• V./ «- 2» •» «, f - V* ’ f. * ■teám.tetouiMi The ôcîo Tribtltlé Local Meirs and Classified « —■ Mr Dr J G. Gill and Mr«. Hugh Kirkpatrick spent Monday In You'll Find Your Wart Here Mra. J. L. Arnold is recovering from an attack of the grip. Seto visiting relatives and frienbe. Enil Holub was in town from hi« Under the above beading will appear John Densmore, Jr., who la at- ranch yesterday on business several articles on timely tuples, «nd Want, d Piga. g<«ta and a horse, L tiding Albany college, is spending Emil Holub. Scio. Oregon 33-p Port- we a»k our rvw-l- r« to n-»d tin wheth­ Mie Rose Young called on Dolile the spring vacation at hi» home here I I I J. W. Burton was up from er you agree or not. Exchange of ideas place and beliefs hart no one, and oftenUm«"» " I land painting the house ns loose cheat hay at In traveling about In thia wond>-riand Mia* llazrl Hail «pent the week farmers* price. Call on John <>id chums had a good time together. of my dream. I noticed a great many Shimanck. 36p end In Portland with relative« James Dobrkovsky is spending a fin» buildings, that for the time secm«d few davs in Portland before leaving j Jerome Smith has traded his 10- unoccupaed, witb tieautiful sharie tr ix For Sale Golden Glow seed corn, Roy and Rez Peers are up at the T acre tract near West Scio to George and walkways with many twautiful f.»r California where he has a Select strain. Get your supply Natron cut off working thia spring i Huwa for St. Johns. Oregon, prup- t!uw»r> and naei growing upon either 28 tf early. Leonard Gilkey. diers homestead. ' erty, and the new owner has taken aid». The*» are >-.ur»w h x»i budding» D. C. Thoma was in Mill Citv i Rolla Shelton waa confined to hk« pcstwusion. and moved his family and grounds, I should Jodgv For Sale No I Airike Clover Seed Toeaday on business for the county Yes. We have the l>»»t school and homi* the first of the week on ac here. in k Iota at 15c per pound, court educationrl sy»tem in the world. Our inquire of Guy Johnston. 28tf-c count of illness. Frank Bartu sub-1 _ , D C Thon” •,Unded ,he «*"‘ government publishes all It» common Mr«. Irina Shotwell went to Salem .muted on mail route 4 for him. I ■’ Sa— G i aorteii potatoes at Imunity club meeting tn Foster Mon- school trstbooKi and furriahra lhem at Sat tin lay to spend the weekend with $1 '• i- r 100 lbs. Inquire of | Rev. U. S. t rowder of Salem will (jay evening, reporting a large actual cost to the people, which makes ¡■a 1 xi-p home f >!ks. prv.i h at the • hristtan < hurch next croW(j and a fine feed. These com- them verv cheap. Alt vxajiimaliwoaare iMitform both for pupils navi teacher», b - Sale 16-inch wood planer cof­ D. C, Thoma and wife took Sun­ Sunduy at eleven <1 clock, March 3©. munjty meetings are surely brihging according to grade, and whoever pa»Ste fin. 32 50 |*r load at the mill. C 1 ,..«•■ * ‘Sin. w . ■* Its if»» I»' ' ¡9 aa >a »« »4 /*«> e»A * ” * ‘ day dinner with S. A. Pease and Subject. Effect»and Cure. the peopie together. fur teacher u(«>n th- paprrs sent by the !> i ging and Lumber Co. 28-ch wifi- In Jefferson. government can teach anywhere and Mrs. L L. Calavaa, Mrs. C. Cab­ Mia« Freda Thayer, who is teach­ Taachcrs are given good For Sale Three Holstein cows, G. L. Flanagan Jr. spent Satur-j van and Mrs. Wade Calavan were in ing school near Oregon ( ity. spent for life. price .'.apiece. See Con West- wage» Teachers below and including day and Sunday at Aumsville visit­ Scio one day last week from their the last week-end at her home in rn'. ■ r ute 3, Scio. Ore. 32-tf-c the nth grade receives |br»i per year; ing hi* cousin. G. C. Johnston. home in Auburn. Wash. The Cala- Scio. Her aister. Mixa Bobby Thay­ from the »h grade ami ineiufiing the N •• I jtrge White potatoes for sale, t.s formerly lived here. 31.50 per hundred pounds. at er. accompanied her on her return 12th grade. |lrXMi per year; in the h.gh- er anr I- nve at the Tribune costly building» that I recognise as be ­ I II 1 ,u help to them in deliver- were pretty well drenched before cuss any subject relative to the admin­ w nite h-i/horn baby chicks. Phone ‘Twenty-Gn<*” istration of justice and education to all pi luct» of their factory to the downpour stopped. “Lilieanf the Field” r write. Mrs. J. H. Johnston, it» people. We have only on« religious ti..my ■ '«turners of Scio and 1 a ■-(.