Vol. 27 THE SCIO TRIBUNE |1.75 the Year SCIO OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1924 No. 40 Entered at Ih» at *ku» aa aavtu* i *>*>• aaattae. Art Exhibit at High School Goes to Pythian Home Mr. Merdian Writes Visited Goat Club The eighth graders took their fi­ nal examination« last Thursday and Friday. School will clone this term on the 29th of May. due to the fact that the 30th la Memorial day. which is a school holiday. The Junior» entertained the Sen­ ior» at a picnic Wednesday evening. May «eventh. The J uniore. Seniors. Mias Hall »nd Mrs. Shotwell met at the school house and went to Green's bridge where thev enjoyed a bon fire and weinnie roast. In addition to this refreshments consisting of cake, cookies and ice cream were served. The Seniors present were. Elden Knauf, Ernest Tueek, Ray Mc­ knight and Kenneth Westenhouse. Juniors present were: Thelma De­ launay. Arnold Zysaet, Grace Long, and Bobby Thayer. Lyle Shelton and Vernon DeLaunay were Invited guests. There will be a household art ex­ hibit at the high school building Fri­ day afternoon. May 16. from 1:30 to 4:00 o’clock. Thia will be very interesting and all women who are interested are urged to attend. The following article was written for and published in the Brownsville Times last week by M S W • «1- worth, telling of the going of S P Barger, of that place to the Pvthian home at Vancouver, Wash . and is ao splendid that we are reproducing n "The old ‘Seth Thoma»' clock »till ticks the hour» away. For fifty >ne years it has been steadily at its tn«k telling folks that time is j- .-ding on. When the whispering voices were hushed into silence no other sound was heard in the r-»>m that night when Aunt Betty, the old man's wife, was slumbering in her coffin. Solemnly the old clock ticked on. It haa tailed out the years, many years, that S. P. Barger has grown old ami feeble. But m.v > men. a children have smiled and wept and gone since he bought the clock from C. C. Cooley tmek there in 1373. Some of yours and mine are num­ bered among them "Jaat any time, if you’ll be still and listen, the old clock will tell you a wonderfully beautiful st >ry of fraternal love and charity, of how for several years the Pythian b>dg- of Brownsville has cared f >r thia aged man. Fuel, raiment, food and shel­ ter were provided regularlv through the years. Ever into its »tory it weaves the names of all the mer chants in the town and never fails to tell again of the unfailing friendship of W. P. Elmore who recently fel asleep in Jesus. Out in front of a confectionery store a young mini stepped out to the auto, dropiied some money in the old man’s hand and shook his hand right heartily. "Last Saturday the old man left the house never to come back again The old clock ticks on but is utterly unable to tell where its owner has gone, though it seems full well to know why the old man will not re­ Tuesday we received a letter fr»m our former townsman. Georg« .Mer­ dian. in which he say«: Enclosed i find money order for $ 1.75. Please sand me the Tribune for another I year. l»na Zysaet, Lucille Sommers and Arnold Zvaset. members of the Scio Angora Goat Club, were guests of the Harlan Angora Goat Club .if Lincoln county. Saturday May 3. They were accompanied bv L. J. ai - len, a*«i»tanl state club leader. L>na gave a talk on "History and accomplishments of the Scio Angora G at Club." Lucille gave a judging Dance Well Attended The benefit Dance given at Byron Bates' l>arn near Shelburn Saturday night for Darrell Montgomery and family and Elmer Limbeck and fam­ ily was well attended. About $90 in cash beside» a number of gifts was received by these two families. On April 25 the house in which these two families lived was com pletely destroyed bv fire, in which thev lost all their effects. The friends and neighbors took this means of tuiaisting them to get a new »tart. Music was donated by an orchestra from Albany college. A Bargain Passed Over luut week the price of Western Blended Flour was quoted at $1.50 per sack of 49 pounds, and not a sack was sold. This week it is quot­ ed at $1.H5. having taken a raise in price for hard wheat floor» Thu» the bnyer will stand to lose 35c in just one transaction. This is just an illustration of the fact that local buyers are not watching the quoted prices. It