t <• • • • * / * * C . < » * •- i. « a.t’e • * ,V l»i • ' « ♦ v •• » • • N • ” V -<• s • • ♦ • >• • a % »..<. .e hoodwinked Into believing something that is is not. emphasis wax placed by Forks of the Santiam. Which is in the State of Oregon. August ¡I. 1924. Dear Me: I am trooly sorry I disturbed and sorter upact your equilibrium by letting you know of your popularity, but I shore didn't mean to do it I thol you knew it. Of course it'd make a feller sorter nervous to jump from olHicurity to notoriety all to oncet. but I think the "head of the house'' who looks like a pretty g«*urse Mrs Me will be head of the house when you get to Siam and she mav as well I m * gittin* use to it). ' »•’*,- * • I«et's mo *! It was Harvey who diskivered Woodrow Wilsoa, wasn't it? Anil now Biil Gillhooley has dis- kivered I V. McAdoo, but Harvey was made ambassador to the "Court of St. James" for his diskiverv, but where is Bill goin' to git off? Oh. yes, I know Me will need a private secretary when he gets to Siam and your Uncle Bill ia just fitten to fill that place. Won't we cut a shine when we git over thare tho. Me? No, don’t stand back of no 2x4 Pol­ itician, Me, just toM your hat in the ring, you are gwine thru shore. You'll git over bein’ nervous soon’s you git used to bein' called Hon. Mr Me. Jrxt keep cool and watch us run I ain't hearn anything more from Bob, but he'll put us over; see if he don't. Yours for Siam. Bill Gillhooley. I*. S. Say. Me. don't apeak of me as bein' a stranger. Why bless your hart I've nunl the McAdoo family all my life; they're all alike, if they can't git one thing they'll take too. But a McAdoo can manage 2 places better'n most of the fellers can a half of one Go ahead. Me. 1 no you well enuff. Bill. a Reconditioning Shop and Part« for All Cara.... ALBANY. OREGON Phone 87» going away OFFICE To Portland ¿z» round trip Jares $5.30 $3.75 to Portland and return. Sold on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Return limit the follow ing Tuesday. lo Portland and return. Sold any day. R< urn limit 15 J ». Stopovers any­ where. It> comfort, cone, »ience an.I safety make Southern I'.i irvicc v,orth more to youth nanyotl' in of transportation. I er full i mati n communicate with C. W. Bagg. !•» al agent Southern Pacific I ell the Advertiser you saw his ad in I he Scio I ribune; he’ll appreciate it. i i J. W. Nye Killed Basiss UTOD PP^HESSIOpiy, ItfLBY S!)6L(F0ï) Real I'.Uate lirolfcr and A otanj Public by rule« and regulations of bis state and local boards of health. Thia is not always the case in camps and on excursion« Persons who are ordi- darilv cauti >us about their drinking water at home. may become careless ami indifferent when on their vaca­ tion« Furthermore, many campers and tourists are entirely ignorant ot the dangers of contaminated water. No surface water should be con­ sidered safe until it has been tested in a competent laboratory, and a DR. C. WARD DAVIS I WNTIST First National Bank Building S uit «. O bmmim ^hlfutll Obtained, ¿lumintJ Io Igr ai I Plat. Work given prompt ÌCIO - - « OREGON and careful attention. Also Extraction W. A. Ewing, Lowe &, Morrison T. J. '¡unkerw. Vice Pre*. J. W. Nye. road supervisor in the Presiden i Rsliable Undartahera K. D. Myers, Cashier AU hnn-ru - g.vcn tM raunal attmtfor, Foster district, met instant death by Mr. lxiwr last Wednesday morning while at his 1 N. t". h>«l I. Moaaiaos work, when a rock fell from a bun-' I «-banon The Scio State Bank ker at the rock crusher near Foatev and struck him on the head, crush­ ing his skull. Mr. Nve was born at Sweet Home in lHtifi and had spent almost all hw life in that vicinity. He is survived | by his widow and three children, his j Does a General Bunking Business. Interest | on time deposits. Phone—bay, X»7 Ph. ne—Night. ;»a I'boiie 91 G. F. Korinek \ ( tt'l illfirilHI ■lAlmX. - . . OREGON t alia an- wi red Bay or A ight Tuberculin Testing mother and three brothers. Funeral services were held at the church in Foster Friday afternoon, and were attended bv mrml>ers of Dur good friend. Bill, has theliest the county court and a large number intentions no doubt, and agree with of relatives and friends. hun that the McAdoo clan is good at managing most anything even to Subteribr now. 11.75 t*r yr«r. the presidency of the United States, but s mehow the voters do not ao DR J. W. GOIN. Veterinarian. recognize us The local member of the clan was elected justice of the Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate Inspector. pace here two years ago, but he Phones:— Palace Feed Shed. IM J Residence, 800 R had no opposition. We're sincerely ALBANY. OREGON in hopes out friend ia sincere in hav­ ing Bob become sincere in naming PUBLIC SALE us minister to Siam, now that we're in the candlelight. Notice is hereby given that the under both Davis