The Scio Tribune G. 0. P. TICKET WINS HIGH OFFICES (Continued from page L) Moitu» They »lift«red no lo«««a~ In President Coolidge's home Mate of MMsacbUadtB. Gillett, ro publtraa senatorial aoaslaoe. «on by a hand ««me majority over Senator Walsh. democrat. The Ma« fight tn Oklahoma teemed on Ike basts of the return a to ha» a en abled W It Pine, republican nominee to «in over «1 Governor J. C Walton democrat, for the aeat no« held by Senator Owen, democrat. The republican» held the Rhode la land aeat. which had been vacant alace the death of Senator Colt, republican J ease II Metcalf «on easily over Gov­ ernor William S Flyna. democratic nominee There was a possibility of a repub llcan loan In Delaware, where Henator Ball. republican, failed to receive re nomination, but ex Henator Dupont, re publli an. appeared to have defeated James M Tunnell, democratic oom tnee. Henator Edge republican. Nev Jar Hey. «on In a hard fight over Preder lew W. Donnelly, democratic contend er. The outcome was uncertain In Went Virginia, but Guy I) Goff, republican nominee, »as ahead of ax Senator Wftllam E Chilton, democratic candl date, on the face of the returna. In South Irnkota Governor McMa* ter. republican senatorial nominee, ep peered to be tar enough In the lead over U S G. Cherry, democratic nom Inee, to insure his election John W Davis bad to his credit only the states of the ultra democratic south, which apparently gave the us ual democratic majorities, but was leading also In Oklahoma, Missouri ' and Tennessee, all carried by Harding ; In the 1920 republican landslide Hr also bad a slight margin In New Mexico, but had surrendered tbs lead to Coolidge In Kentucky In a nlp-aad tuck race Coolidge Leads In North Dakota. Fargo, N D—President Coolldg« held a lead of more than 3 to 1 ovoi Senator I-a Follette as the early ro- turns oame in The returns, however were largely from avowed Coolidge strongholds In the eastern part of tbs state. Coolidge Leads In Kansas. Topeka. Kan Kansas gave Prosi dent Coolidge a heavy plurality is Tuesday's election. Mayor Baker Apparently Rs-olsotsd. Portland. Or George L. Baker has been reelected as mayor of the city of Portland. Judging from the iacom piote returns. ELECTORAL THE COLLEGE Tetai tied oral Vetan 331; 3M VotM Necessary te Win. Corease Arisons_____ - • • **. t ÎJ re-rei (i*Uw*r« Idi*ho unno*» Indiana . !<•• Büan*«« Mairi* Mar y land M «k«*49 ■ hu»rtU MI« h*e*n 4 «A* .r -f-.. -- it « ! 2^ 1 — Il —• Mi e __ il ___ tìl - u « - il 4 ! tf«mrwbtrv S»*r Jwr**) New Tuffa (•falò Il ‘ , 4 1 •J 1« ! IhMinwylvani« Rhod« twldt o«l Flab V«rmuBl s1 4 1 4 ( : ! » > i ... W««t \ WrumlHf Davit 1 ' » 4 14 I« !• 3 11 !• I x»ul»i« na Ml«a4a«!ppt Now North <*»rurf Montan« North l’ai -<« COOLIDGE IN THE WASHINGTON STATE REPUBLICANS WILL LEAD IN OREGON FAVORS COOLIDGE CONTROL CONGRESS Mi Nary Is Re-elected Unitec Returns Show Hartley Leads Organization of Both Houses Seems Assured on Face His Opponents in the Race Slates Senator By a For Governor. of Returns. Large Majority. Portland. Or. -Calvin Coolldgs rar ri"d Oregon by an unprecedented plu relity In lh« cuuntles outsld» uf Mult nutnah 11 ia estimate.1 that that pari uf the state will glve hlm conservativ» . ly (rem W.tNt» tu « plurallty, whil« ! .Multnumah r-.iunty al-*ne will glv« hlm a plurallty aruund 30.000 »s a prob i aide mlblmum In Oregon as a whole second plac». la the prv»td«ntla) votlng la aa yotj aomhat in duubt. In Multnomab, county. where resides onethird uf thej rote. M Follette electora ar» runnlnaj cuuifortably ahead of the Davis sied • U 11 La Patitile 11 Doubtful 11 11 1« 4 I MID-WEST REJECTS THE THIRD PARTY Chicago The middle w< ha» not given Senator l-a Follette th« big vote that preelection for*--asta indi' ated he would receive Even In Wisconsin, the senator's home stats, early returns were disap­ pointing It appeared that I- would have a good lead over Itavi» through- out the state, but In many pt-• incta be was barely nosing out l’r>-»! lent Coolidge It wa» much the a: •> In S nth l»a kola, although early returns from that state Indicated that the pr* -Ideut would hold first place when the final vote Is counted. In Chicago it wa» Coolidge. Davis and ta Follette, on early returns and reports from downstate Indicated that the president would hold first pla> e In moot of the counties and (hai Davi« would hold second pla< ”, with Ita Fol ietto trailing EASY VICTORY IN IDAHO President Coolidge and Senator Borah Sweep the State Boise, Idaho.—President Coolidge's national victory la clearly reflected la the partial and complete returns re­ ceived from various parts of Idaho These indicate that the nation's < hl«f will win this state's four electoral votes; that Vnlted Hintre Senator Borah has been reelected lo the sen CoolMge Wins In Davis’ Homs Town. Locust Valley. N T.