The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 04, 1924, Image 1

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    Vol. 2K
$1.75 the Year
Caravan Receives
a Royal Welcome
in City of Bend
Ha» Distinguished Visitor
Judge Chas. Johns, former mem­
ber of the Oregon, supreme court,
but now a member of the supreme
court. Philippine Islands, an-i who
last Thursday morning the much ■ is in Oregon on his vacation, and
advertised caravan to Bend started Mr. and Mrs Neal of Port o.d-i- i.t
on its journey to Bend to meet the . labor Day in Scio with Mrs Sarah
cilixens of that city. Prineville and Morris.
Judge Johns’ father waa in the
Redmond to bring about a feeling
that borders on eternal friendship, mercantile business in Sc. > 62 year»
and such a feeling was bern at the ago, and Mr and Mrs Morris were
big banquet at the Pilot Butte Inn in his employ before they wrr«* mar­
ried. The Johns family lived in the
that evening.
which is now owned and occu­
The writer was the <>njg represen­
Mr. and Mrs Ge rge M
tative from Scio on the trip.he being
with Judge Payne a guest of Waldo , Bilyeu on West Mill street, and it
Anderson of Albany. The trip both looked the most natural to him of
The judge
ways was made in safety, going by any building« now here
Eugene over McKenzie Pass and re­ attended school here, the building
turning over the Santiam Pass. In being on the ground now owned and
Thi*» is the
going over the lava beds, one won- occupieti by Dr Prill
d«-rs how any trip can be made in judge’s first visit to S< io in 42 year«
safety, but it is done. At one point
it is exceedingly dangerous, and mo­ Mill Ownership Unchanged
torist» are warned that it is their
Perswtent rumor» arc in circula
own risk. This road should be
closed until the danger is eliminat- lion, and half true, that th«* S-
ed. No better roads can be found lagging A Lumber C<> ba« charged
anvwhere than from the lava beds hands, the Th>-m«s Creek Lumber
Co., a recently organized
on in to Bend.
The object of the journey was to tion, being the purchawr-. It 1»
create an interest in the Santiam true full agreement has ht-n reach­
Pass road and which would shorten ed. but there remains much detail to
the route to the Willamette valley
for the Central Oregon people by
several hours. It will also open up
a market for our products there and
their products here.
On the return trip we came beck
over the Santiam road, and this is
one of the moot scenic tripe Imagin­
able. While some of the hills are
quite strep, a car can make the trip
in safety. We stopped over night
at Clear I«ike and saw the beautiful
McKenzie river falls. Clear Lake is
a beautiful and picturesque body of
pure water which it is proposed to
harness and bring to the Willamette
valley for drinking purposes. It is
atid enough horse power is going to
waste there to turn every wheel in
the United States. Suitable legisla­
tion will be asked of the 1925 legis­
lature to safekeep this lake and loot
power for the people. On this sub­
ject we will have more to say later.
It does one good to see his own
■late, and every one at some lime
■hould mingle with others just to
find that all men are made just
you honest and sincere.
Bring us your job Printing.
playing their musical vaude­
ville act in conjunction with
the picture.
Ice Bound ”
At Star Theatre
10c and ISc
Riley Shelton and W A Gilkey,
road supervisor» in this «retion, are
busy a* lives in getting their road
work cleaned up Indore the rainy
season start* in. The new market
road from Gilkey to the Scio-
Jefferson road Is being ro ked and
graveled and the 3-mile stretch of
the Sct«f Mill Qty road east from
the Arnold school is living graveled
Good mads are a big asset to any
community, but if they are allowed
to deteriorate after building they
are a liability. Keep them good all
the time.
Communitv Fair
Draws Closer —
Sept. I 3 Is Date
be ironed out. and until this i* done
The date for our Community Fair
no money will change hand». As the
draws closer each day, an<l soon we
situation now looks, the deal mav
hope to be able to publish the pro
be complete«! most any day.
gram for the afternoon. However,
Work ha» been started <-n »lean­
if nothing else should be procured,
ing up the lumber in the vard« thus
the addres» of John L. Brady, editor
getting ready for a rush of work
of the Pacific Homestead, will be
when the change doe« come
| enough. He is practically a new
man in Oregon, but is an enthusias­
tic booster: he also knows the plight
of the farmer ami no doubt will
The most skeptical about the
i bring a real message to us.
flciency of the sign at Jcff«*r*»n *
Ix»«> Zeller ha« charge of the ex-
ing worthlew. w> far as directing hibits. and he wants all who are to
people to Scio is concerned, is now har- „hih4|a of any kind t0
beginning to see his misjudgment. 11Uch wllb him any eVtnin(r „ h<
One recent caw* is that of Mr an»i flS(( g
Mrs Deal of Seattle, who came for |
Ixonard Gilkey wi|| arl „ jud|re>
Sign Points the Way
a short visit with Rev. and Mrs. C
E. Hedrick, who exp«—».- I to go t->
Albany and double b,«A. t>u - •
the sign at Jefferson aavnl them a
good many unnecessary
doubt many mor» have been thus di-
reeled to Scio by the sig and
will be.
