The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, May 01, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Scio Tribune
Con n fry Corre sport den ce
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Stale iirtit Qtit ItHttmet
New» F rom Lyon».
C £ keeeea. Market Agent
a 1
April 29
April 29
Mr». S. F Zyeset returned home
Monday from Ashland. She was ac­
companied by her mother. Mr». Ar­
nold Sommer», who is improving in
Mrs. Frank Prokop spent several
days visiting relatives in Silverton
last week.
W. A. Gilkey attended the road
meeting at ls-banon last week.
A cottage prayer meeting was
held rt the Jim Richardeon home
Thursday evening.
Ixtonard Gilkey attended the com-
munity meeting at Ssreet Home Fri­
day evening.
Fred Sommer and wife and W. J..
Kelly and wife and Mr». F. A. Ser-!
from Lyons attended
church at Mill Citv Sunday evening
E. E. Trask and wife «‘ere over-
Sunday visitors in Salem
Mia» l»is McElhaney of Salem
was a visitor in Fox Valley Wednes­
day and Thursday of last week,
■topping with Mrs. Ed Trask.
Byron Vaughn of Aunuville was
a Sunday visitor at J. II Johnston’s.
Alex Bodekerand family are home
from Salem, after spending s me
time there due to Mr. Bodeker be­
in a hospital with a sore hand,
Mrs. Strayer of Aumsville I» vi»it-
1 ing with her sister-in law, Mrs
Helen Vaughn.
George Wiley, who hi !..-<-n <>•
tfing and daughters and the C. Hig- *be rick list the past ws«-k, i- at>i<
gvnbotham family visited the TuliOj
be out. Also the Balsigi-r family
farm near Salem Sunday. The Ser-|■r* out
Mr. Terry, who is working for
fling» and Higgenbothams also en­
Roberts, has ni«>v«d hi» fun
joyed a picnic dinner at the state
the house on Mrs Wood* irth's
fair grounds.
by the river, atx>v< Ly-oi».
Henry Shieman's house took fire
Sunday, caused by putting corncob«
in th»> stove. It was noticed in time
to put it out.
E. F. and Alvin Gilkey and Mrs.
Kester din»*d at Orville Gilkey's
April 29
M md»y evening.
J. G. Holt and wife and Will Holt
Mr». Carl Smith rect-ived 80 fine
visited at W. A. Kottnoffs and M. baby chicks from Mr. Fetit I .»st week
S. Allens in Jefferson Sunday.
She has them in a tireless bro > l«-r
Herman Zeller was home Sunday. and they are doing fine
Harvey Mitchel is planting corn
Grandma Shilling gave a birthday
for Leo Zeller.
supper for her grandson. Glen Shil­
Ernie Smiths were Sunday guests ling. Th'»» who ate of the excel
at Fred Mespelts.
lent repast were H ().. Fred. Virgil.
E. H. Kelly and wife. Henry Kel­ Glen, Adeline. Ralph ami Grandma
ly and wife and Rusael visited at the Shilling; Melvin. Oda and Raymond
B. Byrd home in Cotvallis Sunday.
Leonard Gilkey took Flovd Cren­
H. O. and I-red >hilliog *lM‘r’l |
shaw to an Albany doctor Sunday last Saturday with Ernest McCra<
as he is suffering very much with and family of Munkers
inflamatory rhuematism.
Opal Shilling spent th»- w«-«-k «■ d
Prokop brother» »hipped a bunch with home folks.
of spring lambs Tuesday.
Mrs. Gladys Dennis m I litt'e s«>n
The Editor of
The Tribune
Needs Money
if you owe him
this is a mild
request to pay
up; if you do
not, he is very
thankful for it.
The farmers of Oregon, and es-
penally those interested in dairying,
should take an active part in a gen­
eral movement to get the full Vote
cast against the referendum on the
Oho law. Two and a half million
pounds of Oregon butter had to find
an outside market last year-* a sur­
plus over local demand. Two and a
half million pounds of counterfeit
buHer was sold in Oregon last year,
mostly shipped in from other states.
Dairying is one of the few lines of
farming that there is any profit in.
The more <>leo shut out. the more
demand for real butter. If the
farmers will all vote, the referendum
will lie killed an<l the law made ef­
fective. The matter is of utmost
It has been printed and shown
that stoves manufactured in this
country have been shipped to tier-
many. bought there by Americans,
brought back tn this country, the
freight and expens»- of both ocean
triiia paid here, and the eoat was
then less than the selling price by -
th»- manufacturers in the citv where
made. Syracuse. N. Y.
The steel trust ship« millions of
tons of its products abroad where
they are sold at low price«, yet the
high price prevails in this country.
Hut when the farmer» sell one-
fourth of their wheat crop, the sur­
plus. abroad at low prices, these
prices make the market for the 800.*
000,00ft bushels that are sold and
consumed at home.
