The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 20, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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Local News and Classified
4« •<
W B. Bowser and Fred Bilyeu
Tom Quiitivy is the proud owner
of a n«w Chevrolet coupe, making I were in Lebanon Monday.
th» purchase through a Lebanon I
E. G. Arnold waa tn Lebanon O<1
businaas Saturday afternoon
Geo. Forge wa* over from Salem
E. [). Myer» and J. S. Stichawere
J. W Miller aw In Albany Si
Monday on business with Jz F. Wise­
Albany oo burinera Saturday.
urda y <m business.
ly. Mr. Woaely ia contemplating
J. D. Densmore was in Stayton
Mr». I. V. McAdoo was in Salem taking up in»uranee for a time in
Aumsville on business Tuesday
Monday on bu-ne»*
thus take a rest while working.
J. D. Densmore was in Tangent!
Will Garland returned from Cam-
F. M French A Son celebrated
Saturday on busln<"<a for the Scio
a». W ash., where he had been called their 45th year In business in Albany
Mill Co.
n account of the serious iiines» of last Monuay.
Kenneth Westenhou«- ami Johnnie
’ his brother. Harley, who is afflicted j
C. H. Leonard ha* been named by
Wew-lv wt*re in Salem Monday
with Bright's'liM sse. Will reports
county court aa e»un*y eogine-r
busm«-«" for th«» coming annual if
that llarlcv is very low, and fears
the late J. H. Penland
the high school.
for his recovery.
D. C. Thum» wa» up above Gate*
Misses Doris Weddle ami Vella
A. T Powell was in Albany sever­
Tues-lay on butines» for the county
Brenner wen’, to Portland Sunday
al days last week taking a rest from
court and to see the condition of the
to visit with relative« and friend«,
ins arduous labor of farming, min­
road* in that district,
returning home Tueaday evening.
ing ami visiting. But Mr. Powell
report a fine lime.
W.liter Blackburn and wife have ha» done his »hare of the toil during
«ol l th».dr farm in the Providence his young life, and is entitled to a
After an absenn* of more than a
neighborh'xid and will aome time rest and pleasant visits among friends vear an old face in hi» old grrb will
this summer move to another loca­ here and elsewhere.
be in town Saturday and Sunday -
tion. Mrs. Blackburn is teaching
we refer to Bill Hart, whoae picture
Will <iarland and family moved to will be ahuwn at the Peoples Theatre.
the Providence school thi* year.
Albany Tuesday, where they expect
The subject of the sermon by Rev
to make their future' home. Mr.
J. Y. Stewart in the Christian Church
Garland will follow his trade of
Sunday evening will Iw "The Majes­
painting in the county capital. Svi-|
ty of God’s House ’’ This is some­
vester Krerk. who purchrscd that
thing we are forgetting today.
Garland home, will begin making
mme imptovements preparatory fol Come and hear it.
Joe Munkers and wife entertained
the coming of hi* family from Can- *
of friends last Friday ev­
ening with a ’’"ftOQ” parly. After
Mrs. A A Muck and sou are at
the games refreshment» were served
Alameda, Calif, visiting the family
to Mrs. Kathrine Krater. C. C. Bil­
of the former’s daughter.
yeu and wife, and Tom Large of
Reulicn Spath, going down In the
Scio; B. A. Holteen and wife. F. H
fear. Mr Muck »ays they are hav­
Quiglev »nd wife and (on Donohue
ing a fine visit, and further seya
Mr». A. W. Hagey carried away the
that conditions for the farmer thi»
i year are very promising
And in
{common with all others, we rejoice
Dr. Jankelson, the dentist who
was here one day last week, has
in his uplimi«m.
written J. F. Weaely that he will
move here the first week in June to
open a dental office, lie like» Scio,
so of course it wa» not hard to in­
duce him to locate here. He has
had three years practice in Canada,
All fanerai» given |wr»onal attention by Mr. Ixtw«
Hervic«« and I rices Guaranteed to Satisfy hvery l uaturner
but has been taxing a course in
lady Attendant if desired
!*. I. Moaatsoa < dentistry in Portland and will grad­
Phone -Hay. »7
' uate the last of May.
Phone—-bighe 396 <
Phone 9
Subscribe now. 11.75 oer year.
•♦»••• w aaeaoaoooaa'
i •
Make this a Fordson Year
Have dependable Fordson Power ready
when the fields are first ready for breaking.
Through all the year, use its steady, versa­
tile power for bigger profits on every farm
task that requires power.
To be sure of this, however, we must have
your order now. Spring with its peak load
of Fordson buying orders is almost here.
Don’t wait. Order today. Make this a
Fordson year,
The Scio Tribune
........... ............ —»
H. A. Ballm and family spent the mal is born the cord should be treat­
week end in Portland.
ed with tincture of iodine and then
some antiseptic powder applied.
E H. Hobson of Salem was in
Scio Monday evening.
Mrs. Crandall (towa) Telia How She
Stopped* Chicken Ln «ae«
Walter Miller and family visited
-I. ■
n' l.'XdtaerlwledwA*
Frank Pruitt and family Sunday.
.Irai IU. '«!»*<• sa»»-«—•
I,./, .
U3e .-»«»»■<
' -«be. I Saw. «ai-»e«| i a•«••-
Mrs. Katherine Kester has moved (dU
«Mo i uri
’« »I*, a»« »■ IS.
her household goods to Albany,
W! m M «oraauW Mr
where she will reside. She finds Kelly’s Drug Store, Scio. Oregon.
there is more work for a nurse there
than here, hence the move
her daughter, is alter ding St. Marv's
school in Albany, which also makes
another reason for the removal.