Road Work Progreasing
Wednesday evening. Sept 10, at
six o’clock the contest for queen at
the Children’s Day at the County
Fair will come to an end. There has
b<-**n considerable interest so far
an-i more will develop, as can be
- • n by the standing of the little
lulu*« this week. A Coupon is pub­
lished on page 2 of this |>aper. cut
it out, write in the name of your
favorite, drop it and a jiennv in one
of the ballot box«-«. Al the stores
a vote ia allowed for every 10c cash
Hia Best Friend
purchase or for cash Mid on ac-
While County Engineer !«-onard count.
driving through Scio last Thors-
Beginning Monday, the standing
day he ran over Cale Parrish’» dog. ■ >f the candidates will be posted at
but luckily dl l not kill it or break the p-xtoftice each day watch the
any bones
The dog la particularly •core l>oard. The vote to Tuesday
fond of hi« muter, and that night, afternoon follows:
though sore and sick. managed to Edris Thayer.......
crawl to Gale'» bed«ide so a* to lie Lirraine Hixson
near him, from hit temporary Led Audry Bartu...
on the p >rch.
L>re<-n Arnold.
14 fl J
The friendship of a dog for his Evelyn Lindley .
master is without end
Noreen Sims ...
Dances Prove Failures
al the Z. C. B. J. hall that evening,
the proceeds going to the Commun­
Albany Store Robbed
ity Qub.
The Scio merchants will surprise
The Bikman store in Albany was you on that day. See their ad«.
the victim of thieves to the extent
of nearly $70< 0 on Wednesday night.
Leases Blacksmith Shop
August 27, and So far no clue has
been found
As the good» are such
George Chapman of Albany has
as are ha* led in store« of his kind,
leased the C. E. Kendle blacksmith I
it ia thought some one is u*ing the
■hop with an option of buying, the
robbery meiho«| to replenish his or
change taking place Monday, Sept
their stocsa. Similar attempts have
Mr. Chapman was formerly at
been made in Salem and other vai-
the Palace Feed barn in Albany
ley town«
Mr. Kendle will remain with Mr.
Chapman for a time, after which he
Roosevelt Adherents
plans to devote hia time to hi» ranch
.Mr. Chapman plans to move hi«
Monday morning. Sept. 1. a big
family to Scio as soon a» a suitable
bouncing boy baby, weighing 10
res dence san be obtained.
pounds, came to l-lew* the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwindt, near
This is their Nth child,
and >f Roosevelt was alive today he
would call them blcsaed. Mother
and babe are doing fine.
Saturday Saaday
Edward Carew
Baptist Church Notes
Bible study and prayer meeting
»very Friday night at 8
Sunday school at 10 o’clock every
Sunday morning. Everybody is in
vited to attend.
Christian Endeavor every Sunday
evening at 7:30.
he girl
«/ /A c
Aino a Comedy, entitled
Remember “The Cover
ed Wagon" Odi. 9 to 12
Velma Pelan ...
Ruth .Mai* Hannah
Eunice Jordan
For the purpow of raising the
necessary money to help in lefray
An at>|>eal ia also made by
ing the expenses of the Community
manngvinont of the fair for «-a *h
Fair at Scio on Saturday, Sept. 13,
■whool to lie 100 tier cent in attend-
two dance« have l»een given and
Ample conveyance« will to-
both have proven failures It seem»
provided to take the children ov*
that this section has lieen danced
<>n that -lay if the teacher« and ¡>
out, but it is qui.e probable another
<>nts will have them ready a i.
attempt will be mad»- on the night
o’clock «harp
Will this lie don-,
of th. fair.
teachers? It can lie if you go at It
f now.
Key. T. S. Mosher will (»reach at
The crowning of the queen and
the Baptist church on Thursday and her attendant«, the grand mar-h
Friday evenings of this week.
and Gov. Pierce’s address to them.
and the community singing led by
Dr Poling, will always be a pleas­
ant memory to the children.
He lt fut|y competent.
Keep up the interest in the queen
attendance. Our
^hoo| ,hou|d w)n and w|n if we
w.,rg for jt
Am„n(i othar things for a well
rouoded day w||,
People"» Theatre
Queen Contest
Ends Sept. I Oth
Interest Growing
At Z C. B J. Hall
Scio, Oregon
Saturday, Sept. 13
Auspice» Community Club
Ed Rubesh was in town Tuesday
on business
He was one of several
in this community who contracted
with the Albany pickle plant and
says he baa done real well, except
on No. 3 grade, on which he broke
even. Altogether he sold 15 tons
fr<»m three acres
Linn County Fair
September I 7-20, inclusive
Your Interests
Are Involved!
In the Linn County Fair to b« a PROGRESS FAIR?
This fair should be attended by every person living in
the county. It is in fact your fair. And the officers are run­
ning t for you. They want your as.<i.-’ance in making it a
fair that the whole community will be proud of. They not
onlv want your attendance bit they want you to exhibit
A fair cannot be made a suceesa without Hberal and tub-
stantial encouragement from the public and exhibitors.
While the management assure» that it will spare neither
time, labor or expense to make the fair a success, it wants
to be seconded by the liberal hand of the whole people, and
it is relying upon you and your neighbors and friends to
boost the fair in every way you can devise.
We hope to make this the moat marked and memorable
of any show ever held in Linn county.
We are ambitious to hold a fair that will have no superi­
or in its class and be the event of the season.
Do you approve of this? If you do, cooperate with us in
getting resijlta. Nut only be with us in the sgirit, but in
good works.
Lx - ■ »