« * * » • a A, a » ♦ » 1 * r > r V- 1 4 • A • V It •« * . f *>• * • a ' .-»• • ' • * • I % ‘a • • f1 ’• * s* • • • • r . • • •.».-> » • • .4* i • * • >9’.- »• • •»* S « * « • • • ♦’ ' »• 1 Ai • ’ Z7 " * » .»«42L* • » * a ■ i»l« I The Community Club last Friday night was the meet- Ing of the Swe«t Home C mmumty Club and also of the Optn Forum., il is said over BOO people were pres ent, and that over 300 ate supper w ith the Sweet Home folks. About 75 went out from Albany and 35 or more from Lebanon, while all the other communities were well retire Ml take advantage of other communi- ti> . but t<> hold our own with them. A committee wa» appointed at 8<«-t Home to make arrangements for a county picnic, and this corn­ mlttee will no doubt have eome »ort of report to make at Crabtree, I his is something all of us ought to lw interested in. Piente» ar» good for what ails us- lack of acquaint* »nee with our neighbors and com- •ented. Scio was represented by munity booster». that »talwsrt worker for this com- Don't forget, then, that Crabtree munity. Leonard Gilkey, and he I» citizens, the Forks of the Santiam surely to be complimented for hold- Community Club and lheLinnCoun- Ing up his end of the county. Hut he ty Open Forum invite you to come »hould not be extweted to do th« i ' to Crabtree nest Monday night and work for all of ue he needs some I get acquainted with the men and women behind the community club help, at least once in awhile The meeting at Crabtree next work they are ail likable people Monday night will tax that little ¡and worth while in making their ac- city to its capacity, and we know quaintance. Crabtree will rise to the emergency. Drastic Quarantine Scio should not allow the outsiders to outdo her in attendance. Ixx-al Th<* «tate Livestock board ha» is- pride should cause us to tie there in «uad a letter to cattle, »hcep. and large numbers. We can and mu»t hog men that is remindful of the keep Scio to the forefront -not to ■eriouxm »» of the hoof and mouth Coming to Albany and disease. and among other thing» »ay»: "Ir the drastic proposal we Salem I arc submitting tn you. we want you to understand the motive; it ia to protect the liveatoct industry of SPECIALIST 'Oregon that we are asking you to Dr. Mellenthin cooperate in thia requirement and to make it certain every plant »hall co­ operate. we are making thtequaran- D»»» Not Onorato ; tine order: "All sheep shearer», farm labor­ Will l>e in ers. dairy laborers, farm and ranch A irany , Wednesday. May 14. ■nd «lock-yard help in general com­ Albany Hotol ing fr<>m the state of California in­ and in to the state of Oregon, unless able S aijcm , Thursday. May 15. t«> furnish affidavit evidence that Marton Hotel they have not been in any district Office Hour*: 10 a. tn. to 4 p. m. infected with foot and mouth di»- ONE DAY ONLY «•«•*, shall I m * required to either iiscard. wash in boiling water, or Consultati No C ■ubject all of their clothing to a four <41 parts of 40 per cent for- Or Mellenthin te • romite'’ gr whist«- in medicine and »tirgcry and la lievnaed malm solution hath (U.S.P.) to each by the state of Oregon. Hedoe» not r ire I (100) part» of water operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stone», u)c«-m of »t.’inach, tot >1» <>r -»•••! tlu-ir «hoes and »hearing equip- adenoid». meat to official disinfection. Cartif- H«* has toWs credit womt.-rful re«uh» I , ■■ In direase» of thestornach,iiv'-r.boi«.