• • IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THF STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUKTY OF LINN. THE SCIO TRIBUNE In the Matter of the | __ Estate Non«’« or R alf . of or R kal f’ronurrr Alice A. McDonald, Decrased, Notice ia Hereby •AC« snt to an Order of ADV» IffllNG RATU entered of record if Mar Ite« I - •J •4*unr11«i»•ai Court in the al“!«« MWA i a«t»*wt bWJMT the drd day of March 1924. author 85 • • • licensing ami directing th*- um • St4batelMk«M ail minisi rstnr of sai-1 estate A4« irtHwinsnl « «W ms M fwN <<*>• the undersigned, as such adrnii A 1 Is* HMMMr vAilslWWlte» Will sell at private sale from I «-•g m««t I •are uf s>-.J the 24th day of May. 1924. th Ing ar ami ar« designated on the plat of salii Addition to sai-1 city on file sn-J of f record ir tn the nth«« iHt h'bAY, May 1. 1924 of th*- K« icorder of Convey aurea in and for Liat n County, Ore- gnu. the saint be ring situated in If marriage is lottery, and gam­ Township 9, r Miuth of Range 3 Last of ti,e Willamette Meridi­ bling is illegal, is marrriage legal- an, in Linn County, State of ized because it I« a sort of board of Oregon. • I tllMM of S a '. ai : Cash tn baiai on th« ' trade? date of sale and subject to th« confirm­ ation of the above entitled < ourt. Dated this !9lh day of Aprii, 1924. Cotdr rt Minan Hawley says boat* W. (j. M c D onald , n mi is loo pressing to come back to Administrator of It«- Estate of Alice A. MrlJtonald. deceased. Ong n and look after his candidacy P, (). Address : Scio. Oregon. in the primaries.. Willis is quite H ill A M ark », Attorneys for Administrator sure of nomination, however. Albany. Oregon. First publication April 24. 1924; last ¡»ubi lest ion May 22, 1924. On the democratic ticket for u. 8. Senator. will be found the names IN THE COCNYY COURT OF THE of Milton A .Miller. Will King and KTATK OF OREGON IN AND FOR 8. B. Strayer, the two former from THE COUNTY OF LINN. Portland and the latter from La- In the Matter of the | Grand« Miller being a former Estate Nortea or Linn county citizen, no doubt will of S ale or R eal E B Lukenbaeh, P rofkrty carry this county. Deceased, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an Order >>f Sale duly made st tered of record in’the above entitled Court in th« shove entitled matter on the 7th day of April, 1924, authorising, licensing and directing the underaign-d administrator of said estate so to do. the undersigned, as such administrator, will sell at private sale from amt after the 10th dsy of May, 1924. the follow- Ing described real property belonging to said «state, to-wil Beginning at a point in the cen­ ter of a county roa-1 which is 96. mi r>x!i east of the southeast corner the Donation I .ami Claim of Nath­ aniel Crank and wife, same being Notification so. MH and Claim No. 40 in township 10, south of range I west of the W illamette Meridian in IJnn county. Oregon, and running thence west along the center of said road 17.90 rods to the north, east corner of a one-acre tract of land . and it will be kept that wav if the road supervisor will use the drag once or twice a week. What i* the use of scarifying the road and then letting it get back itfto as bad or worse shape than ba­ fore? Why not k-ep it good the whole year around? The cost will be lese over th« country in fulfilling the rw- quir«m«nu. Th«y ciaim it will place • fictitious pries* upon the local mar*' k«t and dump th« surplus upon the stricken countries of Europe at any old price- that no government can i stand long under a price fixed be- yond that fixed by supply and de- mand. They cannot aes anything, so they say, but disaster for the farmer and the buyer, and a wreck­ ing of the government On the other side, the supp'rters of the bill see better times for the farmer, a mere prosperous nation, and a "big brother" spirit toward the needy nations of the old world. Th«y claim there is no intent, either in word or implication, of "national-1 ism” of industry affecting the farm- i er. but that It does mean a quid ' relief for the oppressed farmer u that th« government will assist In finding a market for the surplus. In part their contention is correct. ■ for is it not true that too much stuff of the same nature is imported when the home product could be used to just as good advantage''! Thia is the light in ijhieh the pro­ ponents see the bill, and in which the average farmer sees it. In a measure both contentions are correct, and if the buyer of tin farm products and the producer ’ would Work together in the spirit of helpfulness, a bill such as the Mo ¡ Nary-Haugen measure would not be necessary, Without giving our version of the whole question. ask our readers to study the whole I ¿443» r. J.