The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 13, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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The Scio Tribuni
A Rat That Didn’t Small After
being Dead fee Three Month«
1 l.nuH vm 4 m 4 !V« m «««A b .~
M« J.
SrtexN 1». ' l»«U«i>lnWT
im S mbm
Sat >Mf>t«Aie4« Uiral M «e t ki •Iw*w4> bw
-Sa UaAaS Ukte4 Ik* Und TU-, >i ,«-Ul '
Sai UM, m U h Uew 1U let Sh. *K. «I JI.
Uid aed swmxbb S U
the acceptance of the United S-J»lrn >»*«. •« mcieanr of 0« 3 per
Forentry Servica proportion of
'b!uc* greased from
fl00.000 a year for 8 year«, and i-Jb! to 84,182, or 50 4 per emt
A grrat surprise for tlx h«>me knitters
of Oreg«at, but aliil a fact. Further­
more. thia yarn ia absolutely virgin
wool yarn, the wool was grown in Linn
county. <u»kl by Mr. Sender» to the« *re-
gon Worsted Company «nulla kx-aicd»t
Heilwood), made into worilrd yam by
Roy T. Bishop, son of C. P. Hisbop,
proprietor of the Woolen Mill Htorc of
ba lent. Oregon knitters try thia yarn
out. All colors. 45c per ball of 2 ox«
Maniples sent on application., Addr»-«s
C. P. bishop. Boz 75. Salem. Oregon.
Resident* of Uno county along its preliminary estimate of the value.
the roadway to Flab Lake, and fro» Dumber 31. 1922. of the prince
other points In th« ««uunty. wer« in l«al forma of wealth, th- to'al
Albany on Monday night. March 3. ■«»»‘»unling !■« 83.419.46». 000.
to meet the county eourt and urge compared with S2.082.299.000
Kelly’s Drug Store. Scio, Oregon
J Tf *
nounces, for the State of C»r«-g>n,
the stata and county both contribute
#1—r ial
WHO* ■* «•«•aaOlf w«<«w-t
All claims-* of pr<>uarty men » d
half thia amount, to make a road I" »«<ue fr«»m 1912 to
A4*<oUamaMtB ,«MM « wm B «Sto
O<u. Tx-!*i la .wiir «■ wMWaUaa la «an
Mm. Tranciar I «4 «mH •«.««< AMM» Sa S«»4
good al I-year-round to that
lieautiful lake and the only talkable
pleaaura resort in Linn county, but
the county court waa not there. It
waa the most brawn I y affront to
the ciliaena of the County
that has National I’arkl
eome to the notice ot thia paper 1,1 8-M5o.154.oO''. ->t 1’5« 3 per cent;
ili) h hay. March 13.1924
for Every Occasion
where two pairs of <> lasses are needed.
rsomati-l value oi taxed real prut-
Kryptofca are recotnmended. Think*
er^F »*'<! improvement a in«-r«-.,M-<l I’r i r . t, end Ik-nuty and a Time-tested
i« th«»r endorsement. And the
^rom 81.0b2.782.000 to 81.729..157.- Mar
wmr. - .• lasting romturl and aatis-
fset Ion.
w0®- °r
‘ ,H r r’‘nt- »«’ »npl
of Crat" Lakp
amce the preaent editor took charge
Each on. had an alibi, and paaaud
176.000. or 11 per cent;
from S74..iK5.O<"» to *75.«
Portland in reported aa the only the buck to the other. One waa at- Pb-ment« an«! machinery fro- SI I.,
< ily in the < untry of any size that tending th« community club meet- 54«’».000 to SH.242.000. or 114 8
... n •> • . ».«•■ a high price levels mg at Lacomb on that night, and 5*r «*><• manufacturmg machinery,
e^.-'e jg w T a T r ■ f ^ ji
C^c*/<? me trist.
Manufacturing Optician
the first two had to informed the committee, but <«“'• »n<1 «mplenwnta from S > 108.
PDHICÌ8! asi Sow
month» of the present year. Prob­ we understand the other two were'"001“ M3.'«51,000, or 119 5 per
Dtpartment el The litirw
Calla Attender!
ably th«- reason is the middlemen In Albany, ««r made it imperativ«: c*nt-«od railn»« !» and their equip-
I >ay or Night
t.. . ii .!«• th«- farmer or produe.r that they get away. That one ur men( from 1293.002.000 to S365.-I I S I and < »five, Portland, Oregon.
