% •.* ¿,r • • Ì * a - V Í ».t . ■ : ; • •* *♦ «< • i « • -- • 4 « The Scio TribtlUß Local News and Classified tastai Floyd Shelton was in Slayton J. D. Densmore was in Portland business Tuesday. Friday and Saturday on business. along our river bottom is horse­ radish. and probably this will become a part of the pickle concern when II to gets to going. Oil R. M Cain was confined to his Little Helen Myers Is confined home the first of the week with her home with the measles what seemed to be the flu, but he Fred Bilyeu and wife were In Mary Hannon is vary low with i is now on the road to recovery. Portland Tuesday and Wednesday thr roe aalet. F rank Gill and wife were in Al­ I on busmesa. J. B <‘ouey waa In Albany Tues­ bany Monday on buaimas with a John Shimanek found time to day on busioeas. dentist. Paiuful no doubt, but the come to Selo Tuesday and called at Little Helen Zavodskv is on the r<-m<-dy had to be taken, says Mrs. the Tribune office. sick list with the measles. Gill, who was the victim. Work on the spillway at the Mrs. Fred Bilveu transacted bu»< Rev. F. B. Fellman haa resigned power plant haa t*en com pls ted and nees in Albany Tuesday for the Ford the pulpit of the First Baptist church l accepted by the city, and now prac­ Garage. in Albany to take effect on Sept. 1, tically all danger is eliminated there The Dreamland Six orcheitra will No information was given out as to from floods. give a dance at the Weaelv hall Sat­ the reason, and it is thought he will Friday is Washington’s birthdaj* remain in Oregon. urday night. and the school will observe it with Harrisburg had a sensation last appropriate exerciaes. AH who can Time to apray with lime and sul­ Friday, when it thought it was a phur. We have the best in bulk should make it a point to attend. possessor for a short time of the J. F. Wesely's grocery. Show your interest in the best a»a«-t Kelso. Wash, wife murderer. But Seto haa. Mise Loia Parrish returned Satur­ as usual this was only a sensation Wnat does it mean? What will day evening from a «hurt visit with and the murderer has been on the be the outcome of these weekly Mrs. Julia Bilyeu in Kalama. Wash. go ever since. week end sojourns to Salem? A»k She accompanied Mr. and Mr» Ho- The dance at the 7» C. B. J. hall Henry. He left here Saturday P. I »art Hoagland there and returned Saturday night was not well attend- M. wearing a prospective bridegroom with them. Ex- ed. and did not pay expenses »mile, and has been smiling ever cellrnt music was furnahied by the since. Billy Kalina orchestra. It is said Anton Holub, who lives at lone dances at this popular dance hall will • in Eastern Oregon, came down Mon­ lie dispensed with for awhile in or­ der to give the followers of terpai- day with hie mother, who has 1 ecn J‘l'Nt>AV-M< Shelburn Mr. Shanks is em­ UGGLES OF h latter ’s water. Mias B A Whitecraft. ploy vd at present at Mill City, in RED GAP motored through Manon, Folk. one of the lumber camps. Mrs. With Krneal Torrence-lz>ia Wil- so i (stars of the Covered Wagon) Shanks came Tuesday and ordered Yamhill and Washington countie« the paper changed to Shelburn in- Sunday, making a l'.M) mile trip Don’t get impatient. stead of Jetferson. saying she could Some beautiful farm homes and little not get along without it. If we but towns were seen, with fields green Scaramouche had lout* such readers, how happy and farmers looking happy and con­ MOON tented. even though there is no wo would tie. money in the country. Globe- Albany LOWE &. MORRISON RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS All funerals given personal attention by Mr. lows Services and I rices tiuaranu-rd to Satisfy Every < usturner I ady Attendant if desired N. I. Mosaisoa N. C. Ixiwa Auto Phone— I’ey. 397 Lebanon Equipment Ihooe-hlght, 3M Phone y Albany is negotiating with a pickle factory to locate there, and we hope the county scat will be successful. Unn county needs more such insti­ tutions to take care of the surplus ! stocks, and we know of no business i that is so prolific as that of growing | cucumbers. Another crop that ought to twar well and nay well Interesting John Eger haa completed a new FL ad Page Five home on his farm, southwest of the Ph no y<>ur order far ground horse- city and is installing a Delco lighting rad Wk to Gay McKnight. 28-lt system. He now haa one of the For S* - F-»ur cords of four-foot beat farm homes in this section, and fiA-w. d See Sam Stroller. Scio, Oregon. IM-p nays he sure appreciates It. Enoch Shelton, who has b»-<-n con­ fined to hia home for some Umc. waa able to bedown town last Thurs­ day. Mrs. Shelton has lieen quite poorly for urns time. This family is having more than their than of sickness this winter. B. A Holtesn ia the owner of a new I r I r >adster, purchased last Saturday from the Ford Gai age. Fer Sale- (o lden Glow seed corn, Select i »tram. Get your supply Iwonard Gilkey. 23.tf early Jfor Sale N I Alsike Clover Seed n •»« - at 15c per pound, Is Inquire of Guy Johnston. 