The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 09, 1924, Image 1

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    Vol. 2H
No. 9
| 1.76 the Year
Reunion of Pioneer Family
In Memorium
Leone Rebekah Lodge Number 84
Sunday. Oct. 5. relatves of the
John J. Crabtree family held a re­
"Whereas, the Great Ru er >f the
union on the old donation land elaim Universe has removed fr -n our
4 miles south of Scio, on the banka
Lodge our Belov««d Brother. Eugene
of the Crabtree creek
Under the
large insole tree*, with their beau­ Miller, by the messenger of death,
tiful golden foliage. was a long table we bow our heads in sorrow a* we
spread with the beet of good things submit to the will of Him who holds
to cat and decorated with beautiful the destinies of us in his hands Be
This family is one of the
it therefore
pioneer families of the county, lo­
"Reaolved. Thnt the D'dgc ha* I >»t
cating here in the soring of 1846.
after croasing the plains with ox an upright and faithful member and
teams. A part of the old log house 1 brother, his daily waik amt action*
built by John J. Crabtree atill stands i truly exemplifying Friendship, Love
and Fruth.
and is now used as a stable.
"Resolved, that we truly svmpa-
Five children of this early pioneer
family are atill living and were thixe with the grief stricken fs i v
in their bereavement, and thut we
present.They were:
Mrs. Elizabeth Gaines. age 84. commend them to cur Heavenly Fa­
ther. who doerh all things well
Scio. Oregon.
"Resolved, thst these resolutions
Mrs. Rebecca Morris, age 82,
spread on the records of thi»
S< io. Oregon.
Mr. Newton Crabtree. age 19, Lodge, a copy thereof tran-mit’r I
to the family of the di-crase.) Broth­
Scio. Oregon.
and a copy published in the S • o
Mrs Phoebe Turner. •g*
Jennie Ewing
Crabtree, Oregon.
Dell Shelton
Mrs. Martha Smith, age 72. Leb­
Emma Oupor
anon, Oregon.
other relative* present making
the numtier 50 or more, were:
S W. Gaines, Frank Sommers ami
fannlv. Art Ijettenmaier end family.
Dave Horsburgh and family. Clif­
ford Griffin. John J. Crabtree, all of
Scio; J. W. Young ami wife. John
Crabtree and family. J. Milligan and
family, all of Crabtree; J. G. Reed
ami family, Julius Merry, F. L.
Smith. Mrs. Ina Peiffer and two
sons, all of l^ebanon; J. L. Mcl’ov wife of Walla Walla. Wash ;
Dale Probat and wife of Albany.
Next year the reunion will be
held on Sunday, June 21. when a
m-rmanent organisation will be et-
fected and officer* elected.
Dierdorff Lodge. No 54. I. O.O. F.
Whereas, the Great Ruler of the
Universe has removed from our
lodge and fellowship <>ur beloved
brother. Eugene Miller, by the me-
senger of death. We bow our brails
in sorrow as we submit to the will
of Him who holds the destinies of
us in His hands
Be it therefore
Resolved. That the lodge has lost
an upright and faithful msmlvr and
brother, his dailv waik and actions
truly exemplifying Friendship. Love
and Truth.
Resolved, That we truly »vmoa
this« with the grief stricken family
in their bereavement, and that we
eommend them to our Heavenly
Father, who doeth all things wed.
Yesterday morning, at th* family
Resolved. That these resolutions
home, 8 miles southeast of Scio, b** spread'* on* "the 'r^.rds~of this
Madora Sargent, beloved wife of lodge, a copy thereof transmitted to
Charles F. Sargent, passed away, the family of the decram .i brother,
cancer of the liver being the cause and a copy published b« the Sci >
of her death. About two years ago Tribune.
J. F. Ou por.
she underwent an operation for the
removal of a cancer on her breast,
Oth<> Wallace
which was successful. An autopsy
M B. Mom
was necessary to properly make out
the death certificate.
Asks Stores to Decorate
The d«-craaed was born In Law-
r -nee. I<»wa, Aug. 6, 1869. and was
Scio. Oct. 6. 1924.
therefore 55 years. 2 months and 2
day* old at the time of her demise. To the Business Men of Scio.
With her husband she came to this
Gentlemen: On October 25. Sat­
community to live about IS years
urday. the district convention of
ago, and leaves many friends to
the Independent Order rf Odd Fel­
mourn her loss.
