♦ a : ^**-3 I 4- ■> % The Scio Tribuna Page 7 General News — I Xßj awits«mxidesí3'."8B«®í» ür? SBMMSaN V.: What do you do When Buying a Cow? a Do you buy her because' she is cheap in price and without looking her over? If you do you no doubt will be “stung.” We merchants have been inviting you to come to our store by quoting you extremely low prices on merchandise of merit, and we are gratified at your response. We invite you to be as scrutinizing of our goods as you are of the cow before purchasing any item advertised, and then use your judgment as to the quality and price we believe you will decide in our favor. ; . I White Seed Oats Don’t forget the dance Saturday right; help the Scio baseball team get supplies. We need the team and good clean sport. » ■niBMMi Baby Chicks Remember prices are Cash or Produce. Specials Saturday, Apr 12 Specials Wear-Kver 2 qnyrt Aluminum Double Boiler Danish Stock B< et S- ed, reg. (>Oc lb . sie-ciaf__ ') ') • Corn, rec 30c lb., special... 48c, 58c and 68c »quart yard Another shlf n> /Mrt>Ònly ¡9 V. - Ask to see the Beautiful Range« we » • ottering at $68. Z|UJn|0«ia »Ml *310 N3M 3 O 99 Both Saturday and Sunday night« at the I Peoples 1 heatre J. D. Densmore will buy your HOGS, at the top prices s «’ ■< >10 SS Unl„r»i»l Rang«, ■IMg. JMU Bargains for Saturday f; a Floor Covering 40c Stowell’« Evergre, n Sweet $1.98 This off -r good only April 10 19. inclusive. ALUMINUM DOUBLE­ BOILER^ 10c 4 Scio Mill & Elevator Company sss One-pound can Union Cup Grease, special per can. ’fíoiA For Quality Feeds come to the Kelly’s Drug Store C Ap JUL E "t-I SC» USÍC0M YOURS FOR siCl { V K ’!•: Creme Oil Toilet Soap. res'. 10c bar. special 8 bar« for w 4 The Peoples »Store Sa tun/ hi / Specials CHILDREN’S HOSE. Black only, Special per pair.................. . 19c Summer is near You will want a «hoe for summer w«wr. Our men’« and boys* Elkskin Outing Shoes are good shoes at a reasonable price. If you do not care for these, we have a good line of Calfskin Shoes. L 4 ? Scio, Ore. J. B. Couey, Proprietor • • Bargains for Saturday I’ork Chops. AtZr 3 lbs Saturday for............ Pork Shoulder Roasts 4 A~ per lb. Saturday............. I vL Loin or Ham R<»a«ts 4 per lb. Saturday................ Ivt Sanitary Meat Market Shelton Bros. CASCARA Pealing Season Not Far OH Am representing the largest ex- I porters on the cxuit, and am in a ’ position to pay you the top price for your peel. Will also advance money on contracts, if desired. J. D. Demmore irono ( r iabage e FRED T. BILYEU. Prep. For Sale—Ford 1 ouring Al Condition, four Cord Tires Guaranteed Okey $125.00 When you want REAL SERVICE on your car The Scio Garage ■Jr* -v* __ *r 71 Is the place for you to tret that Service. Merle Cyrus, proprietor • ft :y- ti e«» * ’•* V —— *•» L J* ♦ ./ ‘I* £* * I •« ‘Z- . jf t. » . * n