February 2i, 1924.
!• t h
I I by not j«aymg them more ahould have l*cn there, neith 252.000. or 24 7 uer cent. Private-
r hereby given that Frank
the going prices elsewhere.
•r member of the court will deny; ly owned transportation and trans '. 'in.of ». «>. Oregon, who, on July
•■»»■ 19. i, i
r Homestead Entry No.
that they were notified on that Mon­ mission enterprises, other than rail­
: r fr». NW'4 NW '4, Sec-
'«-r and her husl»and motor- day afternoon of the meeting, neith­
ti i I*'
-lip lu 9, Range IE. Will-
it k ' th'
-Ii the western states from er of them will deny; that they are 747.000 U« 8184,070,000, or 26 3 aini-tte- .Mt ridi ■ i, has tiled notice of
t> make final Proof, to estab-
i’hii-i«. ,. thought she would surprise representatives of the tupsyere of i P« cent; and stocks of goods, vi- h-' la
t tE- land above described,
I Xus-eil. Clerk of the
fu^iture. i>ef<i«. H.
a orother who has been writing his the county, by grace of election or hldee l>th,*r than
C ■ intv C irt of Linn Co., at Albany,
th. '"«th day of April. 1924.
OREGON mother aid other relatives back east sppointment. neither will deny; but •'“1 ei«lh«ng from 83d2.931.pOO to Or-
Claimant nam«-s as witnesses:
that he had a go»d job at Salem, thst they did sffront. and virtually $540,184,000. <>t «S..I p««r cent
t alls answered Day or Kight
II !:. ran Charles Rhoda, Ed
Tuberculin Testing
f«>un<i hi* j«»a was confinement in insult, their constituency, they will r ,nii>arison is p< -.«il«l<- for th«- value I lemir k- Lari W. Browning, all of Scio,
th«- pi-nitentiary, where he had lieen affirm. If they are bigger than of motor vehicle*, which is estimated
Nolic«- will
published fur five con-
fur about four years for burglary. their constituency, why have an elec- in 1922 at 850.3«3,000, because no
io Tnbnn«. ”
' Why suffer with Headache«? ‘
Walter L. Tooze, Sr.,
Can >ou imagine her feelinga? He lion and place men on these respon- «P»r»te estimate was made in 1912. h-9-lh
I.inti Co.
had a good home, and was like all sible jobs in responsible offices’ if
Have Year Eyes Exatmaed
l«>ya nowadays had hie way. Think they feel that the citizen* are asking
Tell* of Soil Stimulant
<>n f<
istuff during
G. F. Korinek
this over good reader.
Greeosls Os<e«nelri»l
Jewelers and Opticians
contributed to th«-
Linn county about 810,000. which ia
a considerable sum in
h<>w about the coat it has caused
>oaea>eaaaaeaaaeaoaoaeooea the county in ruined youths and ill.
la the cause of many
Optical Company
818 W. 1st St.. Albany
times that
As people we are prone
Wu havo
to count the receipts,
but we fail
miserably sometimes to count the
ultimate coat.
This has all happened
in th«- las’ year, we understand, and
no one knows about the past.
Since the whole oil
ia taking oh the aspect of politics,
and bv grace of the big dailies it ia.
whv would it not be a good thing to
ignore all those
who have in any
way smelled the oil
and hunt out
W. A. Ewing,
T. J. Munkers, men who have not as yet announced
Vice 1‘rvs.
their candidacy for the high office of
E. D. Myers. Cashier
president of the United States? If
The Scio State Bank
D och a General Bunking
Business. Interest (»aid
on time deposits.
we should select either of the men
who have
even to
President Coolidge,
would be no pesce
while in
and the same scandal would be bob­
bing up all the time
people want is good dean men. men
who have nut been lieatnirched with
the rottenness of politics, or who
have bought their prominence by
Real Estate Broker
and Notary Public
large contributions to campaign
'/Ibstratlf Obtained, f.tamined
OREGON funds or by using their influence to
sell or give uway large privileges
When you want
bel. nging to the government.
