The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 17, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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"A A. _
W. 3- .;_tz
The Scio Tribuna
Page 2
and the month is half gone
say bu-iness is getting better while
others say it is "rotten." The view
point depends upon our optimism.
If wa have faith in our business, so
a >11 others, no matter what the
businv»« may lie. The moonshiner
and b
logger have faith in their
ibumneiMi. and there Is just enough
men and bovs who buy their poison
to make that business profitable,
even to wrecking their health or
life. Faith works wonders—either
for good or bad.
How can a man be dangerous to
his country when he doea every­
thing in the open? la a man dan­
gerous because he advocates and
works for beneficial legislation for
the masses?
Bob laiFoilette K m
never rubbed bank depositors, nor
defrauded the government, and K m
be»n straight in all things. We ■re
T hv R-'O iay , July 17. 1924
not championing Senator LaFollette
because of his candidacy but because
Hooray! Taxes are reduced! We the big papers like to tear a really
can see the movies now without b*' big fiian to pieces I «cause the "In­
Ing taxed. 0 boy!
terests'* say so, as they don’t want
to lose out on the good thing they
A Scio woman save it is wonder­ now enjoy.
ful what bobbed hair does for her
sex you can't tell which is the
A 3. Gross, muter of the Wash-
ington state grange, gives notice to
fc M
The roads in this section were
never in better condition, They can
tie kept that way if the patrolmen
will use the drag religiously.
Wall street is betting 12 to 5 on
Coolidge, which ought to be an in-
centive for the wh«-rl» of industry
to Itcgin to revolve. In this dav an
election is turned bv gamblers, who
break the law of the land, and the
sooner we vote for the man because
of hit fitness and not because of the
betting odds, that much sooner will
we get beneficial legislation
The democratic convention isover
■nd the nominees are men of the
highest character.
The defeated
men were also of high character
but lacking in political expediency.
They were personally ambitious and
politically swamped. Can John W.
Davis and Charles W. Bryan cement
a divided democracy and win next
Novemlwr? Election day will tell.
Good morning!
the busincM interests of the country
that a condition which forces nearly
»nc third of the population of the
country (the farmers) to lose money
and run into debt is certain to react
to bumneM generally, and that the
uther two-thirds, which have been
enjoying prosperity, are certain to
feel th* depression of agriculture—
m fact is already feeling it general­
ly. He m > s agriculture hu reached
the limit of endurance, and the re­
sult is a distinct tightening up in
industry and employment all over
the country, and that further cur­
tailment is certain until readjust-
ment comes.
Farmers have the power to make
their industry profitable. They pro-
luce what the world must have.
Bv working together, selling to­
gether, standardizing and controll­
ing their own business, they can get
a large part of the urufita that oth­
ers n<>w make off from them, and
be contented and prosperoua. But
This is July 17lh| until enough of them can think this
way, and enough of them will act
this way. cooperative movements
will continue to fail, or function
with little results. It needs 90 per
cent of the growers of s product to
say "hands off" to the army of
middle men
With such an organi­
sation the farmers would be as pow­
erful to get profit prices for their
products as the shoe manufacturers
■re to get theirs
By thia time farmers must realise
that legislation will never restore
their prosperity, and neither will an
essier method of borrowing money.
It will take mass action and com­
plete control of their products |
When they supplant the hosts of
middle men by their own organiza­
tion and reach the head of the big
chain stores and other big buying
concerns for their markets, they
will be getting on. Ninety per cent'
orgsnization is needed to do this
kind of business
It is entirely up
the growers when this percentage
of power shall come.
To Oregon s ¿Vacationland
low roundtrip fares
Crater lake. Till..
Newport, Coon
F.ty he uhi ■, Orc ;
• vc*. t!
River -i ' m . i .H <>! deli
ill n . untain
resorts in On.?-n aro
iblc for your
vacation this summer.
ell. t to H 1 J >1» •-
Anil« • i ■! 11-.«. ** '• r
• Sundays
even lower roundtrip I
. Id, with­
out t'of over • a’ ■ : ti • . he e fares
Lave a return limit ot 1 .> d.... .
July 1&
Word has reached here of the
death of Mrs Bertha Brice, which
occurred at Clatakani* Sunday at
the home of her son. Powell Price
The funeral will he held at Jefferson
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock i
Mrs. Pile« lived near Thomas many
years and has many friends here
who will regret to hear of her pass »
booklet “Orc„on Out
41 horsepower! 50 miles and
re an hour—Lout* after hour
ithout overheating—with­
out loss of power— without
carbon cleaning!
And st the end ol • long sustained high »peed,
your motor will be cooler, w ill need less water
than any similar st.xd poppet-valve engines
This engine's power curve keeps climbing up
while the nowri ol a poppet-valve car is drop­
ping off. Furthermore, the Willys-Knight is
entirely Irce Inxn the*1 engine repairs which
make up W ,, ol the upkeep cost ol practic­
ally all poppet-valve c.irs. It hu no cams—no
springs—to get out ol order. A car you can
keep season alter season. Take a ride today.
i SII951
Bartu Motor Co.
Salea Agency
Scio, Oregon
< iniruunicate
C. W. Bragg, local agent
H. A. Riggs of Burns. Kanaax.has
come to viait his brother. H P.
Rigys. and they all went to New­
port for the week-end.
