The Scio Tribun« * « General New* As a part of this big community and with a desire to see all our patrons trons and friends enjoy the fullest prosperity and pleasantries of life, we ask that you meet us at Crabtree at the Community Club meeting next Monday night. Also remem­ ber the Easter Cantata next Thursday night. v • A1* Ç Remember prices are Cash or Produce. Specials—Saturday, May 3 ’ J * * Specials Regular Hot Water Bottles ................ Paint Brush a * ............. .... Meda Talc .......... ................. $2.25 1.50 .25 Special $1.60 1.25 .18 iv -. Spring time is Clean Up Eime 7* Bee u* foi Paint*, Varnishes, Slain*. Brush«»*, Wall Paper, etc. yours i<’on si:it\ i< i : Kelly’s Drug Store Scio Mill & Elevator Company Wesely’s Saturday Savers 1 pound ran Calumet Baking Powder. regular 35c. apecial. ........................... IO, fcOL Buckeye Vanilla Extract. regular 36c me, apecial..................... fcW llilla Bro«., Golden Weal, ^hillings or CiL Diamond W Cotfee, per pound.......... Jvl. J. F. WESELY Grocer « Bargains for Saturday LOOK I 25c ... 7c 6 bars White Navy Soap for ................................ 10c Babbitt’a Cleanser for......................... ............. Colored Damask, per yard................................... Regular -One-half gallon Dr. Hess’ Fly Chaser 3 dozen Dodge Spring Clothe* Pin*................. Also a new line of Men’s Hat* HIBLER Saturday and Mon- D JI ¥ day Prices at “• 15f $1 25 .. 25c >A IS» , ¿Du Sausage 17|c lb. special 2 lbs................. Jvl 1 t r lvV The Scio Cash Produce Fred Mumpers, proprietor. a good one, and specially priced at 5Oc Something new in u Flj and Insect Killer, Fly Tox Sure death. Come in and we’ll demonstrate that it will ’em deader than a mackerel. J. B. Couey, Proprietor Scio, Ore. 1A )R1 ) ( i A RAGE FRED T. BILYEU. Prop. Ford Sales and Service Shelton Bro*. CASCARA I,et u* figure with you on th«—«- diac wheel* and Rucksteel axle*. Veedol Fordol for your Ford kfbtor, Pealing Seaton Not Far Off Valvoline, Hvvis, Golden Sh«’ll and Zerolene Motor Oil*. Am representing the largest ex­ porter* on the coast, and am in a position to pay you the top price for your peel. Will also advance money on contract*, if deaired. A Big Surprise J. D Densmore W’e have made arrangement* with Swift & Co. to act as their agent* here in Scio, and with our own independent buying, will be in a position to st all times pey top price* fcr vour produce. We have no other busines* connections here or elsewhere. We are paying 17c cash for common egg* and 2tc cash for select while egg*, or will pay lc more in trade. We want your Chickens, your Dressed Pork, your Veal, and any other produce you may have for sale. A full line of Feeds snd Hour on hand at all time*. We in­ vite you to give us a trial and get acquainted. To those who want to build DIMENSION Bilyeu’s Confectionery Ice Cream Soft Drink* Fruita- Candies Lunches Tobacros Shoes Repaired! If your «hoes need fixin.’ or hsrneas need repair­ ing. bring them to • BROOMS Genuine Ford Part.«, CTC Tire* and Tube*, Goodrich, Fisk and Diamond Tire*. Trade in your storage battery on a Ford Battery. Sanitary Meat Market * If you need Aeotytono Woldiwg and want II don«- right, h«- » i.r^fwred to do your work. W alm» prepare.! for any work In hw line. If you want anytSàng dorar, come In -our pnc * are righi C. S. KENDLE. the blackamUh. Stittirdfiy S/Hvifilft Both Saturday and Sunday night* at the Bargains for Saturday N. 1. MORRISON Kendle Says The Peoples Store Country Store” Hamburger. special 2 lbs 2 I Oc long handled Fly Swatters New Perfection and Florence Oil Stove* Lang and Uuniveraal Range* l.ard, per lb. 18c; in 51b. lot*, lb $1.50 Hand Com Planters . . . ... 10c 50c $1.85 $14.98 $9.00 * Peoples 1 heatre I - - .... — |J. D. Densmore will buy your HOGS, at the top prices GILL CO P V/dlll 5 3 pound* Nails ........... One-half Gallon Linseed Oil $2 50 Ilan I Saw ... ......... . One -t t Dining Chair* lb-pound Cotton Mattr •«* Inspect our fine line of Shirts, Neckties & Summer Underwear. A full line ol garden seed still on hand. Wadco I^mon Extract, Tfw' regular 46c aixe, apecial ................. .. J vL » J *•*» - ¿a v. »**N .JW” W. *1 V- * J . stale or S II S No. 1 common 2x4 to 2x12, $18.00 M No. 2 common 2x4 to 2x12, $10.00 M SHINGLES BEST SIX TO TWO INCH *A* QUALITY $3.65 per M Frank Kruml.tlw Sbeeauker The Above Prices Are For Ceah Keep the community meeting and cantata in mind—both neat week. Scio Logging & Lumber Company I 3.'