The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, May 22, 1924, Image 1

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11.75 the Year
srio OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 22, 1921
Primrry Bnnf» Surprises
Mrs. Leffler Passes
Celebrates Birthday
$60 Subscribed
With less than 50 per cent of the
voter* tuung their franchise last Fri­
day. in both the North and South
precinct*, the election pea** d off
quietly — so quietly one would hard­
ly know there waa an election be­
ing held. (»«ring to a ru*h of job
On Monday morning. M»y 1'.».
Mr* John I-effler pa*--d awn at
her home north-east of town, fol-
lowing an illness of several v«-ar*
She was bom in Scio on Septem­
ber 2b. 1KK1. hence «he wou'd have
Sunday wa* the 43d birthday an-
niversaay of Don McKnight ami
in honor of the event he wa* given
a birthdav picnic dinner by hl* rela­
tive*. Fred Bilyeu and family, W.
F Gill an-! wife. Mr«. V. A. Mc­
Knight ami family all went to Guy
McKnight’* place south-west of town
where they enjoywi a picnic dinner
followed by a general good time
during the afternoon.
A few week* ago a petition was
•tarted for raining fund* for the
purpose of erecting a large sign on
the highway at Jefferson directing
tourist* toward Scio. To «late $'«0
has bevn subscrilmd which will in-
•ure the large sign. Those who
have not given ao far and feel that
it is their duly may do so and all
above the require«! amount for the
large sign will be used to place
smaller sign* al convenient place*
along the highway.
Those wh«> have subscribed are;
W. A. Gilkey. R M Cain. Bartu
Motor Co., J. I. Kelly. F. T. Bilyeu,
J B. Coury, Scio Mill A Elevator
Co., N 1. Mor«i*on, who «ach gave
$2 iff!; Bilyeu’s Confectionery, A. G
Prill, Shelt-n Bro« . J. F. Wee-ly.
Holchek Bros . C. Keodle, E. G. Ar
work thi* week we are unable to
give the vote in detail throughout
the county, but only give the name«
of the nominee«. Here in Scio,
most of th* citizens who voted ex-
preve a regret at the failure of D.
C. Thom* to land the nomination
for county judge.
The nominee» on both ticket* are:
Senator, McNary, rep.. Miller, dem ;
for congress. Hawley, rep.; H. L.
('lark, dem ; secretary of state.
Kozer. rep.; Hembree, dem . *tate
treiuHirer, Thoma* B. Kay, rep.;
Jeff Myer*, dem.; representative.
H. K. Tucker and L. Swan, rep ; 8.
H Goin and A. K. McMahan, dem.,
county judge. D. B. McKnight. rep ;
B. M. Payne, dem.; sheriff, Frank
Richard, rep.; P, W. Goodman,
dem ; county clerk, R. M Ru»*ell.
rep.; H. S. Nolan, dem ; county
treasurer. Lenora Powell, dem.; *■«-
se-omr. Grant Froman. rep.; L. J.
Gidding*. dem.; surveyor. C. H.
leonard, rep.; recorder C. C. Curry,
rep.; commissioner, Joe Hume, rep.;
W. M. Moss, dem.; »upenntendent
of schools, Edna Geer, dem.
From the return*, one would in­
fer that endorsement* by league* or
other organization* have no effect
upon the voter*, a* moat of thorn
endorsed were turned down, all over
the state.
Grand-nephew Visit*
Albert Rex. *on of Mr* R. L.
Berry of Multnomah. Oregon, came
down Tuesday for a «everal week*’
visit at the home of Mr. and Mr*.
Joe Munker*. Albert ia a grand­
nephew of of Mrs. Munker*.
He had just received word that
hi* grandmother. Mr«. Arron Rex.
had died at Stockton. California, on
May «.of paralysi*. Mr*. Rex was
the mother of Clarence and Ernest
Rex. ami lived in Scio for many
year*. Clarence died in Stockton
California, last summer of paraly*i*.
bevn 43 year* of age had «he live I
till next Septeml»er
She W n mar­
ried to John l^-ffler IS year* ago
last Novemlter.
Surviving Mrs leffler are her
husband; her parent*. Mr. and Mr*
George Morrow .»f Sci->; and two
sisters. Mr* Emma
an ! Mr*
Nellie Boon both of whom re-ide at
Funeral Service« were held at th<-
residence yesterday afternoon, were
conducted by Rev Clarence Hedrick
of the Bapf'«i rhorch; M
laid to rest in Franklin Butte ceme­
School Ha* Picnic
Jordan. Oregon
May 20. (Special!
