■E i 4k ' Vol. 27 \ ™ THE SCIO TRIBUNE SCIO OREH0N, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, VJ2I $1.76 the Year Lacomb Good Hoat WK- Like Willamette Valley Do Y«»u Know See This Egg No. 30 Mine is Looking Better Dr. Banksand wife. Mrs. Florence That Tom Ijirge is the hand»- is fast becoming the bany. which is occupied by the Mil­ is The egg measures 11 j inches ■'k for the properly there is best place to tra«ie in Linn county? ler Auto Sales Company, for a con­ around the long way and Vi in* gettiug lietter with every foot of That the Scio Mill Jt Elevator Co. sideration of 135,000, ches around, and weighs over II ore taken out. Two tunnels are Dr. Hanks is a prominent prohi­ . ounces. One not accustomed to now (icing driven, one of them is is shipping its feed and flour »ut of Scio by the tons now, when it us«ii bition lecturer and has traveled big eggs would sav right away it is 100 feat and the other is but 12. but 50,0000 miles per year during the an <>atnch egg. but dear reader it is the«« are showing a probable assay to be by the sack? That the Scio light plant furnishes last 15 years, in a II his travels he not -it is jutt an ordinary egg from >f from 136 to ISO per ton. The says he has fourni no place like the the beet current of any like concern an ordinary white goose. vein in the longer tunnel is now sev ­ presided. Willamette valley. He has looked Mrs. Jesse Hildteth brought to en feet wide and shows better than in the valley? Many and varied were the num­ That if ail dairymen would pat­ . a cry part of the country over ami . the Tribune office Sunday evening a eight feet, and growing richer all bers on the program, and also varied ronite the Scio condensery there thinks there are greater possibilities White Ixghorn egg that beats all *> the time. All is not gold that glit­ were the many speeches that were would be more money in circulation here than anvwhere else. He says far. when we consider the size of the ters. for there it considerable high dhlivered by leaden from all sec­ here, and there would tie no talk of the climate and natural resources hen laying the egg. This egg weighs grade copper in the ore, as well as tions of the county. D. V. Poling are the liest ever and he sees posai- exactly four ounces and Is •>$ inches soma lead and xinc. When the com­ I it leaving Scio? of Albany made the principal ad­ ‘ bilities of great developement in the around and 4 inches long, That the Bailin sawmill is reach ­ She pany is able to pul the necessary dress of the evening, emphasising future. ing out far anti wide with its orders, naturally feels quite proud of this machinery on the ground, all this that the oftener the people come to­ Dr. and Mrs. Banks have such , egg and the hen that laid it. I ore wdl be taken care of and the re­ gether. the more cemented will be­ thus putting Scio on lhe map? That for stability, no bank in Or­ great faith in the valley that thgy turns to the owners that much in- come lhe community and county, j ¡are centering all their holdings here. ptreased. No one will rejoice with egon compares with the Scio State Drinks Lye. Dies and the greater good will come to , !n addition to their recently acquired Bank? ; the promoters more than the Trib­ all. J. C. Irvine. E. M. Reagan. W. property they own a prune urshard That if every family in the Forks une when the 17 years' toil of the Charles Junior Dut>ack. the one L. Jackson. Js L. Davenport. Henry i near C-orvailis and land in Lane and and a half year old sun of Mr. and faithful few are rewarded. I of the Santiam look lhe Tribune, it And Fvle, Mr. Smith. James Turnidge. ......... ............................. would have a circulation of L'.oo and Douglas counties. Mrs. Banks' par- Mrs. Charles Duback. drank some may the day tie speeded. I V. McAdoo snd others, ably backed the first speaker in his’ statements «>«W Io™ «ubeçription rales ! ents were pioneers of Douglas coun­ liy at its home in Portland on Mon­ day of last week, and sueeumlied to ty. Among the questions to bs dis­ Bridge at Mrs. Prills the terrible experience on Wednes­ cussed at future meetings will be Garlands Sell Home day. and was brought to Scio on Mrs. A. G. Prill entertained ten Jersey Club Elects good roads, timber cruising, and ■ Thursday and interred in the Mason- friends st bridge al her home Mon­ Wm. Garland and wife have »old bringing in settlers. These are The annual meeting of the Linn ■ ic cemetery, the funeral service be- day evening. Miss J.sue Koten was live questions as well as those of their home in Scio to Sylvester j Krcek. late of Canada, where he wa«| County Jersey Cattle Club was held I mg held at the home of G. L. Flan- awarded drat prise and Mrs, E.( D. getting acquainted. i in the First National Bank building agan. Rev. CVultard of Crabtree Myers received second prise. Those The musical program consisted of engaged in the mercantile busmv W. ¡officiated. The little chiki Isa grand­ present were Mrs. H. A. Ballin. songs by the audience, solos, duets who will shortly move his family in Albany Saturday afternoon daughter of Grandma Schieman, here and occupy the newly acquir«*d H. McConnell of Shedd was electrd Mrs Rolla Shelton, Mrs. E. G. Ar* and instrumental numbers. The | who lives at Thomas. Surviving home. Consideration was $1500 president; Ed School of North Al- nold. Mrs. J. S. Stieha, Mrs Fred most unique of all was a phonoprapb two are his father and mother, ami Bilyeu. Mrs. E. J. Holland. Mrs. E. and saw number by H H. Hem of Mr. Krcek has one grown «on who bany was electrd vice-president; Ijimmb. who manipulated the saw is studying pharmacy, and who wild Mrs. S. B Holt of Scio was made sisters. Moreva ami Geraldine, it 11 Myers. Mrs A W, Hagey, the by using » small mallet following enter some one of the colleges