The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, April 10, 1924, Image 1

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Vul. 27
$1.76 the Year
K»t«ra4 »1 Ik- ww.wKni •«
1 .'iu< mall««.
Community Club
Draws Big Crowd
Albany Kiwanas Buay
No. 3f>
Guards Called Off Hunt
In his talk before the community
Last Saturday morning the guards
club al Scio last monday night. Mr. stationed at Green's bridge cam««
Ren Bartcher gave a few side­ into Scio all "het" up over the es­
lights on the activities of the Kiwa- cape of "Oregon" Jone* over th»« bred Mumper and Wife. After
naa in Albany for the coming season. bridge under their nose and escaping
Looking Over Surrounding*
He said that the auto park at Al- into the vast rccesseaof IJnneounlv. |
Cast* l^ot With Us
, bany was being placed In excellent It was a weird story they told of
thape for th* comfort of the tourist, the fugitive crossing the bridge
Another I usineas house for Scio.
«nd that every evening during the under fir* of thsir guns, hut inves­
And it's business we have been
season slides picturing farm homes. tigation made by the warden of the
milling for several years—a com-
. resorts and side-trip*. would be ■ penitentiary disclosed the fact that
mii«ion house, where the farmer can
shown and lectures delivered. He the guards were some 75 feet awav
bring in any produce he has to sell
asked that every community cooper­ from the bridg«« toasting potatoes,
Monday night was a red-letter he urged the people to get behind
and And a market for it.
the movement as is being promul­ ate with the Kiwanas in this under­ while Jone*, if he really cro» >-d th-
night in the history of Scio.
Mr and Mrs Fred Mumper, who
taking. and that he felt sure this bridge, had almost a free and easy
The Z C B. J. Hall was packed gated by they* meeting«
have l>een conducting a commission
Jim Bryant of Riverside. Mavor was a real way to sell Linn county get away. A man answering the bouse at Junction City, have decided
to the doors Ly people seeking to
to the tourists. From the applause description of Jone* stopped at a
help their community, their county P. A. Young of Albany, Mayor Tha
to close out their business there
corded the «peaker, the Tribune house this tide of the bridge that
,Sterling of l^abanon, Elmer William­
and their state forge to the front.
and move to Scio. They are old-
feels that the people are with that morning and got some milk, so th«-
Albanv. Lebanon. Lacomb, Lar­ son of Albany. Rev Wherry, F. V.
timers at the commission business.
worthy organization in this under­ officials sent out from Salem dis­
wood. Riverside, Shelburn. Foster. Rycroft, Ben Bartcher. Mr Liver
will bring experience and prea-
taking. If we sell Linn county to covered. therefore it is reasonable
Sweet Home, and other communities good. F. M. Redfield, S. W Gaine«.
to our fine little city. They
the tourist, it will only be by free to believe Jones ha* made good hi«
were there in large numbers -all H. Y. Kirkpatrick. G. I. Sutherland,
have rented the building formerly
cooperation of each community in escape
with one idea, to get acquainted, to all delivered short talk«, which wer«
occupied by J. 1). Densmore, on
doing its part to bring its environ­
The hunt for Jone* ha« extended
spread the feeling of good fellow- well received
The real tri al of the
ment to the attention of those who over a‘week, and they fear that he Main street, and will begin receiv­
ship and helpfulness by all getting evening, so far as talks were c. n
ing produce there tomorrow (Fri­
¡** m through our portals.
ha« made good in hi* "French" leave
together in one common cause.
earned, were the ad lr< «»•« of Mrs
If any reader of the Tribune has from the pen. Warden Dalrymple
These were the high lights in the Amo* of laibanon and Mr« Ju-
Mr .Mu in per says he feels he has
a picture of his farm, business or has recal led all hia guard* and 1«
meeting of the Fork* of the Santiam of Foster. The*»« ladi« are b< • > n
to the right place to do busi-
anything else that would be of in­ now relying utxn the civil authori­
Community Club last Mondav night. ting exceptionally popular with the
he knows how to treat hia
terest to the traveler, send it to Mr. ties to make his capture. A reward
These brought out what th* Tribune members of the Open Forum, for
and will at all time*
Bartcher he will lake care of the of 150 has been offerrii for his re-
has often said was needed, acquaint­ They know how to e«pr< - their
price the mark*'
rest of the advertising, except that turn to the pen.