Sell your Cream to the
Scio Crecunery Co
Ed Holland. Manager
Catarrhal Deafness
la oftsn ■ ansed by an inHnmanl .v-dittnn
at the mucous lln«a< of lb« ».uai -hiwa
Tuba. Whoa Ibis tube Is Infiam«-«! rou
bars a rumbling noun«! or tintarte I
ll<-ar|ns. Untese Ib» inflan ni «n
h. «odueMl. your h«wnnc may b» de­
stroyed tnr.rer
II Vi l.-a l inHRH MemW*tNU will
do whal we «taiim for It—ml your ayntem
ot i'atarrh or Unatnoaa «wuaed by
H «Id by all droegtsta for over to Tears.
F. S Cbenoy a Co„ Tblodu. Ohio.
(Ry Franklin E. Gilkey.'
Landplaater ur gvmpsum has been
men enough to meet representative
u»c«l successfully by farmers of the Scio
committee* and explain the situation vicinity.
Latulpla>t«r is used on le-
to these committees? The day of gum«-» such aa clover, alfalfa. v«-teh
autocratic government ia over, the and peas. A marked increaae in yield
day when office holders can tell their has resulted from its use.
The Increaae in growth nf the l«-gunw-
peers where to head for. is also gone,
is due to the fact that the landplanter
and the day when the people will
may serve either as a direct fertilizer
arise in their might has arrived, and or aa a soil stimulant. Calcium and
It may be impossible for these men sulfur are the fertilizing elements sup­
who are so autocratic to again be­ plied by the landplaster. These ele­
ments are uae«l extensively by legumes
come leaders and hold positions by
and the beneficial aotl organisms on the
grace of the electorate. Thia paper roots of the legume«
As a soil stimu­
believes the citizenship of the county lant larwiplastcr may liberate insulublc
know what they want, and when it potassium compoumls These will cauac
ia deemed necessary to send commit-1 an increase in plant growth.
La n«l pl as ter is applusl at the rate of
tees before the county court, it is
40 to 80 pounds per acre. It can lie
the duty of the county court, or any sown by hand or with a regular larxi-
other bodv, to render due and cour­ piaater spreader. Ijindplaster is applieti
teous treatment to such representa­ directly on the crop th«- spring of the
tives—not to ignore them.
Can ' year the crop ia to be harvested. In
western Oregon it is usually applied in
the court explain their position so
{ March early enough so that spring rams
that thees gentlemen who were chos­ ' will carry the material into the soil.
en to appear before it can be per­
¡.andplaster will not correct acidity
suaded to accept their viewpoint? ' of the soil, which can be corrected by
Time alone will tell, and mav not be 1 using lime compounds, such as ground
limestone, slaked lime and qutek lime.
farther away than the primaries.
Potato growers use landplaater to
dust the potato Seed. The mod is rolled
in landplaster after it is cut to l«-saen
Do You Know
bleeding and stimulate the young plant
The fertility value of landplasU-r ia
That if every farmer would pat­
i based on the percentage of calcium sul­
ronize the elores within easv reach phate. Different brand* have varieti
of his farm, he would be more pros­ ( percentages ranging from 60 to 96 per
perous. for the merchant would be I cent. The purchasing price should be
able to give better bargains, thus Eased on the per cent calcium sulphate.
The average price of landplaster ia S13
saving him money, besides keeping ; l>er ten.
it within the community.
nut do certain things,
Th«- b. <»tloggers, it is said,
why not l»e
That there are too many
in our law making bedies. and that
this is the reaeon for most of our
Dr H 0 lid—«
Lebanon, Oregon
Office at
Robertson Drug Co.
Phone 60
Phone 52
munity has got the world skinned
for all-year climate and in being
desirable place to live?
That in pulling together all of
will get oomewere. but divided
will be loot in the mud?
Wealth of Oregon
that the under-
i .. -i.
trator of the estate of
MsttheW I
Gill, deceased, has filed
'' ■
ierk of I.inn county,
<•«■'«• .1 < tiiu< --count in aaid estate,
and th< County Court has appointed
■ ifl day of 'larch, 1924,at
the h<. < .if ten o’clock in the forenoon
«if »i«k! iiiy in th«- county court room
u> tnv
irt l.o .»<• in the city of Albany.
