The Scio Tribune T- T- .................... I we all joined the picnic near the WlCt »1 Spoil ElKlIM it lit CU| H Sot Crabtree bridge, where there were To th« Legal Voter* of the City of SANTIAM FARM NEWS J 10 earloads (some 40 |»-r»'n») for I Scio: Notice ia hereby given that on Friday, an uld-faahloned time, with a long Oct. 7 table loaded fr»m end to end. all the 24th day of tk-toler, 1*34. a »iwcial I election of the l.-gal voter» of Mid city The old Fie Eater 1« a* good a« were filled to overflowing and plen­ of he» will beheld commencing al.igl I ty left. Four game* of h'i* -h ><- o’etoek A m. ami continuing until eight new »mce hi* trip to Portland. p. in of ««Ml day pursuant U Sunday waa a reminder of the 4th were soon in fuil swing, ao every­ ’ o'clock Or hnanc- No. 1*1 of said city which thing was a* lovely as the day w»i of July, aa our good neighbor* run |>a m t a »ur prise on the old people by com­ ideal, a day long to I h > remembered September, 11»24, and was approved I y ing in with well filled basket* and Such gathering* remind me of my the Mayor on the Hth day of Septan 1*34, for the |>u rimae of aubmitt , Ix-xea. aa they were aware the San- younger day* when all were neigh­ her, to the legal voter* of »aid city for the bor* full of life and »H-iabie. But tiam Farm wa« short on eatable*, ao ' approval or rejection an act supplr »vti we all had a square meal al their nowaday* every fellow ia for him- t»l to the charter of «aid city, the ba' «-x|M-n»e. which wa« relished by all. •elf and to h I for the other fellow lot title of Which act t.igether wit' <> Ed Kalina will aoon lie done with form in whirh the same wiil ap|>c > Everyone was full of life, having a the othcial ballot ia aa follow«: time such aa v«u seldom read ubout hi* fall Seeding. A* he i* a rustler -pplrmentai C iri \ct ‘-ubinitt- i t and full of »nap in the Bible when Jonah swallowed the I egal \ vi y t'ie > ouncil: that whale The crowd were: Ja*. | Our «chool ia moving nicely under An act rrferr, . I > >« -ouncil of the Milligan, wife, four daughter* and the *upervi«ion of Mi«« Deling: it c.ty of Scio »uppietii.'.i al to its Charter authorising and directing the council to tw» son*. John Crabtree wife ami ia email. It* scholar*. Unde Tom Smail has hi* Widow sell »ahi city'« cleet nr light anti power two children, all of Crabtree; Art I lent, elet trical distributing *y»tem and I a ttvnmau-r, wile and aon; Mr*. F»x Farm about complete i for his ill prupertiea used in connection then I wi«b with and granting and authoniing th Phoebe Turner of Crabtree, G. A. foxes, and has a fine pen -ouncil of »aid city to grant a franchise and ChtTord Griffin. After dinner. I him *uccesa. Miaa A nene Sniail is teaching a ; to the purchaser of «aid properties to maintain an electrical distributing ay»- fine school in the Richard*»>n Gap tern and »ell electric energy for all pur­ a ■ with a full house, as she is juitr an poses w ithin said city of hcio fc. o 9 ! expert in achool. Shall the Above Act be Adopted? i£ Our Oregon driaxle «till continue- Il*»------- Yr*. •3 « ||>1 No. which i* enjoyed bv ail. al*o the The |>ollmg place where »«id election : stock. Farming never waa « » rush­ bl ¿ will la- held in said city ia the City Hall ed a* it ia thia fall, « ! in >aid city on the north aide of Mill OOTLAND OREGON / 1-8 f AMERICA'S LIVE STOCK CLASSIC «< ar»l ,*• PsrVk- I. wm tK*a *«., fawu, .« !