~ Locust Valley, the horns of John W Davis, west re­ publican by 1 to 1 on the fees of tbs returns Coolidge Montana Lead Small. Helena. Mont.— Prsoldsat Coolidge was leading Henator La Follette 11.313 So 17.001 with returns Incompleto. Coolidge's Majority Beets Harding's. Boston Running for ahead of Hard- Ing's vote in 1930. President Coolidge appears to have carried Massachusetts by an overwhelm Ing majdbity WILLIAM C BORAH Who Wse Re-elected to the Sonata From ths State of Idaho. Beattie. Wash —ft seemed probable ea lacomplete returns that l*reeida-ni Coolldg» would receive th« seven electoral votes of Washington He had nearly a two to one lead over Henator Robert M La Follette, pro gresslva. and a six to one l.-ad over John W Davis, democrat Rulau.l H Hartley, repubt'ean rah dldata for governor, was far In ths lead of B-n lllll. democrat, with J It Oman, farmer labor candidate. a pool' third Representative John F Miller, re publican, has been reelected from the first congressional district which tn eludes Seattle and Kitsap county, ovet Itavld J William» democrat ltepr<- aontatlve Lindley II lladley republl can. was leading Lloyd Blank, demo crat. In the second congressional dis trlct. Representative Albert Johnson republican, was expected to b« re elected without much opposition In the third district, while Rep ■ -ntath. John W Hummers, republl. an had a i oomfortable lead over II C Itohlke, democrat. in the fourth district In the fifth district, however, th« fight was very do«» betw<«n J Ed ward Ferguson, republican, and Rep reaentatlve Haaiuel B HUI CHARLSS L McNARY Reslvctad United Statsa Senator fro* the State of Oregon. ora. but the reverse is true In the up alat» returna. Charles L. McNary baa defeated: Milton A Miller for the United State« senate by a great majority, and Oro gon will send to th» lower house o* congress a solid republican delegation W C Hawley In the first district. N j Hlnnott in th" aoooad and M E Crumps' ker In the first have all beet •I acted by large majorities The republican candidates for eecro tary of etale and attorney general Ham A Koger and I. II Van Winkle both have big leads over their demo cratlc opponents incomplete returns on stale mrea urea apparently made certain the de feat of the compulsory workmen's compensation mresure by a large ma Jorlty, but some uncertainly existed as to the fate of the Income tax Tbe bill forbidding the manufacture of put margarines made In combine tlon with milk products had a large negative majority In Multnomah coun ty and In the upstate precincts beard from had a similar negative majority of nearly two to uno. CALIFORNIA FOR COOLIDGE Progressive Party to Live. Says Pilot. Chicago.—Although the la Follette Wheeler ticket has gone down to da feat the Progressive party will be maintained. Jobs M Nelson, manager of the campaign announced here Iowa Strong Pre Coolidge. Des Moines, la— La Follette head quarters here conceded Iowa to Cool Idge early Tuesday night. The preel dent had a lead of about two to oae over the senator. Page 3 General New* La Follette Is teoond and Davis It a Poor Third. Han Frandseo. — The only qiieetlos that remained to be settled In Cail torn la Tuesday night was the estenl uf tbe majority for Calvin Coolidge. A tabulation bas»d on Incomplete reports from &l of the &* countle» gave Coolidge 309.3*7, La Follett« 140 41*. Davta 19 **3. Fart« 3133. Henator la Follette appeared ts | have carried only 11 counties, al though seven other smaller counties had not been heard from when th« i foregoing figures were tabulated. j "MA" FERGUSON LEADS IN TEXAS ROLAND H HARTLEY tuecessful Republican Candidate for Governor of Woehlng’on. On the face of r« turns th« aocallrd Bone bill, whit b would permit munlcl palltles to tell power outald" their corporate limits, has b< n defeat«* Likewise. Inliiatlv. measure number 4*. which would compel gt irenla to send their chlldr- n to public Instead of private school*. I■; losing The 40 mill las bill lin lug the lax levy, is also behind W. D. Askrea. of Tacoma, had a lead of 1 to 1 over W II I’emberton fur the etale supreme court. Printing to Tribune. Fort Worth. Texas.—John W Davis la swc’-plng Texas, as was expeit.