The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 04, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    Kbe Scio Tribune
Locai .Ÿeirs and Classi fad
Page 4
Mrs. D. C. Thoms soent Saturday
Chester Coffey was over from Mc­
in Albany,
Minnville .Monday.
Mrs. Otto Dill and baby visited
Art Shelton is building a new ga­
Mrs V. A. McKmght Monday.
rage on his prorerty.
Mrs Emma Cyrus of Portland^
Mr*. E A Wagner of Dallas vir-
R V. Combe waa down fram Jor
«pent the week-end at the M. B ited Mrs. A. W. Hair#» Thursday
dan Sunday looking for vetch seed.
Cycrus home.
D. C. Thom« «nd wife «(»ent Sun­
“Aunt Becky" Morris, who broke
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bilyeu are the
day «nd MonJay with relative« in
owners of a new 1926 Star car. which her arm a week ago Monday, is get-
they bought Monday.
ting along nicely.
A great many Selo people were In
H«rvey H. Crumes and wife of
Mias Freda Thayer has returned
Albany Saturday to take advantage
Mabie visited relatives and friends from a week’s visit at Canby. Ore­
of the “Dollar Dav“ «alee.
her# and at Shelburn over the week-1 gon City and Portland.
Mrs. J. F. Wesely, Mrs. Charles cri(j
Wm. Knaf and wife of Camas,
Pletka. Mias Rose Wesely and John­
Mrs Ines Stoddard. J. W. Gainea Wash . spent th# laibor Day holidav
nie Wesely were in Salem Tut < lay
and Glenn Allison of Portland were with Art Shelton and family,
E. E. Parrish wsa down from the in Scio on busmens over the week
th< mBtI on
power plant Sunday on a short visit I *n<*-
route 4 while Rolla Shelton was
He says It is a lonesome life one
Francis Arnold and wife and son. • week-end trip to the coast.
leads up there.
lair ), of Wheeler spent the week-
Prof. Wautenpaugh and family
Ijacomb is laying the foundation
end with Mrs. Arnold smother. Mr*. move<j ¡o j^(() Monday and will re-
for better display than ever at the
N. E. Gill,
side in the Baptist per*>nau#
county fair. They are alive to what
Mrs W. F. Gill went to McMinn­
Mike Kelly returned the last of
advertising does fur a community
ville Monday afternoon to spend a the week from a several weeks out­
Born -Sunday Morning. Aug 31 fPW days with her sister, Mrs. Ches-
ing at Bri ten bush hot Springs
to Mr. and Mr*. Chester Coffey of ter Oiffey.
Frank Morris, wife and daughter.
McMinnville, a Ib-poumi l«oy. Mr«
M im Myrtle Donovan of Portland Bernice, of Portland visited P. I!
Coffey is a daughter of Mrs. V. A.
•tw nl the week end at the home of MacDonald and family Sunday.
McKmght of Scio.
her parents. Mr. ami Mrs. C. M.
W. F. Gill and wife. M im Josie
J. W. Houck and wife of Port- iDopovan.
tan and Ea'h#r McKmght spent
land, wbo came up to attend the
Dr. Tweed was called over from Sunday and Monday at Cascadia.
funeral of J. T. Curl, remained over
Lebanon one dav last week to look
• few days to visit Mrs. Houck’s
E E. Chandler, linotype operator
- after an injured colt belonging to
brothers. J. W and E. E Parrish.
on the Albany Democrat, called on
Frank Thayer.
friends in Scio Monday afternoon
Errol Simt and family came over
C. t . Hunt and wife of Lebanon
R. M Cain and family ani Mrs
from Mt. Angel Sunday to remain v ictted Seto friends for several days
over Labor Day. Errol la employed the tetter part of last we ek and the Frances Weoely and daughter. Row.
were sight-aeeiog in Salem Sunday.
io a garage there, and ordered the fir st <-f this week.
Tribune »0 as to keep tab on borne
Mias Myrtle Hollis is leaving this
Fxi Keene. wife and daughter,
morning for Mt. Angel, where she
Laval. drove up from Salem Sunday
will attend St Mary's Academy this
to sp nd Ijitior Day with Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Munker*.
Mr*. John Wesely and Gordon
Marcelling, Shampooing,
Ray Baker, wife and soo. Lkioel,
and wife returned Monday
Scalp Treatment«, Facials
in.l J. Fitter and wife, all of Port­
evening fro.n a short visit in Port-
and Manicuring
land. vi-itrd at the J. P. Munkers’
Phone for Appolntm->nl*
Monday Lirenoon.
Mrs. D. C. Thoms,
Mrs. Fred Ohlemeier and M immi
Dr. Cotell, Dr. Garrimm and Per­
Vella Hrenner and Dorris Weddle
cy llargold of Portland visited J. L
attend«! a show in Salem Monday
Kelly Sunday. De. Cotell is an old
schoolmate of Mr. Kelly.