* V «- Snrrirtimi* t’c Ow*lanrl -K., w . a 's • a w-a < ■ e.* a . time—with Jo tsoi places i ’ i to go and ilea i usi ml pleasure in g power to take comfort to re s , ’ C11 R12 i 1 c.> iihtv. 1 A.Al Cl t of % CEO to FOO ; times 1 OPINIONS DIFFER a Bartu Motor Co. Scio, Oregon matter with a determination tn know the facts, and then write our j senators and Foit, W ork given prompt i 1 rar-lul attention. Also Extraction Calls At tendili • Day or Night That the Forks of the Santiamf haa received more road work sine« it has had a representative in the county court? That with the present mail facili­ ties and train schedules Scio has been practically eliminated from the outside world? That if we are to have an easy | wav of getting in and out of Scio. ; someone must establish a stage routa, to carry both passengers and the mail? That Scio will soon have one of the moot modern homes in the valley? That the price of milk is on the increaae? That the farmer who diversifies is the farmer who has a check book’ On all great subjects men difTer, >n>c > > Uy and *>me dishonestly. By did ■ tly, ww refer to thoee w o ■ ■ an advantage to be gained for ti< b-e ves by taking the oppo- ole > I nn is probably more or less true on the McNarv-Haugen bill, designed to meet the needs of the farmer at the present time. The difference of opinion lies to- day between the average farmer and the av> rage buyer of the pro­ High School Note» duct of the farm. There are those > on the former »ide who are just as -ircnuou-y opposing the passage of April 29 the bill as there are on the latter. Several pupils from the lower Th« -' m - c w hat they term "national* nun*' in the bill ami claim it will grades are reported to be ill with wreck the government in maintain* the mumps. The student body will give a dance mg the provisions of the bill—in the in the gymnasium Saturday evening. multitude <>f employee scattered all May 3rd. Everyone is urged to be present as a rood time is assured. Music will be furnished oy the Der­ by Five of Lebanon. Scio defeated Crabtree on the lo­ cal diamond Fridav by a score of 24 am- »' V That th« primaries are about 15 Eugene E. Smith, candidate for ,jay, IWIJ f°r days away? t United States senator from Oregon.' lhe meeting of thecotn ' has withdrawn from the race. He «ays lack of finance has forced him to do this. 'Gene haa a penchant for entering a race, changing his mind to some other office, then at the proper time withdrawing. Thia leaves the field to George Baker, K. K Kubll »nd senator McNary, with the chances in favor of McNary. A G. F. Korinek - \ eteiinnrian ‘TAYTON, (alt. Optical Company 313 W. 1st St.. Albany i Pacific Stales Fire Ins. Co. aaooooooooaooaaaaaaaeaaa < > I Why lufier with Headache»? < < i > ■ < < < i < i < < i i • • • > > Grgtiuat« Optom«tri«t Jewelers and Opticians ALBANY. - J. S. STlCMA, Resident Agent ^1L5Y SIJSL’I'OJ) With : F. M.French & Sons ! I’ropvrty and Automobile Ina. < i Have Y oar Eye* Examined S. T. FRENCH I OREGON Real Estate Rro^ er and Notary Public ylbitratli Obtained, faamtned K,° ■ ■ «»♦ s s ssssm - - • OREGON ■'. A. K m ing. T. J. M unkers. Vice Pres. ). Myers, Cashier The Sci? State Bank ■. ■. De Doea a n General Banking Business. Interest paid on r»n time depositi). depoaitii. 6 to 3. in look for *'bargai ns The baseball game with Jefferson gia»M-e. It pays to go to was postponed due to the fact that a dependable Optometrist, the schools were closed on account end after a thorough examination bake Author your glasses made according to t h* |>4V of scarlet fever scriptum. The report cards will ba out «orno time this week The laat issue of the Sphinx will be published May &. OR Elio N . ••liable UnSvrtakars Ali funere.« given personal attention by Mr, low» Los« yt. j. Moaaison Iwbanrui l'hone -Day. 397 ‘'bviu <1 Fhorn-—Night, 39ft i BANCROFT > . Lowe A. Morrison FYE STRAIN 1« the cause jf man* HUMAN ILI S T . .wervd bay or Night Tuberculin Testing DR J W. GOIN. Veterinarian. -J Auction Sale and Intentât« Inspector. - I’alace Ford Shod. IM J Residence. MO-R U.BANY. OREGON 0jotometrí¿t. »LUNr OHCb Bring Y our Job HAROLD ALBR11. Manufacturing Opti nao Printing to Tribune