THE SCIO TRIBUNE Ottqja Midi hai I b U«M DR. A. G. PRILL Pànici» ani Sarges Bay or Night G. F. Korinek \’<‘t<‘rinnrian • - OREGON Call* answered I>ay or S ight lubereulln Irating Why suffer with Headaches? « i I ’ Have Your Eyes Examined < » « » S. T. FRENCH Qr«dM«t« Optomtlmi < i < i With F.M.French&Sons Jewelers and Optician* ALBANY. OREGON - ■ < i We have Everything OPTICAL EVE STRAIN I* the cause of many HUMAN ILLS BANCROFT Optical Company 819 W 1st St.. Albany W. A. Ewing, T. J. Munkcr», Preeldent Vice Pre*. E. I). My era. Cashier The Scio State Bank Does a General Banking Buainean. Interest paid on time deposita. Real Ertale Brolftr and Notary Public stbtlratli Obtained, Examined □CIO - - • OREGON When you want 1 h««tl Sell your Cream to the Sciò Creamery Co Eil Holland. Manager Catarrhal Deafness I* open «*d : A Dream : Dream Three. My vision in thi* wonderland rwiwl strange indeed. So many thing* being done *u differently to what they *rr in my own country. The idea of taxing the product* of earth, whether above or beneath it* aarface. «truck me a* a cu­ rio. What do you mean by taxing thing* beneath the earth * surface? Why. don't you know that there I* a* . much wealth beneath the earth*» *ur fare a* there i* upon Ila surfacepnaduc- Dr. H. 0 HOmw VETERINARIANS Lebanon, Oregon Office at Robertson Drug Co. Phon« 52 what stock they may have on hand. that very lb* market is sure to reach a low ievel? That the busiest bnsinewi man these day* i* the farmer? That the** community club meet­ ing* are doing more to make people happy than all the world? the newspapers in bsiici si R rii Sllllt>t*l That crime is not men­ publication of the article beneficent Creator that cause* the sur face of the earth to produce it» fruit» and grain which all people must have that *n uivlerstanding ha* been | to eat. ha» hidden in the bowel* of the re I with the county court and . earth groat quantities of coal, iron, oil. i the big committee which wa* to «liver, copper and gold, put thrrv for h* .«- met the court on Monday night. all people to have and use in many way * I and no one man or corporation of men. ‘.In 3. This understanhing, we I ' ar.- b 1, i» that the court is heartily ar* allowed . to have or control th»*» | hidden product* uf earth from beneath in t*< r <>f the road to Fish Lake, it* eurface for private gain. I *ee. but how do you rr.xnagc tin»' »nd >■ n as the owner of the The government hold* in rvaerv* and right f way through the forest* to control* all it* coal, oil ami mineral», the la- • arrive* here the matter will ' wherever found, and operate* many oil ■ t k. ii up and a right of way se­ | well», coal and mineral mine* a* well. cured a» prayed for by the commit- In fact, the government operate» ami ■. I'robubly we were in a hurry 1 control» aume of all branch*-« of all o c, ' - ire the c «urt, and if we were 1 business earned on tn thi* country Why »o? To ascertain the cost of pro- a .- ar»- mor« than witling to make ; duction and manufacturing in order amend». that excee* profits m*y not to- charged There is no doubt but that Linn too high to the consumer. So special county ha» the beat county court privileges are granted to any one to now tn the history of the county, ' speculate in the product» of nature and uid ail la-cauw they are men willing become rich off of what God ha» creat­ i to do just what the people want ed for all. tn thi» country we have no strike* or I done and to go just a* far as the labor trouble* of any kind, no empty money thev will have will go This dinner paito; we have no millionaire* (ar we are with the court and for and no pauper*. Th«- minimum wage » the people. Since :hey are willing >5 00 per day for all common labor ami *10.00 per day for »killed labor, m> bu» - to do what they can for the road to neas ia allowed to charge over 25 per ■ Fish lake. the Scio Tribune is more cent profit above operating expense*. than willing to retract some of its Railroad* are owned, operated anti »tatement* of last week, but not controlled by the government. I he cm the part that refer* to the non-at­ ploys* all receive gwd wage* and after all operating expense* and upkeep of tendance of either member at the the road* are paid, we firn! that a freight meeting. Thi* we slick to,' for it I rate of about 15c per 100 pounds pay* wa* more than out of the ordinary. all ex penes* and no complaint is ever But that the court ha* shown thi* j heard of high freight charge» l’a»sen ger rat»» are 2r per