■* * • * * • » * •e ■ /v. ■ « « « >•,.*** < • r. .’-A . i I' % 1 , * K 4 \ ,s* • • * • * ¿e. . •» . » • • ' • w 'A. - 'tar «*-« 9 -f . r . - V •• J*y7*L • • «*^l - a - L* ** **• • ! * >* ff** ’ - 7 •*. » * <• , * «a4 . • J • A «■■•*. — . , A ** a * » I .* ■ ■ « A - e ». * ,‘e»’ J • r • I • 4 • * • • • ■ I .• 7 /' i V ? « * * • ••• *rt-8 u»v -1 •* - • - k* f ’ **■’ t I Thia is What 1 think of any mother Now, when they are old. -By 0. L. 8. Aunt Emaline (Continued from page 1.) large assemblage aaked the Tribune Meepell’* "Aunt Emaline: gathered at Horsburgh'* grove Sun­ "We come today to gieet you. with day with well filled basket* of lunch your relative« and friend», on thia your 79th birthday that occurred on Aug. 13. to do honor to her on the occasion all wishing tto return to you for many of h«r 81st birthday. A feature of mor* years. Yet we, nor you. can res the dinner was a large birthday cake sonably hope to see you enjoy many ad<>rned with 81 candle*. e more happy greetings of this kind come Those present were I jm Bilveu to your life. apd wife and two daughter* and Time, yr I th its rapid change«, mark* Ito aad road In tho lives of all of us. their families; O. E. Pomeroy and Yet, I am glad that you have lived in wife and *<>n and daughter and their that peri«! of the world's history when families, and txiui* Conser. all of it has made its greatest progress and advancement. You have lived to *«»»• lebnnon; J M Miller, wife and two that of which your father and mother, children of Turner; J. N. Crabtree, and mine, never so much a* dreamed wife and daughter of Albany; Hugh -the telephone, the automobile. Hu Worley, wife and daughter of Sa­ electric light that turns dsrkn«-«» into lem; G. C. Pomeroy and family of day, the phonograph, aixl the radio, the grandest anti moat marvelous of all the Monitor; E (’. Shelton and wife. discovert«** since the world began, and Rolla Shelton and wife. Mr*. Oar* we rejoice with you that you have lived Griffin and l.yle Shelton, all of Scio, to are these thing« and rnj«*y some of and Thomas Smail and wife and them, and you could have enjoyed mure four children and one grandchild. of them, which you have bcm able fi­ Mrs. Pomeroy is hsil and hearty nancially to do. for h*r years and enjoyed the day We are also aware of the fact that ir the early pioneer days of your life you immensely. bad your hardship« and toil, a« they all had in those days, and yet jou can look Celebrate* 78th Birthday back today to the time when you was a care free, romping, hopeful girl; then David I’. Mason. pioneer druggist to the time when you plighted your life to ycur lover, and the time when child, of Albany, celebrated hi» 78th birth­ ren came into your home, one by otic, day Friday A dinner given in Ute and you were called by that sac rod evening at the home of hi* *>n, fol* name "Mother.” when you an«! your husband todroi hand In hand to cloth«-, town! by a reception on the lawn, feci and educate them in ihv common which waa attended by arvcral hun­ school; then to the time when they I*- dred friend*. Mr. Maaon waa born gan to leave you and take tothemsclvro in Jon« »burg. Mo., and came to Ore­ husband* and wives, and amid it all gon in 1K6S and <>|wned a drug »tore there has been aunahine ami »hmiow». joy and pain woven into your life's ex in Scio whi ’h he conducted until periencee that has plowed deep into 1878. when he entered the partner­ your brow the signs of age ami decline. ship of Forahay & Ma*on. in which You know, and doubtless feel, too. businea* he i« »till affiliated. that life has not many more years tob* added to your pilgrimage here on earth, and you ar* looking for wan I more ca GILKEY STATION j gerly a* the day*, months ami year« go by to the time when you shall enjoy the full fruition of that hope of a better August 19 world that came to you in early life, M im Adeline