f.' r IX The Scio Tribuni General News THREE MONTHS AGO TODAY 1 he merchants whose ads appear on this page began quoting real genuine bargains, and they are gratified with the results. Many new friends have been made and older ones drawn closer to us. We have endeavored to make this page interesting and beneficial, both as to reading matter and items quoted, and hope the readers have enjoyed our efforts. 1 fowever, more so­ cieties and others should have used this space to disseminate news, and we hope they will from now on. We are here to help do the greatest good to the community. None Better Than C A meeting of the business mt n will be held at the city hall tonight promptly at 7:45 o’clock. Everyone please come. Wcsterp Webfoot Egg ,Ma»h Wended Golden Pheasant Scratch Golden Glow Dairy Feed WS4 Ç Remember prices are Cash or Produce Specials Saturday, Apr 26 Specials n»n rawni * lour ! H oller mill S TiitahiiEuwaCi •Uü nagSKNI I MMHM Special fl 50 $1 00 1.50 I » 2 Iirl6c K'gular Alarm Clocks (Vim) ............................. Electric Curling Iron*.................. ..... Re \.iil Toilet s<>ap . ... . With every tooth brush sold Saturday we will give absolutely FREE one tube of Klenzo 1 ooth Paste. Send us your mail or phone orders. Infoiti value large heavy guage Pure Aluminum 1» h Pun« $1.55 This is Nortwest-Made Furni'ure Week, April 21-26 Boost North we»t-.Made Furniture, I am offering vxceplially low pri­ ces thi« week on all N<>rthwrst-Miia‘e'al ni »9c HIBLER 99 ■— wi . i i, » J. D. Densmore will buy your HOGS, at the top prices GILL CO ¿ifi t ii rd ay S/ m ci aIs 10-lb. «ack of Sugar, a« many a« you want.................. 10-lb. Imle Kerr's Pancake Flour, reg 80c, special.,.. 3 lb«. Beans, navy or red, special ... 3 I be. Blue Ros«» Rice Bulk or package Raisins, 2 lbs. for . * Corn Flake», per package ............... Large bar» Toilet Soap, 4 bars for .. J. B. Couey, Proprietor $1 00 Scio, Ore. Bargains for Saturday SATURDAY SPECIAL Hamburger. □Cr ial 2 I ba........................ ¿JI 17ic lb. Look over your Hay Rope and see if Sau»ag-e special 2 lbs... 30c you need a new one; if so, get it at Morrison’s Saturday, April 2p, for one Sanitary Meat Market Shelton Broa. day only—25c pure manilia rope at 20c per pound. CASCARA N. 1. MORRISON Pealing Sea-ton Not Far Off Am reprvaentir g the largest ex­ porters on the eoaat. and am in a position co pay you the top price for your peel. Will also advance money C n con tn «eta, if desired. Kendle Says His triphammer is working fine, and he can do your complicated work in a jiffy. C. E. KENDLE, the Blacksmith, Selo, Ore. The Peoples ¿Store I J. ,D. Densmore D'OKI) < TARAT TIC FREI) T. BILYEU, Prop. For Sale Ford louring $125.00 Al Condition, four Cord Tires, Gu .ranteed Okey For Sale at a Bargain I.ike new, AVI HY SIX TRACTOR, en rylindar motor tractor, in good running order a real bargein at C^fkil Ail Jfavv.vv When you want REAL SERVICE on your car The Scio Garage Is the place for you to tret that Service. Merle Cyrus, proprietor A e