The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, November 20, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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era should begin making their bid aaaociation.
latter —Collin» was a warded first
for the holiday trad*. Th? Tribune
is ready to serve you. Remember prise.
the hen advertises her new laid egg
El Schoei of Albany, breeder of
and the whole world patronite« her purebred Chester White hugs. w--n
Come into the limelight, let the peo­ first honors on some of his hog* »•
ple know who you are. where you the fairs id Oregon and Washington,
are and what you have to sell.
where he exhibit» I this year. H im
When father touche* elbow« with
his son around the banquet table,
and when he joins in the games of
athletics which his boy like«, say'
look out! Our court* and jails are
sure to have Iras business and in­
mates. When father ami son are »n
intimate terma and und»«tand one
Claude Miller of Dallas is buving
another, night carousals, boose par­ cream in this vicinity for the Marion
ties and chicken stealing will l>r a
i Creamery Co. of Salem, and is work-
thing of the past. And the "father
j ing in the intrre«t of the dairymen
and eon banquets” will help turn ; against the margarine law.
the tide.
The welcoming banquet
table —the delicious tur­
key feast—the hour* of
plcatant reminiscence.
Plan now for a full measure
of Thanksgiving en/oy-
For reduced fares and com­
plete railroad information
communicate with
C. W. Bragg. Agent
NKiCf #1 Kislffcl Roii Netliny
Pursuant to a petition signed by a I«-
gal number of resident freeholders, tax
|>ayers and legal voters of Road District
No. 14 of Unn County, Oregun, Notice
io Hereby Civen that a meeting of the
legal voters of Road District No. 14 of
Linn Coutty, Oregon, will be held al
the hour of two o'clock p. m., on the
2.‘d day of November, 1924. at the Fhel
bum School House in said road district,
to determine whether or not said road
district shall vote a special tax of IIOOi
upon all the taxable property within
said road district for the improvement
of the mads therein as follows, to-wit,
grading, gravelling, draining and re­
pairing said road*.
Hy order of the County Court of Linn
County, Oregon.
Dutrd thia 291 h day of October, 1924.
B. M P avnr , County Judge,
J. D. I som . County Comm’r.
Atteat: R. M RlMSBlX, County Clerk
Foaled this 29th dav of October, 1924.
by J amkm T hoi . lini . kii . appointed by
the Court.
TNURMUAY. N ov . 20. 1924
The Linn Couty Open Forum Is
•bout to resume. All of us remem­
ber (he good times last winter and
herald with delight the decision to
again resume community gatherings.
The Tribune has a beautiful line
of holiday greeting cards, suitable
fur nil purpose. And they're inex­
pensive. Come in and look them
over. Thev have the double envel­
ope and we print your personal
Wheat went to 11 55 j on the Chi­
cago Slock Exchange last Thursday,
the highest in three years. Report
•aid Canada was «hurt 20.00w.0u0
bushel« mori than expected. hence
the high price
Nothing was «aid
about the protective tariff on wheat
in the dispatch, pr -Babiy because
gamblers do not know of such a
tariff, (»amblers or no gambler«,
high tariff or no tariff, we wish we
had the 20.000,000 bushels last
Thursday that Canada was short
and we would have sold it maybe
Fronts and fogs make motoring
dangerous. When driving, go slow,
keep your side uf the road and thus
help the other fellow from causing
accidents. Pedestrians when using
the highways should walk on the
left hand side of the road he thus
orotects himself and the motorists.
Christina« 1« only a little over a
month away, and our local ad ver-
S«Hith Main ’•(reel
I ’( >K SA LE
I have for sale a J. H. C olt Car-
bt«le lighting System that has
never been used- rust 1350, will
sell f< r 1260.
See D avid II o M
Hi R<.H. route 8, Scio. Oregon 15p
sjssltoj )
Real Kstate Proper
and Notary Public
■Ibtltuib Obtained, Examined
Dll. A. G. PRILL
S. P. Railway
Scio, Or.
Bring Us Your Poultry
and I
Auont for Anker-
lloth Separators. See u» before
dost ? and th)
Mutual Cream Station
Leonard Jordan, Agent
The Scio Cash Produce
Fred Mumper, prop.
Highest Cash Price Paid fur your
This section of the Will: metu
Valiev is being recognised all over
the c»unliv as > ne of the leading
dairy and stock raisin; communities.
