The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, May 01, 1924, Image 1

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    Vol. 27
Mr» Mary Oupor Pa»»«»
Home Burna Down
B. F. Irvine to be at Crabtree Meeting
last Friday afternoon the home
of Darrell Montgomery was com-'
pletely destroyed by fire, presumably
from a defective flue. The fire had
secured such a strong start before It
wa* discovered that it wm impossible
to save any of the household goods.
We understand the houM and house­
hold gwids were covered by insur­
ance. L om estimated al >3000.
B. F. Irvine, editor of Oregon Journal, will Ire the principal speaker at the Communi­
ty Club meeting at Crabtree next Monday night, and as he was born in this community,
no doubt is entertained but that the hall at Crabtree will be packed. Mr. Irvine is as good
at speaking as he is at editorial writing. large delegations will be present from Albany,
Lebanon, Sweet Home. F<«ter, Halsey, Shedd. Harrisburg, Brownsville. Riverside, lacomb
and other parts of the county. A tine program is being worked out and a good and profit­
able time is assured.
From six until eight o’c! <k w ill be the social or get-acquainted hours, when the Ladies
The roof of the house occupied by
Society will serve a bounteous sup|»er to all who come and all who possibly can should
Dave Horsburgh caught Are last
to eat their supper with them. Every business man in Scio should go to this meeting
Friday afternoon, and no doubt the
citizens of the Forks of the Santiam should take an evening off and enjoy a profita­
house would have burned down had
ble time at practically no expense. The price of the »upper will be negligible.
not Jim Piatt been there to assist
in extinguishing the blaze. He im­
mediately got busy with water and
soon had the flame» under control, I
Nearly Met Death
The Baseball Game
This Hen High-Minded
with but very little damage. Mi.
Horsburgh was in the field al wora
Sunday night when returning from
Mr. and Mrs Johnnie Merrit have
l-ast Sunday afternoon on the Io-
when the fire started, and Mr».
diamond, the Scio ItasebaJI team
Horsburg would not have been able
tree. Ralph Hollis came near meet­ lost the second of their »erics of
to cope with the situation.
their belief and the belief of their ing his death. While driving at a games thia season to labanon, who.
friend*. The hen fly* upon the lively speed fr»m Crabtree to his though not go»-d as the Albany team
last Friday afternoon the yjof of
cream she«! near the house, then on­ home in Scio, his car struck a deep of the week before, were good enough
the home of Dellia Weatenhouse, be­
to the limb of a tree near by. and rut in the road just west of Geo. ' to dean up on the locals to the tune
tween Scio and Shelburn, caught
then on up until »he is about 40 feet Bilyeu's farm home and completely I of S to 0. The I >cal boys showed a
tire from a defective flue and one
above ground. The top of the tree upended, landing with the hind end . lack of practice, along with poor
side was burned off and the other
ia gone, and there ia a great hollow perched upon a board fence. The out fielding.
aide badly damaged. Luckily the
space there in which sh«- ha* made tw<> front wheels were completely
Next Sunday the l-xral team will
house was saved, but an entire new
a nest and lay* her egg*. Mrs. demolished, the windshield broken, go to Stay ton an«l meet th«- team of
roof was made nece s sary, which haa
Hassler was surprised when she the top ruined and his own person that dty on their own diamond
been attended to,
discovered what the hen was doing, in grave danger, he crawled from Is expected this will be on«« of the
and her husband had Harold Har der under the accident and wended his beat games of the season, as Scio
Four Teacher* Employed
It was surely miracu­ will be strengthened in her outfield-
climb the tree and ascertain just way home
what she wa* doing, with the result lous how he <*sca|N‘>l sudden death
Ing, and otherwise made stronger
The school board has been busy that the eggs were found
on securing the core of teacher* for have been trying to get a picture of
Crenshaw Boy Break» Leg
next year, and so far have selected the hen in her flights up. and prob-
Ha» Birthday Party
four of the six that are needed to abaly will lie successful. Can any
Gilkey, April 29. Carol, the nine-
conduct the schools of Scio. The one beat this?
year-old son of 8. P. Crenshaw and
Miss Marian Poindexter enter-
teachers so far selected are: Prin­
wife, suffered a broken leg Friday tained some little friend» on hei
cipal. II. L. Watenpaugh; 6th. 7th
while playing at school. While run­ third birthday Tuewlay afternoon at
and Sth gradea. J. W. Miller; 2nd,
he collided with another bov the home of her grandparents, C.
Word’was received in Scio at»<«ut
3rd and 4th gradea. Mrs. Alta Rod­
against the corner of the M. Tindall and wife. The afternoon
4:80 yesterday afternoon that Jo|>eph
gers; primary. Mi«» Ethel ZysMt.
His head and face wa* spent playing gam«-*. Refresh­
The two assistant» in high school Wallers. father of Mary Walter*,
Mr ments were served late in the after­
employed in the J F We-ly gro­ were also injured slightly.
have not been chneen yet. but it is
Crenshaw and the teacher, R H. noon. Those present were: Ruth
probable they will be within the
McDonald, took Carol to Scio to a Churchill, Virginia and Warren Kel­
next two or three weeks. In the failure being the cau«e.
About two months ago Mr Wai physician. There was no physician ly. Deloroua Bowman, Lorien and
«election of Prof. Watenpaugh. who
to lie found in Scio at that time, so Howard Trollinger. Pearl Tindall,
comes from near Corvallis, the board tar* was severely injured on <»ne of
they telephoned to Stayton and Dr. also Mrs Claud*Churchill, Mrs. Fred
feel* they have selected the right hi» legs while working at the mill in
Beauchamp came over and reduced Bowman. Mrs Jim Trollinger, Mrs
man to handle the school, as he is a Mill Civy. and after a month wan
fracture. -Gilkev correspondent. Mike Kelly. Jr.. Mrs. Dale Poindex­
good athlete. and will be able to •ent to the hospital in Salem at the
ter and Mr. and Mrs.