Schwartz, daughter which we all hope la true. And now,in your old age, as the sun of y«»ur life is of Mr. and Mr*. Fred Schwartz, of setting fast over the western sea. may thia place, and Clarence Swm*on of that hope grow brighter •till, I» the Millet. Alberta. Canada, took the wish of your fnemla, yWur children and train at Jefferson Thursday for Spo­ me. Dear Old Mother No wont in the English language Means quite «o much to me A* that little word spelled M o-the-r When she held me on her knee. We talk of pearl* snd diamonds. Of silver and shining gold. But mother outshines all of them Even though now she to old. When we were young and helpless The mo«t helplee« life of all, She taught our little feet to toddle. Picked u* up when ne woukl fall. And when we all grew older. Learned to lie. and cheat, and sin. Her eyes some time* would All with tears. But »be smothered her feelings in. their old home in Alliert* to live. The bride had not lived here many Joe Kitchen and wife. Ernaat Kelly and family and Mr*. Minnie Smith, who stayed for the week. Alman Moore and wife of Loa Angele* visited at J. K. Reiley** on Monday. Mr. Moore I* a *<>n of Will Moore, deceaaed. and lived here when a boy. He *till ha* a tender «not in hi* heart for hi« boy­ I Ruaaell Kelly and wife are visit­ Premium Lièi ing Ernest K*lly’*at Bohemian Hail thi* week. Mr*. Arthur Kelly and *i*ter, Eva of Portland, are «pending a week at For Community Fair at Scio on Belknap Spring*. Hell’* went Smith for peatrtve* Saturday, Sept. 13 near Salem Sunday. Will stoke* and wife ami Ely IVr sing and family, who have luwn via- Holt’*, left for their iling at T. M California home* Sunday. Claas 1 —CRAINS Owen lot 1 Stoke* wa* here visiting hi* parents 2 and has gone to Seattle. 3 4 Will Gilkey, Orville and Franklin, 5 and E. F. Krebs went to Portland 6 7 Saturday. Paul Bartnik, wife and 8 son I aw ren ce also went and return­ 9 ed Monday. 10 Hazel. Arnold and Lona Zymrt. 11 Lucille Sommer and Marian Gilkey 1 enjoyed a dub picnic and judging contest at Triangle lake in 3 4 5 ri 7 8 Lane county rhuraday. resort. The lake i* said to tie 90 a new summer feel deep. Mr* Arnold Sommer returned to her home in Ashland Thursday. Ruby Strong of Newberg haalxn-n spending aoma day* at Zy*M>t home. Matiei of here. the S. F. Florence Smith and Portland spent Sunday 1. B. Sertling. W. Struckmeier. B. A. Hol teen, wife and »on*. R McDonald, wife and daughter*; W. ' Young, wife and son«. J<>* Boyan- ovsky and wife, Royal Preever and wife visited at the Prokop home Sunday. Mr*. R. L Dunning and children I New* From Lyon*. bv her lady like way*, who Auguvt 19 wish the happy couple a long and Arthur Wiatt and wife of Salem pleasant journey down life'* path­ way. were week-end visitor* with their 8. B Holt and wife. T. M. Holt. nephew, Clint Surrey and family. Ely Persinga. Will Stoke*, and the J. H. Johnston and family were Slav ton and Scio caller* Saturday. The Pietrok Bro*, resumed work MonJay morning to finish thr«-*hing in this vicinity, beginning at Mr. Whitney*. Wallace Jone* was a Mill City vis­ itor Thursday. Mi** Ethol WycofT and her friend { 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 Ui 17 18 IV 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 2 3 4 t, >. 7 8 her last week. Mr* J. K. Reiley entertained her Sunday achool elaaa from Crabtree Wednesday afternoon. Twelve of the 18 member* of her elaaa attend­ ed. game* were enjoyed, and in the evening a delicious lunch waa nerved by the hosteaa. A. I.. Byrd and wife of Browns­ ville spent Sunday night at the J.H, Kelly home, a* they were returning home from the coast. Mr*. Kelly at Mr. Meiaer**. Dwight Meiner and wife spent the *+♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»* Dairy Facts All th* beans ar* native« <>f the tropic*, tender to frost. aud cannot be planted until danger of froala