The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 12, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
The RHo Tribune
Country Correspondence
Monday to visit his aunt. Mrs.
I*hoebe Turner and will help Elmer j
Griffin cover his house Tueeday.
We are all going to the railroad
June 10
June 10
nreeting at Crabtree to see if we
Leo Zeller wa* a delightful boat
Clare nee Lovejoy and wife of Dal­ can hold our depot and agent.
to the Fanners' Union Saturday
ia* came over Saturday for a vied
evening. A large crowd wu pres­
with Mr*. Lovejoy’* mother. Mr*. + • ww w ww w ♦ w w
» ♦♦ ♦
ent and after the hu«ine*s meeting
8. W. Gaine*, returning home Sun­
J Mr. Zeller fed the guests strawber-
day afternoon.
nee and cream to their heart*’ con
John Hartley and wife of Shind­
The berries were from hl*
ler* bridge with two son* and daugh-1
June 10
which he is n«w market­
ter called in Sunday for a aocial ev­
The Shelburn school directors met ing. A huge cake was also serve«!
ening chat -and a few vegetable*
one evening last week and chose Music was enjoyed. The women
auch a* I had.
Miss Elsie Downing trseher for the handed praises to Mr. Zeller’s model
John Smallman of Portland came
following school year. The contract housekeeping and fiowery lawns.
in tor a few daya visit with hi*
wa* signed up Sunday.
Mrs. England. high school teach«-r
grandmother. Mrs. S. W. Gaine*.
John kirfiard. James Hay and at Jefferson, was a guest at the Fred
Newton Crabtree called in Sunday
wife and daughter, Frances, and Mespelt home Thursday.
with hi* sister. Mr* 8. W. Gaine*.
s »n. Jimmie, of Stiverton. Oregon,
William Moore and ehildr«m of
John Crabtree of Soo came in
visited II. 0. Khil'lng last Thursday Salem visited relatives here Sunday
Sunday to the Santiam Farm to
J. G. Holt and wife visited their
meet hi* cousins.
Weibee Kiukrn and the Wyman ¿ett(rhter. Mrs Nellie Jones, in
Elmer Griffin is «till «topping at
brother* filled their ailoe with new Stayton Sunday.
the Farm and is on the sick Hat from
mown clover hay last week.
Allen Gilkey waa seriously ill last
over eating *lrawl>errie* for supper
Guv Wyman hauled hie clover hav week with chicken pox. He suf-
John Griffin, an attendant at the
into the barn Saturday.
fered a relapse on Tuesday and Dr.
pen, came up Wednesday on the
Charles McClain lost hi* Mack Prill wa* called to attend him
sick list but ia on the improve
horse with colic last Saturday even- is now able to be up.
G. A. and Clifford Griffin came in
Claude Hyde and wife and son of
Sunday to join the concert of cou*
Charles Ransom* and family of Corvallis were visiting at S. F Z-’»-
ins and sisters and a square meal
Aumsville. Oregon, •pent Sunday •eta Sunday. Mr*. Arnold Sommer
for a change a* bachelor* grub wa*
with John Ransom* and family.
who had been visiting them came
a little coame.
Gene Stoddard of Aumsville spent with them to remain here.
Mr*. !x*e. the auperintendant of
Sunday with her friend Dafna Ran­
Frank Prokop is digging a well
the Sunday *chool, called in for a
on his place where he intends to
chat with Mr*. S W. Gaine*.
J W. Weil* and family and Charles build.
Our big rain so anxiously waited
McClain and family attended th* i 0. L Holt and »on of Portland.
for ha* failed a* usual when we had
Strawberry Fair at l«ebanon last Nora Holt and Floyd Whetstone of
the drowlh so we will have to wait
Allwnv visited at T M. Holts Sun­
Th«- directors of Fork of Santiam day. Mrs. Vsd* Whetstone visited
Mr' John II. Hartley inform* me
N F l..A held a business meeting at there Friday.
he i* milking 30 fine cows and sej.-
Ernest Kelly and wife of I-arwood
W H McLains Saturday evening
«rate* hl* milk a* the test and price
Mrs Ernest McCrae and family of were guests at Fred Mespelts Sun
will not justify selling to the con-
Munkeis «pent Sunday afternoon day.
densery. Hi* cream bring* him
Errol Sims and wife and son of
with her father. H. 0. Shilling.
near >300 a month and hi* milk I*
Carl Smith pur ch ser I some pigs Seio visited at Mr*. Cora Smith*
fine for hi* hogs.
last w«-ck to fee«! hi« skimm*«t milk Monday.
