The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 28, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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«T f
The Scio Tribuni
Local Xetrs and Classifled
The dance at Weseiv hall Sat. rday
A. D. Craft warin Albany on busi­
Oliver Powell and wife and ton,
night was well attended and all had
Alfred. viaited in Lebanon and Ber­ ness Monday.
a good time. The Dreamland S«
lin Sunday.
A. A. Muck and son. Roy. went
orchestra furnmhed the music
Hagey. the Jeweler, haa juat re­ to Portland Wednesday on busmras.
Ed Holland ha« been carrying the
ceived a few more strands of inde­
Mrs. N. C. Gill to visiting at the mail on route 1 the past week while
Ford Windshield Glass for your structible Pearls.
home of her so®. J. G Gill, In Leb­ Marion Arnold, the regular carrier,
Ford. Ford Garage. Scio. Oregon.
Fred Axe and family, Mr*. Mar­
haa been laid off twcauae of Iühee».
Mildred Couey and (»race Bilyeu garet Powell and little daughter.
W. H. Holienated of Albany visit-
Professor J. W. Miller accompan­
are Confined to their home« with Edna, visited fneods in Lsbanon
wjth „ A
ied a delegation of high schot-I stu­
dents to Albany Friday and Satur­
day where they look part in the
Abe Powell was an Albany visitor
'Saturday end mw "The Covered basketball tournament.
> C ••
Women’» Misara and Children’s
Clothing and Haberdashery
f-’Jli. I
Who aell their whole milk get paid for everv
ounce of butterfat produced by the cow. No
low from poor or worn out ae;*aratora. Whv
be burdened with the drudgery' of turning
and washing a separator when you van nave
money beside* time and work.
Oregon Milk Company
Condensery, Scio, Oregon
All fsncrsl* given personal attention by Mr. lxtwe
Hervices and I rices ««usranU < <i to Sstisfv > very I ustumer
l.ady Attendant if <le»ir«d
N. !. Moaaisoa
N. U. L»»s
I’hon* -Day. 3V7
Phone—Night, .W.
I’bun« •
families who were entirely at their
mercy. Mr. P<»well Mid
A T. Powell Mill lives co toe or-
ivinal Powell donation land claim.
He in n»w 82 peara old. hot hie ap-
pearunce bellm hi« birth date and
hie health is perfect. The Powell
farm ie five mile« southeast of Scio
on Crabtree creek
A son was tram on Feb 17 th to
and Mrs. August Bender, of Read Page Five. Interesting.
Genuine Ford Service with Gen­
the Jordan district. He has l>ern For Sale Fresh cows, good milkers.
uine Ford Parts.
Ford Garage.
Inquire ■ f J. F. Kukacka. route
lionaid Augustine, All
Scio. Oregon
1, Scio, Oregon.
parties are getting along fine.
The three children of Mr. and
"Aunt Becky” Morris and Mrs. For Sale or Track Good top buggy
Mrs Charte« Fennel are confined to
with brake. Wilbur Funk. Jeffer-
D. C. Thoms were Albany visitors
I their home with measles.
<>n. Oreg
Route 2.
Saturday and saw "The Covered
W. F. Gill and wife and Mias Jo­ Wagon". * Aunt Becky” remem­ For Saie Golden Glow seed corn.
Select strain. Get your supply
sie Kotan and F. G. Cary were in bers crossing the plains in 1845.
Ix-'Miard Gilkey.
Salem Sunday afternoon.
George Forge and wife of Salem
For Sale No 1 Aisike Clover Seed
E. A. Wagner and family came «pent last Wednesday with J. F.
m u - k lots at 15c l>er pound.
Inquire of Guy Johnston.
over from Dallas the last weekend Weseiy and family. Mr. Forge had
, to spend Sunday with relatives and just returned trim .Malin, Oregon, For S tie 16 inch wood planer cut­
where he had l>een on business for
ting* $2.'O per load at the mill.
io Digging and LumlierCo. 28-ch
Mrs. Millard Hays of Albany has
I. .. »
any tune havcfwiped out the pioneer
returned home after visiting with
Li Peery came up from Portland
her son. Chris Bilyeu, and other rel­ Tuesday on business for the Scio
condensery. The condensery to now
ative«. for aeveral days.
E. D, Myers and wife and Mrs. receiving about 23.000 pounds of
Frank Gill and Mies Josie Kotan milk per day. but eould use 60.000
if there was milk enough to work
I mw "The Covered Wagon" in Al-
the plant to capacity.
bany Friday afternoon.
