The Scio Tribune Local Meirs and Classified 6 e—» Baptist Church Newt Jess Rodgers shipped a load ef Marion Arnold and wife came up from Eugene Saturday to spend the sheep to Portland Tuesday. The services last Iz»rd’s day were week end with relatives Dr. Prill was called to Mill Citv well attended Loth morning and Gale 8. Hill and W L. Marks, at­ Sunday on professional business evening. At the cióse of the even­ torneys. of Albany were io Seio on Dr. F. H. Thompson, wife and son ing service three young people came Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Prill weie in business Friday evening. and Druggist Graber and wife were forward to confess the D>rd Jesus Albany Tuesday. Mr. Rohrbough. circulation man­ in Scio Sunday evening on a short Christ as their p^rs-nal Savior and J. 8. Stlcha and wife were in Sa­ ager for th« Albany Herald, was io visit. Lord. lem Sunday evening. Seio Saturday on business. Jack Bergmand and wife came Mrs. Haxei Sims was quite ill Sunday school next Sundav will be Emil and Joe Kotan are the own­ down from Vernonia Sunday. Their the first of the week. daughter. Mrs. Ellis Donovan. and held at nine o’clock instead of ten, ers of u new Studebaker Light. Six her husband and baby accompanied so that those who so desire may at­ Mias Josie Kotan spent Sunday at car which they bought last week. them home tend the Sunday school rally at La­ her home tn the country. Dr. I. D. I .«timer of Portland comb. Everybody welcome. Born. Saturday night. July 12. to Fred Mumper and wife spent Fri­ visited J. F. Weaely Tuesday. He Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Murdock of I day and Saturday in Portland. is a dentist and looking for a loca- Jefferson, formerly of Shelburt.. a 9 Friday evening at 7:30, prayer J. I), Denamor« was in Portland , tion. pound boy. Mother and babe ar« meeting and b.ble study; also busi­ the first of the we*k on business. Fred Olilemcier and wife and Mr. doing nicelv. ness meeting AH mcml«eni nre re­ Miqi IsaJine Kester of Albany vto- and Mrs. Cater bach of Portland quested to l-v present Fir« in tbe Santiam Forest on the visited at the J. N. Weddle home Hed M ini Myrtle Hollis Saturday. Brttenbush. which has boon burning 'Sunday. The Christian Endeavor business for several days, is nou under con­ Mrs Jess Rodgers and daughter. D. M. McKnight and family, Fred trol meeting was held last Wednesday A light rain on Monday as­ Geraldine spent Wednesday in Al­ r. Bilveu and family and W. F. Gill sisted tbe fire fighters. evening on the river bank at the bany. and wife spent Sunday at Wilhoit home of Roy Thurston. The meet­ Spellbrink. McAllister. E. Holland. Fred T. Bilveu and daughter, Springs. ing was opened with scripture read­ G. Holland and E G. Arnold assist­ Virginia, were in Stay Dm Monday ing. prayer, and song service After Nolan Parrish of Albany is at the ed the Letianon baseball team to de­ morning. h im- f his parents. Mr. and Mra. feat Toledo Sunday at Toledo by a the business meeting (he Endeavor- era spent a pleasant evening rout­ E. C. Shelton and wife went to J. W. Parrish, while nursing hla score of nine to »even. ing weinmes and playing games Cascadia last Thursday for a several broken arm. The Scio Cash Produce company A truck load went from Scio. days outing. Emil and the Misses Mary and has just installed a new latest im­ J. F. Oupor attended the funeral Rose Kotan left Tuesday for How­ proved Babcock cream I m ter of 24 of Hubbard Bryant in Albany Fri­ ells. Nebraska, on business connect­ bottle capacity. This tester wilt ’ » day afternoon. ed with their farm tber*. give an accurate reading in ten min- Mrs A. W. Hagey returned Sun Holla Shelton and family and Mrs. utes day from a several days visit at Dal Jennie Jones and Hess PMlippi drove Mrs. Lester Bilyeu and son. Del- las and Gervais. I to Cascadia Sunday to visit E. C. mer. of Cut Bank, Mont., who hav. By T. T. MAXEY M Hays and wife of Albany visit­ Shelton and wife, who are camped been visiting relatives here for the ed Wm. Brenner and wife and Mrs. there. past few weeks, went to Salem ♦♦♦♦♦»s e-i-c-i-e-»♦♦»♦»»♦< - k 4- <£» itti. u ,N»w»fcsap‘er I’hiut ) ('. C. Bilveu Sunday. J L Kelly, accompanied by Clar­ Monday to visit Mrs. Biiveu’a moth­ CONEY ISLAND Born. Monday. July 14. 