mile and the people willingneM to do for the people travel, I tell you. So »trike», walkout* what the people want done, the or howling about railroad operation». Tribune most sincerely appreciate*.; The government coin» am! iMue* And we hope there will not be fur- i money to ail it» people and regulate» they cause to to take the court to' the value thereof, and distribute* it task for lack of attention to such through government owned bank», ami are not permitted to charge more thank detail* of meeting committee*, per cent on money loaned to private in­ whether at night or in the day dividual*. time. W* have no high aalared officer* any­ That the county court has been where. No government, congre«» or instrumental in saving to the coun­ •late legtalatur*. but a common council, which meet* every five year*. consist-1 ty aomething over >100.000 during ing of one member for every 6000 peo 1929. we are glad to add our word pie. «elected from all part* of our coun­ of profound approval, and hope it1 try, who attend thia conncil represented will do a* well in 1924. It ha* tak­ by farmer*, businessmen, laborera.etc., j en considerable work on the part of where if anything of importance or th» general welfare of the people and coun­ the court to do thi*, and their efforts try come» up it ia referred back to Un­ are surely appreciattd by the tan* people to discuss until the next meeting payer. For thi* they are not en­ of the council and the voice of the peo­ titled to try great credit—it was ple passes or reject» the measure. Our their duty a* the county court | aystem ia a real government "of the ' |>eopl», for the people «nd by the peo t <- i.«truct and yet aave. We ar« pie." glad t commend the court to the In p***ing through your citie* 1 don't fullest )•■ "ihle, and will always »ee any sign* painted In gold letter*. diami >n any oflicer that la doing I "Attorney* at Law." Don't you have hi* 1» -! f t the county and his con- j any lawyer* here? No. AII difficult!«*« are settled by ' .iitueney, and with thi* statement arbitration.hence we have no expensive w<> wi-lt to retract much that we court* or attorney fee» forced upon Un­ -«aid last week. people to pay, and where justice is of­ ten thwarted by little technicalities picked out by the attorney or by a big sum of money used in bribery April 7. and see. «<< have been informed A. ORKAMBR. (To be Continued) Crow Shooting Contest An International Crow Shooting Conte*t, open to every citizen of the United co-operation among Canada and victim of the damage wroûgbt by this bird. Game wardens, nntur^ i*t* and sportsmen have made an extensiv« study of it* habit* and have checked it* depredation*. The crow do« aome good at time* by the numlier of grubs he eat* hut ht* Notice 1 R l OF THE I \ i - OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINN. In the Matter of the ) Estate N othkof S alk of ' or R kai . Alice A. McDonald. PROFKKTY Dvcviuwd. ) N th i. I H lkkbv G iven , lhat pur- suant to *n < ink r ■•( Sale duly made of other bird* decreaw-s (he number alni et.t, • lot r> coni in the aliove en- entitled matter of these useful specie* which, if al­ . I ird i ■ ai»! directing th* under- ' ‘ tiatur of said estate so tential consumer* of million* of in­ ’■ '!*>. th. . -..»’ned, as such adminis­ sect* and of immense help to the trator. will st u al privat*-»ale from and mi-r t - Utb day of April. 1924. the farmer*. f< owi-i- -it„d real property be- Recently a canvas* was taken in Iot.giiiK '.«, »aid estai«-, to-wit: Pennsylvania of the damage actual­ I.- L-. Nua. On.. (1) and Two (2) in Bl, k No. Eighteen (18> ly don* by the crow, Eyewitnesses > H *ti's Addition to Mill reported that he wa* guilty of prac­ • ity, Oregon, a» the »am* ap- !~- «r and ar<- designated on th* tically every crime in anima1 life plat «Í »aid Addition to said from picking the eye* out of young ‘■'IJ l'n fll«, and of record in the omce of the Recorder of Con- lamte to robbing nests and destroy­ V- ai C« in and fur saai County ing *Rg* and young, killing rabbits, ami Stat«-, th«- »»me being situ­ ai-«! in 9. South of and destroying fruit and crops. Range 3 Eaal of the Willam- The contest will be deyided into ni • !t‘ M« - : an. in Iann County. State of Oregon. two elasM-s, one devoted to Individ­ 'Tutu or S ale : Cash in Hand on ual shooters and the other to teaffi thr d«U- of »ale atxl subject to the Con- f the above entitled Court. •cores. The prizes will be in th« tir-nsii Dated tl ■» 7th day of March, 1924. form of merchandise to l>e obtained W. G. M< D onald , from local dealers. Itivre will tw \ rat >rof th.