2htf-c Mrs, F. B. Frost of lx-bacon, mother of Floyd Shell n. continues I- r Sa • Io inch w <> h | planer cut- to sink, and Monday suffered an- t-ny- ?2.50 per load at the mill. other stroke of paralysis, No hop«-* Sc. I zg ng an 1 Lumber Co. 28-ch are entertained for her recoverv. ■ Purred Plymouth Rock Mr. Shelton’s family are about re­ E ri’í» 75e per setting of 16 eggs. covered from their sickness«*. Ph -nr S<-b» lh-7 Mr». W. J. Iwe. 28-2t-e I tennis W a kins, who lives near Green’s bridge, was in town .M»n- Fur Na •• - Smgle Comb brown and v i i” ■ > baby chicks. Phone day <>n business, and while here J 11 Johnston, called at the Tribune < flice. Mr. l.vor.-. Oreg. 28-tf Watkins seldom comes to Scio. and hi» friend» here were y- .id to For Sai.- R-/i-terni Jersey bull calf II--4 -train. Price $35 for are him. He reports Several caws qm k »!»». See Con West inhouse of measles in bis neighlwirhood. al Art Guir.ea farm. 26-c Joe Patrny came into town Mon­ For > ii-- One Durham cow: heavy day and said for the Tribune to stop n y<-ars old; due to the “cow for sale’’ ad he ran ia»t tre n. Price 165.00. W. R. Kmken. Scio, rout« 2. 27 tf c week, as he had sold her. A reader living near Salem saw the ad and An- . i! in tmuble may communi- came with a truck Saturday for het, cate with tji-ign lx*e of the Sal­ va' m Army at the White Shield not having either called Joe or writ- II n 1 Mayfair Ave , Port­ to him. We say this is some sale, land, Oregon. and Joe is now a firm believer in ! S FOR HATCHING from S. advertising < \\ li • 1/ . horn hens that made C W. Hamler was in from hi* a f v i verage of 221 eggs in home in the I »er wood district Mon­ thio | .Het year. Mater! to Cock- • - • m a p.-n with a trap day and calle»! at the Tribune office. to i • d of ?75 to 299 with Mr. Hamler «ays l»aeotnb is making in ■ ! n it 2'.'9 hen. Eggs 5* each. great efforts to make the coming o--c or l'»oo Guy McKnight, Scio, Community Club meeting there on Oregon. 25-p March 3 the Iwst ever. And he say* M n- to I,, un at 5j‘. The Fed- Lacomb can do it. Of course every­ • rid l.-irid Bank of Spokane. Wash , body will want to lie there, us it is will make loans through the Forks I the Santiam National Farm also a part of the program for the I . . A- ation in amounts from Open Forum to be present. '. for a period of 5 t- ti years, on first morgage Convene at Hillsboro urtty. Inquire of W H.McLain. S- !. Tr< a , mule 2. Scio, Oregon. Julv 17-p. Winning of Oleomargarine F'ight” ia the subject of an address before Department of The loterior the state dairymen's aiwociation at I > I I i'll e. Portland. Oregon, Hillsboro February 27 by Walter January '£i, 19K4. M. Pierce, governor of Oregon. The i-her< by given that Earl W. oleo law ha» been attacked by the Um *■ . g. K ite 1, Box 77. >cio, Ore- ■ , who, - n Juh loth. 1920. made referendum route and the dairymen li ■ ' . Hiry No. o«-:iO7. far arc upholding it a* essential to their St.1, .*• clioft I » Townwhip 10S. Range 1 E, W ui Mi han. han nhei noticy of busmcM. intrnli to i Ak> lilial Prtaif, to ealab- i 1-- lh<- land ataive -leacribed. In addition to securing this law li. I- >■ . for- i: M K m .ell. Clerk of the by the association othrr a|c|yitiea of < ■ infv t« urt of I.ini* Co , at Albany. i. e the-th oth Filed with public service commis­ of Scio. Oregon. Notice will published for five ron- sion a protest against the high rate« >«cutive »I- «»In the "Seio Tribnne. ” on hay, give hearings and a»-is ted ß-#-Id Walter L Too»«. Sr., Linn Co. Regular. in getting reductions ordered. Protested against ths high freight and express rates on purebred live- ; Natice o! Appsifltneat il Eiecster stock shipped in les* than car lots Noii<- ik h• reby given that the un- for breeding Taken action against the proposed referendum on the oleo measure. The welcome address will lie given bv the mayor of Hilldioro, ths r> - sponse by Mrs. Frank Lyun of Perrv- dale. j.’j. Vankleck of Beaverton will give the annual address of the president. l*nd settlement and dairying will tw di«cuw>ed by A. S. Dudley of the state chamlwr of com­ merce; the dairyman's prospects and liabilities by J. D. Mickle, state dairy and foot! comruuwioner, and the findings of the agricultural ec­ onomic conference by Professor Brandt. A banquet will cl<>«e the first day proceeding«. A businessman’s interest in dairy­ ing, by secretary Moore of the Hills­ boro chamber of commerce, th«- County agent as a buffer, by O. T. McWhorter, and calf club work by F. W. Durbin of Salem, are second day features. d< r»itr.ed haa I - en appointed exreutor vf Ihü l«»U will and the ealate of J. E. Yv< na■ . di-< . •«!. by th.- County Court <>f tl, -tat.-of Orvgm for Unn Coun- . Jj, All i»-.’- m baving rlaima against i<- aaid estate arr hereby notified to preeent th-- »ume duly verirtrd aa re I ilr-yt i-y aw to tn<- under»igned at the fafin of .a. i 4 E Vevrna». t ; ubh»h«-d thia 24th , dav of January. 1924. George Keuch, I xecutor of the ••state of .1 E. Y vornan, ilrcvaaed. V. I.ylv Mi-Croakry, Stayton Oregon Attorney for t xecutor. Better Than Traps For Rato U ..... A.I.,... P,us Cw. T««aa TV- :--'ANT NAP tastane (lu «nA «nd i V I >t »•» si« MS af« M tanr s» S» » hot »*>»». ' Try It on yw tsu. RA r..« '! A F I, • Mm»«nw Mr k '* r« m »a •umklirr, l nrrrml Irr■»: MBÍ» new«» rWrLu. I .ta nn.1