Vol. 27 THE SCIO TRIBUNE |1.75 the Year Willard Grimes Paaaee SCIO OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1924 From Marion Lake Hubbard Bryant Killed Marion l«ke. Oregon, July 15 - VAtllard Grimes, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grimes, died at the (GrapevineI — Two fishermen and parental home Tuesday night from hunters told strived here the other kidney trouble, which was caused day from Scio( wherever that island by a 30-foot fall while working in a ' pitched their tent too close to the logging camp in Washington laat edge of the water, and that night November. For a time he contin­ on« or more of the big fish wring ued to improve and came home in their toes portruding from under December. He waa cautioned by the canvas thought it was some kind his physician to keep from exereiae, of food and grabbed hold of Fred but being young and active he came Jones' toes and pulled him in. This to Scio in January on a truck with awoke hia side partner .Chris Bilyeu, his brother Chester, and insisted on who saw Fred Inbbirg up and down To save driving back home, which aggravat­ ! like a cork in the water ed his condition and made an opera­ Fred was hia first thought and thus tion necessary In February. Again get the big fish on his pedal extrem­ he witned to improve, but the poi­ ity was the second thought, a • tn he They son from hi» kidneys had so perme­ plunged —this awoke them. ated hia system that he could not were so tired when they retired a .d overcome it and passed away as no- no over-anxious to catch big fish they rolled too dose to the water's edge ted above. Willard waa loved by ell who knew him. He was born near where Picnicked on Thomas Creek he died, and waa 21 years old on the 23d day of April, an age ready Sunday was »n ideal pieni, day to tai kle the world to reach succeea. and Thomas creek an ideal picnic but fate stopped him. He leaves a ground, the day and the creek being father, mother and two brothers, j made good uae of. The following Chester and Cecil, and numerous took well filled baskets and enjoyed relatives to mourn his untimely tak­ the day on Thomas creek: Wm. L. Bailey and family an i ing. The funeral will be held at Mrs Ernest of Portland, W (1. Zie­ linski and wife of Salem; J W Shi- manek and family of Red Bluff, Calif.; Frank Bartu and family, Vilas Arnold an l family. J >hi Stu- manek and wife, and Leiter. Th« • Traffic Agent Here dore. Ida. Clarence and Henry Shi- R. H. Holmes, tiaffic agent for manek. The dav was spent in fish­ Southern Pacific, was in town Fri- ing. swimming. horse»h >e pitching day looking after business for his and other sports company. He says he is proud of the people of this community for Mrs. Chas. Fennell and daughter. the loyalty thav show to the S. P.. Mrs. Jean L. Rodgers and ‘laughter and assures th«, public the company and Mrs. Gilbert McDonald and will render every aid possible to this children enjoyed a picnic at Green's community. The S. P. ia the larg­ bridge Sunday. est individual taxpayer in Linn county and is deserving of all the Former Resident Dies patronage the people can give it. Mrs Bertha Price, for m-veral Santiam Fire Under Control years a resident of the Thomae vi­ cinity. died Sunday at the horn«* of The forest fires in the Santiam her eon. P. W Price, t ear Clatska­ Her district, which have been burning nie. Oregon, aged 70 years for the past week, »re now under remains were shipped to Jefferson, control reports Forester C. C. Hall. where burial took place yesterday While considerable of the area burn­ t*esi«ie her husband, wh di«-f some ed over has l>een logged off land and years ago. Mrs, Price is sur ged by four slashings. yet graat damage waa also eons and two dauphtera. The son« done to a vast amount of virgin for­ are John. Frank. Powell W ami est. We cannot be too careful uf Lewis Price The daughters are fires, especially in the forest and in Mra. William Wilson of Jefferson dead grass and Mra. CWTlm De Vane v of Wolf. Montana. the family home at 11 o’clock this morning. Rev. F. B Fellman of Al­ bany officiating, with interment in Bilyeu Den cemetery. New Tire Prices T. L. Dugger Visits years old. and had resided in Linn countv ever since He gave Bryant park tu Albany in 191 8. Besides his wife, he is survived by nine children: C. C. Bryant. Maude Bryant. James D. Bryant, Mrs. Ih-sMic Knox. Frank W. Bry­ ant and Henry Bryant of Albany, John G. Bryant of Salem, Mrs. Ruth Thunuman of Portland, and Mrs. Mary Hodge of Union, and also 12 grandchildren. Mr. Brvant was one of the largest taxpayers in Linn county. named? There is nothing surer, in our judgment And to cap the eli max. there will be a barliecue, with the fatted steer roasted right before your eyes, plenty of fish and all von can drink of that go k . qftoq Cusick Bank Building The public sale in Scio Saturday waa poorly attended and with the exception of the am al I sluff the price realized was also poof. Two excep­ tionally good teams were offered, one receiving no bid and the best offered fur the othtr team, greys, waa per head, which was re- fused bv the owner. One good mare, 7 years old. only brought 325. There was no demand for horses. Ten Want the Job New Tire Prices Big Tractor Moved Dentist Is Coming The span of life ia uncertain. What will mean more to Linn I«a»t