The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, April 24, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    Local Stews and Classi/ted
Pag« 6
•jL-jj— eg -k—
--------------- —
J. C. Edwards wen*
Grants I
P am Friday.
M m
J osh - Kotan
spent Ea»trf
Sunday with her mother in the coun­
Mrs. N. C. (¡ill went to Wheeler
to visit her daughter, Eme­
Paul Lardon and wife were in Sa- enforcement of the Prohibit! >n laws
W F Gill and wife and Doe Me-
ha* been callcd by the Anti Saloon
Kioght and wife were in Albany
laague» of Waahingtofi. Idaho and
Fred Bilyeu was in Portland «n
. ,
' .
< »regon. für June 3 4 o in Portland
Thi- Selo Creamery io paying 18c
Fred Mumpers, tbe new commis­
cash for eggs, and 35c for cream -
J. D. Densmore went to Portland
sion man. moved his family from
all you bring in.
oo business Wednesday.
Junction City to Scio last Sunday,
Mias Hazel Hall spent Easter Bun­ and have rented the furnished house
h E. Ericson and wife and daug-
of W. M. Abbot on South Main
ter came nut from Portland Monday day in Albany with relatives.
and returned Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs D. C. Thomoattend- street. Three of their children have
entered the local school.
Jeffenson Myers and wife were no ed the Eastern Star lodge in Albany
The subject of the sermon in tbe
from Salem Saturday evening on a Tuesday evening
Chnrrh Sunday evening
short visit with the family of Ms
Franklin Gilkey. Junior in agri­
will be ‘The Loet Trail.” It you
brother, Ed.
culture at O. A. C.. spent the week­
have lost the trail come to church
end with his parents In Scio.
Sunday night and take it up again.
Ed Jones was in fro«n Shelburn A cordial invitation is extended to
on business Tuesday. He says his all. J. Y. Stewart, minister.
spring work is progressing nicely.
E. C. Shelton and wife have sold
Ford Sales and Service
Mrs. B. Lee Manon of Portland
was in Seto yesterday in the interest i
of the Albertina Kerr nursery home.
Mrs. Irma Shotwell was in Salem
for the week end and attended the
Easter services at Jason Lee Metho­
dist church.
Genuin«' Ford Rittrriv«, wo* I ease, $16 50
Ford Batterica, rublx-r ernie
Batteries repaired by an experienced
battery man
Batteries repaired on
l ord schedule. Bring in your battery
and give us a trial.
Phone 27, Scio, Oregon
The Ford Garage
Women’s Misses and Children s
Clothing and I I.Jx-rdashrry
livery Saturday Is Bargain Day .
Look in our window and arc bow cheap and
what good me it you enn get tor your money.
Every Dey
Every Day
Smoked Meat
Choice Light Paeon ....
Heavy Hscon......................... l*<-2a<
Ham ............
Summer Sausage..
Good Boil.
.. 2Oe
., Be • t Oo
.. 12c: 13s
.. IBc 1Bo
. ...1»e
........I Be
Roast ...
Chops-. .
Salt Pork
Scio Meat Market
Holechek Broa., Props.
Scio, Oregon
»♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦*♦«*.♦♦• • • • • • • •••♦•»♦
Cool, Clean Milk
Prevents souring. Avoid this
loss by cooling quickly and
keeping milk where plenty of
fresh air circulates, preferably
in the open.
Oregon Milk Company
Condenaery, Scio, Oregon
acti-r. ani this time he may be
place-1 in the federal penitentiary at
McNeil’s Island, near Tacoma, if
IwiMHt gmiiy
Mr. Baillie has recently taken
charge of tho club work in Linn,
Manon. Benton and lane counties
und< r the auspice* of the extesmio®
service. Hub members of Linn
county are much interested. In hie
opinion. He found many individual
club member* wuom he will attempt
to c -mbine into standard dube.
More benefits will be derived, he
think*, and the clube will be entitled
to a judging team to enter in the
competitive judging work of the
the place where Jerre Holechek livre
to Jim Staleup, the transfer taking
place <>n the first of April. Cor»-
sideration was $> 2<V). Thus Scio
For Sale- Golden Glow seed corn,
property is still on the move.
Select strain. Get your supply
early. Leonard Gilkey.
A good many of our citizens have
taken the opportunity to do the* For Sale 100 White leghorn chick»
to hatch Anril 29. Phone
early clean up around their office«
0. C. Thoms and wife were in
J. If. Johnston. Lvona. Ore.
and homes the past few davs the
Portland Sunday visiting relatives
Ix-autiful sunshine and Imlmy at­ F ««r Sale 16 inch wood planer cut-
and stopped at the Tulip Garden on
tings $2.50 per load at the mill.
mosphere putting a little pep into
their way home.
Scio tagging and Lumber Co. 28-ch
the average citizen.
Elsie Umtiek and her brother
Wm Young and wife came up F >r Fab- Fet'd wheat at 85c and
Carl drove to Salem Saturday to
I ;ir > W< > der t ed wheat at 90c.
from l'amas. Wash., Saturday to
Call Joe Patrny. lit. I Scio Ore.
witness the unveiling of the (’treuil
spend a ten-day vacation nt Scio vis­
Rider monument.
iting relatives an.I friends
A conference of Imosters for Al­ report having had a pleasant trip Man and Wife wanted for I urn tier
mill. l>>*cook; also two good team­
bany Colleg« >• I*'ng held in the up. and as tieing glad to meet old
Apply at Schieman's mill,
First Presbyterian church in Albany friends in their old-home.
near Stayton.
today. Several from here were in­
Dr. A G. Prill and wife and the Farm Loans - Money at 5j'l v^ith
vited. c.>mmission; prepayment
latter’s niece. Mrs. Edna Therber,
privi edges after first year. Wm.