«*y.bl»d-1 quir> I of all farm laborers coining d»r. I mh J witting, catarrh, w« ak lung».,. .. rheumatism. aciaUca, leg ulcers and 1 >rom California, rectal allnimts. below ar» the name» of a few of hi» i Timely Warning manv satlabed patients in Oregon: Finnia Peak an. Ilwaco, Wash., cheat | trouble. I l • stat«* veterinarian «ends out W. C. laid. Grass Valley. Ore., ulcer * M»me pertinent reminders, which ws of the stomach. Joseph .Schuster, Heaverton. Ore., ca­ puMi'h twlow. and which should be tarrh and heart trouble. Elisabeth Taylor, Tiaker. Or»., Intes­ tr tly adher«*d to while the hoof tinal trouble. and m uth ut«ide people from un- and bladder trouble. kn >wn diHtrictx and California visit I Mrs. Henry baker, Banks, Or»., gall stones and appendicitis. I your herd. E, C, Nichols, I * ba non. Ore., apprt’ D- n’t employ lal»>rers from Cal- ■Ileitis. Require all th disinfect Rememlx-r above date, that consulta­ ifornia. tion on this trig will he free and that their h I. **’ h and wash their clothes. hla treatment is dilforenL D -n't give credence to rumors. Marriaal women must be accompani<-«i by their husbands. If foot and mouth disease api>ears Address: 211 Bradbury Bklg., lx» It will la* in * our dairy (taper. Angelo», Calif. Don’t repeat rumors, it hurts vour state, but get your information from authentic sources. Business Men! Famera! Don't get panicky or excited. The infection is now one hundred miles farther away than two months ago. There is safety in distance and th«* disease centers are now Everybody uses Envelopes known. The spread existed in Cal and Letter Head» nowaday» as it is a mark of business ifornia two months before they knew distinction. The Scio Tri­ about it We did not get it then, bune has just made a lucky we should not get it now. Be care­ purchase of 40,(MM) white ful but be calm. envelope», the kind we use. In Internal Medicine for the past twelve year». Attention ! and will print them for you at the following Low Price: $2.50 4.00 .75 Or will sell them by the box unprinted at $1.75, but it is better to have your re­ turn card on the corner. Send in your order now, as this number will not last long at these prices. If cash accompanies order.will prepay parcel jawt. Ask for prices on 5000 or more. Envelopes are 24 lb. substance. Some people are saving that there will be many wells go dry this sum­ mer because of the shortage of rainfall during the wintsr. Any­ how. the groun«! at thia early season shows the need of rain, and lota of it J. 8. Sticha went to Portland last Saturday to wit neo* the ball game». He remained over Sunday and took in th» double-header. He »ay» Portland won the game Saturday and one of the aerie» Sunday. Mi«» Eisie ljml»'1 r. Avril >♦ JL... < ’ Ml’ * i3 «sai» TI m * Alo Tribune II Program Receive» Impetu» On Wednewlav night. April 23 large delegation* from practienlly every part of Linn county met at Lebanon for the purpose of talking over roads and a road building pro­ gram. N. M. Newport of Lelmnon presided W. J. Culver, road superintendent and engineer of Marion county was an invited guest, and be read a pa­ per on how roads of solid construc­ tion had been built in his county. He said a few years ago the county court of Marion county a»k«*d rep­ resentative citizens to come together and talk over how best to build good roa.1», with the result that »<>m<* 100 miles of hard surface«! roads have beer, built to date, with no more to build this year. He said the people themselyes worked out the plan and d.*»lgnat«-d the plac«-» where the road» were n.*e«led the worst, and Die county court had carried out the recommendation» It was a moat able paper and sh«.w«rd that the author wa» conversant with road building in all its branches And the best of it ia. there ha» been no scandal connect««! with th«* road building in Marion county. Mr. Culver was ably backed by his col- league. Commissioner J. T. Hunt of Marion county, Roy Klein, state highway engiix*er. was also pres«*nt. and he gave much valuable information on road build ing He said no macadamize«! road could ever stand up under heavy traffic, especially in congealed cen­ ters. and said when this happeued it is always cheaper to stand the first cost for hard-surfaced roads. He also emphasize*! that when the Roosevelt highway is completed and the road crossing the mountains via Cascadia Is a fact, both will be an asset to the Willamette valley and the entire «tale of Oregon. Many of the delegates from all over the county spoke ut>>n the question of roads for the county that are passable the v.