The Scio Tribuna General New* Page 4 Albany's Cooperative Advertising Plan My Business — Is selling Auto Supplies Tires, Tutx*. M>>tur Bear­ ings, Piston Rmgs. An Appeal to the People of Rural Districts for Wider and More Mutual Interests in Commercial Circles of Lunn C ounty J. H. Allison Our Interests Are Mutual First and Washington «Irret«, where 'Fire* are cheaper Th« Wise Are Advertiser» Sear’s Butternut Bread You have seen the little whit« hen ■(rutting around the barnyard ad­ vertising the fact that she had just laid a warm, white egg. guarantied strictly fresh. She know« she has a good product and has no hMitalr n in A dvcktuinu it. You patronise th« hen that advertises her product; then accord the same fair treatment to the butiaesa men who nek to reach purchase« through advertising —they know they have a guod prod­ uct and they want you to know it. The advertisers in this paper are straight shooters, they have to lx* if they get and hold patrons Their products are where you can inspect t'lem. and they always make t i any article that is wrong They are deserving of your trade, because they ar« taxpayers, and have the welfare of the community and the county al heart. Cooperate with the advertiser and get beat result« The cooperative movement is under way and the best way to keep it go­ ing is to lend a hand. Loyalty to our own community and county is quite aa essential aa lovalty to our coun­ try. lile Family Food A»k J. B. COL KY at Scio fur it “Best by Test • • High Grade Lumber Right Out of Our Own V irgin Forests Home Grown Eirst-clas* Building Material is your most important consideration. Let "Copeland Quality" be Your Guide. Lumber J Copeland Yaiils Albany Yard at west end of Sr. ,nd street Lumber Phone 27.» Other yards at Lents. Salem, llul>l..r>,1 Plate $2. A c mp'etc Ime *>f Electrical Appliance*. Ralston F.lec. Co. Sin W. Second Special Sale of Rugs l <> redine edit.»to* k of Rog« ve Scalili.» Gminstcr nr. hr 29.00 Grass mgs. double warp, hr ............. ................ fi.75 hilo Graw» rug*, dtnililc warp, foi . .... ........ 4.75 i All other ruga rrdtw 1 tn th<- •»«.» pr«M>ort><>n k* also have lome »¡>e- crai value* in new and u»cd Furniture. Bartcher Furniture Co. 2 w. WHITEHEAD, Hunger Eastbum Bros. i w ( > GROCERY STOR Is Policeman- When you brought would be «uicldr from the water. * hat - narrow escapes you have ha*l from the women. Boy, WM the re»|>on»e, if there vu »ny n»rn>w orip,». the women had 'em' - Farm »ner pair lace I Tennis Shoes. Ruldier Boots, Hot Water IV ttlcs and Tubes Repaired Inner Sewed-on Soles a Specially; also the Repairing of Arch Su,»port Shoes and Tum Shoes. Quality Work- Prompt Service" Rubber Heels put on "while you wait.” Nell Hollis-Bilyeu, Scio Agent Children's Scuff er Shoes Rebuilt. STIMSON, “ The Shoe Doctor \\ ith the new arrangement of our we arc able to bet­ ter display the merchandise and you find it easier to sec our goods. \\ r want you to come in w! vi ever you are in Allianv in a our own mind call B ink ‘the Scio store in Al- l>any.” Sib West Second Street, Opposite Hamilton's Store a t SHOE LACES BANKS’ A lbany . O rbqow SHOE POLISHES SHOE GREASES Albany Oregon