»• 3 • ••**. • r 4 j •* • • ». • • 3 « *>• * 4. «. t * « » -• ' « *• • ' .* “• rjf ‘ F ff » '7 »*. • •• . • r • 1 * fi * x . ■ *- * . ’ Î *■•" M ? * J • 'n *• * k • » • W» • I .*» •*« 4L A < * TV ‘ kJw* * .. .»•, i^a •. < *<■ kjfï a - .. rt.^tssff ♦ < * •; À - The Scio Tribune Local Mews and Cla stifled •> ‘•A r- To make the hair beautiful and Word from Mi*s R»*e Wc*ely. A. D. Hale ha* so far recovered' Mr*. D C. Thoma and Mias Vaata Sherfy were Albany visitor« Satur­ from hl* recent operation a* to be who 1« recovering from an operation free the scalp of all dieordera there at th* Salem ho*pit*i. is that she i* is nothing to equal the old reliable day. able to return to hi* home. doing nicwlv an-1 will be able to come Lucky Tiger Hair Remedy. Money Mi** Myrtle Hollis, who I* attend­ horn« in a few dava. C. C. Bilyeu and wife and Miaa • < back guarantee al barber* and drug­ Myrtle Itollia were in Albany Satur ­ -A. ing school at Ml. Angei, spent the Lvman Smail and wife of Det real gist*. (Adv] day. week-end al her home here. Ben Mumper went to Mill City viMted at the Thomas Smail hf Scio. See Cha*. Chrx, M. C. Kellv and family have mov- business leaving here about one Bilyeu ami C. C. Bilyeu left Monduy More than 500 families have set­ Scio Oregon. chtf el fiom route two. S*lo, to Water-*o'clock they were in Portland by night on a week* hunting trio in tled in Oregon during September, 20 being reported from Allmny. ac­ Farm Loans Money at with l'*o. four, and returned about midnight. Southern Oregon. nominal c •mmlaston; prepayment E D. Mvcra attended th«- Linn- et rding to a report just mad«- by privilcdgi s after first year. Wm. Benton county Bankers Association the S'ate Chamber of Commerce. Bain. Albany Ore. H-c The many frien-1* of tVimod -re meeting and banquet at the Hotel Brown will lie named to learn that Albany Tuesday night. r S„ Potato«*, first class in Mr. and Mr*. F. V. Bursike are 1 hi* recent illne« has cau*ed him to every particular. Market price. receiving congratulations on the ar­ lose hi* mind ami he wa« taken to Ai«<> *ome rye seed. rival at their home on August 31, of the state hospital at Salem Tuesday. <.... ("ha- Chrx, Scio, Ore. 4-tf. J. W Merrill. Vilas Arnold. J. a baby girl, Helen Mayme. Hugh Worley and wife ami daugh­ Chastain. Artie We»tenhou*e. Frank Walnuts if you want Franquet V. alnuts at 25c and 30c a pound, ter Marjorie, of Salem and Newton Sommer, Guy McKnight. IL Borm leave your order now. Will de­ vicka. Is*«>nard Gilkey, and A. C. Crabtree and wife of Albany visited li. er a>M>ut l>ec. I. See W H. Vernon took advantage of the rainy Mr». Aimina Pomeroy Sunday. Bartlett, Scio, Oregon. I2p dav Tuesday and carne to town. Born—Tuesday morning. October 7. to Mr. and Mr* Roy Shelton of For Sale Some High grade Jersey Boy Break* Arm c>w -i. will frtuhen by October 15th. Salem, an eight pound aon. First Several go...i weaned pigs at J3.00, grandson of Mr. and Mr*. E C. Shelton. He ha* been name«! Reid and --me good brood sows Also Lawt Friday while playing with an LeRoy. winter apple« on the tree at 50 express wagon Richard Schaffer fe I c« tits. A. C. Vernon, Scio. Ore. Joe Mlynar, who live* on route I and broke his arm. Hr broke the near Jordan, last week completed hi* examination for citizenship, ami same arm about six weeks ago. Richard is the six-year old yon of done so well that Judgr Kelly could not help but pay him a high compli­ .Mi. and Mr« Adolph Schaffer of Mr« D C. Thoms is specialising ment a* he gave him hi* pa;>«-r*. Condon, and the family were visit­ in Bleaching Facial I'acks, Scalp Because of failure to come before ing Mr«. Schaffrr1» sister. .Mrs R<>se Treatments ami Manicuring. Condenser?, Scio, Oregon the judge on three successive ex­ I'hone for Appointments amination*. the application of Anton Gibbon* at Shelburn Mr*. D. C. Thom*, o *..u.^. They left for their home Tuath«-ra, received only a grammar c! »1 education, that such titucHlion is gcxxl ,-nough for them. A High Schoo! education is m-ct-ssary to enable on« u> earn his own way success fully in the world. Jn order to be a sue- Ce»s in any occupation, on«- must be able to think and expre»» himself clearly, in oreier that he may be understood. Since such cd- ucatien is ntresaary shy not receive it in Scio High, the «chool t»ur frtemis are pay­ ing for, for u» to appreciate? It is as good a seh jel as any other school of its site. A full course is offered in each of the following selijeect»: Eiiglimh, science, hietory, horn«- economics and mathematics. A toures in manual training is also being given this year. Several »tu«ienta who should be attvii«img school here are going elsewhere tawauiwi, some of them say, of the following subject": English, science, is only what l!ie stud. tiL* them»e|v«-s make it. There fore, why not conn- to »chool here and improve it, because it isn’t your whool. its you ’ Ruck: “What’« the difference in Mae and and apple ?” Gu«: “you have to »queere an apple to get chirr (»air her! and you have to get ■ide her to squcrac her." ■ I ata- ’ *.* • • * - I * • - » Á a ‘