'AJ I Vol. 27 THE SCIO TRIBUNE •1.75 the Year SCIO OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 13, W2I Casta Hat m Ring I LAND SETTLEMENT RECEIVES IMPETUS City Council Meets XV.> -Ì. "i ' No. 31 A. H Muller Dies F Our fellow townsman, D. C. I jmi Sunday, at the Salem Hos­ Ijist Thursday night the city Mr«, Leona Francs* Goin, 42.wifs j council met in regular session and pital, A. H Muller, a brother-in-law of Linn munty representative S. H. Thoma, who at present is serving as ! transact«*! routine busineM. and all of .Mrs. John Weselv, passed awi >«• Goin, and a noli vs of Linn eounty. ene of the county cornmi«si«»ners. after a lingering illness of mure died in the deeconeee hospital in Sa- has east hts hat in the ring for the Representative Men From All . members were present. The acceptance of the Cracker- than seven years from diabete«. Over County Meet at Al­ lem at four o’clock last Friday morn­ office of county judge on th«- Repub­ i neck electric line as a part of the The deceased was born in Germany ing. following an operation for ap- lican ticket. Mr. Thoms has served bany and Back Plan Scio system was made a matter of 40 years ago and came to America three terms in the state legislature, pandicitia, ten day» previous. Mr« two of them from Marion county Goin was born at Halsey. June 9. luwt Wednesday night in the Al- record, and soon the West Scio line with hi* .»rents when but two years 1881, and had »pent all of her Mfe and one from Unn. and hr feels fmny hotel, there was held a meet­ will receive the same treatment. of age. In 1892 he was united In that his experience in the legislative ing jf representative men of th* These two line« have added much to marriage with Miss Kats Ohlemier in this county. After completing the public school branch of government amply quali- county that will m«-sa much to Linn , the business relations of the people at St. Louis, Mo , and shortly there­ course, »he attended the Albany col­ ties him for the judgeship of Linn county, and the state of Oregon. along the two routesand established after moved to Tacoma Wash.. living ' a most friendly feeling The users there for the past 2H years. About lege. from which «he was graduat­ county. It was a meeting called to hear rep­ I of the electric juice from the Scio ' six month« ago he came to Oregon. Mr. Thoms has made a splendid resentative« from the ed. and for several years she taught Portland ichool in this county. In 1907 she record as commissioner, serving his Chamber of (louinwrci and the State plant sav they would not I m * with- where he had hoped to receive was united in marriage to Mr. Goin, constituents in this community in a | (’hamter of Commerce, as follows: ; out the service for considerably ««me treatment that would cute him of hia malady, but to no avail. living near Jefferson, where they most satisfactory manner, and at W. L Boise. W. G. Ide. C. W. Sling mo«« than the original cost. The city charter is bring revised the same time rendering justice to Besides hia wife he is also survived on a have since made their home er and 1. W. Pickard. to meet up with the several changes by two children Mrs Vivian Moore the whole countv. The many friends farm. The gentlemen above named told and Henry Muller. buieral ser­ in the stale law*» governing elections, of Mr. Thom* all over the county Mr«. Goin was a member of ths of the efforts of the two organixa- I etc. Also the streets and public vices will be at 9 o’clock this morn­ Methodist church for many year«; will be glad to know his decision to Itions, collaborating with the rail­ j property committee *»« empowered ing in Salem, conducted by the was Past Noble Grand and past Dis­ serve them, if possible, in s greater roads, to bring settlers into Oregon, I to get new ordinances so as to lie Maccabees, and burial will take trict Deputy president of Beulah degree than he has been able t«> do ami that already some 40 families j able to do some constructive street place at Cornelius, in Washington Rebekah l««dge of Albany and char­ since taking office as commissioner, I have been located upon Oregon ter member of Mt. Jefferson lodge •and thev will work for his nomina­ I farms and in businesses, one or two ‘ and sidewalk building in the city •runty, lieside the remains of a bro­ limits, as Scio Is a road district of ther. Services at the graveside No. 78. of Jefferson; was past pre« tion and election. having come into Linn county. In ' its own. and at this time has no were conducted by a Lutheran min­ ¡.lent of the Women’s club of Jeffer­ working out the plan of bringing I provision to construct streets and ister. of which tienomination he has Went to Riverside son, and was a public spirited wo­ settlers mto Oregon, It is desired to ha» no ordinance that compels prop tieen a lifelong memlier. All of the man. ' list all properties for sale, either in jetty owners to keep their sidewalks deceased's relatives live in Kansas. lieside her husband she is survived Last Saturday night l«>nard Gil- whole or in part, and in dividing up j in first class condition. by two daughters. Frances 13 years key and wife, S. P. Crenshaw. I100 to apply on the loan. Smith. This was the largest funeral < eounty cannot hold the prospective provision to care for the same hud This is being held by Mr. Hussard ever held in Jefferson. There were Mf». Thos. H Smail wnt a Rhode settler, he or thev are to be passe« I been made. Some more work must to apply on hospital and doctor bills people present from all over the val-. |nard Gilkey of Scio, has had been received, and the recorder and daughters in this their "" i curiosity along wit i the others I been named to nominate a perma 1 was instructed to report that this hour. have been brought in. SCIO, OREGON nent committee of the county who would be taken care of as soon an will list the properties for «ale and water conditions would permit. Card of Thanks Local f Ian to Speak latest and Popular Music to l>e yub-divided, and to local* un­ furnished by In this hour of deepest grief, we ■ settled lands, and thia listing is to Special Notice On Sund.y evening. March 30. want to thank our many friends for Kalina Si« Piece Orchestra be furnished to the state chamber of their kindnesses during the sickness at seveo-tt rty o’clock, at the local commerce, so that the prospective The Rebekah tolge will hold a Everybody Invited. and death of our loved wife and i Christian church, J. H. Gambill, -ettler may have as large a list special meeting on Friday night. mother, and for the many beautiful who teaches at the Sam Gaine« Admission ..................... throughout the stat* to select from March 14. at Knights of Pythias Spectators .............................. floral offerings. While all of ua school, will deliver one of his noted ns possible. Ladles......... .......................... hall to entertain their president, must pass through such trying or­ lectures, the subject of which is Thia meeting was the best of its Edythe Kelly. I deals. we want our friends to know “God's Promise to the Jews.” Mr. kind ever held in the county and the that their sadness is our sadness, Gambill is one of the best speaker« revelations imparted there will no and thus our appreciation of their in Linn eounty and knows his sub­ doubt grow until th«, whole county ject. This lecture is free and every­ expressions of sympathy. is permeated with the idea, and body is Invited S. H. Gotn and children which will then make Unn county Mrs. W. W. Francis B Jenkleeon of Portland was in one of the most progressive, largest Mrs. H. E. Brooks Bert Francis tContinued on page 4) Scio on business Tuesday night. 1 )A XC’J MARCH 22 Z. C. B. J. Hall Have Your Work Done at the People’s Theatre Saturday Sunday Auspices Student Hotly SATURDAY NIGHT MAK. ir> Presents ‘A Fair Cheat’ And the Spat Family Music by “Drramland Six” Orchestra of Salem. ADMISSION------ $1.00 Spectator* 25c Comedy “Let’s Build” Admission 10c and 25c Barta Motor Co. Shops Machine Shop Blacksmith Shop Car Repairing and Battery Work. We Can Satisfy You MH "*.. *>■'