Sunday afternoon Dr. Philip Today we are happy »mid our neigh­ county now and in the future than Seymour and wife of Portland came bors and friends Tomorrow wears th» proposed caravan to Clear Lake in over the Southern Pacific to give cold in death. How strange, yet it on Jslv 31 is hard to visua tie. Th«- Scio the once over with an idea of is the inevitable law of nature. fact is. to all the Willamette valley. locating permanently here and open­ liubltard Bryant, one of Unn Just now everybody is thinking of ing a dental office. While here the county's best known citizens. and a water good, pure, wholesome wit estimable couple were entertain- ! former resident of thia community, ter for drinking and cooking pur­ by the «hi it or and wife. was accidentally killed near La poses. and how and where to get it The coming to Scio uf Dr. Sc- • Grande early Wednesday morning. in abundance. m»ur Sunday was hastily arranp« i July 9. while on hia way home to Some weeks ago one of Unn coun­ after a long distance call about 1. Albany from Union whete he mails ty's greatest boosters, after attend 'o'clock, the doctor having l»eu V ! a «hurt visit to his daughter, Mrs. ing conferences of leading citizen* : of the opening here by Prof, h A R Hodge. and family. from Salem, Corvallis, Albany Har M is L. Ramsey, and heimmed at Mr. Bryant had made the trip to risburg, Junction City, Eugene and g->t in touch with the editor an-i Union in hie auto, with Ned O. El- other cities, men who had their eve an hour was on his way here. The lichman as driver, who took the ap­ ' on that great lake of fine fresh wa- like our little city and the surround­ proach to an uncompleted bridge in­ , ter in the southeastern part >>f Linn ing community and think thia is the stead of the detour, and in noticing county. filed on the water right» of most prosperous of any they have his mistake attempted to back down Clear lake in the name of Unn *een. In fact. It look them but two when he loat control of the car and County, and then set aSiul nrganiz hours to decide to east their lot it went over the embankment, tun­ ing a caravan to make a three day among us. Temporarily he will ning Mr Bryant beneath the fender trip of investigation of the possibili­ oj>en an office in the parlor of the and breaking hia neck. The driver ty of Clear lake furnishing water hotel next .Monday. Before leaving waa but slightly injured. to the cities and town» in the valley fur Portland Sunday night he said. The funeral waa hell Friday af­ as far north aa Salem, and his dream You tell your readers and friend« ternoon at the Presbyterian church is to come true on July 31. when that I am coming to your communi­ in Albany attended by hundreds of the caravan leaves Albany. ty lM>cauxe I like yo. r city and the hi» friends from all over the valley, It is expected there will lie about tew people I met. and that 1 hop«’ Burial was in the Masonic cemetery 500 in line, among them living Gov my work and personality will nsk< in cnarge of the Masonic fraternity. Pierce, State Treasurer Jeff Myers, th< people like me.“ of which he was a member. We bespeak for the doctor si other state official», maynrs. coun- The deceased was 76 years old, ctlmen. boosters and citizens. Will hi» wife a most cordisl «-c»-, and came to Oregon with his parent» this caravan bring forth the desired from Missouri in 1852. when but 3 results of the men of the cities show Sale Went Poor «-ply Federal Cord cord. 113.86. T. L. Dugger, former owner of Federal Cord Tires, 3<»x3j « ply Federal Cord Tires. 30x34 5-ply the Scio Tribune, came over from curd. 113 85. Bartu Motor Co, cold. 111.06. Lebanon Fridav. where he la spend-, Federal Cord Tires, 30x34 5-ply ing the summer, on short visit t . curd. Ill 05. Hartu Motor Co. E. D. Myers and family and Mrs. friends and ye editor. He say i he Riley Shelton. Russel McDonald »nd likts California, that the climate Gilbert McDonald is improving wife. P. H. MacDonald and family. agrees with him. but says there has his residence with a coat of paint. Gordon Wesely and wife and Hersch- been practically oo ram there for Hoagland & Son are putting in el Osborne and James George spent two years and that v< gelation ia some kitchen conveniences also. Sundav at Newport. woefully dried up. He is looking fine, and will probaldy remain in Oregon the coming winter. He re­ I People’s Theatre turned to Lebanon Saturday even­ ing. DENTIST Caravan Starts July 31 No 4*.» with th» Z (’. B. J. at Scio, O regon ,on Wednesday Night JULY 23 Music by Kalina Sc Arnold 6-piece Orchestra Admission Spectators. 11.(X) . «KVSP «tu» ' ; «wife Dr. Philip B. Seymour Dentist Having decided to I och I» permanently io Scio. I will open an office in the Parlor of th* Scio Hotel temporarily until suita­ ble office room» can be secured, Monday morning, July 2laL Scientific work, moderate charges and satisfaction will be my guarantee to you. If-yoti ar» need ng dentistrv. come in ■J MM MM I HERE ARE MY PRICES Until you mo « a notice in the paper. Cut them out for future reference and your protection: Noa. 2 anti 3 4 5 6 7 Sli ®a, Shoes, Shoe*, Shoeit, Shoe», per per per per pet horse horte., horse horse . horse 1'2.00 2 25 2.76 3.00 3.50 500 Setting Wagon Tire», per net C. E. KENDLE. the Blacksmith “Satiafactù o in every transaction” Nrin M- f I JI