On Monday Mr* Spackman
Fairview school gave her pupil« a
picnie. A numl»er of the parent«
went along with well-filled l>a*ket*
After the long walk through the
bramble* and gra«« and bracing
morning air one of Mr* Salgrl’*
lovely natural uark* wa* reached.
Then the cheery voice* of the v ung-
■ter* rang out in all their delight
for here they plaved gan •■« until
the lunch wa* rea Iv. when all did
ample justice to the occa»i->n.
four o’clock the happv group* <1 -■
persed with the full a«rurrncv that
they had had a delightful day. and
expressed many thank* to Mr*
Jordan Correspondent
Will Attend Chautauqua
The Jersey calf club* of Linn
county will «end judring team* t<
the Jersey Judging contest which ii
to be held in connection with th«
first annual Oregon Jersey cattle
club chautauqua at the state fair
ground* on Thursday anu Friday of
next week.
One hundrei Jersey club meml«er*
from over the state will c mpetr.
The Oregon Jersey cattle club ha*
appropriated 4 1< m > to be l< vi t> 1 in­
to five prize* a* award«
r the 1« t
Attend Basket Dinner
judging team*
team not
winning prize- will re .ve rive dol­
An all day meeting wa* held Sun­ lar* to help defray expen»«-
day by the church»« of Jefferson
Fred Brown Here
which have been holding revival ser-
vice* conducted by Rev. Teddy Leav­
Frvd Bniwr, secretary of the
At noon a large crowd gath­ ■late game ■ •mmi««on. with field
ered at the grove at the writ end of men Hawk- r and Hadley, wa* in
town Tues- ay in regard t<> a fish
the bridge on the highway and en­
ladder at the dam at Jordan. A
joyed a basket dinner together
ladder will be built immediately,
A large number from here were the city council v -ting to conform
in attendance among whom were the with the desire* of th«- commi’-oui
following: E. D Myer*. W. A. Ew­ regarding ladder* suitabl«- for *al
mon and other ti*h to go over the
ing. J. W. Merrit. L. P. Arnold. B.
I Arnold, and their familiee. and
“Aunt Becky” Morri*. Mra. J. W,
Mi** Effie Rhoda of Ast ria i-
Shimanek. Mr* (Torn Pepper, and «pending a two w«-ek*’ vacation at
the home of her parent*. Mr and
Rev. E. S. Muck ley.
Mr*. Cha* Rhoda
Mi«* Rhoda i*
Free gold Rah at the Drug Store employed in the telephone office at
Friday and Saturday.
last Saturday afternoon Mrs. Ow­
es r Lindley entertained a party of
little fo>k* in honor of the sixth
birthday of her daughter. Evelyn.'
Three car* carried the little folk* to
Gerald McDonald’* grove where they f [ ,
„ '
made merry bv playing gam«-«, re-
cititg poetry ami »ingmg until a late ' ,
h-.ur when ice cream and cake were
Those pr«-sent were: Helen My
ry Weaely, Donald MacDonald, Rob­
ert Kalina, Clement Cain, and Rex
and Morri* Shelton.
Tuesday at no«>n, Goveror Pierce
commuted the death Sentence «if
Ru**ell Hevker to life imprisonment.
D m - governor «aid he found from
new evidence and a careful and ac­
curate survey of the old evidence,
that the murder of Bowker by
Hecker wa* not premeditated.
Hecker wa* to hi ve hanged ye*-
terday morning at 10 o’clock.
Nolan Parrish ha* accepeted rm
ploy ment with the Kirkpatrick
Pollock garage in Albany and ha*
mov<-d to that city.
Cusick Bank Building
Saturday Sunday
Albany, Oregon
------- SCIO GYM-------
“ Plate* That Fit ”
Sat’day, May 24
Crown and Bridge Work,
Platea, Fillings. Painless
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
K- “Derby Five"
■ 1
Good Fleer'
Admissioa I100
Mr* H«-n»en, a daughter of Mr
and Mra. W. J. Turnidge of Crab-
ntlillllH last
- i ;»
died III
in ( Portland
from Bbeem in the he«,I.
She leave* to mourn her Io«.*, her
bu«b«nd and two children an<! her
Memorial Day Service
l b« eleven girls of the househol«!
art da** with their teacher, Mi«*
Hazel Hall, gave an exhibit al the
- hool house Friday afternoon. A
very creditable showing of their
work wn* made on well arranged
cable* on which were placed large
vas>-a of spring flowers.