Otto Yunker cut his arm quite
badly on a saw Monday while work-
Real Estate Broke'
in* for 3. P. Crenshaw.
and Notara F1ublic
O. L. Holt and son Nolan of Port­
^/tbiballr Obtained, ¿ramtned
land. and Nora Holt of Albany were iCIO
visiting 3 It Holt's and Fred Som­
W. A. Ewing,
T. J. M tinkers.
mer’s Sunday.
Vice Pres.
Herman Zeller is home and he and
E. D. Myers. Cashier
hie father went to Silverton Sunday
While there they visited Wm Blake-
meyer. an old friend and neighbor
Doe» a General Banking
Mr. 2^-ller had not seen for 8 years.
Bucine«*. Interest paid
T. M. Holt and wife went to Ore­
on time deposita.
gon City Sundav to attend the fa­
ne r al of Mra. Holt's second count».
They returned Monday.
Albany ’»Only
Isalene Kester has returned to
Albany, after about two weeks' visit
Jack Jones, wife and son. Harry,
of Stayton were dinner guests at J.
G. Holt's Sunday. Harry remained
Double Vision Lone
to visit longer with his grandpar­
Ultcx. S1H.50; K rip? ok. »17 50.
Peerless, »15.5t>; BtughU.»15.60
Cemented Seg-ient«, »11 50.
A good many from here attended
■ n^le or Distent VI Ion Lent*.
the funeral of Mrs. Mary Queener,
6 D Curve Toris. |13»; Meni-
held at the Miller cemetery Satur­
cue, 112.60.
1| D Curvo leriscopic »12.50;
day. Mrs. Queener was a sister to
Flats. 110.50
Mrs J. G. Holt. J. H. and W. R.
Fitted in Zilo, (¡old-filled or Rim-
leas Fran» ».
Kelly and Clifford Kelly of Poat.
For heavy Zilo trame» and (1.00
She had many friends here.
to 62.00.
Deduct (2 for Second grad>- ten».
The Thimble club met Thursday
Reading G> msvs , (2.5U to (10.00.
at the W. A. Gilkey home with 27
Bancroft Optical Co.
members present and the following
Ill Woat Firn Strwt
Altar»y. Orwyvo
visitors: Mrs. Chris DeWall and
Aak abmil Punhial, lbs Purist I «• ■
Isalene Kester of Alhanv. Mrs. 8. F.
Zysset and Anna Riggs. A dolight-
hplfflMfll Ol lit
ful time was spent. Mra. Goar and
U. 8. I jum I Other, i
Miss Riggs delighted the club with
Purtlarxi, Oregon
songs and piano music. The new
July 3, 1924 I
s 'tier is hcr»b> Klim that Elwani
president, Mrs. K. H. McDonald.
J. Manneau, of <cio, Oregon, who. on
Mr». Jessie Eckengren Septemtwr 1st. 1920: mwic Hoimitrad
was ill and Mrs Anna Mespelt took Entry No Itw*. tor N'j SW'4 Section
2». Township Kl 8. Range I F, V\ „1.
her plaee as secretary. Names were Meridian, haa hied notice of intention
drawn for the committers to net for to make final proof, to establiah claim
to the land above de»crii>e<t. t>efore the
the yearly banquet, when we enter­ Regixt. r and Receive» I
tain our husbands and families the Omer, at Portland. Oregon, on the 20th
day of August, 1921.
evening of August 9. Lemonade
Claimant names as *itne»«rs
Hannah, William Beran. Earl
was served by the hostess.
The, J.
Browning and John Front. ail ot Seto.
next meeting will be at the home of ■ Oregon.
Notice will be published for five rnn-
Mrs E<1na Gilkey. July 24.
' secutive weeks in the '•Scio Tribune. ”
Mra. J. 8. Funk is now home from
Walter L Tooze. sr.. Register.
Act 6-9-14- IJnn County.
Corvallis and improved in health
BQSH)5SS O» P’ ’ " j SIO^L
M SI)8L¥0])|DR ¿Bw*wo*v»
The Sch State Bank
Optical Parlor
Order Your Envel­
opes Now—$4.00
per I housand
DR. A. G. l’RILL
District Surgeon S. P. Railway
Scio, Or
t National Bank Building
Srxrtos, <> keoom
> Plate Work given prompt
..refui ntt- ’lion. Also Extraction
I :
Lowe &. Morrison
Reliable Undertakers
Ali fr ' '
e ven tN raonal attention
by Mr. l owe
N. C. I ..we
N. I. M okbisos
I a-banon
Phone—Day. 397
Phone ill
Phone—Night, 395
G. F. Korinek
No Car
Like !t!
Kthe line.
v< red I'ay or Night
I uberculin Testing
♦ Why suffer with Headaches?
Have Your Eye» Examined
Gr«, uat. Optometrist
With •
F.M. French & Sons
Jewelers and Opticians
*♦»*♦♦♦♦->♦>»»»««aeeeeease» ;
troKparint frame with the
m.uv is very Incoming to
ma«>.v in-ople. We have them in
ail sizes.
I 1
!•!... It
0/7/ e trist.
a4 ns^r owjra
Manufacturing Optician
Catarrhal Deafness
>• nft«n
t by an inftameU on4ltkrt»
f tho nv.
.a Ilnlns ot th« >'i»Uk< Hlan
W'-n Olli, tubs la Inflamed you
« lumMI { aoun<l or Irnsrku
Unless ths t - flammaUon can
reduced, your lioartna may bo ds-
stvoyrd forever.
Illlls < iriRhll MF.UK IXR will
do what wa claim for II—rid your
<>f I'atarrh or
. -Am