ance one with another, and al) pres­ thoughts so that all who hear then
buy your eggs,
which we must do when the visitor
ent reflected that spirit. Probably know just what they mean. Frank
pork, chicken«,
comes to our door.
this is the first instance in Scio where Bryant of Riverside gave a reading
Council Met Monday
cream, and all other produce that
so large a concourse of people ever that received long and vociLn
there i« a market for. and will pay
Announce* Candidacy
gathered together in such an under­ applause, responding with a four
Monday morning al lo o'clock cash for same.
taking. that of coordinating inter­ line doggeral that to the average
the city council of Scio met In called
The family will not be moved to
R. C. I'epperling of Crabtree an­
ests helpful to each section of Linn citixen would suggest nothing, but
All member* except th« Scio until after the first of May, as
that Frank has a real sense of pi . nounced Monday hi* entrance into city recorder and Councilman Frank they have eight children and they
the political arena, declaring him­
The evening started with a boun­ ing out the kernel of the meat, hi«
Bartu were present. Several bilk ire all in school, the Junction City
for the office of county commis­
teous supper, served by the Ladies showing of what the doggerel meant
were allowed and ordered paid, but schools closing about that time. We
sioner. “Bib,” as he la familiarly
Aid Societies of Scio, lasting Lorn was both dramatic and artistic, when
a few were laid over for invent iga ire glad lo welcome this family to
known, is a republican, and has
6:30 until 8:00 o’clock, and about he crouched down on all fours and
lion, as no requisitions accompanied the business and social circles of
adopted a* his slogan: “Economical
8:20 the program started.
The began hunting out the cotton-tail
them and rome were presented for Scio, and bespeak for these estimable
administration; guard the interest*
opening selections were played by rabbit that had sought refuge from
services performed without the people their full share of patronage.
of the taxpayer.“ Mr. I’epperling
the Billy Kalina orchaatra which was some bovs in a brush pile.
knowledge of any member of the Our readers will And a half page
is in the urime of life, has had 20
encored roundly, while the large
td for this new firm on another
years experience in road building,
crowd was being seated, and after ing and the handshaking afterward«
A former resolution, granting th« liege turn to it and rear! their
and says he believe* he know* how
the singing of one verse of the “Star is the real merit behind these as-<«m-
city treasurer the right to pay off ■neouiagv to you.
to build good substantial highways
Spangled Banner," led by J. C. Ir­
old bond* when the treasury would
without the extravagant expenditure
vin«« of Albany, Ksv Huett offered night proxed the ruie. The next
not be below $500 reserve, wan re­
Mr*. Myra Carl Dead
of the people's money. He opposes
pealed. and a new one adopted mak­
the invocation.
Community Club will be held at Joe Hume of Brownsville, who an­ ing the reserve 1200. This will al­
Through the columns of the Sun-
The song "Oregon, My Oregon."
Crabtree on the first Monday night nounced some time ago. for the
low the treaaerer to take up some lay Oregonian, the Tribune learns
had been printed and distributed
nomination. J F. Kukacka of Selo,
in May
old bonds as fast as the money of the death of Mrs. Myra Carl, a
among the audience, and Mr. Irvine
who also announced about three
The l^dit-s Aid Societies furnished
comes in.
sister of W llaoo Richardson of Scio,
led in singing thia home made pro
weeks ago, has withdrawn h a name
Rreresentatives of the Mountain who died at her home near Boring.
duct, the people joining heartily, ac­ the supper and over 100 people wer««
and therefore will not be on the
Sla es 1‘ower Co. were present ask­ Oregon, on March 23, IP24, and
companied by the orcbast ra
This served.
ing the privilege of going over some that her burial took place at Mt
is the song, as the Tribune sees it,
Many Came From Over County—Good
Fellowship Manifested and Doubting
Thomases Completely Routed.
that should be adopted by every
community club in the state as its
“mascot," for in no other way can
we begin to love our state and work
for it but by singing its praises -and
thia song dost that. Then the first
and last verses of “America" ware
Mrs. Gilchrist of Albany and Mias
Ljet* Couey of Scio each rendered
beautiful solos, and responded to en­
F. E. Calister, president of th*
■Open Forum, was here introduced
and delivered a fine address. taking
but little time he said so that others
with a better mrssage might be
isiven more,lime. Mr. Calliater ia a
real live wire for Linn county, and
Celebrate* 102'd Birthday
Missionary Deliver* Lecture
Mrs. Dr. S. C Bro ene brought
Rev. W. H. Crofts, a returned
to the Tribur
office yes terday
missionary from Chin*, occupied the
morning a pat -r she hai received
pulpit at the Baptist church last
from Wind« . Penn. containing a
Friday night, when he was greeted
write-up of t e 102 nJ birthday cel­
by a crowded house
He gave much
ebration of her great aunt. Mrs.