Tracter Plowing Satisfactory work
Ix-liuce acreage in Oregon will
Chas. Chrx. Scio.
probably be «mailer thi* year than
last. At least 'here will be no out­
standing increase as has been the For Sale 6 tons loose cheat hay at
farmers* price. Call on John
case of the past few years. Many
sections are reporting »mailer plan­
tation» than last year because prices Far Sale (■olden Glow «red com.
Sleet strain. Get your supply
last year did not come up to expec­
lx-onard Gilkey.
I r •'.lie No 1 Alsike Clover S*ed
D. M C gx and son of Wn-n, near
n sack lots at 15c per pound.
Philomath. B* nlon county, were in
Inquire of Guy Johnston.
Scic. Tuesday looking for a location.
For Sa •
16 inch wood planer jrut-
If anyone has n good trade to offer,
ting 52. u per load at the mill.
please bring in your plan« and speci­
Sei ■ Lgging ami Lumber Co. 28-ch
fications. and you may soon be lo­ F ,>r Sale Three Holstein cow»,
cated in Benton county. Mr. Cox
. apiece. See Con West-
enhou <, route 3. Scio, Ore. 32-tf-e
mh he haa as fine a farm im any in
Benton, and that his house has hot F>»r Sale 2’10 pounds Red Clover
and cold water
All aboard now. if
«•. I. 2iA- per pound. See W. R.
Kuicken, Route 2, Scio, Oregon.
v>u want to really let loose in good
old Forks of the Santiam.
Nice large White potatoes for sale,
fi. 0 tier hundred pounds, at
Ex plot ion Proved Fatal
Holecheck’s market. John Fred­
Funeral services were held Tues­
For Sale
Single Comb brown and
day morning at 10 o'clock for Dt.
white I. «horn baby chicks. Phone
Arthur Lieninger. young Albany
or write. Mrs. J. H. Johnston.
dentist, who was fatally burned in
Ly<>n». Oreg.
his office Saturday by the explosion Farm Ixians Money at
of a gasoline tank. The services
n minal c«mtni-don; prepayment
were conducted at the Masonic tem­
privi i .i gei after first year. Wm.
Rain, Albany Ore.
ple by Dr. D. V. Poling, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, under For S. Je Early Wonder Seed wheat.
the auspices of the Masonic lodge.
Netted Gem and Earlv Rose seed
See Chas. Chrz. West
Pall bearers were: Ed. Horsky.
Scio. Oregon.
Hal ph Bilyeu. Walter Stuart. Dr. G.
E. Fortmiller and W. (). Biddle.
Farm Want, J I want farm» for
ca»h buyer»
Describe ano state
The body was shipped to Portland
It. McNown, 968 Wilkin­
for cremation Tuesday afternoon
son Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
at the Portland crematorium. Brief
services were held at the cremator­ I-or Sale Wlis-vn, Gold Dollar and
New Oregon Strawbery plants,
ium at 2:30 o’clock.
extra quality, Cheap if taken at
once. See A. L. Plummer, Scio,
Cow» Demand Grain
I ■ r Sale Span of horses. Weight
With pasture season eomi< g on
14*»0 and 1500 pounds, eight and
nine ears old; and fre»h Holstien-
there is often a desire to discontinue
Jersey cow. George M. Bilyeu,
feeding grain to the cows to a great
Scio. Orc
extent if not entirely. Cows well
fed during the winter, nays J. C. Any girl in trouble may communi­
cate with Ensign Lee of the Sal­
Jannson, college extension dairyman,
vation Army at the White Shield
will milk well for a short time with
Home. 565 Mayfair Ave.. Port­
little change in the amount of mi|k
land. Oregon.
produced although the gram ration
For Sale About 25 Un» of good
ha* been decreased.
When the
loose hay. in first das» condition.
stored surplus of food material has
Price $10 p<-r ton. if you take one
been "milked off” the cows reduce
ton or all of It. See Wm. Bren­
ner. Scio, Oregon.
in flesh, especially wh.n they feed
on "waahv" early pastures.
A I-or Sale Six-year-old Percheron
gradual change from grain to pas­
mare, weight ab-^it 1700 pounds;
al«o one 2 year old Percheron gel­
ture tend« to prevent the loss of
For further particulars,
flesh. After the pasturrs have be­
«we F. G. Cary, Scio, Ore. 32-tf-c
come strong less gram ia required.
For Sale Three good work horses,
all soviu
md ami weighing about
Foal and Dam Need Care
»250 u.
Just right for a
good farm team, Would trade
for a ear. See G. L. Flanagan.
Foaling season is here and both
Scio. Oregon,
the mare and foal require care, save
Dr. B. T. Simms, veterinarian of For Sale Jeraev cow. 8 vears old.
fresh and giving 5 gallons per
the experiment station, if potsible
day; te»ta 4 3
Also big type full
and the weather conditions permit
blood Poland China sow.
the mare should tie allowed to fog)
particular», see E. F. Krebs, route
In cas>* the mare must
4. Son, Oregon.
foal inside, the stall should be wHI
bedded and kept absolutely clean.
C. White Ixghornhen* that made
The »tump of the naval cord should
a *i-cti average of 224 egg» in
not hr tn I off
A« -->n «-< the »(¿I.
their pullet year. Mated to Cock­
erel« from a pen with a trap
nr «t record of ?75 to 299 with
ire* d, n a 2 •*.> hen. Egg« 5»’ each,
nr >r |0* h *. Guy McKnight. Scio.
Oreg, ,n
M n v to ban at 5j%—The Fed-
ernl le»n i Bank ,*f Spokane.Wash.. .
will make loans through the Forks
of the Santiam National Farm
L an A««*tciation in amount* from
$|taiti. 525.(XX), for a i«eriod of
5 to 34| years, on first morgage
•ecurity Inquire of W H. Mellin.
See. Treas . route 2. Scio. Oregon.
July 17-n.