w . « s’ * t K. a. ,■ % #w A • SS A «Ji ’(’ *>. I» - ’■ '"r a . e ’ * • * .'«> •«-'* 5 t.’ ■ •• . - -. ■ ■* * J- - A m»at nutritious salmi I« made by mixing cottage ch.-«-*e and or anges cut in small rubes, Arrange on lettuce and serve with mayonaiae dressing to which whipped cream baa iieen added. Nuts chopped rather coarsely may also bo added. A pleasing variation of plain va nilla ice cream is made by scooping out balls of ice cream with the round ice eteam dipper, and rolling each serving in nabisk»> crumbs, made by rolling nabisco wafers on a board with a rolling pin. For angel food cake, try using three-fourths cup egg whit»** la>»>ul 7 whites) and filling the cup with ice-water or very cold water. Mil in the usual way. using lj cups tug ar and one cup sifted flour, three- fourths teaspoon cream of tartar, and salt and flavoring to taste. This is « saving of from one to two whites. The practical finish for woodwork in the kitchen is a washable paint in cream, gray or buff. Light colored walls make the kitchen a brighter and more chearful place to work in. Wicker furniture used in combin­ ation with oak or mahogany often adds to the attractiveness of the living room. Painted furniture is dainty and attractive for use in bedrooms, Wicker furniture when unholatcred with chintx, is good. Furniture in the center of the room gives a crowded appearance and is inconvenient. In a small room especially it is belter to leave the center of the room clear. * 'd. » ' • • -J/ •te;* ' ' 7X S. •. is. • f • ' *•■** * « 7 < * ‘ 'Ju- '•< \ ’j* THE SCIO TRIBUNE « The Scio Tribune Editorials Page 2 O.A.C. Home Pointer» 1 f -Je fi * * •W a * . ,?• •' ‘r ‘i«/*’- - ‘ San Francisco county and other counties in the bridge district are planning a bridge across San Fran­ cisco Bay to connect San Francisco and Oakland. Il is r«timat« used by i Ibi. I* tir. I. <>. Hoick »1 t'*• I nit. -4 -late« Burean of Animal leds*lry, (left* »bo bat be«n placed bj » n tar, Hallare In complete command of ih» li tel I . ’»»*.*■ shret »«-I, Ihr foot and luoutb di«.«»* outbreak In tali ». ..« <■. II. li* . »n.-ccter Departnicat of Asrrlcullnre. '»tate of i. rula. .* ». » i Ur. Iloucte In quickly and permanently «tamping «ut th. cpld< rule. trucks for gain and without taxation SACRAMENTO. CALIF.—Tbs full except the auto licences collected by govern fore« of th« Lulled Sts the state. The railway company, m.-nt has b»-»n brought Into play effectively against the tool •nd cannot go on forever doing buwneaa mouth diseas« tn California, The at a loss, no more than a farmer disease ha« l»»*n eonnnsd to cer- can keep a hundred head of stock on tain limited districts In the state hand when the feed they consume and the work of stamping it out Is would eat up the majority of the proceeding rigorously under tbs Senator .McNary is the leading direc tion of Dr U O Houck p. r stock before they are sold, if we man at this late hour for U. S. Sen­ sone! Representative of Secretary want railway service, if we want to Wallace, department of agri, alture ator. and as he has made good, why hive easy access to the metropolis who has complete control of the ah«nild we burn the bridge bvfore combined federal and alate forces or the capital citv. we must begin us? I he other men arc good, to be "Every method Juatihed by out I to figure out a system whereby we past experience and by aclenUDc sure, but McNary has proven tru« can have it. We cannot have it by study la being u.cd to prevent any IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Till to his people, so why change at this possibility of si-rea.l of the dlssase giving ail our trade L> busses and STATE OF OREt.oN IN AND FOR time? and to wipe