*ar around. A few were in for starting construc­ tion work now. but other» thought It licet to wait until a positive pro­ gram i» worked out. and then only build as we get the money. To build as we get the money is the sclwible idea, for then the taxpayer will not be burdened with interest bearing bonds, which could and would go into road building Com­ missioner Thoms suggested I hat a 2 mill tax each year would build at least three mile« of hard-surfa«*« i roads, and it is quite probable that this «rill be adopted as a part of the road building problem For seven yeiirs the people have borne with uncom- plaining courage tlie tre- mendous burden of national and local taxation, I hese must both be reduced. • t Calvin Coolidge Vote for Coolidge Primaries May 16 Paid Advertisement. Pi id for hv I. L. Patterson Manag’ r Coolidge U-itnpnign I State Board of Health WHAT IS PROPER FAETEVTIZATIOX OF MllJt A raw l>eef »teak and a bottle of raw milk are two of the finest food ■ulwtances but it is not safe tn ron. some either of them in that dition. We all understand that raw ■teak should he made bv c.„.k ing but we have not all come t< realize that precisely the name »am tary reasons which deter u» from •crying raw beef »teak to our ch'- <)ren should prevent u from giving them raw milk. Raw milk nh»uld be mad«* safe by the application heat. Fortunately we like the flavor cooked meat I ut unfortunately do not like the Navor of boiled milk. E. D. Myer». J. S. Sticha and D. Therefore the home treatment of C. Thoms represented Scio at the raw milk so as to make it safe and meeting, and they feel that some S.ttiv* Son of Or«*gon who Is at the same time preserve its de­ real constructive work was done f ‘lean lightful Navor ia a difficult under In common with most people, the ( 'ttjuihle taking. local representatives think that the /. v/w ricitct d Close otwervation has shown thst day of bond-issuing, with its interest* lai th fid bearing coupons, onlv tends to make a the cookol taste begins to appear when milk ia held for w»me time at Sucri 1 ss ful wanted article cost twice Its original or above 145 degree» F. According- value, and is usually worn out by Read I ! ............ WMW_IU1 I.' corri of Successful hr th.- probtom of preparing a mfe Serva.*. St adv Achievement. In- the time the last bond in paid. and palatable milk is one of deter-. crea -mg i iluencg. and Wise From any angle we view it, the .ih.p in Voter's Pam­ mining the proper exposure at <>r Siati ; road question, next to the plight of phlet. below 145 degrees F. required to the farmer, is the biggest problem n of Mr. given tc the question in no uncertain University of Wisconsin, ard of Dr, and Mrs. Fr ink Shindler, of Scio, M J. Roaenau of the U. 8. I’ublic manner •“ 1 * only daughter of Health Service have all agree«! that i .Mr. aud .Mr». Harry Freeman, of milk is made safe by holding it at Scio, were married at the Christian 1140 degree» F. for fifteen minutes. I They Warft While Tao Sleep! church parsonage at ! 1 :.’to o'clock. I Because in the heat treatment of Wed ntMiiay. Apr. 23. The ring cer- a milk we are safeguarding humin We ar» proud of our Classified y ua«| rformed by Rev. Har­ ■ life. It is customary to heat column, beeauar it la full of hu­ ry I T - or. in the presence of im­ i milk to al least 142 degrves F. man intereat—it bring» people to- mediate relative» of the bride and (ether a» nothing elee can do. If ( for at least thirty minute» thu» giv­ groom Immediately following it you have anything to sell. or want ing a margin ot 150 per cent. Such Mr and Mr». Anfy Shindler left by to buy something, there la noth­ heat treatment will unquestionably aut< m 1 de for California on a wed- ing quicker nor surer. And the destroy any duw*a»e germs which coat ia cheep. Yea. we are »too ding trip -.f a few week«, at the con­ may have found their way into it proud of our job department and clusion of whi h they will reside the work we do. See us for any- and wall render the milk safe. j near Scio. Albany Herald. thing tn the printing line. i Subscribe n< w SI 75 the 4