-lf. Next, let us consider the
mental training one derive* from debating
these questions. One must learn not only
to see al) arguments on both cideo of the
question, but al»o to judi- the value of on«*
argument against another and to withhold
judgment until all facts and arguments are
presented. Un* learn* to judge fairly and
not to judge hastily. Practice in debating
trains one to think clearly ami logically, to
distinguish the important from the unim- ,
portant, to be clear and deflnite on all
pointa amt to speak convincingly and force­
fully. It teaches on«* to be resourceful in
denting with the unexp« cted. It teaches one
lessons in good sportsmanship, also, for he
fiinds that he must listen respectfully to the
opinions of other* and treat his opponent*
with courtesy and r.-peCt whether he agrees
with them or not Then there is also the
necessity of being a good loser or a grace­
ful winrn-r. Beside* the-<e, and many other
benefits, there la th* eaa»* and confidence
one gains from speaking in public.
Some time in the n«»r future an oppor­
tunity will bi- given 8.H.S. student* to take
up debating work. Let u* be ready when
that opportunity is given and hav* a good
ly numb, r ready (<■ begin.
We have a
number of student» who should make gomi
debater*, and many other* who should de­
rive much benefit from the work even if
they are not rolectcd to represent their
class or school. If you have a liking for
argument, why not exercise this talent and
turn it into beneficial chaniwls?
Why «Io students persist in a»wmbly
hour whi»punng? A few whisper about
their lessons, others to find assignments
which they should have gotten in class, and
failed, probably because they w< re whis-
pertng there I«*’
A great many students
whisper merely for "g«»a»ip."
No differ-
cnee why w* whispM* there is absolutely no
need for it. It not only k.-.-ps both parti.-»
in vol veil from preparing their le-sons but
also disturbs others who are trying to Study.
Did you ever stop to thing that you might
be whispering t* a person who wante.1 to
prepare a lesson, but didn’t want to mak«<
you "pwved” by saying so?
Whispering affects th.- reputation a» well
as the worth of th«- school greatly. If any­
one comes in to visit our school and all the
students in assembly are whispering, what
will they think* What would you think?
Ev*ry individual in S.H.8. should stop an I
think before whispering, or doing some
other disturbing thing, "What wouhl our
school be if everybody did as I do?" People
cannot do two things at one*. Therefor»
when we are foand whispering anyone can
are we are not studying Intensively.
It ia the personal responsibility of every
High School student, as well as of •very
citisen of Scio, or of the l>. 8., to make
our school, our city ami our country thi­
ve ry b«-»t we can.
If our school has a bad reputation people
will not want to move into Scio and rend
their children to such a school. In order to
make our school the best school, we will
have to abide by all rules and stop whisper­
ing. Let’» make our »chool better by read
mg exchange», or library books in our »pan­
tim* instead of whispering.
An invitation was receive«! from Eugene
to attend the annual student conference
which will be held December fifth and sixth.
The oby<ct of this conference is to give th«*
Itudrnt» who attend from all over the state
son»' vi rv laluable Information about stud
ent body govemmant ami the publishing
of school jMipers and annuals.
Scio has I m -« n reprera' * ' f *r the past
thre«* years, and althougl no
e .as been
Sedected yet, then* will p.ot. il / be some­
one there again this year.
Manners do not went to bo a very im­
portant matter in th* Scio High school. A
read lady or gentleman is on* who treats
others, whether they ar* teachers, class­
mates, friend* or foe, with respect
spoken to. or asked a question, a read lady
or gentleman »rower* with a courteous re
ply. The attitude and conduct of the stud­
ent* in their classrooms, halls, or in the as­
sembly show their culture, and how they
would act at home or in any public place.
A visitor in the Scio High school would not
«•«. or receive any of these courtesies by
some of th* students but would seem them
racing and "hollering" in the halls, saying
unkind and unnecessary things to teachers
and fellow students.
We hope that in the future a visitor
■n ths future a visitor in the Scio High
school will see all of th* students perform­
ing the courtesies to their teachers, class­
mute», friend* ami to the visitors them­
That no contributions have been found in
the contribution box?
That report cards came out the 12th of
That th«- boys play their first game of
basketball against the Alumni November
That every student has bought a Student
Body ticket?
That no one has yet decided to try for
the prise-eaaay contest?
That we have students in SH.S. just as
capable of winning these prises as anyone?
That some students ar* going to be dis­
appointed when thoy see their report cards*
That they have no one to Marne but
That "only” six pupils have been caught
chewing gum sine* the last annauncem« nt
that it must be stopped?
song contest.
Oregon Society of Sons of the Am-
entail Revolution offer thrvo sash prixes
of 125. lib. and I IB for the best *i T*
Hurgoyne's Campaign and its Consr-
quencea. SB
Th.- Glee* club meets Monday and Wed­
nesday afternoons.
The Oregon Historical Society is offer­
ing another Beekman's prise this year.
To buy an athletic ticket
That the boys practice basketball Mon­
day and Wednesday after supper ami Tues­
day and Friday after school.
That the girls practice Tuan*lay night
after supper and Monday and Wednes«lay
after school.
Boys and girls interelas* basketball teams
are to be organised ta th* near future The
combined slaws of seniors and freshmen
will play against th* combined junior and
sophomore teams. There will probably be
three games played to dWrmina the cham­
pion team. There games will help to pick
the best material for high school trama
When the call for basketball was issued
by our coach, Sir. Watenpaugh there were
four players from last year’s team. Sev­
eral freshm.-n came out who have had some
vxp«-ri<-ncc on the eighth grad«, team last
The boys are practicing every Wednes­
day night an«i Tuesday and Thursday right
afU-r school.