Ed Fleming called at the Tribune
Mark Mac Farland of Leaven-
Friday and renewed his sub­
worth. Kansas, arrived Sunday for
for another year. Ed says
a visit with hi« mother, Mrs. Mac-
get along without the
Farland. and stater, Mrs. J. D. Dens­
it stands for the coin-
munity and gives all the new*
Mrs. Crystopher Storey Jr. of
Thanks, Ed. call again.
New York City left Tuesday for
Oliver Powell aid fandlv were
Portland enroute home after a short
at the James Sta'eup home
visit with her brother. H. A. Ballin
evening and listened in on
and family.
the radio, They heard Mrs. McPher-
Mr*. R. E. Hlbler and son. Ken­
son speak at the big tabernacle ifi
neth. of Seattle, arrived Tuesday
L>s Angelas. They Mid thev heard
evening by auto to visit the former's
every word as plainly as though they
mother. Mrs. N. C. Gill, and other
were in the tabernacle.
relatives for some time. Kenneth
Dr. A. G. Prill has bevn having
drove on to California, leaving yes­
heck of a time the last week or
terday morning, where be will visit
dav« with a boil on the end of
and sightsee.
hi« nose, and he nave it is twice a*
big as it feels. His friends have
been having quite a bit of fun with
the doctor, and he seems to enjoy
it. A trail is no laughing matter,
for a'that.
Local People Guests
(Continued from page 4)
Last year 350,000 buyers
waited for delivery.
Insure yourself against delay
this spring by placing your
order for a Ford Car now.
See the Nearest
Authorized Ford Dealer
Detroit, Michigan
the matinee performance of "The
Covered Wagon.”
.Although the
ah iw Is over, the sketch of Mr.
Powell could not be omitted, because
of the brilliancy with which the
name of Powell is emblazoned upon
the annals of Lnn county and the
Willamette valley.
With his parent» and seven bro-
them and sisters, A. T. Powell left
Jackson county. Missouri in 1852.
the ox train of pioneers was cap­
tained by Juab Powell, whose two
older sons had preceeded the rest of
the family westward. A. T. Powell
was then tenyearsold. He distinct­
ly remembers how the pioneer«
waded the Platte river. They had
little difficulty, he said, with the In­
diana, who were somewhat tractable
at that time.
Neither did the Powells have an.
trouble with the Induns in th«* Wil­
lamette valley after they had settled
on a donation land claim in the
Forks of the Santiam country, for.
Mr. Powell said, the Willamette
Valley Indians always returned fa­
vor for favor, and if treated well
would return that kind of treatment
It was because the Willamett Val­
ley Induns were treated well, Mr
Powell believe*, that, when the Unn
countv ptoneet families were left
practically defenseless by the depar­
ture of all able bodied men io other
Indian regions, those who were left
behind were never molested
I ne
Willamette Valley Indians could at
i »r Sal«- Bar rod Plymouth Rock
eggs. Joe per setting of 15 eggs.
Ph oe Sdo-IM Mrs. W. J. Lee.
ladies grey kid glove. Satur-
dn aftem<>»n in Scio. Finder
please leave »Mine at Scio Hotel.
For Sale Cheep One three-section
lever harrow in good condition.
See F. G. Cary, Scio. Ore., Route
30-t 2-p
For Sale
Single Comb brown and
white leghorn baby chicks. Phone
or write. Mrs. J. H. Johnston,
Ly iw, Oreg.
For Sale Registered Jersey bull
ft a strain. Price $35 for
quo-k -me. See Con Westlnhouse
at Art (¡ farm.
For Sale Good grade jersev about
9 years old. giving I gallons per
day now; fresh in January. Price
$60. Inquire of L Osborne, route
2. Scio.
For Sale Re cleaned red clover seed
21c pound. See sample at Mor­
ri« -n'a Hardware Store. Phone
or write John Shelton at Scio,
Oreg.. R. 1.
Saxaphotie Wanted We will ex«
change a \ ietrula or Brunswick
phot'graph fora good Buescher
or C >nn Alto or .Melodv C Saxa-
Woodworth Drug Com­
pany, Albany Oregon.
Maney to L an at
. —The Fed­
eral luind Bank of Spokane. Wash.,
will make loan* through the Forks
of the Santiam National Farm
L an A»- elation in amounts from
1 1»»0 t<> I25.0OU, for a period of
5 to 341 years, on first morgage
security. Inquire ofW H McLain.
Sec. Trvas , route 2. Scio. Oregon.
Julv 17-p.
Globe - Albany
.M arch ,3-4
The big Northern photoplay
Jack London’s
With an all-star cant
Aiwl Don't Forget
Better Than Trape For Rats
W rue* Adam« Dm« C*^ T««M
n.,,, - - RAT,- K AP 1« SUna th*
»"■I On- rvt nf lrruim «re u lm«r
earn ra a hat
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