-d, and Mrs Miriam A. death while altllng In an automobile In from of a polling place on the west eldo Ills assailants fired at him from an- other car. Claud Maddox. Who was with Mackay, was seriously wounded Both were said 1« have police records New York. The New York Tribune, which has been supporting the candi­ dacy of Th eml ore Rooeevelt, conceded (he re-election of Governor Hmlth by looooo voire and George K. Morri«, republican state chairman, concede* the r«rle«tlon of Governor Hmlth by a plurality l»«t«""n 30.0«0 an* M.OM, Governor Hmlth had a good lead In New York city, where hla plurallty was 243 SOS. Roosevelt polled a heavy vote upstate, but the democrats co«- ftdently declared th» governor's re- elecilon by more than 10«.00«, Troops Patrol Herrin Illinois. District Ixve Angeles. — President Coolldg« , will carry L*ie Angeles county by be J Lexington. Ten« - Al the voting pre ate by a handsome plurality over hl»j tween 173.000 end Joo.000 votes, Il ci net 1« the sixth district on the east democratic opponent. General Frank was asserted here by William W side of this county. Q W Bert holo­ Martin, and that while the race for Kerr, acting registrar of voters mew. 70. end his »on. J. L. Bartholo­ governor between Governor Moore, mew. 40. were shot and killed The Í La Follette Leads in Home State. republican, and H F Samuels, pro Mlnnsseta Vetsr. 103, For Ceelldgs shoottag 1» said to have been done by Milwaukee. Wla.—With the returns greeslve. will be dos«. Moore will Ilk« Hastings. Minn "Grandma** I any tMn C. Powers, who «as a defeated Incompleto, la Follette was loading ly be re-elected together with th" bal A. Truax, who recently celebrated het candidate for magistrate there in the Coolidge by nearly 11.00« rotea. ance of the state ticket. A I. Fre» |03d birthday, went to the poll» and August election. hater. democratic candidate for gov east her ballot for President Coolldg« | ernor, seems to be a poor third. Herrin, fit. — Revealy five national and the entire republican ticket. guardsmen, some with flxe<| bayonets, Illinois Favere President Coolidge. Nebraska Is Conceded to Caelldfe. patrolled Williamson county tn pre­ I Chicago Unofficial returns Indies Omaha, Neb — The Omaha World vent threaten»«! clash’ » between the ' tod President Coolidge had won a Ku Klux Klan and Its opponents. j sweeping victory In Illinois If the Herald, a democratic aewspaper. cob Heavy voting was reported with no cedaas that President Coolidge had car j later returns maintain the same rath- j semblance of disorder At earh pre rled Nebraska and I hat J. J. Thomas I the Coolidge plurality over John W j Devie will exceed *00.00« Senator Ital democratic nominee fee Vailed Mates dart outside of Herrin, two militia­ men «ere slailoB’d Io keep tbe FoUotte wan running coeoMoraMy Bel eeBdtor. bad bees keels« by Qearps W Morri« Bring Your Job Chicago Rweeplng republican vto- tori«« have placed the Cotdidg» admin­ istration within atriklng distance ut actual control of the next congress Absolute c« ti I of the bouse by the regular re il i «eems assured. OrgaaUalio « ' >ti> houses by the republl-ans le a > - taiuty unless the radicals of the majority party in the senate kick over the traces on com­ mittee asslgnmeata. The early returna pointed to the election uf at least two and possibly as many as tlx fartnsr labor bouse > »ndldates In Mlaaeeuta. Representative Berger, socialist, Wisconsin, the only member uf his party In the pr« -’Ut house, was re- elect ml. Although upward of a doxen women were contenders for congressional seats none uf iheni appears to have won It will be llie first time In sev­ eral years that the house will have no women In Ila memborahlp. The two radical republican senators up for re-elccth n. Senators Norris. Nebraska, and liruokhart. Iowa, seem­ ed to have obtained their expected large majorities. tMhwr republican nominees elected without doubt un the basis of the early returns Im luded Charles H liwncen, Illinois, Hr net or ('euaeae Michigan; Senator Capper. Kansas: Henator W«rren Wyoming, Henator McNary, Oregon. Senator Borah. Idaho; and Senator Keyes. New Hampshire The nine democratic senatorial nom- In«' » whore election wan conceded were from southern states, where nomination ia equivalent to election. Many of the recognised leaders Ot the house were reelected with ut much dUfl'ully Speaker Gillett was out of the house race as a result of hl« senate candidacy, but Represents live L om worth, republican. Ohio, ths majority leader tn the house, was re- elected, aa was Representative Gar- rett. democrat. Tennessee, the minor Ity leader Rival FellcMatee Borah on llectlen. Boise. Idaho.—The first concession of defeat was made tn the Idaho elec tlon Tuesday night when General Frank Martin, democratic candidate for (Tatted Htatee senator, telegraphed his congratulations to hie opponent, William E Borah. Vailed Maire rena* tor. on hla »lection. Davis Carrles State of Tontteeeee Memphis. Tesa Returna la Tea* ««sere nave John W Davta 39X0« rotea. Frreldeat l'oojldge 4«.»31 aad Henator M Follati« UH.