F. K Shelton and family spent
J. C. Edward* ami wife came Fri­
Sunday and Mooday with Mr. Shel­
day to visit Mr« Edwards' mother,
ton’s stepfather, F. B. Frost, at
Mrs. N E Gill. Mr. Edwards re­
The Year's Best Comedy
turned to Grant* Pas* Munday.
Globe - Albany
Sunday,Sept 7
Douglas MacLean
(«tar of “Hottentot”)
Count ’em!
1000 Ijtughs!
Coming :
Chon. Meighan in
< Pied Piper Malone’
Mrs. J. L. Rodgers and daughter, j
E. J. Holland and wife spent the
week-eud at Portland and Camas.
Wash. Fl G. Arnold and wife ac-
couapanied them aa far as Portland. <
Women « Misses and Childrens
Clothing and Halxrdaahery
Cool, Clean Milk
Prevents souring. Avoid this
loss by cooling quickly and
keeping milk where plenty of
fresh air circulates, preferably
in the open.
Oregon Milk Company
Condensery, Scio, Ore'fon
<«. IMS. Weatw* A*««S*ew VMM *
Monnt Lessen, which geologists •r*
plsased t» term “a <tyl<>< votesno," is
located la the southeastern part of
Htiasta county in northern tallfomla
lessen. *taioli 11« tsrtween the cn,!s
ef two mountain ratigc« m-ted far arid
«Ide for the benvty of their scenery —
ft,«- Sierra Neradas ami the C
• rise to a height of 10 4rt» feet, and
has the rti-’lnrll«*» --f Seng tl •• ■ nly
voles ho located within the conlin-of
our Fnlted States that may !># r<e
gardcl as betns st all active.
Although there were outward In­
dication* of the fart that tremendous
Internal heel continue«! to prevail,
with the esre|.tlou of ti»e cacefm of
*<-rne smoke or atram at somewhat Ir­
regular aa well aa infrequent period«,
no aerlon» eruption had rwrtirre-1 for
ao long tal-out two erntarica) that the
¡■resent «••«»enitlun of th«- world st
large has pr»ri|«*lly forgotten that
there wss such a p#ek as Maaen, let
alone the fact that It had volcanic
<'<in«e>|Uently, In 111 IS.
when Mount M«##n. with aurprlolug
euddeneaa t»r<»k# out In a *#1 I«-« of
violent e«|>h»l<»nB atnl eruption* which
attract«! the attention of the nations
of the world to It« doing, there was a
m h l> r histories and geographies to
p. tn» on thia mountain.
Although student« <>f volcanic ac­
tion couteud that recent sraptions
were feeble In violence a« compared
with thus# of long ago, bearby resi­
dents declare that these lst<-«t «»ncs
were terrifying to th# nth degree.
Tremendous, broad spreading columns
of den«e smoke were forcibly «•»-
pellet! from the crater; «mill stoma
were thrown a mile or more, many
bowlders not ao far. sand and IsVu
dust rain#«! down on the *mround­
ing country over a radius of two
miles. A blast of beat«-d g*a t->,-at>ed.
swept down a creek valley, melted ths
sn<>w and create«! a torrent.
The only possible night of the kind
In the i'nlted States, following out
Its policy of preserving the moat die
tlnguiabed <»f our scenic possibilities
“Fur the Ileneflt and Enjoyiuent of
tbs People,” congresa. In 1111ft. errete«!
ths peak and the volcanic and lava
fl eh! a, lake«' springs, and canyons
which surround It. In all 121 rtp’nre
mils*, as a national t«rk.
Farm l«>an* Money at
nominal commission; prepayment
priviiedge* after first year
(lain. Albany Ore.
r .- «;••
Tomatoes at 11.00 per
Phone your orders and
bring your containers.
Guy McKmght. 4-tf
For Sale “Western Cottage" organ
in «<--< shape and tune; coot 196,
take $47.50. See Mrs. E. B.
I .kenlm-h. Scio, Oregon.
5 p
Foe Sa ■
About eight cords good
oak w- > >d
Price $8.00 per cord,
delivered. See Charles A. White,
r ute 2, Scio, Oregon.
For Sale
Potatoes, first class in
every’ particular. Market price.
Also Some rye seed.
S • i :• «■ Chrx, Scio, Ore. 4-tf.
k > S i ■
- ■ i Ve ch (e'eaned) 4c
p< r il. . Vetch and Gray Oats,
(r tx i) ,li<-per lb; Rosen Rye,
2|c lb.’ Cheat. 2c lb.
