•> ♦ » « •# «*s . ••« . < . Z • . « e z. w * > « • •( • % r, # ♦ «. i ■, > > t ♦ •» i”,.’ *■« * • *' •’ t .,«• A • • • ♦• S* • ‘ 7’L *>. .•>- • . ,9 . ' • ¿ V ' • ' 7 « ►* • *• t >• x< 3¿* ‘*~ ••. Miet ff Miriti lut lti(iß| BILL BOOSTER SAYS o TAKX OF kfff HAT TO IMS kAAM WMO PATS KS ailL*' M* NMN 66 04 Vf A eONAAACM PUXi WMO VJfc AR$ A eu»4KA ecu-sa. Bun Hl rl mows X i Pursuant to a petition signed by a le­ gal number of resident freeholder a. tax­ payers and legal voters of Komi District No. 29 of Linn County. Oregon. Notice ia Hereby Given that a meeting of lite legal voters of Rood District No. 29 of l4nn County, Oregon, will be held at the hour of 4 00 o'clock p. m . on the 21st day of November, 1924, at the School House in Diet No. 1 in aaid Hoad District, to determine whether or not aaid Komi District shall vote a special tax of 93U0U upon all the taxable prop­ erty within said Road District for the in.provement of the roads therein as follows, to-wit, grading, gravelling, draining and repairing aaid rueda. By order of the County Court of Linn County. Oregon Dated thia 25th day of Octaber, 1924 B. M P aynx , County Judge. J. D. laog. County Comm’r. Attest: R. M. Ktsaxu.. Co. Clerk Posted thia 27th day of October, I9.*4. by W. A. GlLXXY, appointed by the Court. Bfi «aSPWCTW TMAM THE esumt DVADMAYI row Mg M> W AM KAMST MAM AMO A daughter. ■ cHX Nora Brown visit« i her mother. Mrs L*v G«*»rgc. over the wvwk- end. Ben Watkins made a trip to Fiank Combs last Friday to bringdown tw • cow« in his truck, one for W H McLain end one for T M T. M. Russell. Russell worked for Hen I.. II. RICE violin H M. ABBOTT RF^iDENCE South Main Strevt Uhiicote house this week. Mrs Wolf hsd ¡n attack of neu­ ritis in her hand last week. . ' Misa F.l«ie Itowning, Shelburn school teacher, soent the week end : • IE,.. I’’< )R SA LE f..r . a J It C Car- olt J t . I , • t • r ■ n at her hune at Mt. Pleasant. • H O. Shilling and Utllon Mclaiin I + • • assisted Carl Smith with his butch­ morning? with his m- ther Monday. Of course you T. M Koasell toak two auto loads of voters to the p«»|ls Tuesday. entangling alliances with Wall street, Vernita Mellin is suffering with the league of nations or any nation, and pr<>s(>erity is sure to fall on all After the ourBshoulders. and our extra money and Mrs. John Shepherd Virgil Shilling s<«ent Monday night bumness meeting two contests were with his father. H O Shilling. this morning weighted our pants At a late down an our suspenders pulled all staged by the hostess. Mrs. Mollie Miller. Mrs. Edwin buttons off. We don't care for hour refreshments, eonaiiting of Jones. Miss Mbrgaret Brown, B A. Holteen and Dillon McLain compos­ lh ,>U,t”n* (n°‘ n,’W’* bul ** dM1 coffee, pie an«i cake, were served. Mrs. S. B. Holt visit«kl the Crab- ed tli-* f rsi board, and G. C. Miller. tree grade school Friday, where her Mil« Killy. F A. Miller, Victor Ly­ was not election money just pros- son Melvin attends. prrity However, we'll "keep cool ons and Tim Kelly composed the with CtMjU(Jge*. Bn(J lw *