Two double headers have b«.-ri schedul«*»!
with Turner and single games with Galea
There w.rt twelve bo|s out to practicti
the first night, not counting the eighth
grade boys.
When the girls start. -I practicing basket­
ball they found that they liad six girls back
from last year's team,
With these girls
back. U m * Kir's should I m * heard from this
There t re fourteen girli out to the
first practice,
Mr. M atenpaugh la head
coach ind h* should develop a gooti team.
(With apulo» u-s to the English IKpt.i
It takes a lot of peepol for
A world aa big as thia,
A while we wish that lum
Wer gone, a lot of them we'd mia.
We'd mia th«- herd who has a
Smile A always like« to show it:
We’d mia the man w ho likes hi» friends
A ileta the hole world no it.
We'd mi» the gi who always baa
The lime to say Helo
the gt whoa always on the job
the ferst to aay, lea go.
A if we'd mis those kind of gia
We|, wooden't it b» trou,
that folks wood mis L's when wore gone
if we were that way to?
It has been decided that one fourth cred­
it will be given to lho*>- wishing to join the
Beaidrs singing, the study of
glee dub.
music will be taken up, ami credit will be
given the aame as in any other subject, ac­
cording to the work that is done
One half hour of the last perio.1 on Mon­
day ami Wednesday of each week has been
set aside for the club practice.
Twelve girls have joineii the Glee Club
so far. We hope to have mor* members
to th* near future.
Any girt wishing to
lake Glee Club work without credit is also
A banquet was given Friday, Nov. 14. by
Mr. Watcnpaugh in honor of the Scio high
school boys and their fathers
The banquet was fairly well attended, al­
though several of the "Mads" were abeent.
Everyone present gathered at the gym.wheie
the boy* trrwd to defeat their fathers in vol
ley ball, basketball and mdtxir baseball. Also
some of the braver ones put on the boxing
glove* The htMMirs were about even, but
sevejai of the buys were a little the worse
for wear,
After the athletic* were over, Mr. Waten
paugh aarwunced that some "eats" would be
served in the school bouse, Of course no one
could miss these and were promptly served
with ice eruatn. sandwiches, cookie* and rof-
fee by the Donraatic Sesanca girls and the
high school teachers.
Everybody wrnt huw.e happy and proclaim­
ed the banquet a huge surrvss
The dramatic club of the Woodbu.n hi ,h
school presented the play "Map Tlifc f”
Nov. 13th. 14th and 16th
liebale has been mUmlured in St! ,-rton
High recently for ths first time
The Hi-O-Scope, from Cori illis, is on«-
of the most interesting and wall construct­
ed papers on our exchange list.
W* are still wishing for mom publica­
tions to be added to our exchang«* list. Due
to tack of finances we are publishing the
“Sphinx" »very two weeks in the town pap­
er, and by duing so we will be able to
put out a bigger and better annual.
Please semi eachangea to the High
Sweile (in Com. Geography*: "Say, is a
flying fish a bird?"
The Juniors are still here, w«* live«!
through the exams and are happy.
Th«* Seniors think they tn* a lot greater
than we are, but just because we have a
»mail c I bm it's no sign that we are small.
Ju«t wait until we are Seniors, and we'll
show up the Sophs.
The Junior claw is goir» out 100 p«*r
Cent for basketball. No other class is fol
lowing our example, though.
W< note*- that Elsie Hiatt is silting in
the Junior row of seats.
W-j. the ria«» of '28, have notic«*<| that
our gr. *n blu-isoms bloom faithfully on
Friiiny on each member, most of the time.
Two of our m«-mb«-rs failed to comply with
the "Rule of the Sophs," and the conga*
quence» were a good paddling. Some of the
tender-hvart.-d Soph» sympathised with
them, hwcause th«-y had gone through the
same experience.
Our class seems to lack a superabun<!-
ance of p«*p, or at least It la not dirv*t<-<l
in th«.- chanmds that would do to write
Some of th*- folks think we could study
a little mon- instead of whispering, but
we're not »uppo»«-d to know any bett.-r.
According to the Soph» they are about
"it.” HoWi'Vcr, **■ hav«* a different idea.
A Sophomore meeting was held
.Monday for the purpose of making
rangem. nt for th«- "Freshie Green.*1
was di*ci*l*-d that the Fr<-»hman girl» green
should consist of gre.-n hair ribbons and
The boys
must wear bright
»olid green neck11< -I. No Freshman will be
ah* - *d to us* the pencil sharpener from
l<n to twelve o’clock on Friday morning
The penalty for disobedience of any of
th< »<- act« is a »ong of spanking before as­
A committee was appointed to
enforce th *e rules. They are to report to
Uu* class if any are fouml disobeying and
th* penalty will be inflicted upon them just
lieforv dismissal at noon.
Several of the Freshmen received their
"lesson” at noon last Friday.
W<- hope
(fur their -*ake I that they have learned.
A Sophomore girls' ba»k«-tl>all team may
b<- orgunix.*.! soon.
Ma.- C. : ' t.iv. me a pound of oysters."
Clerk: "We sell them by measure."
Mae <’: "Oh! all right. Then give m<- a
yard of oysters."
Strange facta from last exam*:
King Phillip was kind of England.
Koger Williams rattled Plymouth.
Cortex accomplished Mexico.
The queen of England offered his hand
in marriage to the king of Spain and she
re fuseli.
linger William* la a Quaker.
f £* cì .<*
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