Vol. 2f the peace and quietude of .>ur citi­ tene Think this over. eilto-M. ard see if you do not agree with Tribune BILL BOOSTER SAYS In the little more than three yean that the present owners of the Scio Tribune have been piloting its career they have tried to avoid publishing anything that would bring sorrow and heartaches to the innocent, but there are getting to be so many "hardboils" here that nerd the mer- ci less finger of scathing publicity Will Play Bridge pointed directly at them, and now and in the future the Tribune isnot Most of the ladie» who formerly going to shield the law breaker, be comprized the membership of th« he of high or low birth- the crime 500 club have orcamzetl to play of one is just as serious as of the I bridge this season The club will other. A week ago last Saturday, a fight occurre«i on the street near the south end of the bridge and ooe man had his clothes nearly ail torn off of meet every two weeks on Friday, the first m«-eting to be at the b >n>«- of Mrs. W F Gill on Friday after ‘noon of thia week wh«*n three table- will bs in play. him. No complaint was filed and no The present membership inclu l«w arrests were made. What is th« Mr» W F. Gill. Mrs. E D. Mvers. matter with those who witnessed Mrs. F. T. Bilyeu. Mrs. A. G. Pull. the melee that they did not call for Mrs. E. G. Arnold. Mt». C. W. an officer? Are our streets to be Bragg. Mrs John Wesely. Mr» R used for debauches and our peaceful L. Hixson. Mrs. Paul iatnlon, Mrs citizens moral cowards? IP, H. MacDonald. Mr* J S > Almost every dav some one par­ and Mrs. Rolla Shelton ades our streets in an intoxicated Tendered a Surpri»e condition, and nothing is ever done. P. T. A. Elect» Officer* Wh>? Are our streets an open sa­ Saturday night will always be a loon and the alleys th« back door? 1-ast Thursday night the Parent- pleasant spot in the memory of Mr. Are our sober, peaceful, law-abiding Teacher Association met in the high and Mrs J F Kukacka. when a citizens moral cowards? school auditorium to reorganize- for large number of friends pounced in Then comes the debauch and me­ the year’s work. About 25 men on them and gave them a surprise. lee of Sunday night just at the dose and women were present and many The Kukacka's left Tuesday morn­ of church services. City Marshal : plans were talked over for the work ing for a two menths* visit in New N. I. Morrison anJ his wife (and 1 of the association, among them the York City and other points in the other women and some children) heating of the gym, the beautifying east, and the surprise was in the na­ were passing and the marshal quiet­ of the school grounds, and bringing ture of wishing a tine visit and safe ly a»ke«l Ivan Balachweid. who was parent and school closer together. return home. The following brought creating most of the nuisance, to go ,The following offic.-rs were chosen along well filled baskets, to which home and behave himself, and he R. M Cain, president; Mrs D. (.’ all did ample justice, and at a late refused to do either. He then ask­ Thoms, vice-president; Mias Fentney, hour returned to their homes: ed some of Ivan’s companions to secretary-treasurer The domestic Mat Dubeck and wife, Ed Pelan take him home, and they refused. i science clats served a light lunch ■t and family. Joe. F. Novak and fam­ Ivan was then told he was under ar­ th» close of the meeting. ily. Jerry Holechek and family.Wal­ rest for being drunk and disorderly ter Holechek and family, Joe Dobr- on a public thoroughfare, and the kovaky and family, Joe Mcnhart ami To Start Jan. 1 city marshal started to search him. family. Andy Helzendorf and fami­ At this. Ivan hit the marshal a hard A. G. Sharp and Claude Hickey, ly, hi Martinek and family of La­ blow on the left eye. blackening it of the Thomas Creek l.umtier Co., comb, John fanisch and family of The sheriff’s office was then ealled went to Portland last Friday on Albany, and Joe Bartlett of Temple. and Sheriff Richard responded. In businese. The buildings in their Texas, who arrived Saturday a. m. order to uv« Ivan from laying in lumtier camp are now completed jail over night, a local citizen stood' and include a Commissary, two buna Birthday Surprise good for his appearance in Albany 1 houses. a cook house and blacksmith at 10 o'clock Monday morning. shop. Thev are m>w repairing the Saturday. November 15. P. R. When sober, Ivan Is a good buy; flume and will nest art the resaw Bilyeu was 74 years old. and on Sun­ when drunk, he is heil turned loose, and build a shed for I* They ex­ day he was given a surprise by his it is said, and the bootlegger who pect to have everything in readiness children and grandchildren, and also sells his stuff to anyone who cannot to start operating the mill by th* by his mother. Aunt Nancy Bilysu. control himself should be shot—in first of the year who was yti years old on Nov. 10. fact, anyone who makes and or sells Ths happy crowd brought along the kind of stuff that is made today well filled baskets, which all enjoyed When Foe Meet» Foe when apprehended should be shot, immensely. Those in surprise party for it ha» murder in It. and murder­ Next Salt rday is the snnual foot­ liesides Mr. and Mrs. Bilyeu were: ers in Oregon are supposed to die. ball battle 1 «-tween O A. (’. and I’, Hamrn Shelton er.. J. W. Frost. I What was the matter with the sup- of O. at Corvallis, and it is expected Emma Smith. Otto Weidman, Andy |w««e. H. Shelton, wife and son Howard. ards. or aiders and abettor» in the had been walloping 0. A. C., when Fred M. Grimes, wife and daugh­ attack on the city marshal? the latter turned the tide and gave ters Dorris and laitha. and Evaline On Monday afternoon another de­ the University a trouncing. Will Bilyeu. gree of lawlessness occurred, which they do It again next Saturday? The