    > upon all the taxable property within said road district for the improvement of the roads therein as follow», to-wit, grading, gravelling, draining and re- ; pairing said roads. By order of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon. l>ated this 29th day of October, 1914. B. M. PaYNM. County Judge. J. D. I som . County Comm’r. Attest: R. M Rvaaxix, County Clerk. Posted this 28th day of October, 19*24. by J amkh T roixinukm . appointed by the Court. ttf i" ’ r« -• * 1 < Io!s. could b. In school Levi Bennett. A new family Is moving Into the trict. to determine whether or not said '’arc f°r the humiliation. Uffici »I tariti Rotó Ultimi «a. « > * while her mother is In Portland. took two cows down in his truck for voted and saved the country from liy order of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon. Dated thia 2ftth day of October, 19.4. B. M. P aynx , County Judge. J. 1». Ison. County Comm’r Attest: R. M R vkmkix , Co. Clerk Pasted this 27th day of OcUilier. 18’24, by W. A. GlLKRY, appointed by the Court. * • ’ • •. -4 > « The Scio Tribun« Jam«*« Trollinger went to Hubbard Road Ihstrict shall vote a special tax of ll ■*— Watkins Saturday and Sunday while Relic« ti Illirici Rud Miiiiflf • ■% /e Editorials Page 2 Pursuant to a petition signed by a le­ gal number of resident freeholders,tax- i |>ayers and legal voters ot Road District No. Id of iJnn County, Oregon, Notice is Hereby Given that a meeting of the legal voters of Rond District No. Id of Linn County. Oregon, will be held at the hour of 2 o clock p. m., on th«- ISth day of November, 1924, at the Sam Gaines be boot House in saal R.wd Di. t , r ’ r ç r.i : ■• • . Ì •«~ ’ • • • «* v_. • < :.-. • • 1 • * "to bring home the liaeon." The Tribune loses one ot its best and most regular correspondents, and it wishes thus publicly to express to Mrs Gilkev its appreciation of her Mr. and Mrs. T M Russell were shopping in Sci.» Wednesday. A BIG INDUSTRY LOOMING DR. A. G. PRILL l> Physician and Surgeon t Siogi -n S I*. Railway Scio, ( >r. Bring Us Your Poultry ui <1 Ewk*> Agent for Anker- Hoth S< |-orators. See us l»«fore buying. Mutual Cream Station Leonard Jordan, Agent DR. C. WARD DAVIS i ) i <: ntist Flax growing in the Willamette valley gives promise of becoming a Firi-t Nati ' ial Rank Building S taktox , tlKMBlN great industry’, ami through the work of Governor Pierce it is attracting Rn 'i"- »nd 1’iite Work given prompt and ■ aii-fiil attention. Also Extraction attention throughout th country, ami Sommers homes. representatives of milling mt< reals Lowe ¿k. Morrison Leonard Gilkey and family are are looking over the Willamette val­ Reliable Undertakers moving to Albany, where Mr. Gil­ ley with a view of establuhing fac­ All funerals given personal attention tories here. key ia the new Chamber of Com­ by Mr. Lowe N <’ L>wa N. I. Moaaiana merce secretory. The Tribune. $1 75 the year. I • 1 ai.it» I'hone -Day. 397 Miss Gladys Chappclle of Woixi- Ph* »91 Photic— Night, 89ft burn has been viaiting at the W A. Having opened a Gilkev aad S. F Zyaset homes She LEANING RESSING G. F. Korinek Mrs. Fred Sommer has recently returned from Anderson, and ARLOR taken up this work for us at Gilkey \ ( ti i inni'iiiii Next door to Scio Cash Produce t|ou»e Ind , where she has t>een working in and wr be .peak for her a hearty re­ I ask your patrnnag«’ Pnce and work MAYKIN. - - - OREGON Che Gospel Trumpet office. guaranteed right. Bring 'em in. sponse when she asks for news. Call < ali- »• «««i-red Day or Night Those from here who attended WM E HARTI El T, Prop. tier up when you have any items of Tuberculin 'Testing the masquerade party al Crabtree new a Her name has been placed Saturday night vFvre: Opal Mespelt. r. — services. C P Bilyeu’s Confectionery *e Goar. Joe and Lynn Young. Harvey « J Mitchell. Frank Kleisner and Harold GILKEY STATION Rigga Nov, 4 family Mr. and Mrs. visited Ered Sommer