V. E. Collins, nutter maker fur the
Albany Creamery A socialion. and
M Patterson of Mc Minnville tied
for first honors at ti e meeting of
the National Hutter Makers associa­
tion in Mason City. Iowa, early in
this month. Mr. Collii-s began work
as a bdltle washer at the Albany
Creamery nine years ago. and was
promoted to the position uf butter
maker five years ago. The first
prise is a gold medal awarded by
the national association and the sec­
ond is 125 in cesh by the Oregon
Distrh i
Becoming Better Known
To spite Gov. Pierce, the 1925
legislature will du a lot of things
that will set Oregon back a neat
sum financially. See if our predic­
tions d-< not come true. Such a cam­
paign a* we just went through al­ I
ways produce« such results.
*v* • * >*î ti A
J «Fl V
■■ .?»*.?•
\Tlie Scio Tribune
prixe-winning aged Chester White
sow. which bus hold the champion­
ship for three year«, has been taken
to Kansas City to be placer! in the
Royal lave»tock Exposition, and la­
ter will be taken to the Internation
al Livestock Show at Chicago.
The smiling
ig faces of loved
ithcred in cheery
ones gathered
- ....
Editorial f>
• s
JC* z -*
1 •
**• I*
r. »
• % •. fc, •
Eggs. Poultry. Veal, Etc.
First National Bank Building
H tàvto «, Oasooif
. mi 1 Flat»- Work given prompt
•v i careful attention. Also Extraction
Lowe A. Morrison
Reliable UnSertakera
Will pay 1c more it»
trauie for Egg*.
given |M-rsunal attention
by Mr. Lowe
N ‘ . I ■'«
N. 1. Moaaisoa
Phone—Day, 397
I lebanon
Pimne 91
Phon«-—Night, 396
Ail funeral
Full Line ol Feed* and Flour
G. F. Korinek
Albany’s Only
I alls uh vered Day or Xight
Tuberculin Testing
Optical Parlor
4 7'7-’*
a' * / ’
VW 4 H » . >
1 * i 7
»W W 4 V tee
Bancroft Optica I Co
313 W««l Firwt Susel
ylli N « patient ia lold that hm
! r\r» ne«<d Leip for both near and
fm vision ami bifocals are sug-
g« »i<-1, in* rii et reaction is tu raiM an
■ tioii to their appearance. This ob-
j.ction o> itwerrumi- by using Kryptuit
GU»» «, ti.e only inviMblc bifucai
NMict ol Bislncl Road Heeling
Pursuant to a petition signed by a lc
gal numlier ot resident freeholders,tax
payers and legal voters of Koad District
No, IS of lann County. Oregon, Noli.«
ia Hereby Given that a meeting of
the legal voter« of Road District No
IS of Linn County, Oregon, will 1«
held at the hour of two o'clock p. n> on
the 224 day of November, 1924, at the
Scio Condensing Milk Plant, in tai-
mad district, to determine whether or
not said mad district shall vote a special
tag of 11000 upon all the taxable prop
erty within said road district for the im­
provement of the road« therein, as fol
lows, to-wit, grading, gravelling, drain­
ing and repairing «aid road«.
By ordrr of the County Court of Linn
County, Oregon.
Dated this Slat day of October, 1924.
B. M F a YNK. County Judgr.
J. D. lariu. County Comm'r.
Attest: R. M RUBBgtX, County Clerk.
Posted this Slat day of October, 1924.
by J. F. LWTUta, sppointeti by the
W. A. Ewing,
T. J. Munkers.
Vice Pre«.
E. D. Myers. Cashier
The Scio State Bank
I)oea a General Banking
BuaincM. Intereat paid
on time deposits.
Bilyeu’s Confectionery
Ice Cream
Soft Drinks
aiìinv onra
Manufacturing Optician
Scio Weal Market
Holtcbck Bro* I'nq »rietora
Fresh «nd Cured Meat
Baron. laird. Sausage
Catarrhal Deafness
Is o<i«n
by an inflame«! comlttlen
•f th« ». I OUS limn« at the Eustachian
Tubs, wt -n thia tube |* inflamed you
»• a ruii.blin« sound or Imperfect
•tsartns. Uni. «M the Inflammation rati
I.» t. iu d. y«,,,»- h-arns may be de
strnyed (“fever.
•Hll.t I iruinll WFIIICINK Will
• whst f« ilvim (or It—nd your system
or > siarrh or Iiesrneas eauaed by
< a'vrrS.
f Id tv ill dnurctets
over •» Yearn.
F. J t-heney A Co, Tntedo. Ohio
Bargains for Saturday
' -i: 2 U h
Sausage 17Jc lb.
Sanitary Meat Market
Shelton Bros.
Will pay l|c under Portland pnees for
dressnl hogs under 1&> puunds. This Is
t.e more than you can get by shipping
then, yourself.