for secretary; and C. C Dickson and C. ¡was a most lovable child and the Mlt»ea J >sie Kotan and Vella Bren­ the phonograph. All acquitted the completion of his chosen line of II Brown were chosen members of many friends of the family svmpa- ner and Mrs. Frill's house guest, Monday night was th« second meeting in the Forks of lhe San tiam, and Lacorab was the meeting place, for the local community dub and the Linn County Open Forum so far held thia year. That it was the equal of the Crabtree meeting, no one will deny, and that all who attended were well repaid also goes without saving. Ltooard Gdkev themselves with credit. At the close of the session, which was the best yet held in this com­ munity. a bounteous lunch consisting of sandwiches, coffee and cake was served, which was provided bv ths 1 acornb community club. All who attended, and the hall was packed, were more than repaid for their at­ work. The Garlands will move to Albany about the 20th of this month, where Mr. Garland will follow his trade, painting. They have a lot in that city, on which they exiiect to build this fall, already having purehaa>-d the executive committee. thixe with them. Thirty members of the club were Register Now pre-sent at this meeting Prominent among the speakers were 0. M Unregistered voters in Linn coun­ Plummer, manager of the Pacific ty desiring to vote at the primarie« International Live Stock association; must ivgister by April 15, 1924 is E. A. Rhoten of the Pacific Home­ the announcement mad«- by County the lumber, but which is too green stead; Horace Addis of the Oregon Farmer; and L G. Alien of Oregon I «••*« R M Ku**"- “ ,hi* *’ th,‘ to put into a house We are sorry Farmer; and L. G. Allen of Oregon Agricultural College, assistant state I'“1 da* f"r regisrrstion for the pri- to lose this estimabl«* family, but tendance. I maries. Those who arc qualifl«*d The next meetitg will be held In are also glad to welcome the new­ club leader. but unregistered can vote by bring­ Scio on the first Monday In April, comers. ing in two freeholders and having and Scio will have to go some to Scio Hotel to Improve their vote sworn. The County Clerk keep up with our friends of the last Will Hold Sale urges registration now to save fur­ two months. And she will do it. As soon as the weather condition ther difficultly. Those who votisi James Dobrkvosky has taken up ■ will jiermlt, the new owners of the in one of the last two g< neral »1er- homestead in California imi will Scio Hotel. Mr. ami Mrs Donovan, To Open Road to Fish Lake tions are properly registered. hold a public sale at his »neh. near will repaint, put in new sidewalks, All those who have moved from the Richardson Gap ha . on Thur»- rebuild the woodshed and construct Dr. A. G. Prill. J. S. Stieha and one precinct to another and women day. March 13. wh< he will dispose a new garage on the back of the E. D Myers represented Scio at a who h»ive chang«-d their names must of all his property except the ranch property. Th« Donovan’s are trying county meeting of at liens in Albany re-register if they wish to vote. to the highest bidder. He expects to make the hotel as near uptodate Monday night, for the purpose of to leave for hi« new home «.arly in as the patronage will permit, having devising ways and means of opening Falls From Platform April. We a t sorry to lose Mr just completed repapering the entire a road through private right of way. Dobrkvoskv from our midst, but building. to Fish or Clear Lake, either by Wednesday afternoon, while Com­ wish him In k in his sale and in his r ■ ■ ■ "" purchase or condemnation. After a modore Hassler of Is*ban<>n was I new home See his art on another One of the quickest ways to kill full discussion, it was decided to loading some fee,I at the Scio Mdl & ' page. Sale begins at 1 o'clock p.m. young chicks is by feeding them hold another meeting in Albany at Elevator Co.’s mill, he slipg««! on mouldy grain. Do not try to save 1 o’clock Friday to meet with the the wet platform and plunged head­ Veedol Oil Fordol a few cents by feeding some of the county court, al which time definite long about six feet to the ground, grain that was left over from last action will be taken to give the sustaining a badly lacerated face. For your Ford overcomes chatter year and allowed.to become mouldy. court the lieneflt of the judgement He was able to go to his home, but At the Ford Garage, Scio, Oregon. Examine it carefully and if there is of the people °n the question. This will have a hard time explaining to anv doubt don’t use it. Get the is a much needed road, and will hie Lebanon friends just how it hap­ Mrs. Charles Fennel is puite ill at chicks out on the ground as soon as make a more direct line from cen­ pened -that the bruises came' from her home, Mrs. M E. Scott is IHiasible. Do not make hot house a fall. The injur«*d man is a brother tral east Oregon to the Willamette nursing her. chicks of them. valley. of Henry Hassler of Scio. Basketball People’s Theatre Saturday Sunday Presents Walter lliera in Lebanon Town Team Mr. Billiags Spends His Dime va Scio 1 own I earn And Our Gang Comedy At SCIO Gym July Days Friday Night AdruiMion Breaks Two Ribs Ijist Thursday afternoon while Roy H"Ugland was shingling the house <>f W. S. <’arpenter, he fell from the roof and landed on a pick­ et fence and broke two ribo on his left side, besides sustaining several other minor bruises. He had fast­ ened a 2x4 onto the roof, but too close to the esige, and the nails hold­ ing th«- scantling gave way, precipi­ tating him to the ground. Attend Pickle Meeting Mike Bilyeu. Joe Patrny. John and ( A Sllvernagel, F. Kayler. A. A. Muck, John Bender and Joho Shi- manek were in Albany Tuesday to attend a meeting of pickle growers and to call on the county court in re* gar