The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 20, 1924, Image 1

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    Vol. 27
No. 32
11.75 the Year
Prof. Tobi« Writes
State Treasurer Hoff Dira
Aalca About Oregon
Mra. Stuart Dica
Cha«. Warner Pasaea
Realtors tell that the east is be­
Mra. S. S. Stuart, resident of
O. P. Hoff. state treasurer, died
Death has again invaded this com­
Crabtree since 1906. and mother of coming interested In Oregon, and at Emanual hospital in Portland at munity and called to his reward.
fours sons and one daughter, died that there la to be a great influx 8 o’clock Tuesday morning following Chas. Warner, resident In the com­
at home Sunday of illn«-*» r ntmuing here in the near future. The fol- an extended illness.
munity known as the Bilyeu Den.
l< wing note received by Postmaster
over several months
the death occurring on Thursday
Funearl services were conducted Tnrbet indicates that there is some
Governor Pierce immediately nam­ evening at 5 30 o’clock, paralysis
at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at slight stirring of interest way over ed Jefferson Myers, Portland demo­ being the cause, and from which he
Crabtree by Rev. Kratx, pastor of in Maine:
crat. and brother of E. 0. Myers of had suffered for several years.
the Christian church at that place
"Will you please hand the enclosed Scio, state treasurer, succeeding Mr.
Mr Warner, with his family came
Interment was made in th«- Houston envelope to a buy or girl about 13 or Hoff.
to thia section about five years ago.
cemetery near Albany, wherr a sn «11 14 years of age you think could
Mr. Myers, who was born at Scio and with his stepson. Earl W. Brown­
into the mail due to mv busy
son of Mr. and Mrs Stuart was laid give me a good description of the t>0 years ago, was formerly state ing. took up a timber claim, where
and lazinesa.
.¿nd and climate of you? state? I representative for Linn county. He they have continued to reside. Mr.
to rest in 1906
Since I last took pen in ham
Mr and Mrs. Stuart and their w.-uld like to have one suitable to is now a regent of the Oregon Ag­ Warner was born Sept. 9, 1861, and
engage in some Scio controversy. I
older children moved from North read in school and at home.
was therefore 62 years, six months
ricultural college
have almost lost the knack. I've
Carolina to near Crabtree in 1906. |
Yours truly.
four days old at the time of his
Mr. Myers was educated in the
even forgotten which key ia which
Mrs. Stuart was born June 15. 1877.1
C. Philip Stapler,
Besides his wife, he ia sur­
Scio schools and was a cla««mate of
on the typewriter. Please excuse
Wyti'plttock. Maine.” Frank Irvine, editor of the Oregon vived by two daughters somewhere
in A»h county. N. C
the pen (we used to write "excuse
Mr. Stuart and daughter. Mi-
The envelope is addressed to a bov Journal. and of Judge Johns, of the in Michigan, and one brother and
the pencil." but "times has changed. i
M C. Kelly of Scio, were in -Albany or girl in Oregon from a boy in supreme court of the Pbillipme b- sister living in Three Oaks, Mich.,
Monday making arrangement* fur Maine
Mr. Tor bet says. that the i lands, tie completed his education and his stepson. Flarl W. Browning.
I’m so busy right now. it seems
the interment. Mr. and Mrs. Stu-! envelope will he placed in the hands at Willamette university.
On June 9. 1918. Mr. Warner was
just like old times. Mv day goes art's sons are: Carlos and W«-aver, |
of some local kxiy or girl for answer.
joined in wedlock to Mrs. L. M.
