The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, August 21, 1924, Image 1

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    Vol. 28
|1.75 the Year
Aunt Emaline
Hassler Given
a Big Surprise
A Serie* of Misfortune
Word from Mr and Mr' Vincent
Shafraner of l«tcher, S Dak., ia to
the effect that they have lx-en hav­
ing more than their share of hard
In the spring their
Wt-dnesday. August 13. waa the luck lately
79th anniversary of the birth of children had diphtheria an<l it waa
Aunt Emaline Hassler, mother of feared f* r a time that one of them
Henry Hassler of Scio, and a big would not recover. A short time
surprise was planned for her which (ago a cyclone passed through that
took place on Sunday In the gmvs section of the country and destroy­
near where she has lived for half a ed all their farm buildings. This
< not being enough, th- local bank
century or more.
Mrs Hassler is the widow of J. failed and they lost their de -its in
M. Haesler,an early pione«r of Linn it. Trouble never comes singly, as
county, and is a daughter of Mr.and these people will testily.
Mrs. Shafraner is a tester of Mr«
Mrs. William Richardson. Sh* was
torn in Illinois in 1M45 and with her J. F. Wesely and Pi--*tma«ter Slicha.
UÖ r\ta^kkT( V cmjm
PWi/MtO 8M MkORS WkUTt • wrf
Pt -s up A
A mo (WUw/ns«
Ot s>wu»3
pAter CP itwal’ n PAMS R*.
8 m pQgvgsruiMO
PiUkHTRŸ. Mt Ut ' GlVC TUriA
A JO« A mp
coìel F
parents crossed the plains to Oregon
m tKr>2, the family locating in the
R-chardson Gap neighborhood a
short distance from her present
Two year* ago she mads her
first trip to Portland by train, and
now enjoys an auto trip through the
community where she ha* lived so
Tuesday morning W II Bartlett
i brought a real freak into the Tri­
long- 57 years on the same place.
Mrs Hassler still has some of the bune office, something he hud never
equipment which was used in cross­ seen before end it is d ubtful if any
ing the plains, and has a quilt that 1 one else has. He has many kinds of
I fruit on his place, including app • ■«
is < ver a hundred years old. Sh*
Will buy pears and prunes
Is very proud of these and keeps __
grapes, and in some manner >i *
1_ ha 1 I I lost ...
per ton for first das» |>«*ars.
them put away. Mrs. Hassler was ---
its ----
m ■ --------
ring ■ -n give
presented several useful gifts, one the mother tree and fallen into the
We want Blackberries. Will pay
lx-ing a cake made by Willie Costei-: grapevine. Some way. a runner ->n 4 J cents delivered to us.
Scio Cash 1‘rixluce Co.
Io and containing candles. Ail of the vine found the -tern of th«- ap-
her children were there, as follows: p|P and gave it succor, and it has
W. T. Hassler and family of Albany, grown into a regular siz-- apple
Settler*, Not Mover*
C. P. Hassler and family of Leba- ¡4 shaped something like the old
Recently J, F. Wesely, Joe Young.
non, H. R. Hassler and family of fashioned “sheep’* nose“ apple and
Scio, Mrs. Marguerite Collins of has a pink «kin. This is nature <1 • J. F Kukacka and 1. V. McAdoo
Portland, J. Hassler of The Dalles. ing its own grafting in a peculiar went to Portland to meet the Land
Settlement Committee of the State
O. W. Hassler of larwood. besides manner and with an alien fruit.
eight grandchildren and eight great
in the same arbor is another ap­ Chamber of Commerce, having in
ple nurtured in the same manner. mind a coordination of work in as­
This surprise was planned and en­ It is green skinned and about the sisting in bringing in arttier» to our
gineered by Wm. Larwood. and a size of your two fists. Them* are in community, and they were right
good job he made of it. Aunt Em­ the city limits of Scio, and sure art­ rovally received.
The local men found the Land
aline was kept in complete ignorance freaks of nature
Committee broad-mind­
of the affair, and as is her custom
Mr. Bartlett says the apple is the
to aid any commun­
she was resting on her front porch King variety, and has placed th«*
in settlers, and
Sunday morning, and noticed a lot freak in the bank, where it can be
personally amist if needed. They
of cars going by. Shs was unac­ seen by anyone who is Interested.
are also interested in the irrigation
customed to this and wondered as
sretioa of the state in fact, in any
to their stopping place. She found
Most Beneficial Rain
srction of the state where it ia pos­
out after awhile, for two of her
grandsons brought up the rear and
About three o’clock Sunday after­ sible to locate settlers on farm land
Mopped. They asked her to get In noon a slow easy rain lx-van failing adapted to their requirement*.
