r • • X •. A. ♦ • V.4’ g» *- < * • S*» A-■» ’ A*. -♦* f Editorials aa to why Henry Ford’s offer for Muscle Shoals the ban and and it ail cornea through of the fertiliser trust. Ix-en no other offer Muscle Shoals but >14 I. any far. and but where everything is to be gained has and nothing lost, the railroad should there Ford taxpayer had the county. repeatedly asked to investigate and and save the highways. the plant was established war. Moment during the close found the plant m«-nced. plant, bv and Now that Ford has within Patronise the railroad Thia the gov- barely a» for receive first consideration, being offer, it is. the heaviest and it was only made after he make an offer for corporati«*n have their business at any old price, tendered the let work the So are believe we are right, The Scio Tribune down patrons of the carrier must lay down turned congress WHERE ARE WE DRIFTING? its til Morally we are drifting, and com- , where? This is a subject that be­ made X. his offer, and some senators and hooves every home to weigh, and ' c<»ng r< «»men are favorable to him. weigh it well. This angle of the question should the trust ha« made such a howl that Low Fares Fast to accept it. have precedence. "Have we as others who had parents let the reins of home gov­ congress has refused The trust and all via Califond lieen solicited before Ford a as con- ernment go loose, so far as our own child or children are concerned?" suited, told the government they In almost every heme we go into, would not give a nickel for the look one will find the child supreme in ' like Ford was going to get it. the the home, with father and mother howl has been going up so loud that living driven, sometimes freely but congress refused lo sell, if it was most often against their own good plant, but after THCRWAY, June 12. 1021 Tangent was host to the Forum the other night, ami it begin < Ss.-.. Page 2 THE SCIO TRIBUNE * * < ’ Add California to your t-i t« rit ti p at a trivial extta c< »t worth anything to the trust and judgment. it was others before the Ford offer, how ther was the pivot around which I A«k /hr mmpie’e tnforrrMicm in the name of common sense has it home environment swung, it is now ■ Mother used meetings are great when we go and become valuable now. since noth- the child or children a great take affair. part in In them. fact such all Tnere is m- lng has bcen done to the plant? more profitable way of spending an evening than by attending just such C. W. Bragg, local agent The to hold her son and daughter to her. r«n Is liecause Ford said he would sell fertiliser to the farmers at a leas but now she has lost thia hold. Ami why have these two pivots lost con­ Southern Pacific meetings. Our people should make price (bun that of the trust and none trol? There is but one answer tie­ it a point to attend as many a» p< ■ other, ¡ret Ford have the plant cause some one or more parents like the l»eopolbe have sible, and it can be possible, because and all will benefit. lavished freedom from labor and the distance is not •<> far but that an enjoy alls ride is also had. A HEAVY TAXPAYER From time to time this paper hu plenty of money upon th«ir offspring, and other children have seen it compelled their parents to do and like­ There is al* urged its patrons to render every wise. Father and mother have re­ wavs more danger from fir«-» at this «ervice possible to one of Linn coun­ linquished their rights in the h >mr ti ne than any other season of the ty's heaviest taxpayers, «nd we are to their children W hen this is done. | year, and it behooves us to be Very again making the same plea For there can be no safety in home and j careful s I hiu I how. where and why the year 1923, the taxation needed none in the nation. Until parent» we start flr«*s in the op«»n where the fir all pur[«•*<•» in Linn county is again take up their duties, that of wind can lift sparks and float them $1.106.604 46. and the Southern holding the good will of their chil­ to some house, field or forest ard pacific Co. pays ¿115,964.06 of'that dren and furnishing them good set fire to valuable propertv. Bon amount, or 7.77 per cent, and for wholesome labor at home, and krvp fire« should be forbidden, particu- th«- whole stale where it operates I their children in at nights after nine larly by children, and firecrackers the per centage is 7.03. In Klamath o’clock, we shall continue to read should not be sold, and If sold only county it pays 16. K4 per cent and of horrors like the Chicago murder allowed to be exploded under a tin |n Douglas county, 14.73 per cent of and holdups like in Montana and in can or something that will prevent ltu. Uxes collected. I am Angeles. How many parents a fire. The word caution should I* From th«- above figures it is easy know of an evening where their son burned in on the minds of all citl- lo M.e what continued patronising or daughter is and what they are sens. A fire is dangerous. coally