The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 23, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Scio Tribune
«■ *
General News
Oct. 21
lhe Farmer«’ Union met Satur­
day evsuing, with Leo Zeller as host,
at his new home. Arrangements
were made to send for blasting pow­
der Coffee and cookies were served
In the refreshment committee. Mr
Women’» Misses and Children'»
Clothing and I luberdaahery
Z> l«r treated the crowd to his tine
large grapes and watermellon. Th«
following resolution» were drawn up
by the Union:
"Whereas. Certain special inter­
ests are putting forth much time
and money to defeat th« present In
come Tax law. and
" A hervas. Said law has greatly
red iced the general tax in the state
thus lightening the tax burden of
the farmer; therefore, be it
“Resolved. That th« Farmers Un-
i m of I.inn Counts is strongly op-
p -<d to the repeal of said law.
M w Almc-la Smith of Portland 1
•licnt the week-end with Mr. and! ♦»♦♦«e««e**e
>*" ■**.
Mrs. Riley Shelton.
Mrs J. S Sticha and Mis» Dorris!
Weddle went tn Portland Monday,
and returned Tuesday evening
J B t'ouey and A. L Plummer
visited Mr Coney'• brother. S. M.
l ouey, nr«r On g m City Sunday.
John Frederick and »•»> are clear­
ing two acres of their ranch, west'
Will Me»pelt’s are now at home
<n their ranch after a year's ab-
lAece in California.
A large crowd attended th« fune­
ral of Mrs. Schwarts Saturday.
Serv i C im were held at th« houa« and
partly at Franklin Butte cemetery
from here were his daughter. Mar
garet Brown. Ijifsyett« Osborn and
family. D. C. Osborn and wife. Do*
Osborn. Malcolm
Miller. Weibe
Kuiken and family and many other
friends and neighbors.
Farmers are very busy with their
fall »««ding.
Anu, born Oct 13
Mr. lb x - well
known here and Mrs. Rex is a - »ter
to Mra. Will Mespell
The Women’s Club met Thursday,
Rev. Mes-erli of the Lutheran church the 9th. at the home of Mrs Ji - • ••
at Albany conducted them.
The Eckengren. This was the first meet­
people of thia community will great- I 1
ing since Augusl,
The pre» lent
ly miss thia dear friend, whoae Mrs. R. H. McDonald, presided.
bright, cheerful disposition made Plans were made for the annual Har­
her a general favorite with ail whom vest Festival to lie held at Riverview
•lie met. The family are moving school house the evening of N >
their things away from Leonard A cracker eating Conte t was stagi-d
Gilkey’s, preparing for a sale, and and Mr«. R II. McDonald won lhe
intend to leave for Canada soon,
prize for her aide. Taffy pulling
F. I. J mes. wife anti son, Harry, was enjoyed and grape, wrv I b-
of Stayton. and William Moore and the hosteM.
Mra Werner Yunker
children. Kelly and Eileen, of Salem of Mill City waa present; Mi-- G> rt-
were dinner guests with J.G. Holt's rude Yunker and Mrs H i.- 1 Kelly
Sunday. Mrs. Gus Schieman called were also visitors. Sixteen enj ived
there in the afternoon.
this pleasant day. The next meet­
Mra. R. H. McDonald and Mrs. ing will be with Mrs. it. H. ob Don­
lamnard Gilkev are the happy pos- ald on Oct. 23. -
sessors of new Woodrow electric
Miaa Hazel Young entered Aut i-
washing machines, with thanks to I villa school Monday. She is review­
their hubbies.
ing her business course.