information about China and illus-
Sarah Ann Weaver. on Sunday,
trated his lecture by 80 lantern
March 23. There was a large gath-
slides. He is said to be a fluent
ering of relative* and friend« and a
»weaker and held his large audience
dinner was served. Mrs. Weaver,
spell bound during the entire time.
who is said to be the olde«l l i ly in
the county, is in good health and
Frank Schrick made homestead
maintains all her faculties. She
proof on his 40-acre farm eight
greeted her guests happily and re­
mile* east of Scio last Saturday.
ceived their congratulation« with
William iteran and Earl Browning
evident delight. She is the mother
were his witnesses.
of six children, four of whom are
living. She has 26 grandchildren.
48 great grandchildren, and 26%r«-at>
great-grandchildren. The yourig««st
of the great-great grandchildren, i
who is seven weeks old, was present
Saturday Saaday
at the celebration.
A pleasing fsature of the occasion
was a personal letter from President |
People'» Theatre
Country Store
Coolidge, congratulating her upon
the remarkable occasion.
Lambert Coppock and wife of
Milwaukee came out Saturday to
visit their daughter. Mrs. Oliver
Powell and family. On Sunday they
all drove to Waterloo to visit their
daughter and sister. Mrs. John
powetl. who has ■ new baby.
And Warner Raster. Derolys
Perdue A Ralph Lewis in
Blow Your Own Hom
Also will present an Indian
Frontier serie*—
-The White Man
W’ho 1 urned Indian"
Adnuaaton 10c and 25c
construction data relative to the Scott cemetery on March 22. Mrs.
building of the pre«ent light plant, i'arl was born near Scio in 1857,
and their request was granted. it and was the daughter of the late
is the intention of the Company t<> j John W. and Mary A. Richardson,
make a proposition to buv the local Other members of the family sur-
light plant, hence the data w*s; viving her are two daughters. Mrs.
J D Foots of Walla Walla Wash..
an<l Mrs. John Holtman of Boring;
| two sisters , Mrs. J. Y. Rurner of
Banquet Prove* Success
Waterville Wash.., Mr*. M. Brenner
The get-together banquet given of Roseburg, Ore., and T. B. Rich-
by the Knights ot Pythias at their1 ard*on of Myrtle Point, Ore.
hall Tuesday night, proved a grand
While this ia belated news to the
success from every angle
. he many friends of the deceased In this
Ixnquet was prcjiared and served ! community, no doubt it will be a
by tlie Indies Aid Societies, and surprise to some of them to learn of
they livevl up to their reputation (the passing of this most estimable
as culinary artist*. About 45] woman,
memlwrs and their wives were pres- j
Chas. II. Fisher, one of the pro-
ent, and all seemed to enjoy the
> prielor* of the Eugene Guard, died
evening immensely.
Dr. A. G. Prill acted as toast­ Saturday morning from the effect*
master. and in this capacity the of an operation for appendicitis.
doctor cannot be surpassed. Sev­ | He was thought to be getting along
eral delightful musical nuniltcr* tine and on the road to recovery,
were rendered by Miss Leta Coucy, | when complications set In and death
E. G. Arnold, Mr*. E. J. Holland claimed him. He was one of the
and last but not least, a comic oe*t known newspaper men in Ore­
song by R M. Shelton, J. S. St ¡ch a gon. and a fearless writerand regent
and E. G. Arnold, with Dr. Prill of Dniveraity of Oregon. Ha was
at the piano. The toasts were per­ buried Mondav.
tinent to the success of the local
Mr*. Margaret Powell was recent­
lodge, and all called upon respond­ ly severely poisoned with poison
ed in a fine manner.
oak. She went lo Lebanon 'Mondav
to consult her physician, and he
Mrs.-E. D. Myer* is recovering i fears it is eczema and i* «ending
from a »ask * U'oess with the grippe her to Portland to a specialist.
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