Ed Kalina is quite puck as he got
Mrs. Orville Gilkey ha* a new
hi* clover hav all in nice and dry
Charles McClain helped W. H.
12 loads.
Mr Cooper, Church of God minis­
Mclain and son roll stumps together
John Griffin, while laying In for
ter of Albany ia expected to be at
iast Monday afternoon.
repair* went over to Stavton to visit
Riverview school house Thursday
Harvey McLain, wh«» ha* been at­
hl* daughter. Zt-lpha who is making
evening and preach.
tending school at Iowa State Uni­
her home with Mr and Mr*. Bronte.
The Thimble Club had a pleasant
versity is on hi* way home for th*
On hi* return he called on Com.
afternoon at the home of M rs. S.
He will return to Bur­
Brown a* they are old friends.
P. Crenshaw Thursday
A large
lington Iowa about September 1st
The old hotel family. Mr and
erowd was present. A shower wa»
where he ha* a position in the Jun­
Mr*. Fuller, daughter and Art
given Mrs. Charles Weinberg. Shi-
ior college and high school of Bur­
Chandler have moved from Ashland
received msny
lington Iowa to teach chemistry for
to a farm near Shedd and are well
Miss Leon* Johnston. Mis* Hazel
pleased. On their return from Ash­ next year.
Young and Mr*. Charles Weinburg
II. O Shilling spent last Thursday
land they were run into on a hid
were received a* members,
with hi* mother at Munkera.
while pushing their car over a 4<»
berries, punch and cookies were
Arthur Mclain »pent Sunday af-
per cent grade, demolishing the car
served by the hostess. The next
U-rn«><>n with hi* friend. Earl Tucker
but no one was hurt.
meetiog will be with Mr*. Winni-
of Turner, Oregon.
Ed Kalina, wife and *»n Kavmond
fred Gilkey.
Hymn Bate* and family and Carl
payed Ed Stepanek a visit Sunday.
George W. Smith and F Laasko
Jonn Griffin returned to Salem Smith and wife took in a *oow at of Fresno, California, arrived Wed­
Salem Sunday evening
Monday to resume hi* job at the
nesday by auto at the Leonard Gil-
pen. He ia still quite hoarse.
kev home. Mr. Laasko was a din­
Are Safer Up There
Jim Milligan moved to Crabtree
ner guest, then continued his jour­
where he has rented a farm
ney farther north. Mr. Smith, who
Sometime* a lineman, working on
Elmer Griffin ha* the shingles
is an old friend to the family re
ready to put a new roof on hi* h»u*«- top a pole is glad that he is not •X- mained for an extended visit. He
before returning to to the Cottage posed to the hazards of the traffic states that the foot and mouth dis­
in the streets beneath him. His
ease is dying out in California.
of security may be traced to
The excitement of raising black
They were about two hour* in cros­
the remarkable precautions taken to
foxe* ha* struck Tom Smail. He is
sing the state line owing to having
thinking of ordering a pair and remove what to the layman wonl«1 I their bedding fumigated, walking
seem to be the inherent dangers of
Dave Horaburg is a little nervous
in a pan of disinfectant, etc
over the fox question. When they his job.
I ad lee with the high heeled shoes
To say that a lineman must be
get a litter of pup* raised the coun­
hav* to walk through the same way.
does not intimat* that he
try will be over stocked and they
for "Old Oregon don’t want to
must develop himself into an acro­
will be willing to trade a fox pell
catch it.” This is Mr. Smith * first
bat. a steeple-jack, or a "human-
for a sheep pelt a* the fever is up
visit to Oregon and he is enjoying
fly.” In fact, precisely th* opposite
to 10f> now.
the scenei y.
John Smallman went to Crabtree qualification* are those of the Meal
lineman, who work* aloft. Th*
From Coast to Coast
daredevel is not wanted. The char­
acteristics which are essential ar* a
Detroit. Mich.. June -tlh, 1924-
cool head, steady nerves, th* ability
A new and outstanding achievement
to recognize danger and the common
My Shoe «nd
in th* automobile Industry of Amer­
sense to avoid it when recognised.