Percy Chappele went to Wood­
Frank Cornett and wife are aga n
burn for the week end.
living on their farm. Mr- Corn- t
Mia« Merle Bigham visited in Sa-1 ia still an invalid.
lem and Portland during the week­
Mr and Mrs Rex Parka of Oak­
land, Calif . are the parents of a 10
Harold Hough and Murrel Gilkey
lb daughter, June LaVerne. Mrs.
of Albany were in there parte Sun­
| Park« waa formerly Is na Rex. ai d
lived in Scio when a child,
Harold Reiley was home from
J. H. Kelly and wife. Bud Struck-
Roreburg from Friday till Sunday.
meter, Ernest and Clifford Kelly
J. K. Reiley and wife were among
and Allen Gilkey were in Portland
the first to travel over lhe new Al­
bany-Corvallis highway. They went
• 4» ♦-♦♦♦•♦•♦ m •• • -
to Eugene Friday, the morning the
highway opened.
Mrs. Joe Kitchen of Albany spent
la«t week at her parent’s home.'
Oct 21
Fred Sommer is filling siloa.
John Drn»m re purcn.i- 1 awn«
I. N. Ix-mon and wife of Corvallia
fine porkers from Carl Smith Mon­
vioted Saturday and Sunday with
day, also a vi al.
S. B Holt i nd wife. Th« ladies are
Oro Bills- is assisting < art Smith
with hia fa i aectiit. after deliverir g
Mrs. Charles Jeffery of Spokane,
th« milk t» the condcn-ery.
Wash , arrived al Cora Smith's on
Quincy Crum««
d vife went to
Monday for a i visit with old-time
Eddyville Wednesd»’ te «pend a few
friends here. 1 law Hailow, of near
days visiting her an, l*elmar. and
Marion, who is her brother, brought
family. Claud Churhill will attend
her over. The Jeffery family lived
the chorea while they are away
several years where Joe and Frank
i T. M Ku««eH made a bnsine t
Prokop now reside. Mr Jeffers
trip to Albany Tuiwlav afternoon.
pasted awav a abort tim« ■*>-.
Walter, Henry and Mother Wy­
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rex of
man attended a show at S-to Sunday
Stockton, Calif., »re th« proud par­
ent» of a t»i lb. daughter. Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. W H McLain gave
a birtday dinner for their »on Dillon
and grandson. Doran Russell, Sun­
day. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs W. H.. A. J. and Dillon Mc­
Lain; T. M . G. E . J* - «. Doran.
The Scio Tribune and
Portland Telegram one
Clyo end Elim Russell, all of Shel­
year for $4.75.
burn. and M. C., Dorris and Ronald
»•nd» Oct. 31. See ua.
McLain of Portland
Dillon and
Doran both received many useful
presen ta.
Commodore old pioneer
of Shelburn, passed away at a Sa­
lem hospital Sunday morning. Hi*
funeral was held at the Rigdon par­
lors in Salem Tuesday morning at
1 10:30, after which lhe body was ta­
ken to the Portland crematory.
' A*«ng «bore atlrwdmg the funeral
Prevents souring. Avoid this
loss by cooling quickly and
keeping milk where plenty of
fresh air circulates, preferably
in the open.
of town, getting the ground ready
for next year’s crop.
Ira Bilysu was in Kalama. Wash..
last week, to attend the funeral of
his brother in-law. G M. Coffev. and
returned Friday evening.
Jack Burgland end wife. Everett
Dononvan and wife, and Ralph and
Harry Donovan of Portland spent
Sunday at C. M Donovan's
E. I). Mverv and family and Mra.
Riley Shelton visited Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Johnson in Corvallis Sunday.
Mrs. Johnson has t>een III about a
Mylo Ilartu, Joe Rartu and Cha»
Chrz returned Tuesday morning
from a deer hunt near Drain. Ore­
gon. They »ay they did not have
very good tbek.
C C. Hopkin« of I xm Angeles ar­
rived yesterday afternoon for a
short visit with his sister. Mrs. C. C.
Bilyeu. It is the first time they
have met in «ix years.
Oregon Milk Company
Conderuery, Scio, Oregon
Notice of School Meeting
NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN te th. legal voters of School District Kfc »6
of County. Oregon, that a SCHOOL .Ml I FING of »aid district will beheld
at Scio City Hall, on the 31 st day of October. 1*24, at 2:00 o'clock in the after­
noon. for the purimoe of dlacu»-ii>g the budget hereinafter set out with ths levy,
ing board, and to vote on in» proposition of levying a special district tax.
