The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, May 01, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    The 3oio TriVunä
Local Jfews and Classified
Pag« G
* -fc
ICtipn I).»novan left Monday night
for \
i.ia, Ore., where he will be
Mr«. J. W. Parrish eu In J«fT»r- j
Fr ! P.ilveu, A lidie Unger and
•on Saturday on a «hurl viMt.
K .
!t>h Young attended a Ford
Clini- m Salem Monday.
The Scio Creamery 1« peylng 18c
cash for egg«, ami 35c for cream
all you bring In.
To Operate Cheese Ptant
Frank Rartu Jr. haa just finished
N. I Morri* »n was tn J«ff«r»n
painting hie residence.
on bum« -» Tuesday morning.
George Stoddard was in Salem
Juat a mrcret about George
Mrs. Fred Mumper and «on went i -he has a girl and he took her to a
to Junction City Monday afternoon, picture «how while in the capital
returning Tuesday.
Ford Sales and Service
Traveler Visits Scio
Batteries repaired by an experienced
battery man
Batteries repaired on
Ford schedule. Bring in your battery
and give us a trial.
The Ford Garage
Phone 27, Scio, Oregon
Women's Misses and Children’s
Clothing and I laherdashcry
. . Every Saturckiy Is Bargain Day . .
Look in our window and .sec how cheap and
what good meat you < n get for your money.
Every Day
R/B _
IVieB t.
Every Day
Smoked Meat
('hoir«- Light Ha«-.11
_______ 33o
Ila •««
StouHer»* .......................... lfa-14*
V\ i-ir.iv«}.
■ Be
Sum nu- r Sausage...
Good Boil....................... .. Bc-IOc
R um T...............................
Steaks.. ......... . .............
Roa«t .... .................................14«-IS«
... . .
Salt Pork
Scio Meat Market
Holrchek Bros.. Props.
Scio, Oregon
■ . awi mañanase
imn •• i «trly to care for all those
Within the nest thirty day« the
Con Weetrnhouae found time to
I »Cal con»i««w*rt> will have W Stalled
come in from the ranch Monday on the necraanry machinery for the
manufacture of cheese here in Scio.
Painten began Tuesday morning Thia i« in line with the policy of the
the painting of the exterior of Dr. company to hand'e al! the milk that
can be brought to the condenser).
Frill** office,
and the cheese plant will help in
Fred T. Bilyeu, wife and daugh­ solving the problem. Th hi Solves
ter. Virginia, and Miaa Hazel H- w- the vex«-d problem of many dairy­
ard «pent the week end in Portland men of where and how to dispose uf
E D. Mvers aud family «pent their milk, aince going into the dairy
Sunday in Salem at the home of hia budrMsa.
brother, state treasurer Jefferson
Each and every industry brought
My era.
, into the community, or enlargement
J. L. Rodgers ta in Portland with of plant« alr«*adv heqe. add« a few
a load of sheep. Jesa is aure doing more to the paymil, ai.d payrolls
a good buatncM in the aheep line are the backbone of every locality.
thia year.
We welcome the decision of the con-
to •■-»tab di achv«
fa< t- ry.
Wm. Young and wife left Wednes­
day morning for their home in Cam-
aa, Wush., after a ten-day visit with I age.
relative« here.
Genuin«* Ford ¡latterie«, wood CAM, $16 50
Ford Batterie«, rubber case
m-rv cottage« ar« tn be constructed
Everett Donovan and family of
Veronia and Miaa Myrtle Donovan
Iawienc»- i'arki-r. a ftw-ni -f Ar­
of Portland «pent the week-end with
Muck, with whom he hai
their parent«. Mr and Mra. C. M.
worked on r«>ad construction for the
state of Oregon, visited his friend
Mr«. 8. B. Holt, who ia secretary
for a week or more and left for his
of the Linn County Jeraey Cattle
home in New Hampshire the first of
Club, attended a meeting of the
last week. Mr. Parker has just re­
board of directors in Albany last
turned from a trip to the Orient,
where he studied conditions quite
W. B. Bowser and family moved
minutely. He said the Orient was
to Albany the Aral ui the week,
a beautiful place to visit, but he
where Mr. Bowser will I* employ«»«!
would not want to work or live there.