- I'tale of Alice A. 79 awards to individuals and 210 .M< Iktnald, DeceaMxi. P. <> Addresa: Scio, Oregon. team trophic*. H ii - l A M auks , Attorney a for Adminiatrator, Albar.y, < irvgon • First publication March 13. 1924 Last pubiuation April ¡0, 1924 destruction uf the egg* and young el fitti SeltliRMt the dignity of th«- | rof»*- ■tonal man or woman, the 8h*lt«x Shur thi i* d»(*en- dable. Available in cherry. cry tai, brown-mottled, dvmi amber an.i black. Optonte trist. Ona more HAROLD A LB RO, the farmer* would eliminate a duplica­ tion of effort* several fold aod en­ Mr able all to make more money? there «rill be such a drop in market price that ao one can make money Mitt to Creditors hereby given that the un- . appointed by Blate of O n i ; . administrator of the contest run three month*, l’riz-, the • -tai. Mary Holub, deceased, es have lieen arranged for amount­ ami har. qualified. Al) per .> • g claims against the ing to I'JoOtl. ■ ■'.I. : . lit. evast-d are hereby re- Sportsmen, dealers in sportitig "I1- ■ to ■>< nt them, duly verified, with tn pt ■: r voucher*, within six >6) sup pl!.-* and club* in all part* of the '■ th' date of this notice, to country are back of the contest and th- u ■ -« c< ■' .idmimstrstor at the of- . Hill A Marks, in it i» hoped that through it* agency ’be < Building, in Albany, Linn million* of gnme bird* and animals county. Oregon. D»t i first publiahert this 28th may e«cape the depredations of the day of February, lf»24. I-ran. Ilolub, Administrator. crow. Nearly every community in Hill A Marks. the North American continent bus Attorn, .» for Administrator, j li l -st >1 March 27, 1924. during reevpt rear* found ilaelf the bird* and animals, wa* started on March 16th. It i* planned to have than 1200 per month off of hi* herd? That and i*b»r<>bygiventhatth« undrr- ri, utrator of the estate of I I ,ill. Ivi raawL ha* filed • ’y clerk of l.inn county. •! »!». .tint in Mid r»tatr, County Court has appointed I) .'1st day of March, 1924,at <>f - r . i' th-- eounty court room l irt bouse in the city of Albany, !. <>.. ty. Oregon, a* the time and i .u <• for !>■ »ring said final account, the >j, t>, ■ thereto, if any there be, and th. ..i M»-ttl* i-i.o.t of «aid estate. Dae ' >• th day of February,1924 R. -■ ,-lton. Administrator. I M, Curl. Atty, for Admr. I’nu if ■ : ■ | ibli, .ition, Feb. 28, 1924 Dale of .«I publication. Mar. 27, 1924 lessen the number of the«.- preda­ tory cnvmies of game and useful That there ia one dairyman in thia community who ia earning State* staged fur th* purpose of helping to &$¿171eade Do You Know That if all start raising cucumbers, Phone SO everyone hustles to get nd <>f Ofpirtœeat il Ibi latirtef L S (ai d Off’ce. Portland. Oregon. Frbruaiy 21. 1*24. 'i>"t <■ »• h«fvby gl**o that Frank “ ■>( -• Oregon, who. on July «il,. P*ii. n How,, -lead Entry No. <>-* ■> f >r fra- luxai NW ■» N« S«e- Ih T| t‘» Township 10 N, Range IE. W 111- am*:'.» M«ri:an. has fil«J nolle* of ■it« - i to Irak«' final Proof, to 4«t*b- h«h iairri |>> th«- land above d«-»»nb*d. b« f> - R. y K .»«»II. Clerk of th* I ■ ■ C ' ;rt of 1. • n Co., al Albany, On V ■ . < i tb» th day of April. 1924. Claimant ium<* as witn»«a«*: « . i Beran. Charlea Rhoda. Ed H*n>: g. Earl W. Browning, all of Scio, < trvgon. Nt h I x.-cutrix of »aal Estate with t < «.unty t l.-rk of l.inn < ourrty. Or« r h . a I th. < unty Court of said ,< .1. . . late ha» appointed Mon- Uv. th. 21st -lay uf ApnL 1921. at the hour of -- .- .. elwk in the afternoon of ... t iay •«, th.- i < unty court room in the ‘ ,ir’ ........ • m ’h«- rity of Albany,Linn • ,'unty, Gr.-v .n. as th* time ami place t«>r th« heating of objections to such A- ■ «I a ««untar* I the settlement thereof; 1HV ari • ps-rRrm# having objertioM t® st h ■ . i.-ii a«-«-«, mt and to tbe netti»- ment of »aid estat* ar» hereby rwjuired : to prwwnt the «ame at said time and I place. Datrd thi» I.sth «lay of March. 1924. M ak tn a h. l*xrn»UNO, Kxcstnx f tbe Last Will and Teata- ment • f F. H Pepperling. decrased. I Victor Attorney |<»r Executrix. lA»t publication April 17, 1924. DR. C. WARD DAVIS i >KNTifirr E. H. Hobson M. D. Physician ami Surgeon First National Rank Building Salem. Oregon Svarvoa, OaaiMi* Brtrtgv and Plat* Work given prompt Rank of < ommerc« Building I •ad raraful attanUoa Ala* KaUacta.n t«Jwv Phone DW Rea. I'tacw 7M-J