it out so thoroughly ; trucks. We cannot have it by tax­ THE COUNTY OF LINN. that there «III I»« no ch .nca of its ing ourselves to build highways and recurrence." said Dr Horn k In the Matter of the There are some 2500 mile« of I N oth k of S alk Mtate There is no danger of apread of getting nothing in return for the road« in Unn county and over 3200 ¡•»»r R kai . of I expenditure. We must solve the Alice A. McDonald, i Prwi-KirrY bridges to keep in repair, to «ay lleceaaed. question by patronising the taxpay­ nothing of the new one« to be built. Notice is Hereby Civen. That pursu­ er. ant to sn Order of Sale duly ma|i«rty belonging : tremendous importance deearveg | to said estate, to-wtt DR. A. G. PRILL bcho<>t<*a every voter to do his or I.ota Nos. One fl) and Tw«i That the Oregon farmer is denied Physician her sbnri* in nominating good and (2) in B!o»-k Eighteen (1SI in ! that degree of prosperity to which and Hobson's Addition to Mill City. tru« non to office. This community Surgeon Oregon, as th«- same apiwar the rich farm lands, the genial cli- hiot two g -I men on the ticket for and are designate»! on th»- plat Dist riet Surgeon S P. Railway of said Addition to sai l city on county oilices, and one for repre­ , mate and the arduous labor put on Scio, Or. tile and «>f r» conl in the oflii-e sentative. and if we are to get any­ the growing crops entitles him is of the Recorder of Conveyance« in an<1 for l.inn County, Ore­ where it is up to us to help put unquestionable. This is largely due gon, the same being situated in them over the wire tomorrow. to lack of customers—consumers of Township », South of Range 3 blast of th«* Willamette Mvrteii- Never in years has so much good the product he can produce. These Property ami an, in Linn County, State of road work l»ren done in this com­ customers can only be procured by Oregon. Automobile Ina. Increasing manufacturing plants 1* ehmh nr S ai Jt : Cash in hand on the munitv as since we elected D. C. Portland J. S. STIC MA, date of sale an«! subject to th« confirm­ Thorn» ns commissioner from this thereby employing labor in turning Oregon. R»-i«inald. dec«*MMd. Everything P O. Aikiresa: Scio, Oregvn. continue to gKe us I the same due interested in those agencies which Hli.t. 4 M auks . promote manufacturing It la ob- OPTICAL consideration if he is nominated Attorneys for Administrator. Albany. Oregon. and elected county judge. Let's vious to anyone who will investigate l YE SIXAIN First publication April 24. 1924. last I that farmers in close proximity to !• the mum* of many help to out him over. publication May 22. 1924. large industrial plants where many HUMAN ILLS ' men are employed and large pay J.fT ‘ MHi HHie liHtiiy Tims i Major Frederick L. Martin, who rolls exist, are prosperous and land A great surpriss for the home knitters was aligned as commander of an i values are high. These much to l»e of Oregvm, but still a fact. Further­ airplane fleet to explore the world, more, this yarn is absolutely virgin and who on two occasions met dis­ desired conditions can and will be wool yarn; the wool was grown In !4nn established in Oregon in proportion aster. is to be recalled, according to county, sold by Mr. Senders to the Ore- to the extent the manufacturing in­ gun Worsted Company (mills located at report eminating from Washington terests are created and extend««) in Sellwo«x1). mwle into worst«-»! yarn by Martin and his mechanician have Roy T. Bishop, son of C. P. Bishop, twice faced death since they started the several sections of the state. The public utilities of Oregon are proprietor of the Wool«-n Mill Store of on this wild and expensive trip, and Salem. Oregon knitters try this yarn doing constructive work in this di- out. AU colors. 