The Scio Tribune General New* ----------- BBgBSSBS=---------------------------- 1 ------------------------- ■ ' . ..... Finest Steamer Sine2 Wai Launched for S. 1 To Improve Water-Rail Service to the We; eme Arm fivt-dcck Bienville as if appear uilien pleted. liner u>ill com­ At left. V im Dorothy R. Matron, TACOMA. July 1*.—Establishing what 1* declared to ba * as» speed record for convt ruction of such a large aad modern craft, th* ataamar llouvllle. new queen tor the South­ ern Pacific's Atlantic fleet. «a» launched today at the Todd Dry dock and Construction company's plant The kcal was laid months ajto The atcatner. which will carry both passengers and cargc on tha Impor into Naw Y k-New Orleans run. con nectlng with tha Sunset Limited to and from tha Pacific coast, is 4«& teat tn length. It I* to be the finest and beet equipped of any vessel launched since the war. Named for Jean do Bienville, noted French general who tn 1718 founded the city of New Orleans, the new steamer was sponsored by Miao Doro­ thy It Maison of West Mystic. Conn . attractive daughter of Captain C P. Massrm senior captain <>f the • era Pacific 's ocean a« » command the tl.«»rille Caplala and Mrs Ma.«« n a l daughter banded s road and stsam«! Ip «• ’ « clllc coast burnt»' -» turn w ■> *i Tacoma today f r the guests of J A > > of the Todd « c Th« < spread benoill» to the »••' I* coast from such consfrx t.on were emphasised It Is espseted tha Bit a > In readiness In Nove • r for n- trip to the Allaatl« • >•. *! to delivery to the S 11 , t ;» I'. i New York A will take her p tbs leet forming part <>f Un • dally Important route Pacific and Atlantic o> -ns The sieaui-r «■ In •■ «• I Competitive School Pageant • SANTIAM FARM NEWS ; + * ♦ ♦-♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ** + August 19 All the crops are in the dry, also all the baled hay. Geo. Griffin made a trip u Salem for his brother. Elmer, as he had bought a line thoroughbred Holstein calf, »e he called in tn see his mother, Mrs. S. W. Gaines, a few minute* and went on to latbanon so a- to return to Salem Sunday by train. Ed Kalina is hauling gravel, ce­ ment and lumber to build a fine po­ tato house, as he lost quite a lot of his spuds last winter by the cold Ihrec Valuable Prizes snap. Vncle Tom Smail and son. Tom. and David liorsburgh are graveling ------------ "1 NTINJ,1 PERT. This New Feature will be a Knockout .$r. Trank. Winch Send for your Jree copy of this book today! 9 The book tell» you howyoucan hunt on posted prop­ erty —how farmer and sportsman can gel togrdwr to their mutual advantage. Three-quarters of lhe hunting ground* is already ixMtrd. Where will you hunt this fall? Read lhe Look, "Hunting Posted Property”—it’s free. E. I. Dt PONT PE NKNOLHS A CO, Inc. Npocriaur Powder /hiiMoti WILMlM.r<>X Orj. It's endonmd by the County Superintendent of Schools, hy School Boards and Teachers. Linn County’* Children will be seen in floats, in original makeup«—they’ll !>«• rw n at their beat, which means that observer» will th«* fl»w«-r of American Youth! Pageant *nr I'rnKrantu ►. > rnor Pierce’s Addr»»*» MT Community SingiogfinrChildren’s Program »ar Ail thia scheduled on Linn Cvuritv’» Opening Day. The Schoot Not Re resented n the Pageant will be the Exception.,’ *