He will be associated with Will Gar­
He says the Japanese work for ije
land al painting.
tier day. ami carry as mucn as four
Owing to the fact that scarlet sack* of flour or sugar at one time
fever ia raging in JefTeraon, the on their backs, and that wages nr«-
baaeliall game acheduled between aa low in other countries across the
the high echool team of that city Pacific. He ¿trough! back with him
and the local high achool team laat many souvenirs, which he prizes
Friday waa canceled.
most highly.
Mra. J. L Rodgers returned from
wh<> have made *pi>Hrati<»n 'oenter.
You’ll Find Your Want Here
Wam< <! Wood choppers, balm tim­
ber. Call J. W. Miller. Shelburn.
For >«!<• 4 ft slab wood. $2 50 per
cord delivered anywhere in Scio.
A L. Tiedemann.
For Sale Eight Chester White pigs,
eight wevks old dandies.
quire f Guy Johnston.
F- r Sale Gulden Glow seed corn.
Sel.-ct «tram. Get your supply
• at
I> mard Gilkey.
For Sole b inch wood planer cut­
ting $2. o per load at the mill.
S • L< .gingand LunilierCo. 28-ch
hr: ,!«• Fred wheat at 8fic and
Fnrly W r,4er seed wheat at 90c.
Cull Joe Patrny, Rt. 1 Scio Ore.
I'■ t .- .!e One-ton {Chevrolet truck,
in . <1 running order. For dem­
on *t rat ion, see Gon Westenhouse,
Scio. Or«'
For Sale A black Jersey Cow, will
li fr«--G in a few days. Inquire
of Art. ! e R>*profka, route 1,
Scio, Oregon.
Farm Loans Money at 5$% with
n mmal commission; prepayment
I . o iv
after first year. Wm.
Bain. Albany Ore.
For Sale <»r Trade Bay pony H years
o II, weight 1000 lb., gentle, good
( all or write J. H.
J. host-.■», Lyons. Ore.
For Sa'<
About 6 or 7 gallons of
5 Zeroline and 15-gallon con-
* ■ M for «11
quire at Tribune office.
I or Sale I'our Shepherd pups, all
ii '■ 1
*11 make go-wl stock dogs,
pn ■ i | r heal. Inquire of W.
I Fleming, route 1. Scio Oregon.
a two-wseks visit with her mother.
Arnold Muck and Clarence Shi-
Mrs. Anns h. Shannon, at Kelso, manrk spent the week emi in Port­
Notice Bargain rat»** of $14 per
Wash., laat Thursday. Her mother land. driving down in the Muck car.
htindr- i «»n alL May and June
accompanied her home (or a visit They report a fine time, as is the
Uni:- ami Brown Ix'ghornchicks.
with the daughter and other friends. caac with most young men.
< a : Mr«. J. H. Johnston. Lyons,
Hugo Daley and wife and John
(J. W. Morrow and wife, who have
Daley of Medford were recent visit­ been spending the winter in Eugene, A few young roosteqi for sale at
10c ea >. b itched April 10. Will
ors with their aunt. Mrs. Sarah Da­ returned to their home in Scio last
deliver letwven May.Sth and 10th.
ley. This was John Daley’s first Saturday. Mr. Morrow is greatly
I-'ot ■ ><>ur order to Guy Mc-
visit to Scio since he left here in I improved in health, although he
1872. when he waa but eight or nine rryjat take good care of himself.
Guarant» <-<1 Hemstitching and Picot-
years of age.
The community club of Stayton
ing Attachment. $2.50 prepaid
What do you think of the propos­ will give a home talent entertain­
<»r C. O. D. Circulars free. La»
I < h IL >.-niching Co., Dept. 2.
al to place a large sign al Jefferson? ment at the Forester hall inStayton
Sedalia. Mo.