Mr. Wesely was »elected as the
and take a ride over the new road, jver this section and eon* mued until
which she did. and before she knew Tuesday afternoon. T- - ground is ^official representative of the com­
it »he was in the center of about moistened down atoi
five inches, mittee for thia community, to whom
125 relatives and friends. Than and the creek raí* i about a f<x»t. all in<|uiries will to directed, either
she knew whv the cars passed, why Grass is again sh- -ting up, which is in person or through letters. Mr.
there was such undertoned conver­ a blessing to th- stock. Many far­ Wesely is the right man tn the right
sations lately, and many other ’’cu­ mers are to immediately ulace. being thoroughly acquainted
with every environment. The com­
rious” happenings. A feature of summer fall* * some of their land.
and Mr. Wesely believe* the
the big dinner was a massive cake
way to populate Oregon is for the
22 inches square, presented by her
Crrd of Thank*
men with large holdings to subdi­
children and toked in Albany, it
containing her name and age. and
We cannot find words to expre-« vide into small tract* and *ell them
which was so cut that everybody our heartfelt thanks for the many to the aettler- in other words, don't
was given a piece, Everything that tokens of kindness and sympathy in sell out completely, but sell some of
one could wish was there to be e*l- the death and burial of our beloved your land to settler*, thu* populat­
en. and it seemed everybody was husband and father, and for the ing the community. Settlers we
want, not mover*. Ask Mr. Weselv
songs and floral offerings.
for further information.
The sentiment of these relatives
Mrs. J W. Miller
Grapevine binds
Lost Apple and
Then Adopts It
and friends waa expressed in a paper
read by G. L. Sutherland, which the
To Prove Up
(Continued on pegs 4.)
I )R.C. F1CQ
Cusick Bank Building
Albany, Oregon
Plates That Fit
and Children.
Crown and Bridge Work.
Platea, Fillings, Painless
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
Edwsrd J. Marineau, who took up
a homestead alxiut sis mile* rx«t <>f
Scio in 1920. went tu l'ortland ves-
terdav to make Anal pr -f He tix-k
aiong as witnesses J. S Hannah,
William Erran. Earl Browmng and
John Frost.
Public Sale Aug. 23
If you want some good farming
implements or livestock, you must
not forget our public sale Saturday .
Aug. 23. beginning at 10 o’clock.
Sank Hannah.
Harry Jobnaton was in Albany on
beamaas Tuesday.
Defente Day, Sept. 12
In compliance with the request of
the governmentjand of Gov. I*ierer
for some sort of patriotic services
on Friday. Sept. 12. to be known as
National Defense Day, Mayor Frill
has named a committee to formu­
late a program for the occasion, a»
Mesdame« Fd Myers, W
F. Gill and W. A Ewing
The day selected is the sixth anni­
versary of the battle of St. Mihiel,
and no doubt this splendid commit­
tee will arrange a fine program for
the occasion The Idea for this is
t> Cause the |x-<>plc to take st -k of
the nation's preparedness for war.
both in man power and armament
No. 2
Fair Notes for the
Community and
the County Fairs
Remember. Saturday. Sept. 13
the day »et fur the Kork» of the
Santiam Community Eair at Scio.
The County Fair starts on Wed­
nesday. Sept. 17. at Albany, tu run
for four days.
The two fairs come so close to­
gether that the local exhibit* w II
lx« fresh for the county fair, tf -
giving us a better opportunity In
first place.
Leo Zeller ha* lx*n engage'! to
arrange the exhibits at the local fan
and would like to have me many ir*
dividual exhibitors as possible, wi'n
a» many varieties of grasses. bun<ne
grain, vegetables, fruit* (fresh and
canned), flowers, etc. In the vega*
The people of this community will table line, such as potatoes, a peck
have but < nr more Sunday to hear is required to make a good showing.