will pay our readers to read the advertisements on page five ami make note of the article or articles wanted. Has Bad Accident Word has been received here of an accident to Fred Axe, srho work* ed at the Scio lagging k Lumber company's mill last winter. While working in a saw mill near Lebanon a log rolled down on him seriously injuring his right side and breaking some ribs and his collar bone. He is recovering in a hospital. I >11. C. FICQ DENTIST Cteatek Bank Building Albany. Oregon “ Plate» That Fit ” Crown ar.d Bridge Work, Plates. Fillings. Painless Extraction. It will be to your advantage to get my estimates. Dr. C F kxj . Dentist turn. It just can't tell where he has gone for Harry Wilson and Henry Blakely are the only ones who went with him on the journey to the new Pythian home in Vancouver Wash. And thia 1« what they tell: "On arriving al the Home thev found that the manager f the home was out but would soot eturn. So thev left Mr. Barger > the parlor while they inspect»-1 the place. "When the man iger returned he found an old mm, wl ite haired ar I tall, reclining i a large and cushion­ ed rocker, Io king perfectly dazed and seeming to be doubtful as to where he v as and of how and why that he hi.4 come. "Then 8. P. arose and bowed hl« recognition and pleasure of the man­ ager's presence Then he said: "My Mme is S. P. Barger and I am <>n my way to "the home’.” "This," said the manager, "is 'the home' " Skeptically the old man looked and slowly shook his head while he eon tinued: "No thia is not the home for i I had it all pictured out different from thia Its up on a high hill and it doesn’t look like this.” "So they left the old man there in a home that ia comfortable and clean with wholesome companions and Christian care.” ▼his Urti» N«sr tsst retag»» Is o"« among mors than a million wha fled from Turkey to Gr«ooa Isol ysar. Plan Military Tourney Well we landed here all right last August. We had a nice warm winter, and 1 havn't neen one foggy dav since we came here. 1 have quite a garden, but one must use quite a lot of fertilizer as Seaside is built on sand, no such soil a« you have in Scio. Living is much high­ er here than there. Coal is $16 per ton. wood $5 00 for s small load and everything In proportion. I go clamming once in awhile, but would starve to death If I had to depend on that for a living. We do not like Seaside as well as Scio, but my wife and I have both regained our health and that is worth a wnole lot to u» both. Hope you are well. Very Truly Yours. George Merdian, Seaside. Oregon. demonstration. Arnold gave a dem* onst ration and talk on "Mohair grading, showing, fitting, and gen­ eral management.” "Club members of the Harlan community and their friend» were much interested in the work of the Scio c'ub." »aid Mr. Allen. "Many <|ur«tions were asked the local club memtiers and their answers and opinions were held in high regard by the Harlan people.” A picnic dinner was served at n »on by the club members to ap­ proximately 50 persons. The Scio Angora Goat Club will extend an in- vi'ation to the Harlan club to visit it in the near future. Airplanes, fireworks, wall scaling contests, polo games, sham battle, and special events will lie features of the eleventh annual military tournament at the O. A. C. stadium ' May 24. A polo gam« between the Port­ land Hunt club and the local O. A. C. team will start the military clas­ sic at 2:30 Saturday afternoon, with an exhibition match in the evening. Shelburn Girl Hurt Radio News Captain Glenn 8. Fmlev, brilliant Shelburn. Ore.. May 14. — While leader of the college team, promises J. W. Parrish says he listened to playing at school today, two little a »nappy contest. the sermon at the First Presbyterian A military dregs will start st 7 ichur(.h ln ”er tht. ratl)o girls, R<>«a Gibbons and Bonita Me- o'clock. Cavalry exhibitions, bridge |Ml Sunday evening At the close Clam, were accidentally hurt by a building operation». drilia in hand-, of the _rmon th„ mln(Mpr Haj(1 he b<>ard that was in the hands of a ling and firing <>f artilery piece«, ^ad an important announcement to small boy. who threw it against a riding contests, rescue races, ma-1 make an<1 anBounPed thal Major building on the school property and glnncing off it struck the Gibbons chine gun competition and special