46e per ball of 2 oas. because of faulty engine. To the Sample« sent on application. Addreaa official in his padded office back in rection as a result of the vast de­ C. P. bishop. Box 7&, Salem, Oregon. velopment programs now being ear­ Washington, this should not have ned ouL happene»! to Martin and his compan- Hall’s Catarrh Medicine lion so he is to be recalled and hie Tbeir work will inevitably bring more productive industries to the| Th««» »bo ar» In • •Tun-Sown- rondi- reconl investigate«!. Probably be­ ll«m will noth-» that «‘staerh both.«. th«m state because of the unfailing and Hi ve Your Eumi ned Onte a Year much mor« than wte.n Ih.y ar« in *< -1 ing done tn prevent an investigation Yo u lake g«»«i care of your I«-» th. y«-t health Thia earl pro»«« mat white. unlimited power supply that is bring- ths y may I"- replac»-ut Catarrh la a kx-al dtooa»«. it 1» trnatly of why such an untoward program lnfluanc«4 by rwnamutlonal mndlttona prepared bv the local utilities to y«x«r ey«A? Mak»- it a rul- to have H*t.t.*S CATARIIR WStnK tMR la a was mapped out by the department examinsai once a year. CnmMn«d Traatman«. both local and ta- meet all current and pr«H.iM-<*t>• responsible for the world trip by mande. Iraattnant of Catarrh fee or nr forty ynwra. airplane The thousands of dollars being spent on this whim could have Ed D. Gilaon, former Lebanon been used to netter advantage, such man. now Justice of the peace at I as keeping it <>n hand to help in re­ Rend, has gained distinction by fin­ ducing taxes. Rut seemingly this ing Alfred Muni, a hardware dealer, ' had to be done to show the country I25OU dollars for selling moonabtne HAKOLl) A LB RO, that a real tax rwluction program stills and equipment. During the Manufacturing Optician would bring financial disaster to ths last two years he is said to have >---- sown try. ■Mfie asM K aMUa. * Subscribe now $1 7fi the year Tomorrow is primary day. laiy aside your work for a short time and go vote. You owe it to your country. Don't let it be said you did not d<> your duty incompetents get into filee if we do not vote. ■ gii shlpnienl of es or ilalry produci« ' • . ■. -.t non-lnfected «rese of i re la Wi know of no tn- . >» • dU.-ase bas beati ■ »r I-» such sblpmsnts." Dr. liuti« k snid. nlhlence in thè mcn ■i ihc ■- • expressed by Dr. J. !' r . .. t of thè bureau of »li nutrì t'niu-d States de- i' i.ti:.*’’ of :ii< alture. In a mes- «' »• ni to l»r llouck • torà. W- ». in < allfornia,'* he aald. . ; I torce of Inspec- be-n welghed In . prattleal «-xp.-rl.-nc« ■ ni *■ }a producad ths de­ si rei! resulta.** Tell the Advertiser von saw his ad in Hie Scio 1 ribune; he ¡1 appreciate it. BQSII)6S3 JVQD P~.? ' 33101)1^, DR. C. WARD DAVIS I H-SNTIST Fe-t National Rank Building SiAVT'-», O kkoom : 1 Work given prompt* ..-.-I i att.-i turn. Aiao Extraction *'r; »' Pacific States Fire Ins. Co. G. F. Korinek r “ WTSN«. ...» Order Your Envel opes Now—$4.00 per 1housand e/77 e trist. Ai-AANY OAC* \ t tci innrinii • • • OREGON ('s . u- .cerci Mayor Night Tuberculin 1 .-sting Lowe &. Morrison Reliabls Undertakers All fu <>raL . »» I I . rsonal attention by Mr. Ix>we N. C. I.,«i I abanen Phon«* Hl N. 1. Monaiaon Phone -Day. Phone—Night, :®& ------- « ■ W • V V | Why suffer with Headaches? Have Your Eyes Esa mined S. T. FRENCH G»« wale Optometrist With I-’. M. French & Sons Jewelers and Opticians M.l:\NY. - OREGON iTjSLTOI) Reul I .itale Rrofyer and .\'otary Publx Obtained, (‘‘larntned iCK) « A - . . OREGON Ewi . , y. J. Munkers. Vice Prwa. E. D. Myers. Cashier The Scie State Bank I >o*n * (¡encrai Banking Buaineaa. Interest paid on time deposita.