Rev. Clarence E II edrlek preach the
John I. Brady, editor of the Pa­
gospel at the Scio Baptist church, as
he ha« lx-en called to the pastorate cific Homestead, will be here at the
of the Baptist church at Hiilslioru. the fair and deliver an address in
Rev.C.E. Hedrick
Accepts Call to
Hillsboro Church
and plans on moving about the mi !-
dlr of neat week.
The laird willing, one of his ser­
mons will be on “The Anti-Christ'
next laird’s day.
We regret to lose this fine Chri«-
tlsn family, but feel that they are
called by the Lord to do His work
in this new field.
A business meeting will I m - held
Friday evening at the Baptist church
and everv memtor should lx- pies-
A Member.
the afternoon
The opening day of the county
fair will I e known as “Children**
Day,” an I it is expected the grounds
will contain the largest crowd in the
history of the county fair.
Th«* racing program will l»e the
lx -t obtainable, and the same a* on
all western race couraee.
But the beat fair, next to the
county fair, is our own, and to make
it success, let everybody bring some
The Tribune is sorry to learn of
kind of exhibit. See Mr. Zeller, he
thia sudden change in the work of
can give you much information.
Mr. Hedrick, and hopes his labors
there will be amply rewarded. This
A series of dances are being given
community need* a stationed minis­
in order tn raise funds to meet the
ter and we wish he could have re­
expenses of the local fair, such as
mained among us.
premiums, etc. Watch for dates
and places, R. M. Cain is promot*
Mi»* Thayer Employed
ing these. N. I Morrison will see
that the exhibits selected here for
The school board held a meeting the county fair are taken to Albany.
Monday morning at R. Shelton's of­
fice and elected Mi*» Freda Thayer
lx*t's get tohind this community
to teach the fith. 7th and Nth grade* fair and makq it the biggest and
in the Scio school, to fill the vacan Ix-u yet. We are progressiv* enutf
cy caused by the death of J W. and we raise the beet stuff, so why
Miller. The school board believes «houldn’t we? Tell Mr. Zeller, Mr.
in giving home |x-<>ple the prefer­ Cain or the Tribune editor that you
ence. and they are right Mia* Fre­ will have a display here.
da is a good teacher and will make
good. It is planned to ojx-n the
Another Milstone
Scio school on Monday. Sept. 22.
Miss Mae Stoddard ha« been em­
ployed to teach the second grade in
the Central Junior High school in
Alt>any next year. Mias Stoddard
is a former pupil in the Scio schools
and is a sister of G. A. Stoddard of
the Scio State Bank.
Last week the Scio Tribu*>« tirt
ed on another year of existence as a
conveyor of new* and booster for Ila
community, and there has been joy
an<l sorrow in it* column*. The pub­
lisher* receive joy from compliment*
extended by a few of it* friend*,
who gladly see that we get all the
news they know, and much sorrow,
Had Thumb Wrapped Up because many more who have new*
W D. Cyrus of Salem is visiting
rush to other towns to have it pub­
Tuesday our fe'low citizen. A. T
his nephew, .M. B. Cyrus
lished. and never even tell us about
Rowell came into town with his
it. We therefore must burv our
right thumb wrapi» d up and of
ft-- lings and smile, which we du It
course his friends were full of In- I
is nar-i t<> publish a paw-r in a -mall
He answered all with “I
1 town and make it successful, for an
don’t want blood poison tn set in." -
unintended word often in-u t» wb- -
About a quarter of a century ago
Saturday Sunday
families and support is withdrawn
he accidentally filled his right baud
If the lrp-une lias •ccomptadMd
with buckshot and he thought all
by tooetmg it* community,
Corinne Griffith in
had been removed, but on Monday
' it certainly has done no harm. To
a black spot appeared on the ball of
' continue Its existence for another
his thumb and it felt like a small
year mean* a greater local patron*
bullet or pebble, so he had “Dr."
age from our people, both in aub*
F. R. Shelton, the butcher, opera»«
»criptions and advertising, Here’*
Stan Laurel in
on th« thumb and remove th« intru­
hoping for better things for all.
der. The wound was about the siz«-
of a pinhead, but "Unde Ab«’’ had
“The Covered Wagon” will
a good deal of fun out of it.
People’s Theatre
Black Oxen”
Frozen Hearts ”
Admission I Oc and 25c
Brwg u* year >4» Prnuog.
be shown at the People* The«
atre Oct 9-1041-12»