, I
The reason why agriculture has
to stand for this disadvantage is be­
cause agriculture is not organise»!.
while the manufacturer» are tightly
4» ■
$ ti
The Scio Tribune
e »mbined. If the wheat farmers of
the nation were as solidly organized
Marines and''
as the manufacturer», and the bulk
of the wheat was handled in one
great marketing association. they
could •eil their surplus cheaply
and jet gel profit prices on the home
It is often pointed out that shoes
are on the free list, yet regardless
of protection the prices remain high
in this country. But it is not point­
ed out that the manufacturers own
the machines very largely in the
foreign countries, also many of the
for» ign factor! -s. »nd that in reality
they lienefit by making the shoes
cheaper abroad than here and there
i» no tariff obstruction against bring­
ing them in.
of Garibaldi Oregon -p<-nt th«- week
end with her brother. Carl Smith
; SANTIAM FARM NEWS • She took the Mondav 2 o’ci -ck n> •
• •• ................J tor for Mill City to visit fru-nds for
a few day*
April 29.
SO«Jt» I 1
Mr. Ge >rgt- cam»- down fr >n
George Griffin was laid up the
camp 14 Friday morning and re
past week with a fearful cold and
turned Sunday aftenii’ -n. Mr. and
Mrs. George wer»- shopping in Al
John Crabtree of Scio called tn
bany last Saturday.
Sunday to renew old times with his
Investigate this special
Mrs. Rosa Gibbons wn« shopping
aunt, Mrs. S W Gaines ami the Fie
in Scio Monday aftern >■»»».
Doratha Wyman call» I on Mi- I
Jam» » Fiatt was out 'on bis regu­
W. H. Mel.»in Monday aftertio n
lar trip Tuesday and called in at
Arthur McLain sp--i
David Horsburg s just in time to
night with with home t
save their house from burning.
Malcolm Miller of T
d-> Oregon
In its agricultural outlook for this
Ed Kalina and wife and »on took
spent Sunday vith
»urlea McClain year the Department of Agriculture
in the ball game at Scio Sunday
and family.
states that from reports from every
when Lrbanon scooped Scio.
Otto Lyons oo-nmenced w--rk for agricul'ural county in the country,
Some gixxl hearted soul was quite
Muter L< »»her Con.jKi iy last it find* that there w II be a normal
generous to the old people, coming
production in general, but that high
to borrow some jars of fruit and
wages, high machinery costa and
fine apples while they were asleep
Santiam wr « woikir.g at the ceme difficult ci edits will not permit ex­
The Fie Eater heard some one
tery Mon»!«/ clearing oft' the trash pansion.
prowling around and got up but
grass fr >m the grav -s of their
Spring wheat will be reduced
could not find his rifle »bella, ao they
parents anJ other l»vrd on«-».
about 14 per cent; corn production
got away with the fruit.
Mrs. Edna Geer, county school will be increased, but on account of
The old man and good wife took
I superintendent, visited the Shelt urn the serioua condition of the cattle
a drive to Scio Friday with a doaen
and hog industrie« there is not a de­
rotten eggs aa the price was right school Monday.
Dr. Brewer of Stat ion win» called mand for the increase; the swine in­
and times are hard. They called at
In to see A. J. McLain last Wrdnes dustry is most discouraging, drastic
the Riverside Inn for a square meal,
reduction in breeding has resulted
and four.d the lady out pulverising
which mav later result in a short-
clods a* fine as worm du»t and as
made a business trip to Stayton age; the dairy industry has expan-led
proud of her chickens aa a mother
to where milk production slightly
is of a new baoy.
« xceeds the dom»-stic demand, for­
The Old Fie Eater had the bud
luck Munday while riding on a clod trip Io Shedd last Friday and pur- eign surrlus production is also in­
chased two grade Jersey c.»»we.
Mr. creasing. and the department •ug-
masher to fall over a box and akin
Troutman of Albany delivered them gests that further expansion is not
his leg in the Mme old scar which
in his Ford truck Saturd sy morning. warranted. It points out that 18,-
caused him so much trooble last
Mrs. Edwin Jones spent several (MN).(MM) pounds of butter and 84.-
days of last week with her daugh- tMiO.IWO pounds of cheese were im-
W Kalina planted five acres of
ter. Mrs. R. M Russell, who has ported last year.
corn M onday, so he is about throu«h
been ill with the measles.
The wool industry is reported as
seeding now.
Lotus Osburn is working for th* distinctly favorable and an advance
Farming is moving along nicely
Jefferson Creamery.
In production is warranted. Of po­ Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
this good weather, but the cold wind
Dell Westenhuuse's house- caught tatoes the department »ays these All other states will increase their
and frosty nights are bad for the
fire Iasi Saturday out it ware extin- ' states will not increase their acre­ acreage.
early fruit and gardens.
guiahed before much daraa^ge re- ' age: New Jersey. Maryland. Indi­
offer before it passes by.
This is the first time this paper has
ever been able to secure such an offer
for its hundreds of readers Act NOW.
See us Saturday and Mon­
day for our Bargain—and it
sure is Cash.
Sahscnbe now, fl.75 tier ^year.
ana. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minneso­
Miss (saline Kester of
ta. The Dakotas. Nebraska, Mon­ •pent the week end with
tana, Colorado. New Mexico. L tan, Myrtle and Drris Hodge.
C. M. Donovan and daughter, Ina
and son. Harry, and Everett Dono­
van and wife were in Lebanon Mon­
day morning.
Mr». Oliver Powell and »on, Al­
Mias»-» fred. went to IjOcomb Friday even­
ing. returning Sunday evening.
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