>. Or<-g. 28-tf “Ponjola” Word has been received in Scio of maxim, and that seems to meet ail our community. the death of Harley Garland at his needs, and all try to work in harmony For -a.- rmdebnd Eclipse White home in Camas. Wash., last Wednes­ with that maxim. Wc cherish it and Sm-i.,’ at«, heavy yielder and grows! -ng straw. See Chas. Ch rz. day night. Mr. Garland was born try to live to its admonition ,,«r»onai attention by .Mr. l«»we Garland, who until recently resided versies. but aM seem to imbibe the spi­ ficrvices and I ric. l<> Hatisfv Every Customer Lain, Albany Ore. 31-c in Scio, is a brother of the deceased. rit of our religious maxim as being suf­ I aiiy Attendant if desired ficient among men. We have but few For Fait- Early Wonder seed wheat. Funeral services were held at the N, Lows Auto N’ L Mo< prisons and jails in this country, and _ Ihone-Day. IxbaOori Netted Gem and Early Rose seed Provideoce church at 1 o ’ clock Sat ­ Lquipment* Phone—high few criminal actions of any kind. As all líame « I ’ - Set- Chas. Chrz, West urday afternoon. classes of labor receive good wages and Scio R ad. Scio, Oregon. 31-c have sufficient money to buy what they need, there is no Incentive to rob. steal barm Wnoted I want farms for ca«n buyers Descr.be ano state or pilfer. Poverty breeds crime; crime pi- R McNown, 968 Wilkia- begets heavy court expenses and costly « n p.l, Omaha. Neb. 33p police force; relieve poverty, and erime ceases We have no »Uniting army 0/ For Side 2 month old, grade jersey implements of warfare Pruning hooks heifer calf: good breeding, good and plowshares take» the place, of guns I make a N I and ammunition. Our imports and sx- COW Mr* G. A Smith. Gilkey ports of commodities ar« conducted Station 33 c wholly upon the principle of reciprocity and good fsllow^jiip exists with all tui­ For Span of horses. Weight tion» with which we have any dealings. l lOO and )5n0 pounds, eight and My dream and vision ended in the nine .»ar« old; and fresh Holstien* pleasant awakening that • -me tirwe. in J r -. v cow. George M. Bilyeu, my own country, it would be fulfilled, S no. Ore 31-t-2-p and IU |*ople all become happy, pros- iwsous and contented, with the promise Any girl in trouble may communi­ cate with Ensign Lee of the Sal- that 1 would sometime tell them some­ vat. >n Army at the White Shield thing of my own country. Goodbye H<-m<-, 565 Mayfair Ave., Port» people, goodbye wonderland* land. Qregon., My dream and vision has been a very pleasant one of your country, and long F--r Sale About 25 t ms of good after the editor of the little Scio Tri- l<-<- • hay, in fir»t class condition. - t»une. with his efforts to build up a bet- Price $)’> per ton, if you takeune ' ter community feeling and the pomible ton or nil of it. See Wm. Brea- I advantages for the future prosperity of ner, Scio, Oregon. 32-tf-c the Forks of the fiantiam country, and the Dreamer have passed away, the For Sale Three good work horses, all sound and weighing about visions may in part beeum« a- reality. 1230 apiece. Just right for a Upon the wreck and ruin now staring good farm team. Would trade our own country in the lace, without a /or a car. See G. L Flanagan. hasty reformation in all lines of its Scio, Oregon, 31-c functionary operation», a final coilapse is sure facing the end and final destiny For Sale Jersey cow. 8 veers old, of oar beloved America, from the fall fresh and giving 5 gallons per (of which there will be a new govern­ day; t< -ts 4 3 Also big type full ment formed and fashioned after many h 1 Poland China sow. For I things in the Dreamer’s Vision. particulars, -ee E. F. Krebs, route Globe - Albany The Spanish Dancer'' LOWE &. MORRISON A. DKkAMUt. (Concluded) Sul*ril* now. fl "5 wr year. Better Than Trapa For Rata Wiito» A te • - >♦« wllk otter f‘—». <'al. »«.I «•»»««* I tonekiu Rato arx uo u4 ka-a iw »melk Thnw «t«» m Ma F« an» rwm; «M t-w I»—• w rfcM-kan ; «I M tu» bar- » B.W ■■in d iai«», t-uir« kutuae m» »•»«*. ■a»»» SaM,,SC i.M.a.Ute•»—■ Kelly*« Drug Store, Scio. Oregon f 4. Sci i. Oregon. 32-tf-c Seed Corn For Sale Minnesota 13, Harrv Asbhar strain, valley grown for 14 ye-rs. hand shelled, no tips n >r but- !»>• fertile; 7 cents per pound. F. O R ; lim ted quantity. W H McLain. R. R. No. 2. Scio. Or.’K* n. 35-p M I <-v '