The funeral will be held at Salem lows will be held at ' io, all day
but the time hail not been decided and evening. A gr»nl manv visit­
when we went to press.
ors will tie here fr< o Salem. C<>| val-
lie. Albany, Harnsburg. Browns­
ville, Slavton, Mill CHy an.l other
It is n quested bv the Odd
Dr. Poling and a double quartet Fellows of S'io that the tiU'iness
from Albany will go to Mt. Pleasant tpen decora’«- their places of busi­
ness for the occasion. The colors of
on Friday evening, Oct 17. and at
the Order are while, blue and red.
8 o’clock give an entertainment. At
Verv truly yours.
the close of the entertainment, pies
A. G. Prill, Mayor.
will be sold. Everybody Invited.
Mrs. C. T. Craft, a pioneer of the
Ijirwood community, died last Fri­
day and was buried Tuesday after*
noon. Owing to our inability to
see ai.y member of the family we
are unable to give any particular*
W<- hope some one will give us her
obituary for next week.
Cusick ¡lank Building
Albany, Oregon
Plate* That Fit
Salt Lake Splendid Hott«
Former Resident Dies
Died, at her home near Prosser,
The regular monthly meeting of j
the city council was held last Thurs­ Wash , of uric acid poisoning and
day night, all members being pres­ complications. Monday evening. Sep­
ent except Couneilmen Bartu and tember 29. Celia Emaline Hart, be­
loved wife of M R. Hart.
The reading of the minutes wrs
Celia Emaline Smeltxer was bom
approved ami the regular monthly near Scio, Oregon, 46 years ago on
bills ordered paid.
July 24
She was married to Mil­
Only a part of the budget com­ ton R. Hart on January First 1895
To thia union eleven children were
mittee met with the council, and a
special meeting was set for Thurs­ born, seven girls and four boys
are living and were at her bedside
day night. Oct. 16. at 7:30.
An ordinance permitting the city except two who arrived in time for
to establish a sinking fund wherehv the funeral, which waa held a! Pros­
a certain sum may be set aside each ■ ser. Inleament was in the I 0. 0.
year to take care of our bonded in­ F. cemetery.
Besides a loving husband and
debtedness as the bonds come due.
she leaves four brothers.
was introduced and rea«i first lime.
A poll of the city was ordered Jasper. John. George and Jake Smel­
taken so as to know how many legal ler; and threw sisters. Mrs. John
voters are in the city. This was Kiphart, Mrs. Mae McNamanee and
made necessary in order that each Mra. Ephriam Piatt, to mourn bei
may receive a pamphlet concerning departure
She was a true, affect­
the proposed sale of the city's pow­ ionate wife, a kind and loving moth-
er, and only those who mourn can
er plant.
Mrs. Sam Stoller and Mrs. I. V. know how we'll mi*» her, how this
McAdoo were named judges and parting gives us pain; But in Heaven
Mrs Mylo Bartu clerk for the city we hope to meet her, where we'll
never part again.
election on Nov. 4
On account of the willow* becom­
ing *<> thick on the creek banks on
Infects Baseball Too
the Thomas Creek Lumber Co.’s
Monday night was the regular
monthly meeting of the Community
Club, and the Salt Lake district,t»
miles cast of Brewster station, wa
"mine boat."
Over a yeat ar « .he school house
burned to the gi >u -d, and a magni­
ficent structure of the bungalow
tyi>e has taken its place. There is
an abundance of light, well finisher,
interior and convenient bookcases in
the walls and a recess for the plan >.
This building was erected at a total
cost of 12500. The meeting was
also in the nature of m dedi cation.
After a select i i bv a four piece
orchestra. President Frank Smi'h
called the meeting to order with a
few appropriate remarks, snd ( >••'.
introduced Leonard Gilkey. for me i
president of the club and later man
ager of a successful Linn county
Mr. Gilkey explained why he
tielleved in community elubs and
community meetings, saying they
formed the nucleus around which a
community progress was attaim-d
and opporludity was afforde«! to get
better acquaintril with each other.
M. D Shanks of l^>ban«n was the
principal «peaker of the evening.
He is a pleasing talker and alwavs
has a good story to clinch his point,
lie paid a glowing tribute to the
patrons of Salt ixike district for the
tin ■ new school building, and said
the beat material for achievement in
Amrrican life comes out from the
country school. Hr would have the
constitution of the United States
diligently studied in all schools and
also proper homage paid to the flag.