of other methods of traffic, either doing? How many of these children and in most cases uncalle«l for. flight or passenger, will do to the come and tell what lhev have Iwn Start no tire wuere there is danger |argest taxpayer within the county, doing and where they were? of it spreading, if a fire must lie |t wj|| m«-an heavier taxes upon the The answer to this last question built in the open. Better yet don't farmer, the small home owner and is best answered by a mother in Scio, build a fire now. the business enterprises if we contin- who recently luiked why the curfew -........... ■ ■uc to give our business to some oth- law was not enforced here, iwcauar Just now th«*re is great agitation er carrier. We do not mean that she was unable lo keep her boy in This is dry weather /• /• pr^essio^jp, sasmess DR. A. G. PRILL DR. C. WARD DAVIS I MNTLST I'hysicisn and Surgeon District Surgeon S Fi S tavto ? i , O ricqon P. Railway Brr .s'M» i Plat* Work given prompt uf 1 ' atUrtion. Alao Extraction Scio, Or. Lowe &. Morrison Gr. F. Korinek Reliable UnSe «-takers All funerals given personal attention N. tí. fx>«a letm non Fhoue 91 not always that the boy out on a "thriller", but < ► i ► Have Your Eyes Examined S. T. FRENCH 6«, «Mte Oetomatnet < » I > ONLY $160 more than the Overland toum.g car—the Ovi rland Coupe-Sedan —the world's foremost closed car value. All the unique exclusive features ol a coupe and a sedan in one! , 4 Removable rear seat gi ves big loading «pace for anything and cvernhing. Scats adjust backward and forward. Seats also make into a full-size bed in the car—great for camping. Easy riding patented springs— big fiowcr — reliability — rc cord - breaking economy. Come in an I see it. Over! r,J it tit* only tmiri »-j ■-« trtnutmilon, prived unJr m ')> »Udine gear I “ b. 1 ••Iodo. Bartu Motor Co. Salea Agency Svio, Oregon F.M. French & Sons Jewelers and Opticians ALBANY. - OREGON is It is not the function of law to make people be good, nor compel parents to do their duty with their own chil­ dren. but is for the purpose of r» Real Estate tiroide r and Notary Public ylbslratts Obtained, f.iaminrd JCIO - . . OREGON tablishing a cods wherrby wrongdo era ars punished and the good are thus able to be belter.. With Doors Front and Rear With I I th«- "thril­ lers" follow loo« discipline at home Lowest Priced Closed Car Why suffer with Headaches? i ► it is or girl Veterinarian by .Mr. lx»we N. I. Moaaiaos MAÏloN, - - - OREGON Phone -Pay, 397 ( ai » ii • - a , r<& fulierculin Testing and did not know where he wir un­ til sometimes after midnight, t N ttior.al Bank Building Understand ourselves, our chil­ dren—then we will not drift to the jails and penitentiaries and the elec- i trie chair. Convention is On W. A. Ewing, T. J. Siunkcre, Presuivnt Vice Fres. E. D. -Myers. Cashier The Sein State Bank A Few Points of Excellence thaï wiU Iit.-r.st ali in the Twintrx Framt the flexible temple, the goW inlay and the ahell bridge. For »ale by Does a General Banking Business. Interest |«ai1« ir«« ini. ni <,l Catana. is on. and the keynote speech was HVI.L-e CATIKRH VI.IIKIXC « n made by Prof. Burton of Minnesota. sl»t» of an Olntnont whirh Qm kly R«ltev*a by locai apvlica'ion and ih* He is spoken of as Coolidge's run-! tatomal Medi- tn*. a Tool«-. whl» h set, tbrouah ih* ttlood on nw Mur.»u* Kur ning male for vice-president, as well fa«r»» ihu* red'icins tho ntUmmution. ■olj by a» drat iist». as C. C Chapman of Oregon Chap­ F. J Ch*n«v a Co.. Tol.do. Ol io man is editor of "The Voter", pub­ trist. ALBANY oert. Qc/ó/?? e HAROLD Al.BRO, Manufacturing Optician h:ici el Final Stttitmit NntK-e is hereby given that the under- lished in Portland. •>K ■ ’. «» atnii -«trator of the estate hlict al Neariag ef H rì I icccur.r of E. . Luke 3arh, deceased, has filed Burton invited Bob LaFollette to Notìcs is hereby given that the under- in tbs County txiurt of Linn County, Ore­ leave the party, and also informed signrd adniintstratrix nf the estate <>f gon, his finals-count aasuch administra­ ' lewm A. Cobb, dereast-d, haa fllwt in tor »ud the at>>d <-.»urt has fixed Monday, him it would be dangerous to form the County court of thè Mate <>f ( »n eon the 7th day of July. 1924, at the hour * in the afv'rnoon of that the third party. During the war for Linn County, her final account, an I of two u < the Judge of saal court has fixvti ths day. as th»- t>m- for hearing of objec- I and ever since the politician has, 2lnj ,Uy of June. 1924 st the hour of 1 • s t<> -.u-l final arc« int and the settle­ tried to "get" Bob, by fair or foul 10 o’clock A M. in the court room of ment thereof. I raid Court in the Linn County court Anv and all persons having objections mean*, and just because he «land« houxr. Albany. Orrg011 A Marks estate of lewis A. Cobb, deceased Attorneys tor Administrator. V. l.yte MeCraaky, First publicatMn Junsh, 1924 Attorney tor aiiwiiniatratrix Last publication July 3, I