The total amount of money needed by the »aid school district during the fis­
cal year beginning on June 30, 1984. and ending June 30, 1926, 1» estimated in
lhe following budget and include» the »mount» Io be received from lhe county
school fund, state school fund, ele nentary school fund, special district tax. and
all other moneys of the district:
• I . ......................................
............................... ........................................
<». I»li. W miw » N.Vwlaw >
The rapid growth and consequent
street ouigrellon of our large rltlea
•erloualy slows down local transporta­
tion and baatrna the Installation of
Improved aiethoda With the perfee
tlou of electric traction came the sub­
way or underground transportation.
Crowded condition» on Manhattan
lalaud. where In aome »re Ilona author­
ities claim population reechea the uu-
belle, ahte density of ?W persons per
acre, are unmatched Naw York city
not only lead» the world In aubway
operation. but probably poseeases more
mile. of subway than all other rltlea
There are now completed or being
built there seventy nillee of subways
containing upwards of 'JUD miles of
-Ingle track. the cost of which ranged
from • I.SUOjOOO to 12,600,000 per mil*
according to time of construction and
working conditions.
The building of a steel reinforced
concrete tunnel under the crowded
streets and towering skyscrapers of
mir largest city, maintaining sew rm
water, steam, gas and lighting mains,
telegraph, telephone and tirealarm
■ able« and other public utilities vital
to the g|breea of a metropolitan city,
through which to «paret« electric pas
amger trains on fast and frequent
M-hedulaa la a herculean taak.
Ths main trunk lines of thia subway
system are four tracks wide and pro­
vide for both eipreaa or through and
local 'raffle tn each direction Patrons
enter the subway from kiosks on the
streets, broad stairways leading to the
stath-n platforms As a rule, local
stations are about Ave blocks and «•
pre«« stations shout two miles apart.
I rurtng the busy periods, morning
and night. In a trunk line subway eg-
press trains carrying sight to ten cars
operate about one minute apart tn
each direction, making a speed better
than thirty mllea an hour, Local
trains, carrying Are »n.l W« cars. op
erate leas than tarn minutes apart la
each direction, The rare are about
fifty fret long
Such a eubway will
transport 1JMNUM0 pssaengera dally.
The drjdh of the subway untier
ground varies widely according to lo­
cal cotutttlona. The greatest depth ia
nt about lunth street where the rails
are about IM> fret ••»low street level.
At placre of great depth elevators ar*
need to cany the paapte te
tee irate».
I'araonal Service:
• •
• •
• •
Janitors ........................... .•
Salary per year
......... ... ...........
Material and Supplies:
Supplies (chalk. vr*»en. •tc.l.... ..........
. »a»..«*«. ..................
Janitor'» »uppliea
I • » « • « « » ••
«• ••
« a *••«««••• .........
» . . . «•«•••»
Postage and «latinnery
- ........................... ....
Maintenance and ii> pa r»
Building and »ruunds ................... .........................
• 4j5
1 100
Total......... ....................
Warrant, and Interest thereon
I <MM)
• iioo
Domestic Science Supplies ....
Printing and Advertising........
• 100
Total ....
................... . ...........
• 126
Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the year
k’rrtMATKD R ki kifts
From county schpol fund during the coming school year,
trom state school fund during the coming school year
From elementary school fund during rowing school year
Estimated amount to be recclvrd from all other source«
during the coming school year............................... x..
Balance, amount to he raised by district tax..............
Dated thia 13th day of October. 1924.
Attest: Co»« C a L avan ,
D i « net Clerk.
• Mt-
I'.Mi 5
• 1200
Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax
Total estimated expense» f >r the year ........
Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax ....
Ru.«y hhklton .
Yii*ar<l of Director»
If you believe in boosting the boosters
if you believe in helping an institution
that spends its money at home, you
will support the Scio Tribune more
substantially than wishing it well