1924. to ence Beauchamp of Stayton attend­ er, Mrs. W. N. Thompson. THINGS UNUSUAL Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Morgan, a sun. ed the druggists convention at Eu­ L. B. Hixson and wife of Albany Third child; mother and babe doing gene last Wednesday. Thursday and called on his brother. R. L. Hixson fin«. Friday. and wife Sunday af'ernoon Their daughter. Mnss Lucille, who had been visiting here for a few da' s, acccompanird them home. SHIPLEY’S J. W. Miller and wife went to Portland Sundav. where they at­ tended a picnic in Peninsular park in honor of the old pioneers of Gil­ liam county. About 250 were pres­ ent. They report a fine time. Women'« Misses and Children'« Clothing and I laberdashery Price« Popular Salem, JJMi Ml Oregon «•MU ■■■Ml MMNI Every Saturday Is Bargain Day I Look in our window and see how cheap and what good meat you can get for your money. Every Day Price« Meat letters and parcels for foreign countries are now acceptable for air service delivery at the Albany post office, according to word received by Evary Day Prices Postmaster H. N Toilwt. Regis­ tered mail may be sent by air route with ten cents extra for registering Smoked Meat . 23o Choice Light IGcon Heavy ¡tacón........... 1». 20« Ítem .......................... Na Summer Sausage Shoukieni................ Wvinies?..................... Bologna....................... .................... iOa Beef Good Boil KoasL . .. Steaks ... Me Ifc .. »Oe Pork 8c - 10c 12o13e IttelBe Roost ... Chops.,.. Salt Pork lae-ISe . ...»•« ..... ta» W. F. Gill and wife and Miss Jo­ sie Kotan accompanied I V. McAdoo -* wife to Salem Friday night to at tend the dedication of the childien’s playground and the band concert. * The playground is located on North 14th street, in the old baseball park. Scio Meat Market Holechek Bro«., Prop«. Scio. Oregon mm I ' I Cool, Clean Milk The community dubs of Stayton have built an open air dance pavil- lion and club house, having a seat­ ing capacity of 650. in the park in addition to seats, tables and a bridge acroea the stream. The community hjuae ia financed bv the cluba. No personal contributions, except labor, will be asked. Shelton Brothers meat market has some high class meat at the pres- time It is some of the Walter Black­ burn herd which was sold at auction last Wednesday. Mr. Blackburn paid $5.000 for the ten cows and in the sale they brought only beef cattle prices, or about $1500 or $1600 for the entire herd. Oregon Milk Company Condenser?. Sci », Oregon mim Harvesting is on in full blut, and soon the thresher will be heard The crop will be shorter than usual, but the wheal will be better for milling purposes, as the drier the grain the better the gluten. The price of wheat now is around $1.12 per bushel. F>revents souring. Avoid this loss by cooling quickly and keeping milk where plenty of fresh air circulate?;, preferably in the open. •• N. 1. Morrison and wife. Sam Stoller and wife, J. N. Long and wife. Frank Pruitt and family and Mrs Rebecca Morris attended the annual convention of the Christian church in the big tabernacle at Tur ner Sundav. i Every normal |«er»on itestres and de­ serves ths chance to play occusimisUy and every large city has It» nrurtiy play spot. Consequently, It came to pa«a that our moat notnl artiCila)--»» differentiated from our On I oral natlou- al parks—piny ground u as located adja­ cent our largest aggregation of hud- dled-up humanity. New York city Coney (aland ha a lx--n referred to as "Americas Xlad Hayground," sod the stranger who visits it »n a hot summer ulglit readily and naturally gains the Itapreasloa that the swarm Ing hordes of people ere mad for play, also that alm»t everybody 1» going to or coming from Coney I-land. Perched «1 an uutttung i»>!nt of Ling Island—About an hours ride from "the big city," with a «loplug. aandy beech upon wbMi breaks and rolls the Atlantic ocean's surf, s.eeat>>n of white people as far bark as I<14.1, The plow ent Cone, date« from the enaction of a pavilion In 1844. Hiner that time it has grown steadily aud marvelously as an amuss-tnrnt center and is now tbe widest know a amusement raaort we have A »!