The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 23, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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The Scio Tribuni
General NeWl
I Meat Animals at Pacific International
courts and thus quickly stop
impending rebellion." and we'll help
ail in our power
Until this is done
let's have faith and coiffidence in
our neighbors, as we want them to
have faith and confidence in us —
' Editor )
Mrs. Wall Bilyeu and son Vandarc
'and wife of Kalama. Wash , called
r. M
in to see the old people, as they are
great friend* and glad to meet each
other after a year’s absence.
Uncie Tom Smail is fattening an
old rooster to feed hie foxes this
winter, as he Is expecting them most
any time. He has the pens all in
readiness to receive them
Thia be««; ful Sb-,
Ths h<>« show Is on« of great mem
The old Pie Ester has a fearful
grand <■•■■■ -
and ex -■Heue«, and Poland Chinas. cold and a good dose of bronchitis,
clfl«- Internal lot'« I | .tVC"'wit etposi Hurt e fi racys. Chester Whites. Rerk
llot» last fall Fr i'i« I'
shires and Hampshire swine will rums which he has most every winter.
lou. lire, ths first pr. »'! n '* f th«- t<> coutear fur h> nor» from many states and it is nut very agreeable.
Exposition and <>r« of H. I. • ■-
• I -1
»>( • In It* sheep depart tucul are w
a be-
dlr«, stands I..-L: d '
. i y < t I.1» The long? John Davenport of Roaring river
and h.» inti« gr....... > .1
• u
, « .t,r,. j, W|p ,n has sold his fine mountain home to
pUcr of honor
, An««rn
_____ and muk his s>»n-in-law and han moved on the
Beglnnms with Balun!
, ,n
old John Gaines farm, which he now
L hundreds of snlcinl. 1« I for r
The i' iltry <lr pari meni has bere la
matry of outline and hr il- r-
rrvas. I in ata* and tbs exhibits will owns.
proportion of moat consUtent with be in. r«> i '.i.e rous and of Haar quality
constitution, all! be on - <) .'it for th w -h a »>• i.t • r »,( new l>rv*Ja shows
admiring public. There will I - lb« The <o>i.mereiai >«■ dlvialoa will be
Hh orthoms. In their red. whit« and of r i c u| Interna* to potili ry raisers
roan dress; ths lleri* forth». n
1 to- I », , sltlon Is remarkable for
whits faced animals with wide »| r-
in« horns, lha Al>< rd«cn A’ <tu» :
li la «uriti visitili« for the
a* night and without h- ft- of any atoan
Oct 21
of »■ . in« the progress iuad« in
Ths Milking Nh- rib .ms and
Itcd Polled cattle. ths later solid r>Hl.
Joe Schwindt and eons were Jor­
will also be shown
ioin>»'<r to man*« wabts and ueeils
dan callers Thursday.
’♦ling the K.K.K. meeting at Scio Sat­
Mias Mattel Privett returned from
Oct. 21
ti day night, which was considered Portland Saturday, where she has
been visiting the past week
grand. Th»* parade was sure fine,
Mrs. E. Phillipa and children arc
as it was the first eight of the kind
guests of her parents in Mill t'ity at
we ever »aw. Oh, nut wasn't the
sneaking grand, as we all iearn*d
K. M. Chronic and son made a
oimething we never knew before, i
We were asiured it was the truth. ' liusmcas trip to Salem Thursday, re
feal Kalina is digging his crop nf ’
spuds, which are fine, saleable i»ota-
toes, but in Hnding only a few m a
hill. He dug over 100 bushels Mon­
day. A son-in-law and two
i i of It surely ought to wake up our
Frank Pruitt are picking them up sleepy, disinterested prutaaianta. I
The son in-law arrived home Sunday believe it the i>e»l organisation on
from a year spent in lx»« Ang< l«s. earth for the welfare of the Amert-
I am not a member,
and is not a California b *ter
Hl •an people
has just built a large potato t> . < but I wish 1 was
I wish every
and has it practically fr«-< <• pr of
American coul»i or would read the
Cula Games' hired hand of Urab- Western American — it surely would
tree is putting in 40 acres of sum- convince our blind protestants that
mrr fallow on the Sanliam Fann
’ trouble is ahead. tDon't get ex­
Elmer Griffin of Salem came in cited, Uncle Sam. as no one is in
Saturday noon to stay over night danger. If anyone knows of any
with his mother. Mrs. S. W. Gaines, specific instance where danger lurks
returning early Sunday morning.
that per»«n or persons owes it to a
We all had the plemnire of at'.»*: i community to bring it before the
fAver the Hillp
by O._Qwrence~llawthom¿
Over the hill« to my childhood.