gtMsts when departing wish­ is said to have started over wrest­ We understand quite a number ed Mr. Bilyeu many more birthdays ling and winding up in blows. No from here are planning on seeing 1 celebrated with them present. complaint was filed, no arrests were the game. I >H. C. FICQ Thanksgiving Sermon DENTIST Next Sunday is the Sunday before Thanksgiving, That evening, in the Christian church. Hey J. Y. Stew­ art will preach a Thanksgiving ser­ mon. God has wonderfully Messed us as a nation. Let us "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving.” Ix»t us lav aside other things this .»ne night and gather in God’s house and praise Him for His goodness. Ev­ erybody come Cusick Bank Buildinf Albany, Oregon “ Plates That Fit 99 Crown and Bridge Work, Plates, Filling». Paini©»» Extraction. It will be to your advantage to get my estimates. Mrs. N. E Gill has returned from • viwt st the home of her son. Dr. People's Theatre SaturdaySaaday Carl Ijtemmle Presents 'Trilling With Honor" Featuring a brilliant cast Jack Dempsey in “1 Society Knockout' One of the "Fight and Win” Pictures. AsmiMion 10s an© 200 9. G. GM at Lstamm r ♦ R. H. McCartnr Pa»*©» No. 15 Organize Community Club Richard ii Mct’arter, who p*"«-. 1N66. and was th« re fore aged ♦»>* years, 8 months and 22 days. Hr had lived in Oregon for the past fu years, spending moat of this time at Dallas and Beuna Vista, where he followed farming. A little over three years ago the family moved to a small farm near Thomas. Hr was given all the tender care loving hands could give by his wife, relatives and friends. Funeral service were held yester­ day at. the home and burial was had in Fianklin Rutte cemetery, lb v Erskine officiating. The deceased is survived by his wife,and a *<>n.J< m D. McCarter, who Ilves in Dallas, and a brother. Thomas McCarter of California, and a half brother, AV McCarter of Dallas. Mondnv night at the school house In District No. I a community club was organized amid great enthusi­ asm. The school house was packed with interested 1 «mle who want a closer unity v th • •-h other in that trriitory and 11 1.« c inly. and the sure way to accomplish this is in community work. The organization of the new dub was ablv handled by President F. L. Smith, who gave the assemblage much valuable in­ formation as to the uims of the or­ ganization. A m< st excellent program was jointly staged by the school children of both Diet. No. 9M and No. 1 and others, the dialogue, "A Matrimon­ ial Advertisement." being especially clever. In fact, all » m cleverly handl««i and reflarcied a great amount of talent among the young people of the two neighborhoods. Talks were given by J. T. Brock. J. L. Davenport, I V, McAdoo »nd others who»«- names we did not learn, and they were optimistic and full of en* couiagenient. Mrs. Stoneman acted ns chairman of the program. Visita Hi» Nephew» The following officers were elect- ed: President. 8. P. Stringer; vie Judge W T. Thomas. Unitel dent. II A. Gregson; secretary- States commissioner at Wrangell. treasurer. Miss H. Gaines. The Alaska, is hereon a visit to his neph­ president then appointed the follow­ ews. Riley, E. C.. »nd H«-nry Shel­ ing committees: On name, l«ee ton. The Judge »ays he has held Gaines, John Brock. Ed Steuanek; some political position in Alaska since ion by-law», John Shanks. Mrs Stone­ Grover Cleveland’s first term a* man, George ¡.sever; on entertain­ president, and has mads Alaska hi» ment, Mr». Stoneman. Dorris U-e- home for more than 47 years, al ver, John Brock. though he was raised here. For The next meeting of the new club fear some may think there is untold will be Monday night. Dec. 15, at wealth in Alaska in plarer mining, the same place. the judge save that the recent finn­ ings in hiss«*ction are only pro»t«”cts. Mr. unti Mr». W. A. Ewing were and advISM those who contemplate Albany visitors Tuesday. going there to look, think and t»e sure before leaving on wild stone» about BULLETINS FROM ’’prospects”. He will be here for I several day» renewing acquaintances and enjoying going >ver by gone days with his nephews S aturday , N ov . 22 Star Theater, Stayton Remodeling Residence Johnnie Hines in a Warner Bros, classic 4 Workmen have lx-en bu»i for the past several weeks rem deling the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geerg«? M Bilyeu on West Mui street. All the partition» have ln-en changed, new woodwork l>a»txath room and closets, tin the lower floor are liv­ ing and dining room with col Ion ad e opening, one bed room, dutch kitch­ en, and toilet and lavatory. The front porch is being torn away and a new one will take ita place. When completed it will l«e on«- of the most modern and up-to-date homes in Scio. „ Joyous Session Had A splendid feed and a good time was enjoyed by memliera of the K. of P. lodge Tuesday night. One new member was taken into fellow­ ship. At the social hour Dr. A. G. Prill threw on the screen some 100 beautiful acenes of Oregon which he had taken on his many tours of study and recreation throughout the state. The doctor has several hun­ dred scenes and is preparing an il­ lustrated lecture which he will de­ liver before the historical society In Portland In the near future. The Z. C. B J. lodge is conduct­ lag a votine contest for the must popular young lady In the commun­ ity. Vols» may b» had at th» stores Little Johnnie Jones A jockey’» experience <>n the race track at the Derby A ill-reel program Admission 10c an«l JO«- S unday . N ov . 25 Pola Negri in <• Shadows of Paris” The secret service after the French attache Admission ... ... 10c and JOc T uesday , Nov. 25 Fred Thompson in The Silent Stranger Tom Mix’s greatest rival in a whirlwind western. A 2-rccl "Telephone Girl” comedy. A«lm. 10c and 2S-’ ’ -r’ ’ -P nt it U S 1 1$ CMMj I