something like this; 6 30 three fires
The secretary of the local typogra­ the state house of reprenentativrs in Browning, shortly after her son
both residents of I xm Angel«-*. and
to build. (5:30 for about two months)
Eli. young son who is still at the fa- phical union la also in receipt of a 1889 and in the stale senate in Earl had liven drafted into the army,
6:30 to 9.00. grand rush to get
t her'a home Mrs Kelly, the daugh­ letter from a man in Mason City. 1891-1893. For eight years he was and they lived peacefully together
breakfast, shaved, dr esse» I. to fiill
ter. has two children, Virginia and Iowa, inquiring as to lands and the a cdlonel on the staff of Governor th< <e years. While the last year or
wotd boxes and get mail, mail or­
climate of Oregon, indicating a poa- Pennoyer. He wax president of the tw<> he was a great care on account
de« s and other business to attend
Mrs. Stuart s father. S Donald, ibility that he ma*' -ome to this l^ewis & (‘lark exposition al Port i of his affliction, he was of a cheer­
to. 9:00 to 10:30 class hands in
and herjsister. Mrs. Sarah­ state.- Albany Democrat.
land in 1905. and with IL W. Scutl, ful disposition and was lovingly
work while I am coaching senior
Last week we received a local editor of the Oregonian at that time. I cared for by his wife and stepson.
side in Kentucky.
One brother.
play. Instructions till 12:00; 12:00
Every, resides in North Carolina
from a man in Omaha. Nebraska, solicited the government at Wash- I The funeral services were held Fri­
to 2:00 basketball practice (we leave summer Mra Stuart was in who wants to buy farms in thia com­ i ng ton to take part.
day afternoon. March 14, the burial
at 12:00 in a boat for the grange
a Portland Hoipital three months munity. Evidently the flow of im­
At the present time be«idr* being taking place in Bilyeu Den cemetery.
hall and practice till 1:30.) Glasses
Her last illness began late in laxt migration ia westward.
regent at the 0. A. C. he is a mem­ Mr. Warner died where he longed
etc. till 4:00. Janitor work till 5:30.
of the state securities commis­ to die, among the tall and stately
Tree sawing etc. till dark. In even­
Wife Anawera Hua ba nd
and is finance director of the firs, as he loved the great outdoors
ings read papers, study, make play
and God’s handiwork. A large cun-
Life Insurance company.
scenery etc., like old times.
Course of friends followed the re­
The answer of Mrs. Luella Bilyeu
How are they coming with the
mains to their last resting place.
Monday Dr. Prill received a Gol­ to the complaint of ¡Michael Bily« u.
Benefit Card Party
xym debt? Is It much bigger? I
den Eagle for mounting from War­ who is suing fur a divorce, alleges
suppose the district provided that
ner Valley, in Ijike eonnlv. which is that the defendent knew nothing of
The Pythian .Si»l«-r* gave a Ixme
Orphana Being Trained
3350 on the budget etc. etc. Is the
, one of the largest of its specie the any trouble between them until upon fit 500 party at their hall Monday
student body growing and becoming
doctor has ever received. It Is of returning from a trip to Portland night. There were about thirty-six
Much credit must tie given to
mure enthusiastic?
I have been
the Specie known as the < ¡olden she discovered that the plaintiff had in attendance. The hall was beauti­
Harthili, O. A. C.. 1912,
wondering just how successful a
I Eagle, and measures from tip to tip published a notice in the Scio Trib­ fully decorated with shamrocks, for the fact that Armenian youths,
negative policy is in securing posi­
of the spread of its wings 7 feet, 9 une disclaiming her bills and their green-shaded candles, and daffodils. trained in the orphanage schools of
tive results.
You know, I don’t
Moreover, she said,
’ Inches, is 37 inches long and »pr«-nd relationship.
Six prizes were awarded, Mrs. Joe the Near East, have begun to take
blame teachers or students for the
of claws is 8 inches. This is the later her husband became so abusive Munkers, Mrs. Edwin Holland and their place in community
existence of that policy.
| specie that is most prevalent in the to her that she was compelled to Mrs. Fred Bilyeu receiving the la­
throughout Armenia. The elect tic
We certainly appreciate the Trib­ northern hemisphere and particular­ leave him. She asks a counter claim
dies' and P. H. MacDonald. J. S. light service in Alcxandropol is be­
une this year, especially since the ly of the United States. It la sure of 8260 attorney’s fees; 825'1 suit
Sticha and Kolla Shelton, the mens' ing manned by former orphan elec­
owner's returned. It is a paper some bird, and will be worth a g ><>d money; |50 a month permanent ali­
The faculty of the Agri­
with a soul, a real positive neper.
