The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 28, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Scio Tribune
( 'on n fry Correndoti den re
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M tttral
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trvasSMalnM» Timi
The Women's Club met i hur- lay
afternoon with Mrs. Anna <chirman
at the 8truckmi«r residence with
sub­ twenty present, Mrs. Anna Holt
¡presided. Mrs. 8 B Sage of R-d
Kelly's Drugstore. Scio. Oregon
If you want the news
scribe for the Tribune.
[>eer. Alberta, was a visitor. Mrs. held St the home of Mr*, bred
Sage Is visiting her mother. Mrs Crie Schwarts
Sundav visitor» at the Otto Yun
Ih-Wall of Albany, whom she had n<>t
home were: Miss Ethel Schnack-
seen for IM year». Mr*, Anna Rigg»
and Werner Yunker of Mill
was welcomed into the club. The
t City, Mrs. John and Mrs. Erank De­
afternoon was spent piecing a quilt.
A contest was starred by the hostess Wall. and Mrs. Leonard Gilkey ari l
which was won bv Tina DeWall. |
While working with a rolling
Nuts were passed and a social time
•pent. The neat meeting will bet Coulter last Wednesday, Leo Zeller
cut a gash on the inside of his wrist.
i ’k Gore took him to Scio where
Dr. Prill dressed the wound end
t«>ok a few stitches, la-on a Shears
and e»n Melvin, and Herman Zeller
' of Lyons came down to help their
father with the work.
Rhinehart. Lawrence and Edwin
I lUrtnick went to Eorest Grove
Wednesday, and left Rhinehart
there to work. They visited their
- ter. Mrs. Elsie Muzzy at New­
Opal M espelt attended the educa-
tianal meeting in Corvallis Eriday
and Saturday.
Ia>o Zeller visited hie brother
j John st Buzzard Station Sunday.
Claude Hyde, wife and son of Cor­
vallis. Mabel Zyseet and Ruth Kush
I >f Monmouth and Ethel of Lacomb
wr-ro Sunday dinner guests at the
8. E, Zysset home.
The Portland papers tell of the
leath of Mrs. C. D. Minton who
j was touring the U. 8. with .Mr.
Minton snd died in Los Angeles
Mr. and Mrs
Minton formerly
owned the apple orchard here at
Gilkey and have spent some time
here where they made friends.
Dorothy Mae .Mrspelt of Albany
spent the weekend at Ered Mespell's.
She stays with her grandmother.
Mrs Holley, while her parents are
j in California.
It seemed most all the people from
I around here were in Albany Sator-
i iay afternoon, some to see the ball
. .lines and »»me to "The Covered
I Wagon” show.
Sundav dinner guests at J.
I Reiley's were Jim Kell" and wife
and W. R. Kelly.
Paul Bartnik and wife. Fid and
i Harold spent the weekend in New-
I berg.
I M. Holt and wife entertained
' vith a dinner Sunday, honoring the
1'irthdav * of their son and daughter,
Vada and Orange. Those present
i a ere: Mr» Vada Whetstone and
children and Nora Holt of All>any.
O. 1. Holt and wife and son. Nolan.
i of Portland, and 8. B Holt and wife
I and son. Melvin.
Ira Serling was here Sundav from
laiwrence Bartnik is working for
IS. II. Holt. Harold Hough and
and Murrel Gilkey have been cutting
| wood.
E P. Sage and wife, who have
been visiting E. A. Hough, have re­
turned to their home at Spokane
Mrs. Ered Mespelt visited at the
John Miller home Monday at North
Mrs. William Bishop of Olympia.
Wash visited her sister-in-law, Mrs.
1 M. Holt. Thursday. Mrs Bishop
was accompanied by her mother.
Mrs. Safer, and her brother. Elmer
Safer, of Wallowa. Ors.
Little Evelyn Goosor is now able
j to I m * up some.
Piles Wood at 96
The Portland Journal of Sunday
contains a picture showing five gen­
erations. consisting of E. P. DeVa-
ney of Lebanon, his daughter. Mrs.
S. M Hansard; her 'laughter, Mrs.
M Sc-ehalr, Mrs. See hale's daughter,
Mrs. Leola Knight, and
Knight her son.
The article states that Mr. Da-
Vaney, will will be 96 years old Octo-
I er 30,1924, is still active and recent­
ly piled a cordof wood. He joined
the I (>. 0. E. lodge In IMi. He
has been a member of No. 359, it.
P. O. E.. of Albany. Ore., for 20
I years. Mr. DeVaney lives in Leb­
anon with his daughter, Mrs. 8. P.
Hansard, and has resided in Oregon
more than M years.
Wh» Mr. N. Windsor (W. I.) Put Up
with Rata foe Years
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r««n t took a " S-U
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Kelly's Drug Store, Scio, Oregon
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