The work done by the girls dur­
ing the vrar consisted of cotton
Irews, wool dresses, blou«rs. under
garments, and embroidery work.
| w > of the girls who finished their
problems ahead of the alloted time
w«ire allowed to make themsvlyes
-•ach a hat, Th««*e were very nicely
The girls served punch to all the
Jersey Cattle Club to Picnic]
The Linn County Jersey Cattle
Club an«l all other* who wish to at-
lend, will hold their annual picnic
at the home of Mr. and Mra. W. H.
McConnell near Shedd on Saturday.
M-.s 14
Th--se who attend are asked to
bring their lunch and their own cup.
C. C. Bilyeu and wife wer« in Al
bany Tuesday afternoon.
Commutea Hecker Sentence
People’s TheaUe
Good Time'
Good Eats !
Mra. Hensen Die*
On account of the Bac--a;aurvat«
sermon. Rev, J. Y. Stewart will
preach in the Christian church in th«-
la He Getting l-azy
! morning on Sunday. This will i«e a
memorial servic. and it is hope«!
Ever since he put in •»•etrk .
all ex-service men who can will
light* on his farm.- R»«e Phillips ha* attend.
been figuring on how he could save
Miss Mary Kotan came home from !
him«elf some labor and have the
Fort Klamath Monday, having clos
comforts of city life. He solved «•d her school there on Friday
the problem the other day by pur­ Mis* Kotan closed her school t«*<-
chasing an automatic electric motor weeks early because of *o many of
for pumping purposes, and soon he of her pupils being abiu-nt with the
will just sit around all day and let
A number from here attended
the Scio power plant do his work.
May Day «xrrcisv* at Richard*on
Good decision. Roe. ami we congrat­
Gap Z. C. B. J. hall la*t Sunday and
ulate y<>u on your gocal judgement report a pleasant time and a nice
Some say it is just laziness, but wr dinner. The Bohemian band of
Mill City furnish«-«! music.
can’t see it that way.
Auspices Student H«xiy Com.
I .ant Friday afternoon one of the
airplan«-* which gave the thing circus
at l-ebanon last week-end came to
Scio and «(«ent the afternoon carry­
ing passenger*. Three of our citi­
zen» to-«k «hort rides. Othal Wallace,
tx-ing first, and it is said he pai«i
the pilot an extra fee to do some
extra stunt* while in the air. He
did the tail spin, noee dive and «ov­
ers! other thrilling stunts.
Hollis and M B Cyrus followed Mr
Wnlla<*e in taking a ride in the air.
The two men with the machm««
went to Portland for the night und
returned Saturday morning. They
sai«i they made the flight from Poit-
land to Scio, a distance of about t>0
miles by air route, in just one hour.
They remained only a short time
Saturday morning and took L. F.
nold. Arch Ray, Ib-an Morris. C M Jone* for a *h >rt ride during tbeir
Donovan. John Wesolv. P. H. Mac •tav.
It is said they are thinking of
Donald, E. D. Myers, W. F. Gill.
putting on a flying circua at Scio
Thus. Large, Tribun«- Pub. Co., who
»«me time soon.
each gave *1 00; .'«I. B. Cyrus, 42 50.
A, W. Hsgey, In 50; County Court
Household Art Exhibit
425 00.
er*. Irene ami Velma Pelan, Loraine
Funeral services were held at I .eb-
Hix»»n, Angaline Wesely, Virginia)
anon Tuesday, a Portland minister
Bilveu, Alta Pennel Edrla Thayer, j officiating.
Marjorie and Helen Zav«>d*ky, Em­
Mrs. Hensen wa* born at Lacomb
ily Skokan. Geraldine Rodgrt*. Har- ¡«nd wa* 24 year* of age
Dr. C. Ficq, Dentist
Johnnie Merrit passe«! the 24th
milestone of his life Saturday and to
help him to rememtwr the «»cencion
a (tarty was given him at which
fifty-five were present. The gue«ls
all brought w«-ll filled baskets of
lunch, am! all enjoyed a good time
till after midnight. Georg«- Bilyeu
»nd wife and Henry Hasaier and
wife of Scio were among those who
Airplane Visit* Scio
Presents that laugh pro­
“Potash and
With Barny Bernard.
Alex Barr, Vera Gyrdon
Al«o Sr co ad Rosa-i of
the "Leather Faster«’*
Admission I 5c and 35c
Women’s Misses und Children’s
Clothing and I Lilierdaahery