Harness Repairing Shop
ica waa attained here today when
To the layman the most obvious
, the t*n-millionth Model "T” Ford
in the residence just north
danger the lineman faces ia that of
Car left the final assembly in the
of Sam Stoller’s home on
falling. Utility men declare, how­
Highland Park Plant of the Ford
Main street.
ever. that only a relatively small
Motor Company
Good workmanship, reason­
proportion of accidents ar* of this
The motor, carrying the number,
able prices and promptness
kind. Standardized belts, safety
10.000,000 was completed this morn-.
will be my best advertise­
straps and spurs and regular inspec­
ment. Give me a trial.
ing. and reached the car assembly'
tion of this equipment by company
line early this afternoon, and was
Inspector* have materially reduced
assembled into a touring car. the
the number of injuriee due to falls
The Shoemaker
most popular of all Ford body types. >
from pole*
O rkgon
la eMebratron of having attained
The Tribuna. SI U the
• K0M.000 production record, the
company announced that Ford Car
No. 10.000.000 will maks a coau-to-
e«a*t trip •• signifving the nation­
wide popularity of the Ford Car and
it* appeal Io every class of driver.
The car will be shipped to New
York within a day or two and leav­
ing there will be driven aero** the
country to Kan Francisco
The Lin-
e»ln Highway ha* been selected a»
the official route of travel and stop*
will l>e made at most all the towns
along the line. Frank Kulick. who
years ago attained fam« and broke
many record* as the pilot of Ford
racing car*, will be at the whawi of
the ten-millionth during the trans­
continental trip.
Model "T" Ford Cars are today
In use in every country on earth and
the unusual success ’Which has at­
tended the Ford Motor Company
dates prlnciply from 19W. when the
Model ”T’’ was developed and first
introduced on the market.
The company w as among th«- first
to ad- pt the unit p«w« r plant nr.I
the left hand drive control, and it
the fact that in the entire ten-million
product! n.while improvements have
constantly be*n made, there never
hn- been any deviation from tie
original principles of the model ”T”.
J r v -us to the time that the
m -del "T” was introduced the com-
j>aiy hsd bailt and sold approxt-
,t. i> 2o.0o0 F.»rd cars of other
n di *. The first model "T" was
Ci-ni4eted Oct<»her I. 1908. and it
was -i-ven year* later, December 10,
1915. when Motor No. 1,000,000
was pr- due« !. Since then, under
an ev«-r increasing demand, produc-
ti n has steadily grown until a new
utput r»-c.>rd was established in
• .r
it the in-t million car* in
132 working day*.
We Build Willard "B" Batteries
For 1 lard Work
Willard Batteries have charged bone dry platen.
They are as new the day they leave our shelves
as the day they left the factory.
Willard Batteries will stand the heavy current
flow and can again be recharged. Cali and con­
vince yourselves.
Willard Battery Station
Bartu Motor Company
O wi I aiu I Dealers and Garage Men
Scio, Oregon
aseases :sawK..:^-
Every Saturday Is Bargain Day . .
Look in our window and see how cheap and
what good meat you can get for your money.
Every Day
Choir«- Light Bacon
.. 23«
IS< 20«
lt«-avy Bacon...........
Summer Sstmagc-
W< mie*>..,
l«< 18»
..Be -10c
<ìood Boil.
Roast. .,
Every Day
Ruait ....
( baga»
Salt Fork.
. ...IBe
....... 18«
Scio Meat Market
Holechek Bro*., Props.
Scio, Oregon
Prevents souring. Avoid this
loss by cooling quickly and
keeping milk where plenty of
fresh air circulates, preferably
in the open.
Oregon Milk Company
Now Open!
Joseph Vejvoda
was the originator of such funda­
mental principals as the resnovabie
cylinder head, three point suspen­
se >n and torque tube drive, ail In-
o»rp« rated in the Model ”T” and
which have since been generally
ad »pted in the automotive industry.
The r rr« ctnews of these basic fea­
tures ha* l»^-n strikingly proven by
Condensery, Scio, Oregon
W omen a Miases and Children's
Clothing and Haberdashery