and at the £. L. Whet The local Farmers Union wae held alone home in Albany Sunday after- Saturday night at the home of Mr. no«»n. Mr. and Mrs J. G. Holt motored IN 1 II inl’N’IY (Hl KT OF THE to Stayton Sunday morning, where STATE OF OREGON Kilt LINN they visited their daughter. Mrs COUNTY. Jack Jones, and family. In the Matter Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kelly and of the Estate Notice of Sale of Reel of Property «laughter. Velds, and Mr and by a le­ J. E. *1 eoman, i, I By Executor Joe Kitchen were Sunday visitors at gal number ot resident freeholders,tax- ! deceased I payers ami legal voters of Road District Notice is hereby given that under and the Fred Mespelt home. No. 15 of l-inn County, Oregon. Notice b> iy virtue of the |o»vr and authority to George ths uiHlerw u nd«-reigned is Hereby Given that a rrxn-ting of Jvi-n ‘ ~rg. K^sch, K. „ch^Ui« ------ >fc* . , . . „ . . .. Executor, in tin- last Will and Testa the legal voters of Road District No ment of J. ): Yeoman. drcea*ni. the 15 of Linn County, Orvrvn. will be urxirr*ign«*M. County Comm’r. teen (16); thence South along living near Oregon City thia year. Attest: R. M. Rt’MXU.. County Cl. rk. said *-cctlon line to the place of I Posted thia list day of October, 1924. beginning, and containing 294 Mrs. Earl Gooch came up from acres of land, more or lees. by J. F. L kfvucr . appointed by the Portland last Saturday to see her that said sale will be subject to the Court. confirmation and approval of the Coun­ mother. Mia. I«ee George, who was ty Court of the Stat« of Oregon for suffering with neuritis in her right W. A. Ewing, T. J. Muniters. Linn County. President Vice Pres Dated, ixated and first publish«*! this arm. which deprived her of the use E. D. Myers, Cashier .Ttith dav of October. 1924. of it. Mrs. Gooch look her home G korgr K kkcm , With her Sunday evening for medi­ Fxeeutorof.be last Will and Testa­ cal treatment. She ia improving ment of J. E. Yeoman, deceased. V. I. yim MrCRomurv, slowly. Does a General Banking Stay ton, Oregon, Le« Gewege eats»* down from <’»nip Buaineaa. Interest paid Attorney for Executor. on tim« d«poait< last publication Nov. XT, 19M. 14 to do the home duties so hia SHELBURN NEWS Ice Cream Soft Drinks Fruita -Candies Lunches Tobactos Bargains for Saturday Hamburger. special 2 lbs Sausage 17|clb. special 2 lbs...... . Sanitary Meat Market Shelton Bros. Will twy I jc uiwlcr Portland price» for dressed hogs under 16>> pounds. This la ' ,c more than you can get by ahip|*ing them yourself. The Scio Cash Produce r-n»- P^nTxIa who care about their 4 UI I tUpiC p. rwjnai »poearance for peo, I.- w I hi preter to look young­ er rather than older- optical specialists hav< found that hrvptoks meet an ever growing need. ^'hleade oni e trist. ALBA Nr HAROLD ALBKO, Manufacturing Optician Fred Munifier, prop Highest Cash Price Pant fur your Scio Meat Market Eggi, Poultry. Veal, Elc. Holet hr k Brot 1’ roprieloro Will pay 1c more in trade for Egg». Full Line of Feeds and Flour Fw h and Cur»*d M<*at Bacon, I^ird, Sausage We Buy \«-ur \'<*al anti I >ifs-i-'l l’ork Catarrhal Deafness Thi Scia Stati Sank Bancroft Optical Co. XU Ww> »Y h ( Mrw4 lbw, Is often - aum -,1 b/ an inflamed -onditkm 'it the mueuua ti«un< of the Eustachian Tut«. Wl>n ihm tube la Inflamed you have a Ai-i.blir.« sound or Importert liberine I'nl-aa U m inflammation ran he r-lu. Tears E. J cbevwy A Co. Toledo. Ohio. Advertise ia The Sew Tribune and get remi H al