la over. • a a IXxi’t overtook audan *iwan when considering pasture crop* to carry th# rata and hog* through the droughty autumer month* a a a It I* well to u«e pall« with a partly revered top. becauar thia kvepa out AO per cent of th* dirt and other Import- tie* which would otherwise get falo the milk. an 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 • • Even la th* dairying centers dairy­ proAtnhle eicept where good pasture« are provided e e e Plan te have your soil t rated for acidity. The county agent will be glad to do tki* for you and to order your llmentoae and alfalfa seed. oo* tag Is not Mr*. ( A. Beauchamp and Mrs. 8co*r* always hinder the growth F. I. Joo** of Stayton visited at J. ' and *ut of the cnlf Heduc* Use feed tMediately at I eart half aad Harrv G. Holt * Monday evening returned hums with than First S»*con«l .50 $ .2.5 4H .60 .25 .................50 .25 . .................... 50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 . .50 .25 .50 .25 ................................. 50 .25 50 .25 Cl... 2—VEGETABLES * . ........ ............ .. B- »t 2 Cow Kale .25 R •> Stock Carrot« .25 »• Hr-At fi Table Carrot» .25 st B**#t <» Table B« *•<* .25 • • B<-rt (> Su^ar Brfta .25 »* 6 Mangels .25 *• B< rt fi Turnipa .25 •• • » Bert «'. Horm-radiah .25 Beal 0 Parsnips . .......... .25 B.«»t 2 Swi.» Chani .25 Bert 2 Cabbagi .25 Belt «> Pepper» .25 Belt Poumi Siring Beans .25 Ih «t fi Cucumlx r» 2* Beat 10 Tornati»«'» .25 Bert 2 Mu»km> Ion» .25 Bert 2 Watentvloi.- .25 Be»t 2 Winter Sua.i l> .25 Best 2 Summer S-|uiu>h .25 l.arv rat Stiuaah .25 l-argrrt Pumukin .25 Beat Pic Pumpkin» .25 Ilrirt Citrus .25 lb »1 10 Stalk» Rhubarb .25 Bert l» buah'-l Onions ___ .50 .25 Beat •» bu»hel 1-atr Potato« « .50 .25 Brut lv bushel Early Potato«.* .50 .25 Best Collection Vegetable.» 2.00 1 00 Cl..s 3.—FRUITS Beat Collection Fruits ........ ............. . ... -f«..VV < 4 Vb R Bert plate 5 Baldwin Apples Beat plate 5 Gravt-nsu-in Apples .25 »• Bert pint«- Jonathan Apples .25 •• Beat plate King Apples 25 »• Brat plate Rome Beauty Appi«-« .25 »• Bert plate Spitaenberg Apples .25 »• Bert plate Winter Buriana.» 26 •• Bert plate Newtown Apple 25 »9 Brat plate Ben Davis Appi.-*, .25 •» Beat plate Ih-licious Apph-s . .25 •• Beat plate ~ BellAnwer Apples .............. 25 •• Bert plate all other standard varietiea ...............25 • • Class 4 —PF.ARS Beat plate 6 Bartlett Pear» __________ _ 1 .25 •• lU.t plate s lie Anjou Pear« ...... .25 »» Br.t plate 5 Bo»c Pear« .............. 25 s. Brat plate 3 Clairgmu Pear» ........... .............. 25 •• / Bert plate 5 Comic« Pears . .............. 25 »• B. rt plate 6 I’ull Butter P Elberta Penches ............. 25 •• Beat plate 6 Muir Penche» ..... .25 •• Bet Peek Wh«-at. any variety Bert P-ck Oats, any variety. Bert P Pop Corn Bert 2 Head* Sunflower* larg-rt f> »talk. Corn $ a.«« a— plums Beat plate 10 Plums, any variety — .25 2 3 Cl... 7.—PRUNES Beat plate 10 Italian Prune« Best plate 10 Silver 1‘nin- Be»t plate 10 l*« tite Prune*......................... . ..... — .26, R .a« •• •» ti 1 2 3 4 5 0 Beat Beat Beat Bert Beat Bert I B. *t «y Nut« of Salem were over Sunday visitor* last of the week at Riverside canning and Ira Serfling of Silverton visited tie aches Mr* W. J. Kelly Monday. Mr. and Mr*. Fluhart of Iowa were visiting THB UM* Teacher "Is there any connecting link hetween the animal and vegetable kingdom?” Wille—"Ye*. ma'am. Hash." First Suter I'm going to tell klaae* at the charity ball tonight. Do you think ten cento apiece u too much to MGMT IM îlAkKMEa* chante for them? * Paw. what is a dar* recce«?” -ec . >d S i » ter—N o , I guess not. Peo- "Christmas vacation in an Eskimo |>l< expect to get cheated at theaechnr- rolh-ge, my so-i " ity affair*.- Washington Sun Dodger. • many •’Do they celebrate by giving a Snow Ball. Paw?” “Bedtime, »on. Wiaeoonn Octopus. r