The ¿cio f ribiltld General Xews <——————I_____ ; : >*................ .. ................ ... SHELBURN NEWS 'turned to Dunsmuir, Calif . after Edwin Jone* and wife were shop­ of bahtf separator* uuve torn te»:e3?* j •pending tbeir vacation with Mr. ping in Albany Saturday. Gooch’» stater. Mr* C. M Tindall. Mr tvvrson »uya •‘la Worth county, flva »«-¡.»rator* in on* cow trail ng ■» T. M Ruaerll and W H. MeUm eoctatlou wer» found to lx losing ex- and wife called on W. K. Evana and ceaeive amount of butterfat. Wo feet ronaln that thrra are many ar para wife at lx»banon Monday evening, furs In »very community that are l«* Conard Wcstrnhouse and wife Ing butterfat for their owner» Aa spent Sunday with Earl Smith and annual loaa of several dollar» can easily result If the machin« la not wife, Eugene Miller and wife are spend­ regulated or run properly. Skim milk testing can be d<-ue by ing a few week* at Newport, hoping the Babcock method with s special t«> regain their former g«»«>d health. doublenecked teat bottle, In place <4 Mr. Driacull of A >aeburg is »pend­ th* 1TA cubic centimeter» of a >•! r» qulred fur whole milk. JU are u<-«l for ing a few dava visiting his sister-in- aklm milk. Otherwise, practically the law Mrs Mary Cannon aame procedure Is followed sa tn trit While stretching barbed wire Ing whole milk The tost can b<- m-o'- by the fanners themselves, or. If this Monday morning on the line fence la not convenient, by tl>s local between W J. Miller and T M Rus­ creamery. Vera Carson is visiting with her ! sisters in Albany. Mr» Spencer Mrs. Dale Poindexter and daugh­ l-ong and Miss Emalme Carton. ter. Marion, hav* just returned W li McLain and T. M Ru «11 from r visit in Cfilifornia. made a business trio to Albany Inal A. Shanks has gone to work in i Thursday afternoon th<- logging camp at Ieneve. Or*. Far I Gooch and wife are in I rt- Mrs. Shanks expects to join him in , land, where he i* alter..I ng th«- bar­ the near future. ber school, finishing hit court« n Mr». Fred Bowman is at Pacific barbering. City for an outing. Clinton George made a bustne** Mrs. Mae Shanks. Mrs. Mabel Bowman and daughter. Deloros, i trip to Newport the latter part of Mrs. Venus Poindexter and daugh last week, Ben Denney of Albany »pent th<- tor Marion left Monday for Detroit sell. the wire stretcher slipped and for a few Weeks' outing. week end at the home of Mr* Mary caught Elmer .McClaren's right hand Ben Gooch and family have re­ Cannon and almost crushed it. He went to Dr. I’rIII. who dressed hi* hand, and it I was not paining him much Mon­ Q 1 During the month of July, anv>tw « ■ E- day evening. |\P VC] * I v . the spine itt found in perfect condition. Mra. Lafe Osborn and Grandma Grimes visited the latter's son. Wil­ liam, and family Sunday. Mr. Chiropractic $ives nature a chance to correct acute aicknes* in Grimes* eldest son, Willard, is quite the vnortcat tune poaaible. Acute sickness i* alwav- .«< i- ill but wax resting easy that day. n;e«l with temporary subluxatiuns of the «pine---either vauvativ«- Lee George and family are spend­ or from reflex ing a few days on the beach near Newport. This is their first trip to the ocean. - Cusick Bank Building All any, Oregon T. M. Russell ami Marion Brown went to Albany Friday afternoon f»r repair* for Mr. Brown's binder. Mrs. John Bentx and children »I« nt Monday with Mra 0. G. Wy- man. % John Bentz made a business trip to Portland Monday. STILL GOINQ BIG. We have added more space in wli.h to Clinton Brown Is working for Joe exhibit the many new lines of fine FOOTWEAR. A visit to our Quinn during the summer. store will convince you of the great values to lie ha«l. A large crowd attended the burial of Mr». Queener of Salem at the Albany. Orefon Miller cemetery Saturday at 2 p m Mr». Queener wai a Linn county THK "ARCH PRESERVER** STORK pioneer, her old home ocing near Stayton. July IS Acute Sickness Dr. R. H. HARRIS, Chiropr ìctor Alteration Sale McDowell Shoe Co., CHANGE OF LOCATION BETTER COWS QUITE ESSENTIAL IN DAIRY Mill at Brownsville, Oregon Retail »tores at Portland,Eugene,Marshfield.North Bend \lbany The Brownsville Woolen Mills Store Let us figure with you on your water system i E-rth FAIRBANKS-MORSE LIGHT PLANTS, the Best Full Stock of McCORMICK-DEERING RI PAIRS Mail Order» Taken Care < >f Barrett Brothers Oregon Albany * C. J. Breier Co. •£« A EBAN Y, OBFXiON Here it* where yt>u get Dependable Merchandise nt the Lowest Possible Prices You are Cordially Invited to Visit un. Men's Clothing a blue chambray work shirt* ............ 79 t xtrw large blue chambray work shirts ............... balbriggan unionsuits ........................................... . athletic unionsuite.......................................... 09c. ” Khaki work pants .................................... 98c. 11 wool mixed dress pants ..................... $3 95. S4 all wool «Ire,.* pants.................................. $5 90. ffi heavy blue bib overalls............................................. Pay-Car overalls ............................................... khaki coveralls ...................................................... 91.M Si 19. St.29. SI 35 ............................ "9c ............ «9c and 9^« 49e Heavy canvas bed licks . *■ Aid Dairy Community There are two mean» by which the •talry cow population of « rutumunltj may t«e incrraiMHt. by hree«liug through tbe u»e of pure l>re«l bull» from proved anroatry. an-l by Importing from ■action« mature cow» ready for *erv Ice at tbe pall. In the latter ■ a»e of purchase of cowa, we have two alter native» Importing animal» from other aectloM. and finding th« animal* with in the »tat«. Creamery Activities Buying activities <>f 30» er- «m»rli lndb-ate that 3» per cent of the etgan laatlon buy fee«!». 23 per cent buy « n talnera, and 22 per cent buy furl I’ • complete list of aammodltiea pur« h.iw.i by the varloua «»rgsnlsation* include building material, fencing, hardware. Implements, general merehamlU«*, ami ailx-ellancou» producta In addition to the commodities specifically «numeral ed. I»r I «avid Friday, formerly president of the Michigan State Agricultural cob- lege, recently pointed out a fact that la wrll known, but, like lota of well- known facta, seldom appreciated. The scrub dairyman gets I3M*K> pounds of milk a year from 40 cows averaging 3.IMJ0 iHiutiita each. He would be bet­ ter off with 30 averaging 4.Out) i»ounda each liecauae be would get the same milk check with unefourth leas wort and overhead. The better dairyman Uses 13 cow» producing 8.000 pounds each Io get Ida milk check, while the really »ueconeful dairyman gets 120.- pounds of milk from 12 cuws aver- nglng 10,000 pounds a year. While the successful dairyman gets hla 130.000 pounds from 12 cowa In- stead of 40, thus cutting hla overhead, labor and feed coat by nearly three- fourths, he has an added advantage which has recently been proved by the Tnltrd Htsteu dairy division. The dairy division find» that cows prodvo Ing Its» i-ourxls of fat In a year mode an average return above feed coat of 110 each. Cowa producing 400 pounda of fat In a year made an average re­ turn above feed cost of IBM Thus It seems that it only took four times an great production to make the cow ton limes more profitable. With these figures tn mind It Is »*ry easy to see why there are failures In the dairy business and why. also, there are such markeil su<-cesaee The way to get and keep a profit- able herd Is to everlastingly weed <>ut the culls, employ better methods by keeping up to date on the new feeds snnnie called in Frwfav for hort visit. Curth C, Griffi'i a calving a telegraph «• • -■ hi» old firm tn L« Amteo» PIE EATF.K YES! we have ''500” Score cur ia 2c each At the Tribune Office. ■ t>l>«t> ■«*<■■«• Sir Harry Bnttsm, M. think» that aomething might be don* to improv« railway »arulwichea If they c«>ul«l only give them a coat of varnish after they leavv the aandwich foundry theywouhi b < much easier to du»t each week. London Punch. Paaaengrr-I »ay. dr ■ average life of a locomotive? Driver Oh, about thirty year», air. "I should think auch a tough-h«>king thing would laat longer than that.” “Well, perhaps It wotril, Hr, if t didn't »moke aomuch." southern t'ali forma Mampua Announcing Our Special Sale which include* certain lots of n>crt !iati at once aa hi» old job w*» aiill ■ « t ing f< r him. so they pull« t ••ut lueadny for Portland tn take tl>o steamer direct for their destinitton, intending tn return the 1st of April, 1923, to locate here. fal Kalina attend««! the communi­ ty anle in Scio Saturday and treated himaelf to a wagon on sale, os hi» old one had traaned its use'ulnesa. Ilarvi-st is now tn full blast, and ever) - ne is wading to it like unto a hungry d -g after a bone. IM Kalina, wife and son went to R 'igers mountain Sunday to visit Mr». Kalina's sister, Mia. Win. Be- ran Curtis Griffin and wife went to Dallas Wednesday to visit his »Isler. Mra Clarence Lovejoy, before re­ turning to lx»» Angeles Ge«> Griffin went to B«una Viata last week for a visit with III» cousin, Delbert Yergan, imle>l as low »• pusalhl*. Ib> not k«v-| Cream too long at the farm, |,.or »tn - Crea in will not make gixni butter If thr creamery cannot make go I but ter the average price of crvmni « III he lower than If good butter ran be in,> t a*" ! July 15 Test Cream Separators, Is Advice of Expert Men's and Boys’ Tennis Shoes Men’s heavy canvas, suction sole Bovs’ heavy canvas, suc'ion sole,. Child's black tennis oxfords.......... Boys’ black tennis oxforba.............. Making Better Butter Whether the product Is made at home or at the creamery, matter, III- tie. cream should bo clean flavored to make g"«’d butter To obtain prac­ tically all of the cream from the milk and have It In the beat ahai>e for but ter making require» the u»e of a go-d cream separator. Further, the tb««r ough cleaning and sterilising of all dairy utenaila Is essential to the pro ductton of a product having a good flavor. Cream Needs Good Care •uy- Having discontinued our store at Brownsv illc. Oregon, the Brownsville Woolen Mills Store is now open to the publ,« .«t First ami Ellsworth Streets (opposite Albany State Bank’ Al­ bany, Oregon, where we have a complete line of Clothing. Furn­ ishing*, Blankets and Flannels. At our new location we are pre­ pared to carry a larger and mXre complete stock than in the past Men’s Men's Men's Men’s Men's Men’s Men’s Men’s Men’s Men’s Page 3 SO HURRY T*