Krederiek L Martin an,j non-rniiitary events will be put on. anic had been found and that thev ' girl on the head and then »truck the McClain girl, who is about six years The O. A. C. band will head the were safe and well. parade to the polo field for the sham I old. just below the left eve. cutting Mr. Pam«h also heard the an­ battle and pyrotechnic display, in-1 nouncement last Friday of the arrest an ugly gash about It inches long. fantiy. artillery, r motor * trensp'^rt. * J o| price in Victoria. B. The wound was attended to locally cavalry, and engineers will all be C. Dr. Price is an evangelist who > and it is thought nothing serious seen in action with the blues leading equated rrviva| meetings in Al- will come of it. The Gibbons girl was not injured beyond being stun a charge against the reds The roar bany last year. of cannons, sputter of machine guns. j ned. bark of rifle«, shout of charging He Backs Uphill cavalry, and glare of signals will At Victoria make the battle realistic. R. M. Cain and family; J F. W\ Five airplanes will fly in the A telegram received here today for the first i* yant * ^an’*,y; Charles Pletka and tournament thi» year t_. — from Victoria. B. C., from a well time. Lieutenant Oakley J. Kelly.) family and Mrs. h rances Wesely and known former Albany minister, who made the first non-stop flight t daughter, Miss Rose picnicked at states that Dr. Charles S. Price, the Bilyeu Den last Sunday. The mem- across the continent, will pilot one evangelist was arrested at that place tiers of the party had much merri­ of the plant*«. Saturday, ment watching Mr. Cain back up the Physicians testify, the telegram He has no vacuum feed on Boosting Stayton Cannery I hill. states, that Price has caused insanity I his car. consequently when he goes1 by placing hie patients under hyp­ ---------- up a steep hill he has to back up. J. W Mayo and R D. Hoke were notic influence Albany Herald. over from Stayton Friday in the In*1 tcre«t of the Mavton Canning Co.. I Hiram Hern Gets Pension a cooperative institution, and gave | , the Tribune a pleasant call. In an-: Pensions have been granted to other column our readers and fruit Mrs. Augusta E. Leonand of Clats- growrrs will find an advertisement kauie, Oregon; to Edward A. Rey- calling attention to the cannery and nolds of Oregon City; to Albert J. its needs. These gentlemen are real Semidlin of Buxton. Oregon; to Hi- community boosters in their city ram H. Hern of Lacomb. Oregon; and say Stayton now has 259 penóte and to William J. Carson of Park- on the payroll, about one-fourth of j place, Oregon, the population. Payrolls are whatl counts in any community, and Star­ ton is striving for a larger and bet­ ter working and business condition. Read page Five. Interesting People’s Theatre Saturday Sunday Fliers Entertain Lebanonite.n “Lawful Larceny” A flying circus took place in Lab- anon Sundav. Three commercial airplanes took part in the exhibition. One of the plane« was built by a Portland firm and is said to be a great success. One of the plane« is owned by Jack Rankin, famous test pilot and instructor, who has carried over 6.000 passengers without an with Hot* Hampton,Nita Nalda. Lew Ccdy, and Conrad Nagel And the kids will make augh in another of "Our Gang Comedy” /Admission 10c and 25c Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends who assisted and contributed so generously during our misfortune in the loss 6t our home and contents by fire. This kindness we will ever keep green in our memory. Mr. and Mrs. Derrel Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer IJmbeck I C. E. Kendle Says Horteskeeiag Are: PER HORSE Number 2 and 3 Horseshoes Number 4 Horst'sho*»* Number 5 Horseshoes Number 6 Horseshoes Number 7 Horseshoes Resetting Shues, per fool . 2 50 3.00 . 25 TIRE SETTING Buggy Tires.......................................................... 2 inch Wagon Tires.............................. 2j inch Wagon Tires ..................................... 3 inch Wagon Tires.... ....................................... Shatpening Steel Lathes. j»er piece............... Grinding Lathes, |x»r piece 12 oo 3.00 400 5.00 . .25 .15 11.75 . 2.00 And all other work is cut in half. If you don't think we have reduced our pries«, give us s trial C. E. Kendle's Blacksmith Shop, Scio, Ore. »