Fann (HJ-rmsted & Riddle), fip
To m»«. ■ r m fur my pullets. 1 am
about 130 2-year-old
al bU cents each, that laid
? I • ggs in their pullet year, and
ar< aving o0 «»er cent now. Guv
.McKnight. i mile north of Gilkey
M ontana D fe
X» l-xJiKlut
One Policy
•> if* Mtunlain»
Two Live*
A Joint 20-Payment
Contract on
Husband and Wife
or on
Two Business Partner«
Take« the
J Kouba, who ha* been livine.
near West Scio, is bargaining for
J. D. Densmore. S. F. Zyaset, An­
the purchase of the property of
tone Fall us and Frank Shinoat left
Mr*. Nell Hollis-Bill eu on th# sooth
out of
Saturday on a hunting trip in
• side of Thomas creek. He moved
vicinity of Reueburg.
there Monday.
. .»
G. L. Flanagan, mail carrier oni
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Mclatin have
route three, is off on his annusl
Gl i» I FOR<«E, General Agent
received word from their »on. Har-
Mrs. Flanagan r* substitut­
Salem, Oregon
j vey. in which he says he ha* reach-
ing during his absence
«1 hi* destination at Burlington.
txx-al Agents:
Ira G. Morris and wife and Mr ¡(,wa. in safety, Mr Mellin will
E. ». AHNotn : Jos F. W mzi . t
and Mrs. Swan and Mrs Yeager of tPach ¡n Burlington tin* year
Portland visited over the week-end ——™_ ...
o> «o» <» o <» o» o «am i
with Mrs. Rebecca Morris.
Geraldinw. left Sunday morning for.
PorUanA Astoria and points along
the coaae to be gone a week.
For Sale T matoe*. ripe or green,
at 75c per bushel
See Ed Ru-
bc»h. j mile ¡north of Gilkey Sta­
Mr* Oscar Lindlev and Miase*
M«rv and Ina Donovan drove io La­
comb. I«rl>anon and other points in
that vicinity last Thursday after­
Mrs. Paul l-arden returned from
a short visit to Portland last Friday
accompanied by her sister. Glenda
Summerlin, who remained as her
guest until Tuesday morning.
W*rt»e j Work of any kind.
John Legner. Scio. Oregon.
H. A. Stepanek, who works with I
a Southern Pacific bridge crew, is
taking advantage of a week's layoff
i* that he is doing some repair work
ow hi* house.
Harrisburg has raised 1500 for
its community fair to be used for
premiums and taking the communi­
ty eihibit to the county fair. They
are doing it on a big scale down
Frank Zavodsky and family, Mary
Harmon and Edward Prospal left
Sunday morning for (fervallia.where* 1
they l>«gan work in the Johnson
prune dryer Monday.
Frank and
Edward have positions aa head dry­
ers and Mary will tray.
J. H. Hartley, who live* on the
Jorv Gaine* place, has leased a dairy
ranch at Kelso. Wash, and will'
move there as som as he can clooe
up his busine«* hare. His son is tak-
msr ear* of the cows at preoent ;
Thar bo«* a hoed mf about SO eowa. I
“A Liberal •«>.«• Practical
In the several pursuits and |>rof«-w»i««n* in life
Through the following schools and <tepartm#nta—
1 lie Schoo) of Basic Arts and Science«
(Art, English, public speaking, modem languages, history, the sciences)
Providing the foundation training ui>oo ahrch technical specialisatieo is
I he Ten I echnical School«
df.i«u/(«rr thirteen department*
(B.8.. M.S. degree»)
Co«»«»?«, «—four d«-pnrtments
(RS. degree)
£n«fne«nn<- »even devarttne t*
(U.S., M.S. degree*)
Fer»by two department*
(B.S., M.S. degrees;
M wm Ecaoa«««*- five departments
W-»I three departments
iH.K. degree)
(B.I*., M.S. degr«-«-.)
PkaOMr, —
(B.S., Phy.C d«-gree»l
I «autr.vio/ f «uxafam- 5 drpnrtm'ts
ill S.. M.S. degrees)
Ck«ew«a/ La0am ng
(B.S. degree)
I/ m >< w « v .*«»•# r »nJ TatN<r-t> units
(R.S. «legre#)
Th# training inchxle« ¡«hymral e«!ue*tx-nal. >i»luatr(*l journalism, social
•eietx-ea and music. Entrance and graatuatH n re«)uiremenU ar* stand­
ard. Through th# usual rating organisation-, th# College is accredited to
the beet graduate seh<Mi|* m \men- a
Stinlent life is esceptionally wall
organized to develop Meal* of leadership and service to the common­
AJau»»«.* at Fmkaes Seplewh** 21. 1*24
Fa* lihutraled toafcki« »ad •#«>*« (atarwal««# »«.!• t#
O regon A c . r i c u l t
c r a i .
<’ o l l e g k