The Scio'Tribune General Xew» Page« ■■ Cool, Clean Milk Prevents souring. Avoid this loss by cooling quickly and keeping milk where plenty of fresh air circulates, preferably in the open. Oregon Milk Company Condensery, Scio, Oregon ♦888»»♦»♦»••♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ We have a large quantity of No. 2 Dimension Surfaced two sides. I his includes sizes from 2x4 to 2x12 Price $12.50 per Thousand first come, first served Scio Logging & Lumber Company A DAY’S WORK Miss llaxel Philippi of 0. A. C. spent the week end at her home Sinclair l-owls relate» tb«- fellowin tnridrat. An English brother of th near Scio. Mi»s Dorothy Rigg», a < raft remarked that he had »l ent » s>rority sister, accompanied her. irr, buay day c«»rrsctlng th* proof» of hl» nsw essay Mrs L H Ramsey was shopping "Maks any changes?” naked l.ewis '*1 made >>ne vary Important changi in Albany Wednesday. I took out a comma ” Th* American smiled "And 1» e nt Marion Arnold and wife went to »11 you did today, taks <>ut a commit!” Eugene Saturday. “Oh. no,” said tli» other "After dorp reflection I put ths comma hat'll.’ Subaciihe now — Si 76 the rear — Huston Transcript. f Daddy’s pdEyeixihft Fairy Tale ay ZWY GBAHAM EKMNEa B BARNYARD LADIES "Quark, quark." aald Mr» Twirit "Shriek, shriek." yelled Mr» “Cackle. ra. mo.' »aid Mr» Cow "Mass." whined Nanny Goat. "Ws’ve thought out thing» for our "Qua ch , •rives." aald Mra. Puck quack, wo have d." a»ld Mr* t ow "You bavs, tu»« i a. you have. - Mid Nanny Goat. "Ah. >«•», you have "’ -i was a charming young hen," «aid Mr* Hen. and a charming Madame Hast I will always ba. But I Ilk« my own name better than I do Mr. It«aw tara name, «nd ao I have always kept my own Ruch r»» been the way all the bens have done." "I am very sweet »nd friendly." »«Id Mr* |>uck. "but I. too. Ilk<- my own name bstter than Mr l«rake» family name, and so I have kept my o*n name And all the I tuck« have done the nmt. The family name la a» splendid a one “ "Just what I have done, »brick, ahrlek.' Mid Mrs Gooss "I told Mr Gander that 1 would t>e hl« devoted mate, but that the name of 'foo«e wa» •o famous a name 1 could not give It up for the dull name of Gander." “And 1 Mid the »am* to Billy." Mid Nanny Goat. “I told Billy that I lotted the namr of Billy, but that I wantr-i to be called Nanny all my day», and Billy ahook hl» goatee and »aid that he thought the idea wat good ” "l‘m »o gentle and •" placid, bul I told Mr. Bull that I Ilk* my name of Cow no much It ba* »uch a plea» ant. I«ay eound • "Ye». 1 quack my genial, friendly way about thè [>ond. but ! 4M ln»l»t Up'0 keeplng my good old fatnlly name <>f Inick." aald Mr» tiuck aguln “The Mr. Booster» erww and seem ao conceiletl," aald Mr» Urti “bet they're not tmaa>. Thry »ald I we sbould keep thè g>«>d old barnyard firn fainiiy nani» f«r ounwlve«" “Ah." aald Mr». I»uck. “w« tote our fainlly namee There are people wbo ***Mlly imtwtrtaat, ma-e-a-a." Mill Naflny Gnat. "Really Important, «hriek, »hriek" aald Mr* Go«««». “Really Important, restly Imtxw- tent.' shouted all the barnyard «ni mal» together. »ad than they ali •ang th!» •■■ng ' W« have a» One That are really • ai«n or the »f»«ndid fand! «e To which w» betona' And now w« .»ng Thl» »one. jin«-a-line. Of th» splengM ratnlllM To which we belone • They Can’t Ouaufy. Mistress (who I« going t f >r ih» day)—And. Mary, y u may Invite a friend tu come to ten If y..u Ilk» Mary—I’leo»«. 'm, I haven't got any friend I only know young wotmtu— Bunch. News That Wasn’t New He (»Itted i Edith. I've a ■real piece of news for you Betty Bright ha« protnlaed to be m, wife She You rail that news llm' Four week» ngo »Ke asked me tn be her brivne - t a«M I»*» « i I tA ■«•! a -i w Mg nt. - inu Tkn»«a»e ;«*i rire Kells*• Drugstore. Scio. Oregon. K Erie*'», auditor al the Rat­ lin tn I, -iient the week-end at hi« h'ct.c in Portland. Mr. Ericson is sub«’’’ ’inir for Mr. Ratlin during hi» ill nena. . "I nc t know what 1 w iul without them.” C77/1e/zz e trist. B latitude--ur name» »{teak fur themselveaI “Tea. anyone ran tell ju«t by look tng at me that 1 brio tig to the good old Huck family." “Ami anyone can tell by looking at me that 1 belong to the good old t’ow family," aald Mrs. Oow. "And anyone can tell Ju«I by looking at me that I belong to the good «Id (looae family," aald Mr» (loose “Ro can anyone tell by looking at me that I’m a member of the famous Nanny Goat family,” aald Mr». N»nny (Jost. “Anyone can tell by looking at me that I belong to the good old lien fam lly," aaM Mrs Mett “Ah. yea," aha continue«! "Mr» Puck la right. Our name« speak for them settee. We don't have book» written about our namea. nor do we bars to trace b««f the family namea In great book» In libraries, as I've heard nt »«me people doing “Wa're much more Important than that. Tea. ws're really Important." •Really Important, quack, quack." aald Mrs. Hurt. ■Really Important, cackle, cackle.” Mr« Hau repeated "Really Important, moo. moe." aald Mr» Cow. Scio Meat Market l iolechck Bros, Props Scio, Oregon The Scio Tribune YouCetMLWMofJhix Magazines and'' OUR NEWSPAPER One rear this ixci pt ion AidrrtñtsqodD TtMF OMIT Investigate this spcciid offer liefere it passes by, This is the first time this paper has ever been able to secure such an offer for its hundreds of readers Act NOW.