deal of money when it is completely mony, and the restoration of her
After the games Shamrock ice cultural School of the Tranacaucaaion
1 am interested in the fact that mounted.
maiden name.Cowles.—Albany (>em* cream, angelfood cake and c «flee
Republics includes a number of
the F. S. C. C. idea has been adop­
were served
The affair netted the tractor mechanics and operators
ted by the county, a fine thing.
lodge about 817.-
Card of Thanka
trained in orphanage agricultural
How are the merchants succeeding
Pheasants Releaaed
Telephone service in a
in their campaign for public confi­
We wish in this wav
> expn -
cities is being developed
Rebekahs Entertain
People should move and our sincere thanks for th many kind­
A short time ago four dozen China
by graduate orphana from Near
Last Friday tiight the Rebekah
compare store bills as I have been nesses extended us d inng the sick­ Pheaaanta were sent to Scio to be
East Relief institutions.
doing in order to appreciate Scio ness and death of our loved husband released upon the reserve just west lodge held a special meeting at the
accounts of what Oregonians are do­
I know Scio merchants and stepfather, a id for tne beauti­ of town, the birds coming from the K. of F. hall, the occasion being an
ing in the Near East have been
compare favorably. What progress ful floral offerir .a.
state farm at Eugene. These birds official visit of the State President.
promised us for an early issue.
The ritualistic work was exempli­
is thè city making toward solvency?
Mrs. L M. Warner are placed here for propagation pur­
Earl W. Browning
I'm glad to note the expanaion of ^la
poses. and mean indeed will be the fied bv the lodge and was followed
The district boundary board Mon­
the light plant. It will be conta­
man or boy who will wanu-nly de­ by a school of instruction by the
day received a petition from school
J. D. Dei no re is breaking ground stroy them. Pheasants are none president. A social hour followed
district No. 141 In Marion count* to
Please give our regards to all the for the erection of a fine new h.uni­ too plentiful in Oregon at the pres­ the work dosing with refresnments.
I m - included within district No. 123.
A good attendance ia reported,
friends and for yourselves accept on the two acres he has purchased ent time beesuse of wholesale
a joint IJnn and Marion county dis-
with sevral visitors from Jefferson
cur veiy best wishes. Please write from the Eli Luck«-nii*ch estate, slaughter.
! the West S io road. And Mrs. Dena-
Yours cordially.
Miaa Hazel Philippi, who is attend*
I more says she has been waiting for ing (). A. C„ ia spending the spring
H. E Tobie
i these many years to get into a new vacation at her home near Scio.
hqpie. and now the wait is almut
C. W. Bragg and wife were Sun
W. F. (»ill and wife and Mrs. E*
ended. Who will tie the next to
dav guests of Roy Hixon and wife.
D Myers were in Salem Tueodsv
break ground to start a new home
I in this community?
Subscribe now-fl 75 the year
ljut Saturday we received a letter
from Professor Tobie, former prin­
cipal of Scio High School, in which
he says in part: Dear Mr. and Mrs.
McAdoo: When we left Scio it was
our intention to write to our many
Scio friends who had requested let-
ters through the medium of the
Tribune. Even such wholesale eor-
respondents, however, has not got
Cusick Bank Building
Albany, Oregon
“ Plates Hut Fit ”
Crown and Bridge Work,
Platea, Fillings. Painless
Extraction. It will be to
your advantage to get my
Dr. C Ficq, Dentist
Saturday Sunday
"Wild Bill Hickok”
First appearance of Hart
in a picture in Scio for
over a year.
It’s good
Latest and Popular Music
furnished by
Kalina Six-Piece Orchestra
“Oar Gang” Cenedy
Everybody Invited.
Admission............... ... .. 11.00
Ladies............................... Free
K m MNB ......................
Machine Shop
Blacksmith Shop
Car Repairing
and Battery Work
Presents Bill Hart in
1C. B. J. Hall
Barta Motor Co. Shops
People’s Theatre
1 )A NX ?E2
Admission 1 5c and 35c 1
We Can Satisfy You