• A«sr,»a. »UM Xwhl Uuu *Urt>. ALL HAILMOAI»« Ask the Tribune about clubbing rates STOP That Cough 50c bottle Nyal Pine Syrup ivilh Watch for our GRAB BAG SALE Next Friday and Saturday □ G sS 9 >■ O c •- « , z — « « 'f 3 0 9 23 0 — at"* o> a -Ç A ** * X Kelly’s Drug Store « k 9 > vouKs koi { si : h V K i< F1F FATEH Henry Nolan was down from La­ comb Monday on business, and gate th* Tribune a pleasant call Hmry J ia the democratic candidate for the et rest of Main street Judge* of Mhl el.t li- i> aie Elizabeth ! 1 wing and E. Shelton. Clerk of ■ hl el- ction i» Audio W Myer». Mated October Wth. 1*24 Italic by order of the council of th- city of bcm. MVU> H a STV, City It.-eordvr of the City o f Scio. office of county clerk, and sat» he ha* t»een too busy ao far to make a F. A Wagner and family of Dal­ canvass over the county. He he- ia« drove ver Saturday afternoon : lieve* in newspaper adverliving «nd and ratorne.l Sunday. They visit- each new«pai»er will get to tell h>s • d Mrn Wagner‘a parent*. Mr. and message to its reader*. Mr» George Rodger*. • Make Our Store Your Store This Is Congoleum Week I«’ Oélober 6 to 11 Only for Groceries, Notions, School Supplies and Gents’ Furnishings. Our prices are no higher than others and lower than some. Come and see ns. * * Page 3 General Newa 9x10/í ix/- $14.85 9x12 “• $16.95 Regularly priced f 17 50 R< ,’u'nrly pri«<1 S19 85 1 hesc ara some of th« »pceial Cougdruni -»»!, W, • «. Pi i<. wl h I«- in effect from Octo" ber fl to 11 only, in Artaona. California. Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico- Oregon, Utah. Washington. Wyoming and El Paso, Texas. Live and Let Live,’ is Our Motto This little old town of Scio will give you U «nm«- -r-. ice, the -came price as any other town or city in anv other . lati- mentioned above. Don’t Overlook Rocking Chair J. F. WESELY, Grocer Special* All Kind* Ib-nting Stove* Buy Now R. M. CAIN SCIO, OREGON « i When in Need of an Umbrella Can l.ù2o to Saturday, Get. 11 We will give you * 10% Discount on HEATING STOVES N. 1. MORRISON The Scio Cash Produce Fred Mumpers, proprietor. Card of Thank* We wish to thank our many < friends for their kindness ami word* of sympathy ami for the beautiful Moral offering* for out brother. W Leffler. Mr«. Mattie Thompson Mr«. Minnie Montgomery James l>-ffler John F. Ixffler Charles Leffler Thoma« Leffler Ivan larffler Clarence Leffler George Leffler Heavies ...17c Light.« 8« We have installed our Cream Tester, and are ready to rt c«tw your Cream and pay you the top pnee. Hight st Cash Price for Eggs, Poultry, Veal,et<- Service with a Smile Open Wednesday and Saturday night* until 8:30. other eve­ nings by appointment. Wiil pay Ic more in trade for egg*. Full line Feedsand F>'ir Ford Sales and Service Haptiat Church Note* Genuine Ford Batteri« «. wood ca-«-, $16.50 $18.50 Ford Batterie*, rubber case Brother Waehlte will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday, At the evening service he will talk on Revelation*, which will oe illustrat­ ed by * colored chart. The Junior Endeavorer« will meet at the Baptist church Saturday af­ ternoon al 2:30. Batteries repaired by an experienced Batteries repaired on battery man Ford schedule. Bring in your battery and give us a trial. Sunday «chool at 10 o’clock every Sunday morning Everybody ia In­ vited to attend. Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at 7:00. Bible study and prayer meeting every Friday night at 8. Come. WE ARE PAYING FOR LIVE POULTRY: Broiler*... .17c I Tony Fallu*. S. F. Zyaret and J. F Wearly went to Taylor. In South­ ern Oregon, Monday tn hunt deer. FRED T. BILYEU The Ford Garage Phong 27, Scio, Oregon LD CM £ 12 J Ì Bilyeu’s Confectionery lee Cream Soft Drink* Fruita--Candie* Lunches OQ Tobacco* - ■«. 1A •- 4 A *». » ? *• » *• - ■ V M -f J '* • * - T *■