••■<■( »ruler cl unter of dunim. «litres and <«d«l looking buildings, cate«, dance floors, «booling galleries, roller roosters. nauvleo, merr, go rounds, freak stunts, peanut, po|««-om, Ice cream aud hot dog stand«. <>ue cau see here every form of thriller yet in vented and many that «-an lie w,-n me where else, hear noises and ei|«-rlence confusions before unknown. As ime obaorver expressed It: "It la move­ ment. Everything shakes or glide« or shimmies or Jumi>s or tumbles or turns—nothing ever stands still." M.»«t folks go thvlr to "cut loo«eM and "hare a good time" If their facial expression« are a safe ruble for the formulation <>f an opinbm. they certainly get what they go after. Globe - Albany The rick of the H«-«t Picture* SUNDAY-MONDAY JVLY »8-21 Direct from the "Liberty” at Portland. ‘The White Moth" with Barbara La Marr and Conway Tearie Coming : The Perfect Flapper with Colleen Moore You'll rind Your Want Here Correspondent See ye editor. Wanted Wind. for For Sale Ten good ewes. Frank Novak. Scio. Or«. Lar See &lp Wanted To buy. second-hand àio. Chat «-a Tucek, rout« 2. Seio, Or­ egon. 49p For Sale Car Battery, nearly new. Call on or writ« W. J. Kelly .Scio, Oregon. 49-t2-c For Sale Wood bedstead and good -pru irs. almost new. baby buggy. S Mrs John Lcgner. 49c S ap D»wn $1.75 on oar table and you get the best community paper in the county for one year. J For Fa.c One full blood Poland China r w and eight pigs. See I F. Krebs, Scio, Ore., route 4 if I Big type, pure bred, reg- I Dur-<• Jersey pigs; with rv K'rsti -1 j .q>ers $15 00. Max Wesely. 48-14-e r St r For ; .« < Three 30x3j straight side id tir> « with tubes. Have been run I miles. Price $7.50 each. Scio Garage. 49c Fann I >»•.» Money at 5j% with tv min i! commission; prepayment privilcdgea after first year. Wm. Bam. Albany Ore. 47-e Wanted It o pew subscribers. In- • i ent are all the news we can S' t and 52 issues per year. Pric« is $1.75 per year. For Sale n w av< of inilk Ki ndle, High claw grade cows, raging about 30 pound« per day each. See C. E. the blackamith. 48-e Any girl in trouble may communi­ cate with Ijisign lx-e of the Sal­ vation Army at the White Shield Horn, 565 Mayfair Ave., Port­ land. Oregon. N tic* | have a fine registered J» i. bull ready for service;S2 50 for grade* and $5 00 for register- id co»*, paid in advance. See Jo« Zav .. > for particulars. 49p M ney to b an at 5|'. The Fed­ eral I end Bank < f Spokane.Wash., w ill make loans through the Forks f the Sant ism National Farm L an A»- a-iation in amounts from f 100 to $25,000. for a period of 5 t years, on first morgaga • t A II M.-ljun. S. ■. I re is , route 2. Scio, Oregon, lulv 17-p. SUMMONS IN THE ( IRCU1T COURT OF THE STAT4 Ol OREGON IN AND FOR J Hl COUNTY OF LIMN. Department No. 2 Grace L. Cook, Plaintiff. vs. Norman It. l ook. ln-feodant. •' To Norman It Cook, the above named In-fi-ti iant Is no K ami of thk S tatk op Osa- ve naim-d Plaintiff in the above en- titbil C- rt now on tile with the Clerk uf «ai».1 ««.ntt' l 6f Mary lx>ui»e Cook, minor r-hiki of Plaintiff ami Defendant, and for a iu>tKrn<-nt requiring Defendant to nay Plaintiff the sum of LVi (») per nmi-lh for th«- su[«port of Plaintiff and for the support, maintenance and edu­ cation of the minor child of Plaintiff and Defendar.t. and that Ptaintiff have ju«k meiit for the coats and disburse- menta ef tins «mt and that a deer*« will be taken against vou for such other ami further relief aa to the Court may arem proper in the premises. 'I his summons is published in the Scio Triburc by order of the Honorable I'erey R. Kelly. Judge- of tbe above eo­ lith d Court, male and entered on the 15th day of July, 1824. wherrm thia summons ia order«-«] and directed to t«e pobltshed once a week for aix conaecu- tivc weeks, be-mg seven weekly publi­ cations thereof. • 1 he date of tbe first publication of this summons is the 17th day of July, 1924. ami the date of the last publica­ tion tha reof ia the 2Mh day of August, 1924. H ill A M akkk . Attorneys for Plaintiff.. Postofll Adalreas of Attorneys for Plaintiff Albany, Oregon. When you entertain, let us furnish you. with 500 score cards.