Over Uie hii» to home.
Bark to the jnjr» of the wPdwood
Oh. let me once more mam!
Give me the freedom of spirit x
Only a boy can know.
Memory call* and I hear it;
Oh. let nw go, let me go!
Rack to the bam where we wreetled
Floundering deep in hay;
Out to the pool where we nestled
Cool on tiie hottest day.
Take me again to the racea
O owti at the County Fair,
Let me again roe the face*—
Faces that then were there!
Give me my youth anti Its pleasure«.
Free me from rare again.
Now I should value its treasures
More than I prized them then.
Over the hills to my childhood
Oh. let me once more roam.
Back to the joy« of the wildwood.
Over the hills to home!
The Kraynika children from Pleas­
Baptist Church Note*
ant View are attending school at
District 124, which seems to be
Sunday chool at 10 o'clock every
somewhat enlarged from patrons of Sundry m >rn:ng
Everybody is in-
the surrounding districts.
The vi’ed to attend.
Misses Pauli are teaching there
Christian Endeavor every Sunday
Doe Jungwerth and family came
turning the same day.
Gates Sunday to make a short
small son of John Shelton bus -
tamed slight burns on hie face and call on his mother, Mr« Endres.
when he fell into the fireplace No place like the old home, esi>ec-
^rum his chair,
chair. Huwever, hr is im- eiallv in the autumn.
Oreg on M i st.
proving fast.
Mrs. Annie Garrett was a Scio
shopper Friday.
Frank Junrwerth has rented the
They Work While Yus Sleep!
Krauts house in Jordan and will
move in soon, we understand.
We are proud of our Classifinl
Mr Welch returned from eastern
because it is full of hu­
Oregon Saturday, where he had
man interval — it brings people to­
I wen the past week. Too windy and
gether as nothing else can do. if
<irJr for comfort over there, he
you have anything to sell, or want
to buy something, there is noth­
ing quicker nor surer. And the
coat is cheap Yea, Wc are also
proud of our job department and
the work we do. Bea us for any­
thing in the printing line.
evening at 6:30.
Bible study and prayer meeting
every Friday night at 7:80 Come.
Mr. Fred Waehlle will preach
next Sunday.
The evening rerev ice starts at 7:30.
Junior Endeavor at 2:30 Satur­
day afternoon.
Edward Oatrander. now secretary
of the Public Service Commission,
ami who is «••».■king election as a com-
mismoner on the republican ticket,
was a Scio visitor Saturday.
Wallace Mumper of Sheridan.
Wyoming, visited hie brother, b red
Mumper, last Wednesday and Thurs­
J E. Calavan of Portland is visit­
ing Dr. and .Mrs. A. 0. Prill.
Riniti Sc mt-Annual Linn-Benton
I. O. O. F
Districi Convention
Scio, Oregon, Oilober 25, 1924
Call I«» Order.
Roll Call of Officer«.
Roll Call of Lodges
g .
Reading »Minutes »»I I .««st Convent i»di.
Address of Welcome: Dr. A. G. Prill. Scio.
Response: F. W. Warrington, Corvallis.
Reading of Rr|M>rtw, Petitions and Cominunkationg.
Report« of Special < ommillev*.
Report of Publicity Committee.
Question Box.
E vening Sr. «. mon . 7J0 O' clock .
Regular Meeting of Local Ixslgc.
Roll Call of Ixxlgr«.
Address: I. A Bennett, Grand Chaplain
Work in First Ih- tree: Itanium L» Ige. No. 7. Corvallis.
Election of ( Mlicers.
Selection of Next Meeting Place.
( mmm ! of the Order.