J. C. Mayer of Lebanon, R. M.
Cain of Scio, J. L. Davenport of
ljirwixxl. the contractor who built
the school, Mrs. MeLood, Mrs, Zeib,
and several others, also made short
Mrs. Karr and Mrs. Zeib sang two
iM-autiful duets, a clarionet solo, a
cornet solo, a cornet and baritone
duet, and a recitation bv a young
lad named Edwards, furnished an
evening of entertainment and edu­
The next meeting will be held at
the Bergen school house, northeast
of Scio, on November 3d.
property, and endangering the citv
The great national game, baw-
from floods, the city marshal was
ball, could not escape ils scandal on
instructed to ask tbe company to
the eve of the series to determine
remove them.
whether the New York Giants or
Tlw several dangerous sidewalks
the Washington Senators should I*
in the city again came up for dis­
the world champions, and a c-mplr
cussion. At present the city Is
of good players were "framed” or
powerless to construct them and levy
had allowed themselves to l>ecome
the cost and Collect with the taxes,
thirties to a plot to "throw” the
but has absolved itself from liability
game so the gamblers could make a
when it notithd property owner* to
clean up on the series.
rrl’a,r ,,r buMd D*ar,Jr ,w" *ear* a*°
The people of this good old world
When somebody pays damages a lot
are so skeptical of each other that
of people will build walks
Do it
we seem to enjoy "tearing” (he
now, and save money and worry.
other fellow to pieces Cnlil we can
The council granted permission to
the manual training class of the believe the other fellow is a* honest
high school to use the upstairs ut as we want him to think we are no
the city hall for its work.
game of sport, politic» or religion
will be free from scan I . s Baseball
Undergoes Operation
is the best sport game io the world,
and the large salaries are mainly
County Commissioner D. C. Thoms responsible for 'the *<<*n>lals that
was taken very ill Saturday night creep in. Plav the game for th«
He seemed in his usual state of sport, not the money, and l>asel»all
health during the day. attending to will tie clean
his duties at Albany and attended
the meeting of the 5>cal I. (). O. F.
To Preach Sunday Morning
Franklin Gilkey of Scio was awnr-
lodge in the evening, returning to
the silver loving cup offers«! by
his home al*out It o'clock. Soon
Rev. J. V. Stewart will preach in Sigma I tel la Chi, professional jour­
after he retired his suffering be­
the Christian church Sunday morn­ nalistic fraternity, for the moat ef­
came so intense that he and Mra.
ing. The subject of the setm »n ficient new*writing of last term.
Thoms decided that he should be ta­
will lie "The Call, the Promise, the Mr. Gilkey, who is a senior in agri­
ken to the hospital at once.
Lament." We will be glad to see culture. won out over many com«
They called Frank Bartu to drive
[ petitors.
all who can come at this service.
for them and started to Salem at
about 1,30, where he was operated
upon soon after their arrival at the
hospital, his trouble being a double
Is 13 Years Old
The Tribune phoned his physician.
Misa Bessie FreJerick gave a par-
Dr. IL beon. yesterday afternoon to
tv at her home last Friday afternoon inquire aa to his present condition,
■ I
la honor of her 13th birthday.’ and he reported him to be doing
Games furnished amusement for the
guests until a late hour when refresh-
H's many friends hope f<r a
menIs were sei ved. Bs-seie received
speedy recovety.
a number of beautiful presents.
Those present were: Marjorie and
Helen Herman, Viola and l<e»na Zn-
vodsky, Annie. Marv. Agnes, Chnrles
and Johnnie Becieika: Irene. Zelma
and Evaline Pelan; Johnnie Pri pal.
Willie, Henry, Joe and Marv Mad-
uras. Sylvia and Helen Frederick;
and the hostess
“ The Covered Wagon
The Star Theatre
Crown and Bridge Work.
Platea. Filling«, Pa in lean
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
City Fathers Hold Meeting
A letter from Mrs. L II. Ramsey
of Oregon City announces the birth
of a baby girl on September 12
She has been named Dorris Helen.
R M Phillipa and wife visited Mr.
Phillips' sister. Mrs Grant Davis
and familr, at Silverton Sunday
James, the five days old baby of
Mr. and Mra. John W Vans, died
last Friday.
7 hursday,
Novelty Dance at
Tumble In”
2| mile* north of Albany on the Highway
Saturday Night
Beautiful Kewpie Doll* given away Fr«*e every 80 minute*. I
Get up a party and come.
New Music. Dandy Floor.
Everybody is going.