M Tindall
state's expense, and was thought to
coach the boy» in their athletic» and
Celebrated Birthday
help the student body manage the
poisoning He leave«’* ifr an«l sev­
School to Entertain
In the grade» all the teachers
Gilkey, April 28—Horace Munsel
children to mourn hi» death.
choaen thereto are home folk». and
was 66 years old on Easter Sunday.
Shelburn, April 29.—There will
they need no introduction to the At the time of goi g to pr« mi no ar-
. and bis family surprised him with a lie an entertainment at the Shelburn
patrons of the school. None of the
be birthday dinner. The Clarke fami­ school house Friday evening, May 2
present corp» of teachers, except funeral, anti ft . particulars wilt
ly came from Marshfield and the After the literary exercises there
Mr. Miller, applied for re-employ­ given next w ek.
Beene family from Mollala. and all will be a basket eocial. All ladle*
ment the corning vear.
had a good time. A large cake and girls are requested to bring a
Breaks Hand in Fall
with 65 candles was a feature of basket with lunch for two. The
Mrs. Hawk, aged 70. mother of the occasion, ice cream and cake i proceeds received from the sale of
Mr». Fred Smith, near West Scio, wa* served at noon, and the big the baskets will be Used to purchase
Saturday night C. E Keodle. who
accidentally fell off the back porch dinner occurred in the evening. A pictures and other things needed in
ha* just completed building a new
at her daughter’s home Sunday picture with Mr. Munsel holding the the school room. —Shelburn Corres­
barn on his ranch, gave a bam dance,
morning and broke the bone« I ack rake was taken, which he prizes pondent.
and a large crowd was in attendance
of the knuckles on her right hand very highly.—Gilkey Correspondent.
Claude says he sure had a good time,
Mrs. Hawk is partially paralised an«l
and from the way his guests entered when attempting to step up on the
The city council will meet tonight
into the festivities of the evening,
porch she in some manner lost her in regular session at the city hall.
he believes they also enjoyed them­
balance with the above result. She All member* are urgently requested
was immediately taken to Albany, to be present.
where the hones were set. Despite
the pain, she is getting along nicely.
Cusick Bank Building
Albany, Oregon
“ Plate* That Fit ”
Crown and Bridge Work,
Plates, Filling*. Painle**
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
$1.75 the Year
Twin Calve» Bom
People’sT heatre
Fred Roadarmel was in town
Tuesday morning, and he reports
, th* birth on his place of two pair«
of heifer calve*. One pair is rrgi«-
tered Jerseys and the other grarie
Both pairs are living
and doing fine. It ia »aid that this
is quite out of the ordinary, a« twin
(calves usually are of the opposite
Saturday Sunday
Mrs. Wm. Brenner, Mr*. F. G.
Arnold. Mr* J S Sticha and Mias
Vella Brenner were »hopping in |
if* 1 WMKlflQF«
Country Store
Both night* and an ex­
ceptional picture
Mrs. Mary Oupor passed sway at
her home in the Richardson Gap
neighborhood Monday evening, fol­
lowing an illness of about two
months, due to the inflrmitie» of old
Mrs. Oupor was born in Cxecho
Slovakia 78 years ago and came to
America when she was about 22
years of age. She was married to
Joseph Oupor at St. Paul. Minneso­
ta. 53 years ago, They came to
this community in 1901 and settle»!
on what is known as the old Rich­
ardson place, wliere they have since
Mr Oupor. who ia 76. with seven
children survive. They are: J. F..
John. Jim. and Mrs. Anna Karnoah
of Scio; Mrs. Sophie Vacek of Jeffer­
son, Mr* Stella Stafford of Port­
land; Mrs. Marion Norby of St.
Paul. Minn.
Funeral service* were held at
Richardson Gap hall yesterday after-
noon, eulogy read by Atty. W. L.
Marks of Albany, and burial was at
Franklin Rutte cemetery at Scio.
Easter Cantata Next Week
A phone message to J. B. Couey
Tues lay evening from Dr. D. V.
Puling of Albany, *Mure«i Mr. Couey
and the many friends of Dr. Poling
that the same cast that gave the
Easter cantata in the first Presby­
terian ceurch in Albany on Easter
Sunday will come to Scio on next
Thursday evening and give the same
program. This program is said to
t«e even better than the Christmas
cantata which was iriven here a few
weeks ig»
A* in the former event,
there will be n«i admission charge,
but a collection will lie taken. It is
also probable th. cantata will be
given in the Z. C. B. J. hall to ac­
commodate the great number of
people who will want to hear thia
He Weigh» Nine Pound»
last Sunday al 11:30 a. m., a
bouncing baby boy weighing 9
pounds was Ixirn to Mr. and Mrs.
John lx-gner, the attending physician
l>eing from Albany. Tne baby and
ninth« r are getting along Ane. but
John's hat is much too small for him
Ray Sumpter and Miss Hazel
Howard were married in Albany
Mooday. The bride is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. O. K Howard of
the Larwood neighborhood and was
a sophomore in the Scio high school.
Mr. Sumpter is employed in the
mill at Mill City.
Wagon Work
And all other work in our line
Bring in Your Work
Our Price Is Right...
and the Spat Family in
“Hunter* Bold >»
Admission 15c and 35c
O- POUTER, Prop?
In the back of Bartu Motor Co. Garage
Scio, Oregon