Linn ci . t Oregon, as the time and
■ a count, th«-
.«<>>. i tn a th« rwte, if any there hr, and
the final aettl' nn-nt «if said estate.
Dat«<! th .’’■th «lay of February. 1924
It Shelton. Administrator.
I.. .M. Curl. Atty, for Admr.
Dali if ■ •«‘t | ihlication, Feb. 28. 1924
Date of la-t publication. Mar. 27. 1924
kdiici lo Crrtitors
No! . « hereby given that the un­
der , . I 1. . I> <-t| <iuly appointed by
late of "r«-.
c ■ . tri inn i .unty, administrator of
lie «-laic uf Mary llvlub, deceased,
and has qualified
AU j« r...-s having claims against the
«-•tat. >f »« i «i< . *»«'d are hereby re-
<JQir. d t.. pre -nt them, duly verified,
wit- lb«- pr«i. r vuuehers, within six
m th«, d .i< uf thi» notice, to
tl ii- l« t . • ’ .«Iministrator at the of-
!><•« -«f hi att ji >«.•)•, Ihll & Marks, in
ti" ‘
I.41I to g. in Albany. Linn
cutintv. Oregon.
Dat«il aini first published this 28th
day of February, 1924.
Frank Holub. Administrator.
Will A Marks,
Attorneys Administrator.
La»t publication March 27. 1924.
lu the Matter of th«- j
Nonni or S alb
><»r R kal
Alice A. McDunald,
P xopmty
De« « a»--«!.
Nor eg Is ID hi nr G ivbb . That pur­
suant to an Order of Sale duly made
anil enter««! ot n-cord in the above en-
titl««i co ,rt tn th- abwe entitled matter
on th«- 3rd day of March. 1924, author-
u*ng, Ii < i »«ng and directing the under-
sigm-d admlni-trator of said estate so
to do, the utal-rsigned, as such adminis-
after th«- 12th «lav of April, 1924, the
following «1. - rtl.jil real property be-
longing to said « state, to-wit:
ls»ta Nos. One (I) and Two
12) in Bio« k No. Eighteen (IS)
in !!• i.s-m’a Addition to Milt
< k.v, Oregon, as the same ap
ar and are h signa ted on the
If you want the news sub-
p at of Addition to said
city on tile and of record in the
scribe for the Tribune.
olfire of the l< reorder of Con-
veyar . ca in and for said County
atxl Slate, the same being situ
al«-d in Township 9. South of
Rauige 4 East of the Willam-
ett« M-ndian, ip Linn County.
State of Oregon.
First National Rank Building
S t » vtos , Osrixia
Ti arts < , - u h Cash in Hand on
Bridge and Plate Work given prompt th« bite of sale and subject to the con­
and careful attention. Aho Extraction firmation of the al«ove entitled Court.
Dated this 7th day of March, 1924.
W. G. Me D ona LO,
ate <>f Alice A.
McDonald. f»rr'eai>«'d.
B 0. Address. Scio. Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon
Hit i. A M arks ,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Salem. Oregon
Albany, Oregon
Bank of ( ommsree Buildin.-
First publu-ation March IX 1924
Last public a turn April X 1924
That if every citizen would back
Ellis and Everett Donovan and
like Guv, Hvde of Missouri, wholes
every enterprize in Linn county, this I their families and Mita Myrtle Dono­
republican, and Gov. Davie of Kan­
county would soon be double in pop­ van spent uhe week-end with C. M
sas. who is a democrat, would in a
ulation. and our taxes thus rut in : Donovan and family. Sunnay after-
measure create confidence in the
noon they all drove to Corvallia and
minds of the people, aa they have
That you can travel all over the called on their a'>n and brother,
not i <•< n t > nted with oil or
middle west from October to March
scandal so far.
Frank Donovan an<! family.
and not see any green grass?
When you patronise our adver­
That the Tribune wants a corres­
tiser« you arc ¡ h * troni/i ng mutual
pondent in every school district in friends.
this community? It does.
That Oregon and your own com­
Pr P. T Tweed
ku'.ici ol Final Stlllemtnl
too much, and that the county can-1
E. H. Hobson M. D.