Is it wise to have a "scout” at the i tomorrow night. Dr. G. F. Korinak,
crossing of the roads there directing prraident of the club, was in Scio Any girl in trouble may communi­
cate with 1'osign I-ee of the Sal-
people to look over our community? llast Saturday a< d invited the mem­
v Hi «n Army at the White Shield
If you do, tell the Tribune about it ber* and friends of the local club to
Hunte, 56.» Mayfair Av«.. Port­
and it will tell the whole community? jattend.
A nominal fee will be
land, Oregon.
Prof. Baldwin of Mist, Oregon, .
was here Saturday making applica­
tion for the local school next year.
The professor has some very fine
recommendations from other places
where he has taught
While here ,
he made a very favorable impression
with the school boar J.
charged at the door.
bor Sal«
Practically new suit of
cloth« ' for young man 18 years
J. D. Densmore, Jr., has been
old. worn but two or three times
made captain of the Albany College
can t be told from new. Price
luuk-ball c'ub. and was given Quite a
Inquire at Scio Tribune. It
write-uD in the Oregon Journal la»t
Friday. Owing to the unfairness of For Sal«' Shadcbud Eclipse White
Spring oats, heavy yielder and
the umpire, the college team lost
grows I ng straw. Alsu Early
the game with Newberg last Friday
Ruiw an.| Nettie Gem seed pota­
For weekend guest«, Frank Gill afternoon. Johnnie ia catcher for
to«'-. See Chas. Chrz, Scio, Ore­
and wife had their little niece. Don­ his team as well as the captain.
na Gill, and friend. Beatrice Bennet
Don't forget the community club Money t<> L»-an at 5J'-« —The Fed-
of Lebanon. On Sunday, accompan­ , meeting at Crabtree Monday night
era! Lind Bank <»f S|>okane.Wash..
wifi make loans through the Forks
ied by Miss Josie Ko tan. all went to ■ Thi« is the regular monthly meeting
of th«' Stuitiim National Farm
Wilson park, where they enjoyed 1 of the club, and memliers of the
1 an Aanociation in amount« from
the day. later in the evening taking Linn County (»pen Forum will be
$100 t<> $25,0<K>, for a period of
the two little girls i>ack to Lebanon. present. You help yourself most
& t > 34i years, on first moruage
Inquire of W II McLaia,
I. V. McAdoo and wife and Prof, hv attending these meeting*, for
Sec. Tr«-a« . route 2. Scio. Oregon
and Mrs. fjiuriston Ramsey drove there you meet old friends an J make
lulv 17-p.
to Salem Sunday afternoon and vis new one*. Besides, you are b»s st­
ited the Tulip farm
The road* ing your community by attending,
near the farm were packed with and at practically no cost of money
sight-seers arid their cars, which or time.
shows the farm is a wonderful draw­
Ira Bilyeu and Frankie Bilyeu
ing card for the capital citv. They spent the weekend in
came back by way of Silverton, While there Ira visited the new
M at 4-6-4
making over a hundred mile trip.
Pythian home at Vancouver, and re­
Globe • Albany
Excavation on the basement for
the new home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Densmore has been commenced, and
work on the structure by T. B. Pro-
pal will be rushed to completion. It
is to be modem in every detail, and
no doubt will fie the finest home in
Scio. We need more such progres­
sive people in our city, and it would
tiegia to grow as ita environment«
ports it of magnificent construction,
and the furnishing« entirely of steel
and as near fire proof as it 1« pos­
sible to construct a building. The
builder« have eliminated stairways
and placed the inclined tramway in­
stead. There are two kitchens,
each aa large aa the local Z. C. B. J.
building in Scio.
The quota to
which the present structure is cap-
| able of housing is complete, and
‘ The Love Master”
Probably the greatest north
ern pirture that ever will be
“Socic ty Scandal”
Corning soon