Wm. Folz found lime while in who is visiting them, went to New­
Bain, Albany Ore,
town Wedneday to give the Tribune a port yesterday to spend a few day s
friendly visit. He lives on route 1. at Oregon's famous beach. Mrs. For Sale or Trade—Bay pony 8 years
old, weight 1000 lb., gentle, good
and cars things are looking pretty Thert-er expects to leaie for her
3rd h >r*e
« all or write J. H.
good in his neighborhood.
home in New York early in May.
J>>hn*t>>n. Lyons. Ore.
A truck load of express is leaving
Mies Haael Philippi. who is at-
F< r Sale Four Shepherd pups, all
every morning now for Port­
tending 0. A. C.. spent the week
mah a, will make good stock dogs,-
end nt her home tn Scio, Mow Phil- land. which shows that there is
pr. .
jc-r heal. Inquire of W.
ippi is a Junior In commerce and a much produce raised around here to
C. Fleming, route 1. Scio Oregon.
be disposed of. The coming to Scio
member of fie La Kappa sorority.
of the commission house haa had a F' -rSalv * hoice dahlia bulba. Have
Ed Pamperine and wife; S. Che-
wholesome etfect upon the produce
about 28 varieties.
$1.50 tier
hak and wife of Portland, R R
dozen. Cail on or phone Mrs. Iva
Boroviks sqd wife and Wm. Beran
.Met iae, one mile wist of West
Last week we said that "N. B '
and wife and daughter of Scio spent
Mores had »old 139 acres to Frank
Easter with K. Boiovika and wife.
Powlaski,” when it should have been
J. W. Merntt has been confined
hundred m all May ami June fth •
"Frank Powlaski has sold that num­
White and Brown laghorn chicka.
to his home for saveral days with an
ber of acres to N. B M ■•***" Sorry
Mrs. J H. Johnston. Lyons. i* ’
attack of the flu. followed by pneu-
the mistake hap|<e»>ed. but it is one
monta. For a time he was quite
of the trials and tribulations of
Any girl in trouble may communi­
low, but is now on the road to re-
cate with Ensign loe of the Sal­
co very.
vation Army at the White Shield
The spirit of raster reigned •u-
Home. 565 Mayfair Ave., Port-
Mrs. J. N. Weddle stepped on a
preme on western railroad train» >n
land; Oregon.
nail the first of laat week and I haa
Foster Sunday. Baskets of Easter
been bobbling around on one fool
eggs and candy rabbits were dis­ For Sale--Shadeland Eclipse White
Spring oats. heavy yielder and
for several days. Her foot is gel-
tributed by the company to tiny tots
grows long straw. Alsu Early
ting along nieely now and will •oon
traveling on its trains. The iiule
and Nettie Gem seed p>>ta-
be all right.
folks scamtwred about the cars 4n
t -
See t’nas Chrz, Scio. Ore­
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long have joyous egg hunt*.
just received word from Pacific City
bum the^ffioney to L an at 5j < —The Fed-
The Tribune was real
•i— envelo|M»s " eral land Hank of Spokane. Wash.,
that Delbert L>ng and wife are the laat of the week printing
proud parents of a fine baby girl, at $4 00 per thousand, which is the
born April 16. She has been named cheapest these have been in a num­
Delvon Irene
ber of years. And a great many
Bova’ and girls' dube of th* vicin­ people have realized it and took ad-
ity of Scio were visited by W. H. vadtage of the liberal offer
Baillie, district club agent, last week. still have a large number on hand
He reported all members full of and can fill all want*. But you hail
"pep" and progressing favorably better hurry, for this offer cannot
last long, for as soon as tbe present
with their work.
supply is gone, th* old price will
G. N. Crabtree and family of
Albany. Mrs. Clara Griffin and E.
The unveiling of the “Circuit
C. Shelton and wife spent Foster
statue at Salem last Saturday
Sunday at the home of Grandma
throngs of people from
Pomeroy. All report a fine time at
It is estimated
home with mother.
that 20.000 witnessed the unveiling.
Notice the ads in this issue of the
It is a beautiful bronze affair, and
Ttibune. Those would not be there
was donated by R. A. Booth of Eu
if the advertiser did not Know he
gene in honor of his father, who
would receive value therefrom. It
was a circuit rider for the Metho­
pays to use the advertising columns
dists in the early days of Oregon.
of the Tribune for results.
It is located on the headtlful state
The Scio high school, the home house grounds near the state house.
beautification club and the sewing
“Jim” Ward, who is well known
I club at the Oakview school, and the
here, and who served time in the
Riverview school were visited by
Oregon penitentiary for manslaugh­
Mr. Baillie who conferred with indi­
ter, when he killed the city marshal
vidual members at each place.
at Sweet Home a few years agh. is
"A Council of War” in which again in the toiis. He is charged
moral force* of th* Northwest will with stealing calves and merchandise
join to lay plans for an intensive and robbing tbe Kings Valmy poet
campaign «sinM violation and non office
“Jim" is a notorious char
will make loans through the Forks
of the Saatiam National Farm
L an A— -iati<»n in amount* from
$100 to $25.000, for a period of
5 to 34j years, on first morgage
security. Inquire ofW.H McLain,
Sec. Tress., route 2. Scio. Oregon.
Julv 17-p.
Globe - Albany
M' ndai -M onda y -T lesday
A huí . Z7-2K-29
The one big hit everywhere---------
with Jame» Kirkwood snd Anna
Q. Nilsson
And lh<*n soon
in “Tbe Love Master"