and Coolidge in their ac­ ceptance tptechts on the necessity of honesty in government. Thia ia a step in the right direction and show« they sense the feeling of the American people. In time* past, all State Board of Health parties have rewardci the largest contributors to the campaign fund SAFK WATER FUR TUCRWTH without weighing their fltnerv for AND CAMMtM the job or their honeaty of Durpoae, No problem is of greater import­ hence we have had and are having ance to the tourist and camper than corruption in the administration of >the safety of his drinking water. government. The government the At h»m<- he la familiar with hie sur­ people are sound, but crooks gel roundings. he knows the source of into administrative office« because his water supply and is safe-guarded Torrance The Scio Tribune In the army, it is customary for a medical officer, well in the van. to make a aanitarv survey of the avail­ able water aupplies. Thi« ia supple- men ted by a few laboratory teats tn determine its purity or safety. It ia gratifying to note that this method is being adopted more and more, by such organizations as the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts and the Campfire Girls. The educational work twin/ done among theae young folks is far reaching in its effects and should be encouraged. In case of doubt, do not hesitate. Sterilize your water. Several meth­ ods of sterilization have lieen red>m- mended for cami>ers and excursion­ ists Boiling will sterilize almost any kind of water The flat taste produced by boiling may be removed by atirring the water briskly with an egg beater, or pouring i< from one veseel to another. A Uster bag. such as is usrd bv the army, mav I m used alao in camps This consists of | a water-tight canvas bag holding about forty gallons. The water is sterilized bv the addition of one gram of hypochlorite of limelbleach- ing powder. Either hypochlorite of s<»da or hy­ pochlorite of lime (bleaching p<>w der) may be used for the steriliza­ tion of water. The powder may I m * obtained on the market m small c.n talners for 5c and upward A stock solution is made bv diaeolving a tea­ spoonful of powder in a pint of wa­ ter. A teaspoonful of this stock solution will sterlize ten gallons of water. There are alan a number of tablets containing chlorine sold on the market for this purpose. They may lie obtained through y. ur drug­ gists One of these tablets is git> erally used to sterlize a quart of drinking water. Filters cannot, lie depended upon under camp coodi- tions. Safety first' ,1/ • Editoriali THE SCIO TRIBUNE X12 E. First ÿr4*y« . «VV- -, Page 2 Great • • • z-‘--3 j “ ' ■ ÎÎ *-• J*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦sssasaeeeeseaeai I Why suffer with Headaches? I Hive Your Eyes Examined S. T. FRENCH GfMuaU Optometrist With ♦ ♦ F.M. French & Sons a Z Jrv ■ < r» aid Optiriane ALBANY. - OREGON aeaesoaaaaeeaeaa signed, executor of the last will and testament of John Shindler, deceaseit. will on Saturday. August a. 1J®4. be ginning at the hour of one o'ckwk in the afternoon ot said day. ut the resi Physician denes of Mr« Anna Shiodler. in the and city of Scio, Unn county, Oregon, sell Surgeon at public auction the following describ QVALHT Vi hat a suiisfaction to know ed personal property belonging to the District Surgeon S P Railway ti.«« )< .r Kryntok t.laasea are built estate of John .Shindler, decease f. to- ni "« lb. Inghrit standard of Quality. Scio, Or. wil: Anyone i (..< Quality «ill ask fur 1 Overland runabout automobile Kry ptoks. I bay mare, IN yean old. named •Nellie” itu.c« < intoni «xmiiva «in I Jersey cow Oo what we claim for M ria year irttMS I Jersey cow of Catarrh or iMdnru .ausnl l.y cutarra 1 three-quarter Studebaker wagon H VI I « « Il «lililí Ml............M Con- 1 five foot diac •Sats of an ointment wh1- h Qui. » fr 1 harrow Relieve« the catarrhal Infla in ina I k n, anti th« Internal Medicin«. a Tonic 1 corn cultivator acts throueh th« Hk«4 on th« M • . • 1 mower A lbany qbbb . Surfacaa. thus reetorin« normal ... I. 1 rake n or»a HAROLD AI.BRO. I set of double haatwwa Sold hr Animata for over m Trare F. J Chaney A Co.. Toledo Ohio 1 set of single harweee Manufacturing Optician I cream separator i Said y will all be pr« sent and ex to view at the time of sale and will be sold at public auction to the highest and best tedder for cash in ham I Frank Shirwler. Executor of the I asi Will and Tecta ment of John Shindler, deceased Also 7 head of «boats, weighing about NO pounds, will be sold at the aame time and place, the same being th« twspirty «/ Frank Shindler DR. A. G. PRILL HOW’S THIS? ^^ìì^eade em e trist If you believe in boosting the boosters, if you believe in helping an institution that spends its money at home, you will support the Scio Tribune more substantially than wishing it well.